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Re: help with what to do next

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" tinkerbell.3000 " writes:

>From my other symptoms and temps pretty sure I haven't got high

thyroid or high cortisol.Maybe I'm being impatient but once I manage to

increase the salt further how long should it take before the florinef

starts to work fully? I feel like I'm not getting very far at the

moment.My temps are pretty stable but I just want my blood pressure to

rise and this sweating to stop.>

I'm just joining in late here, but how long have you been taking florinef and

how much salt are you taking?

Today is my first day on 1/4 tab and I'm not sure how much salt I should be

drinking. It seems like I still need a lot.




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Hi ,

I've been on hc since 10/06, gradually increasing until my current dose of

around 40. I've had to go off Armour twice, this is the my third attempt at

increasing my dose. I'm currently at 30 mg, had been at a high of 120mg last

year ('07) and a high of 75mg earlier this year ('08). I keep having to come

off it b/c I become racey and hyper-ish, low temps, feeling very cold, you know

the usual low adrenal symptoms, no matter how high my hc dose is.

I had my doc run an aldosterone test per Val's suggestion and just got the

results, which were sort of mind boggling at 2. Also my sodium was low.

I have been getting 'jolts' of adrenaline and sudden sweats; this caused me to

stress dose with hc. Once I got the aldsoterone/sodium reading, I started to

really ramp up my salt intake and I started swallowing licorice caps and all of

a sudden, the jolts and sweats stopped, the need to stress dose stopped, my

energy level was greatly improved, along with stamina. Val suggested the

florinef and my doc prescribed it, given my good results with salt.

I just started the florinef: I'm taking 1/4 tab for 5 days, 1/2 tab for 5 days

and slowly building like that. Yesterday was my first day on florinef and not

knowing what to expect, I lowered my salt and licorice in-take--my temps started

high and plummeted throughtout the day; I knew I was dealing with low adrenal

but I didn't want to stress dose hc, so I struggled through. Now I know, I need

to keep my salt and licorice in-take up until the florinef really kicks in, I

just don't know when to expect that to happen....

There's probably a lot more info here than you wanted! Sorry about that, but

I would find it helpful to share experiences with you...what symptoms did you

have that led you to take florinef? Which symptoms have gotten better? Any

other symptoms arise from taking florinef? Do you take your salt all at once or



<Hi Dahlia, I've been taking florinef since 31.12.07 and I'm now on 1

pill-just increased the salt to 1 1/4 teaspoons per day.Since being

on florinef my blood pressure has improved although still dropping

when I stand (most of the time around the 100 mark) and my energy

levels have been better.If you don't mind me asking what symptoms do

you have?


> I'm just joining in late here, but how long have you been taking

florinef and how much salt are you taking?


> Today is my first day on 1/4 tab and I'm not sure how much salt I

should be drinking. It seems like I still need a lot.



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Hi ,

I've been on hc since 10/06, gradually increasing until my current dose of

around 40. I've had to go off Armour twice, this is the my third attempt at

increasing my dose. I'm currently at 30 mg, had been at a high of 120mg last

year ('07) and a high of 75mg earlier this year ('08). I keep having to come

off it b/c I become racey and hyper-ish, low temps, feeling very cold, you know

the usual low adrenal symptoms, no matter how high my hc dose is.

I had my doc run an aldosterone test per Val's suggestion and just got the

results, which were sort of mind boggling at 2. Also my sodium was low.

I have been getting 'jolts' of adrenaline and sudden sweats; this caused me to

stress dose with hc. Once I got the aldsoterone/sodium reading, I started to

really ramp up my salt intake and I started swallowing licorice caps and all of

a sudden, the jolts and sweats stopped, the need to stress dose stopped, my

energy level was greatly improved, along with stamina. Val suggested the

florinef and my doc prescribed it, given my good results with salt.

I just started the florinef: I'm taking 1/4 tab for 5 days, 1/2 tab for 5 days

and slowly building like that. Yesterday was my first day on florinef and not

knowing what to expect, I lowered my salt and licorice in-take--my temps started

high and plummeted throughtout the day; I knew I was dealing with low adrenal

but I didn't want to stress dose hc, so I struggled through. Now I know, I need

to keep my salt and licorice in-take up until the florinef really kicks in, I

just don't know when to expect that to happen....

