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Re: Advice on adrenals

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Jeff, I take it you are male? You appear to have more serious problems

than JUST adrenal fatigue. In typical adrenal fatigue labs when cortisl

goes low, estrogen goes over range high. Male or female. This is loking

more like pituitary problems, and it is important to differntiate

between the two as one you can recover and eventually get off the

steroid, the other it is very unlikely. I owuld suggest before you start

ANYTHING for adrenal support you brow beat you r doctor into an ACTH

Stim test so you know th difference. This wil tell if it is your

adrenals that are not fuinctioning properly or your pituitary. With all

your sex hormones low and your TSH is not high enouigh for the extreme

low thyrpid you have, I am suspecting pituitary problems. This test must

be dopne while off any adrnea support and once you start it it is VERY

hard to stop for testing. Once that is done, you will need HC, and sex

hormones, and Armour for thyroid. It is a hard group to balance by

youreself so I would try to find a good hormone doctor.

As for starting wiht one grain of Armour, you are liekly to have MANY

problems starting that HIGH wiht your adrnela situation untreated. Often

with weak adrenals we must start at 15-30MG and work up by 15mg

increases eevery week. But you may nto even tolerate 15mg until your

adrnelas are supported.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Val -

Just reading your post with interest. So how would you treat a

pituitary problem vs. a pure adrenal problem? And what results does

the ACTH stim test provide? How long do you have to be off adrenal

products prior to the test?



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A pituitary problem you would replace ALL the hormones that are low.

With just adrenal problems you replace first cortiols and then thyroidi

and then recheck sex hormones to see if there is still an imbalance there.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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A pituitary problem you would replace ALL the hormones that are low.

With just adrenal problems you replace first cortiols and then thyroidi

and then recheck sex hormones to see if there is still an imbalance there.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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A pituitary problem you would replace ALL the hormones that are low.

With just adrenal problems you replace first cortiols and then thyroidi

and then recheck sex hormones to see if there is still an imbalance there.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Val - Is there any evidence that can be gained from doing an ACTH

while stress dosing? I've been stress dosing for about 10 days as

everytime I try not to, ooooh, it's bad. I have been able to lower

from 60 to 50, but that's as far as I've gotten so far.

My new DR wants an ACTH even though she knows I'm stress dosing. She

said she wanted to see if the stress dosing was doing the job.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but to give a little background

.. . . I took her my medical history. In the history, it notes I have

elevated lead levels and literally off the chart murcery (the lab's

test maxed out, so we don't really know how high it is). She thinks

this is having a heavy impact on my system. Could she be checking to

try to get some idea of function level even if it's outside the box?



> A pituitary problem you would replace ALL the hormones that are low.

> With just adrenal problems you replace first cortiols and then thyroidi

> and then recheck sex hormones to see if there is still an imbalance



> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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This doctor is out of her tree. Even while NOT stress dosing and just

takign HC an ACTH is not accurate. Not even close. Taking . 50-60MG HC

it will show you have not adrenal function.And that is not conclusive

for anything just a given due to meds


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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