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Re: Iron and TIBC

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You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4

hours is fine


>Reply-To: NaturalThyroidHormones

>To: NaturalThyroidHormones

>Subject: Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

>Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 19:06:49 -0800 (PST)

>I would take iron, but make sure you do it about 12 hours after your

hypoT meds. Iron and BC pills interfer with the Thyroid meds. I take

28mg of iron everyday. It takes over 30 days for your stores to fill

up. If you donate blood (I do) it starts depleating those stores. We

already have a harder time storing the iron. So if you stay on 28mg,

you should be doing well. Oh, also don't try to double it...the body

spits out what it can't use. I did see a slow release that is 50mg,

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That's good to know because I take my Vitamins after breakfast to have some

energy for the rest of the day. Since " religiously " taking them for 2 months, I

have seen a slight difference. I'm hoping once I get my Armour, with taking

Vitamins, changing eating habits, etc. I will finally be a real person!!

I get my Vitamins from Mother Earth Health Food Store. They include Spirulina,

Ginseng, etc. It's a very good Vitamin with food concentrates.


Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

>Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 19:06:49 -0800 (PST)

>I would take iron, but make sure you do it about 12 hours after your

hypoT meds. Iron and BC pills interfer with the Thyroid meds. I take

28mg of iron everyday. It takes over 30 days for your stores to fill

up. If you donate blood (I do) it starts depleating those stores. We

already have a harder time storing the iron. So if you stay on 28mg,

you should be doing well. Oh, also don't try to double it...the body

spits out what it can't use. I did see a slow release that is 50mg,

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Thanks! I don't think I have a problem with iron level.


Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

>Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 09:53:48 -0500


NO, I don't even know what ferritin is all about, please explain?

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was it you that had ferritin of 30

Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

In a message dated 12/7/2004 8:26:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:


> You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4


> hours is fine


I'm looking at a timed release iron sulfate...how does that sound?


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because with autoimmune issues we have two ways we normally swing either too

much iron or too little. The reason most vitamins for seniors women's vitamin

have no iron is that some people for some reason swing iron overload. To avoid

lawsuits, most women vitamins like have none so you can add if needed. You

should after the age of 40 always test the iron before taking any. Iron overload

causes many issues. Taking a multi and feeling better may or may not be from the

iron. Stop it for 2 weeks and get tested. Janie, any comments????

Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

>Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:17:48 -0500


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I take a liquid vitamin-mineral-protein formula every morning that has iron in

it. Will that interfere with my Armour if I take it within an hour? Must I wait

4 hours to take the formula? I'm already tyring to space apart so may things I

have to take on an empty stomach or away from certain foods or with foods all

day & night, it's getting ridiculously absurd & too complicated to even try to

keep track of.


From: JAMY

You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4

hours is fine

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When I was first dxed with low ferritin, I was listening to all the stuff on the

groups about iron. From Liquid to injections, etc. I went to a DR that has Hashi

and is a professor of Endoc. at UCLA when I wasn't getting better. His theory,

and it has seemed to work great for everyone, is that the low ferritin is a

major problem. Many other issues will heal when the ferritin is up. I was only

able to get 30 mg of Armour in me. He told me to take 325 mg of iron 3x a day

for 60 days, then get retested. I at first did not listen, so I got no better. I

was listening to people talk about slow-fe at 50 mg which I had, etc. Some got a

higher ferritin. It took them 1 year to raise it. The body will only absorb so

much iron and with the doses they were taking, it barely made a dent. . Most of

us have absorption issues. Well, I finally started this in Jan. Mine was at 20.

In March I was up to 50 and felt like a different person. At that point, he

told me drop to 1 pill a day to se what will happen. 2 months ago, all my hair

started falling out again, I am tired and pale. I am back up to 2 a day for 4

days. I already feel better. Go to www.goodhormonehealth.com. Janie can talk to

you about her levels of iron and how much! I don't have a year to wait. I have

lost too much life as it is.

Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

In a message dated 12/7/2004 11:35:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:



> was it you that had ferritin of 30


I had the ferritin of 34...is that what you were thinking of? I'm going to

start iron sulfate supplementation...but want to get a liver profile first.


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There's only two things I've ever noticed that give me extra energy within an

hour or two after ingesting them. My Darvocet pain Rx & Hi-Ener-G triple ginseng

herbal formula.

Nothing else I've ever taken ever does, not even the Armour generic so far.

Maybe in the long run they're doing something, but I sure can't tell any

difference the same day even.

When I take something I want to FEEL that's its doing something good for me

ASAP. If it doesn't I generally think I'm wasting my time & money taking it.


From: Kathy

That's good to know because I take my Vitamins after breakfast to have some

energy for the rest of the day. Since " religiously " taking them for 2 months, I

have seen a slight difference. I'm hoping once I get my Armour, with taking

Vitamins, changing eating habits, etc. I will finally be a real person!!