There's probably a lot more info here than you wanted! Sorry about that, but

I would find it helpful to share experiences with you...what symptoms did you

have that led you to take florinef? Which symptoms have gotten better? Any

other symptoms arise from taking florinef? Do you take your salt all at once or



<Hi Dahlia, I've been taking florinef since 31.12.07 and I'm now on 1

pill-just increased the salt to 1 1/4 teaspoons per day.Since being

on florinef my blood pressure has improved although still dropping

when I stand (most of the time around the 100 mark) and my energy

levels have been better.If you don't mind me asking what symptoms do

you have?


> I'm just joining in late here, but how long have you been taking

florinef and how much salt are you taking?


> Today is my first day on 1/4 tab and I'm not sure how much salt I

should be drinking. It seems like I still need a lot.



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Hi ,

I've been on hc since 10/06, gradually increasing until my current dose of

around 40. I've had to go off Armour twice, this is the my third attempt at

increasing my dose. I'm currently at 30 mg, had been at a high of 120mg last

year ('07) and a high of 75mg earlier this year ('08). I keep having to come

off it b/c I become racey and hyper-ish, low temps, feeling very cold, you know

the usual low adrenal symptoms, no matter how high my hc dose is.

I had my doc run an aldosterone test per Val's suggestion and just got the

results, which were sort of mind boggling at 2. Also my sodium was low.

I have been getting 'jolts' of adrenaline and sudden sweats; this caused me to

stress dose with hc. Once I got the aldsoterone/sodium reading, I started to

really ramp up my salt intake and I started swallowing licorice caps and all of

a sudden, the jolts and sweats stopped, the need to stress dose stopped, my

energy level was greatly improved, along with stamina. Val suggested the

florinef and my doc prescribed it, given my good results with salt.

I just started the florinef: I'm taking 1/4 tab for 5 days, 1/2 tab for 5 days

and slowly building like that. Yesterday was my first day on florinef and not

knowing what to expect, I lowered my salt and licorice in-take--my temps started

high and plummeted throughtout the day; I knew I was dealing with low adrenal

but I didn't want to stress dose hc, so I struggled through. Now I know, I need

to keep my salt and licorice in-take up until the florinef really kicks in, I

just don't know when to expect that to happen....

There's probably a lot more info here than you wanted! Sorry about that, but

I would find it helpful to share experiences with you...what symptoms did you

have that led you to take florinef? Which symptoms have gotten better? Any

other symptoms arise from taking florinef? Do you take your salt all at once or



<Hi Dahlia, I've been taking florinef since 31.12.07 and I'm now on 1

pill-just increased the salt to 1 1/4 teaspoons per day.Since being

on florinef my blood pressure has improved although still dropping

when I stand (most of the time around the 100 mark) and my energy

levels have been better.If you don't mind me asking what symptoms do

you have?


> I'm just joining in late here, but how long have you been taking

florinef and how much salt are you taking?


> Today is my first day on 1/4 tab and I'm not sure how much salt I

should be drinking. It seems like I still need a lot.



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Hi Dahlia,

Don't worry about giving too much info.I think it's very useful to

share experiences.I think this can be such a lonely illness and I

think it's important to learn from each other as much as we can as it

takes such a lot of energy and effort to find the answers, and

patience (which I often don't have enough of!).I've been on hc since

jan 07 and am currently on 37.5mg and taking T3 30mcg.I started

Florinef because despite the high dose of hc my blood pressure was

still dropping when I stood, I failed the flashlight test, I suffered

from excessive perspiration,slightest exercise and I was tired out,

struggled with my appetite, especially first thing in the morning,

had problems standing for any period of time and I'm also a very low

weight which I believe can be adrenal.I never had my adolsterone

tested as it's very difficult to get it tested in the uk without your

doctors backing.

So far since taking it my energy levels have got better, I can walk

further and stand for longer and my appetite has returned.My blood

pressure has been dropping sometimes and rising others so I'm

currently trying to raise the salt as it's important to help the

florinef to work.I've dropped down to 1 1/4 teaspoon of salt as I

rasied from 1 to 2 teaspoon at once and found my finger swelled a bit

so I'm doing it gradually (more patience needed!!!).I take it about 4

days a day but end up with some of it being in a lot of the water I

drink overall as I put it in a glass, drink some and then top it up

again with more water (I used to take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day,

morning and evening but I don't feel it helps as much as spreading it

out).My current issue is that my perspiration becomes worse the more

salt I take but I'm hoping this will work itself out with time.The

only symptom I got is that when I first went on florinef I was

getting breathless more and my chest felt a bit tight but I increased

my magnesium and this seems to have gone away so I think it was maybe

just going a bit more hypo.My candida problem also seemed to get a

bit worse but again this could be due to going hypo.How much salt are

you currently taking and when?