I get my Vitamins from Mother Earth Health Food Store. They include

Spirulina, Ginseng, etc. It's a very good Vitamin with food concentrates.


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so, it will be a problem with absorption, but you can add more meds which I

guess is an issue. Make it 3 hours minimal and take your thyroid meds


Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

I take a liquid vitamin-mineral-protein formula every morning that has iron in

it. Will that interfere with my Armour if I take it within an hour? Must I wait

4 hours to take the formula? I'm already tyring to space apart so may things I

have to take on an empty stomach or away from certain foods or with foods all

day & night, it's getting ridiculously absurd & too complicated to even try to

keep track of.


From: JAMY

You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4

hours is fine

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so, it will be a problem with absorption, but you can add more meds which I

guess is an issue. Make it 3 hours minimal and take your thyroid meds


Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

I take a liquid vitamin-mineral-protein formula every morning that has iron in

it. Will that interfere with my Armour if I take it within an hour? Must I wait

4 hours to take the formula? I'm already tyring to space apart so may things I

have to take on an empty stomach or away from certain foods or with foods all

day & night, it's getting ridiculously absurd & too complicated to even try to

keep track of.


From: JAMY

You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4

hours is fine

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so, it will be a problem with absorption, but you can add more meds which I

guess is an issue. Make it 3 hours minimal and take your thyroid meds


Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

I take a liquid vitamin-mineral-protein formula every morning that has iron in

it. Will that interfere with my Armour if I take it within an hour? Must I wait

4 hours to take the formula? I'm already tyring to space apart so may things I

have to take on an empty stomach or away from certain foods or with foods all

day & night, it's getting ridiculously absurd & too complicated to even try to

keep track of.


From: JAMY

You do not need to wait 12 hours between thyroid meds and iron. A three to 4

hours is fine

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go to symptoms, click on it and all this appear. Click on iron deficiency

a.. Dr. Friedman's guide to Weight management

a.. Dr. Friedman's guide to Estrogen replacement

a.. Androgen Supplementation in older women

a.. What is Pseudo-Cushing's?

a.. Endocrine Causes of Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/

Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency syndrome(CFIDS)

a.. What you should know about your adrenal hormones

a.. The Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism

a.. New! Hyperthyroidism and Grave's Disease

a.. Iron Deficiency and Fatigue

a.. The Thyroid Gland Chapter from Cecil Essentials of Medicine. (Copyright © of

Elsevier, for personal use only)

a.. The Adrenal Gland Chapter from Cecil Essentials of Medicine. (Copyright © of

Elsevier, for personal use only)

a.. See Dr. Friedman's letter on prolactinoma treatment in The New England

Journal of Medicine.



Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

In a message dated 12/7/2004 12:11:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> Go to www.goodhormonehealth.com

i do not see a section on iron on the home page...is it hiding in one of the



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In a message dated 12/9/2004 5:53:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> yes, you are low and that is a major issue you are dealing with. It appears

> that very few people up till now understood the ferritin and autoimmune

> thyroid disease together

I am sure it's the reason that I have continuing fatigue. sometimes even my

little toe feels tired and hopes it doesn't have to move. :) And i imagine

it's affecting my utilization of thyroid hormone too. So glad I have checked

on this. so many little pieces of the puzzle....


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In a message dated 12/9/2004 6:54:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> the ferritin made a HUGE difference, yet my saturation and other stuff

> looked good, on the low end, but...


did you find it necessary to use anything for the side effect of

constipation? although with my malaborption/leaky gut...that might be a side

benefit :)


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In a message dated 12/9/2004 6:54:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> the ferritin made a HUGE difference, yet my saturation and other stuff

> looked good, on the low end, but...


did you find it necessary to use anything for the side effect of

constipation? although with my malaborption/leaky gut...that might be a side

benefit :)


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In a message dated 12/9/2004 6:54:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> the ferritin made a HUGE difference, yet my saturation and other stuff

> looked good, on the low end, but...


did you find it necessary to use anything for the side effect of

constipation? although with my malaborption/leaky gut...that might be a side

benefit :)


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the ferritin made a HUGE difference, yet my saturation and other stuff looked

good, on the low end, but...

Re: Re: Iron and TIBC

In a message dated 12/9/2004 5:53:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jamyrogers@... writes:

> yes, you are low and that is a major issue you are dealing with. It appears

> that very few people up till now understood the ferritin and autoimmune

> thyroid disease together

I am sure it's the reason that I have continuing fatigue. sometimes even my

little toe feels tired and hopes it doesn't have to move. :) And i imagine

it's affecting my utilization of thyroid hormone too. So glad I have checked

on this. so many little pieces of the puzzle....


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