I hope the florinef helps you-I felt some beneficial effects quite

quickly.Let me know how it goes.



> Hi ,


> I've been on hc since 10/06, gradually increasing until my

current dose of around 40. I've had to go off Armour twice, this is

the my third attempt at increasing my dose. I'm currently at 30 mg,

had been at a high of 120mg last year ('07) and a high of 75mg

earlier this year ('08). I keep having to come off it b/c I become

racey and hyper-ish, low temps, feeling very cold, you know the usual

low adrenal symptoms, no matter how high my hc dose is.


> I had my doc run an aldosterone test per Val's suggestion and

just got the results, which were sort of mind boggling at 2. Also my

sodium was low.


> I have been getting 'jolts' of adrenaline and sudden sweats; this

caused me to stress dose with hc. Once I got the aldsoterone/sodium

reading, I started to really ramp up my salt intake and I started

swallowing licorice caps and all of a sudden, the jolts and sweats

stopped, the need to stress dose stopped, my energy level was greatly

improved, along with stamina. Val suggested the florinef and my doc

prescribed it, given my good results with salt.


> I just started the florinef: I'm taking 1/4 tab for 5 days, 1/2

tab for 5 days and slowly building like that. Yesterday was my first

day on florinef and not knowing what to expect, I lowered my salt and

licorice in-take--my temps started high and plummeted throughtout the

day; I knew I was dealing with low adrenal but I didn't want to

stress dose hc, so I struggled through. Now I know, I need to keep

my salt and licorice in-take up until the florinef really kicks in, I

just don't know when to expect that to happen....


> There's probably a lot more info here than you wanted! Sorry

about that, but I would find it helpful to share experiences with

you...what symptoms did you have that led you to take florinef?

Which symptoms have gotten better? Any other symptoms arise from

taking florinef? Do you take your salt all at once or how?


> Dahlia



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" tinkerbell.3000 " tinkerbell.3000@... writes:

>This afternoon I'm off on a short country walk (though I'm careful

not to over do it!).This is something I couldn't do before starting

florinef without being absolutely exhausted that evening and the day

after.At the moment I've not reduced my hc.Occasionally I felt like I

ran out of hc quicker before my next dose was due, particularly at

the slightest stress (even not being able to find a parking space in

a car park!) so i think maybe the dose of hc I'm on is actually

lasting a bit better now.I've not actually tried increasing my T3 at

the moment since starting florinef as I'm trying to get my blood

pressure to rise when standing so I don't over stress the adrenals

and don't want to change too many things at once although emotionally

right now I really do feel hypo!!.

I don't know if you've said this but what's your blood pressure like?

Does it rise on standing?


Hi ,

Well, I don't really take my blood pressure! For one thing, I'm usually so

cold that I'm bundled up and can't bear to take off my sweaters to put the cuff

on. And also, sometimes I run so low that I can't get a reading! But I will

start doing it, as apparently this is important info. I do track temps.

Did you notice no significant improvement on hc? Is this why you started

florinef? How are you telling the difference in the effect of the florinef? At

any rate, it certainly sounds like you are improving, which is a great thing!



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Hi Dhalia,

I started florinef because although I felt alot of benefits from hc

(aside from anything else emotinally I feel a lot calmer than I did)

there were still some adrenal symptoms the hc wasn't sorting out and

I'm hoping the florinef will such as my blood pressure , my blood

pressure is a little higher but I'm adjusting the salt intake to see

if this makes a difference.I used to get dizzy when I stood up on a

regular basis but this reduced on the hc and seems to hardly ever

happen now I'm on florinef.Monitoring your bloood pressure is a good

idea but I too don't like taking my jumper off to test it either

(especially as it's currently only about 5 degrees here!!!).I'm sure

you'll get alot of benefit from florinef especially if you're

already seeing some on a 1/4 pill.



> Hi ,


> Well, I don't really take my blood pressure! For one thing, I'm

usually so cold that I'm bundled up and can't bear to take off my

sweaters to put the cuff on. And also, sometimes I run so low that I

can't get a reading! But I will start doing it, as apparently this

is important info. I do track temps.


> Did you notice no significant improvement on hc? Is this why you

started florinef? How are you telling the difference in the effect of

the florinef? At any rate, it certainly sounds like you are

improving, which is a great thing!


> Dahlia




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