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Healthcare (WAS Re: Re: Actual, honest-to-God Scenario)

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I grew up in a country that has socialized medicine, were heath care

is a basic right and not a privialiage. It works wonderfully.

For all you that bash the government and say they can't handle

medicine, do you have paved roads, running water? Do the lights come

on when you hit the switch? Do your kids go to a public school? Or did

any of you go to a public University? Have you ever sent anything

through the mail? Social security any one? The government isn't

incapable lumbering idiot, or else this whole country would look like

the rest of the 3rd world. Anyone cannot pick and find cases where it

didn't go perfect when the government ran somthing. But it doesn't go

perfect in private hands now. If it was perfect you wouldn't have to

carry medical malpractice insurance! The people that yell the loudest

agaisnt medical reform are usually the ones who would benifit the

most. The ones that feed the lies about it's failure are insurance

companies who profit off of others misfortune, and the politicians who

get thier sponsorship. The facts are counties with government

insurance have populations that are healther, and live longer. I've

seen with both sides, I've been to doctors and hospitals on both sides

of the argument. I support government funded health insurance, and

universal health care. I'd rather see my tax dollars go to health care

than bank roll a wall street bail out!!!!!

Romy son

> As one who just spent 10 days as in inpatient and was handed a bill

> for $

> 1008,000.00 and some odd change I've got no issue with the idea of

> " fixing "

> healthcare overall. I just find it hard to believe that the Federal

> Government is the answer.


> Oh and I got an itemized bill for that stay and just to highlight

> ONE issue

> I am billed for a SINGLE PILL of Lisinopril the rate of $ 24.00 yes

> I said

> twenty-four dollars for a pill I get at Wal-Mart in a 90-day supply

> for $

> 10.00. I was however given an option of paying the bill at a 50%

> discount

> if I paid said bill in full on the day of discharge.


> I may be a dumber Firefighter/EMT-Basic from New jersey but Stevey

> Wonder

> could see the problems here are a quagmire.


> As Gene likes quizzes I thought I'd ask if anyone could name a

> quagmire or

> three that the US Federal Government has gotten us out of say since

> 1953,

> 1975, 1993 etc or so (Hints).


> Politics are one of the three taboo subjects right? So if we are

> going to

> go taboo let's talk sex as I'm not really into religion but I can

> hold my

> own there as well thanks to an eclectic upbringing. .


> Nuff said on the above, anyone feel like bashing fire medics or the


> or say the fact we as a " profession " can't agree on anything for 12

> minutes

> and so on?


> Yea I am in a bit of a mood with some post op pain and a mailbox

> full of

> medical bills.


> I do accept PayPal at this E-Mail address if anyone has an extra 108

> grand.


> 33's


> Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


> Freelance Consultant/Trainer/Author/Journalist/Fire Protection

> Consultant


> LNMolino@...


> (Cell Phone)


> " A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "


> " Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds

> discuss people " Eleanor Roosevelt - US diplomat & reformer (1884 -

> 1962)


> In a message dated 1/30/2010 2:56:11 A.M. Central Standard Time,

> haussecker87@... writes:


> All I can say is if you don't want Health Care for everyone in the

> USA then

> you have no business in the Health Care Profession. We have taken

> care of

> millions for over 200 years of Non Americans, but not our own. We

> are going

> to shove BILLIONS more into Haiti than any health care passed for

> AMERICANS will cost. So Deal with it folks. Stop the propaganda.


> There is NOT a person on the planet much less this group that REALLY

> knows

> exactly how ANY legislation will play out. It's just not possible so

> all

> the fear mongering is just wrong!!


> Who on here has read the House and Senate Legislation? If you read

> it can

> you say 100% without a doubt exactly what it will and will not do,

> including all the legal parts since legislation does become law. I

> haven't seen

> anyone including lawyers that have been able to explain the

> legislation. So

> what do we have? We have people shooting their mouth off of some

> talking

> point of a Democrat, Republican, Independent , Tea Bagger, pundit,

> spin doctor,

> and so on.


> We as Americans need to show we are smarter than CNN, Foxs News,


> and all the other talk shows. Most those guys like Beck and others

> make

> $50=$100 mIllion a year due to getting you to buy there crap. Be a

> free thinker

> and don't be a mouth piece.


> You a free thinker or just another mouth piece for a Party or

> someone's Tv

> show?


> NOT doing something about Healthcare in the Country now with 30

> million

> more Americans about to be without health care for a new number of

> 60 million

> without health care by some estimates will bankrupt the Country.


> There is a local EMS Service is Government run 100% and I read in the

> Paper today they made a profit, and most the time they don't bill

> the local

> citizen one dime. According to the article it was due to more ALS

> Advance

> Medicare Calls, So where is the beaf with Government run health

> care. This

> service was voted as EMS Service of the Year a couple of years ago

> by DSHS, and

> their peers.


> I'll say it again. This is a government run EMS Service NOT using

> any TAX

> money and making a profit providing the highest care known in Texas

> and

> recognized as such! State of the art facilities, equipment,

> training, and

> better than average salaries.


> Knowing what I know it sounds like some EMS folks that are not in

> management or they perform bad management are trying to apply that

> to a health care

> bill that cover much more than just EMS. Can anyone state what EMS

> would

> get paid for a call with in this legislation?Knowing what I know it


> When it comes to Health Care for all Americans that is a fight I'm

> willing

> to fight!


> Ron


> From: Cindy Poe

> Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 1:43 AM

> To: _texasems-l@yahoogrotexasem_ (mailto:texasems-l )

> Subject: Re: Re: Actual, honest-to-God Scenario


> Oh, my. Are we really going there? Please let's not beat this

> particular

> horse to death.


> Peace out, yall!

> Cindy Poe


> Re: Actual, honest-to-God Scenario


> > Herb Deaton wrote:

> >

> >> And to think - government run health care will provide more of

> the same.

> >

> > Mr. Deaton,

> >

> > Please explain, if you will, the relationship between Mr. Reynolds

> story

> > of a nurse in a LTC facility being unable to properly utilize simple

> > medical technology, and the boogyman, " government run health care. "

> >

> > Are the nursing homes in Texas " government run? " Is there some

> proposal

> > that threatens to nationalize those facilities? What healthcare,

> pray

> > tell, is threatened by government takeover

> >

> > Unless something is really very different in Austin than most other

> cities

> > with fire department EMS, by sending Mr. Reynolds to the LTC

> facility

> the

> > City of Austin was providing exactly that which you seem to

> demonize.?

> >

> > It seems to me, Mr. Deaton, that you're not really making any

> serious

> > contribution to what was an interesting discussion. It appears

> instead

> > that you are just blathering some inane, echo chamber, sock puppet

> talking

> > point that you probably heard on some radio talk show.

> >

> > But I could be wrong. I eagerly await your response. Please

> correct me

> if

> > I misunderstand.

> >

> > -- Roy

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ ---- ---- -

> >

> >

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r.stevenson7013@...> wrote: >>> I'd rather see my tax dollars go to health care

than bank roll a wall street bail out!!!!! <<<

Romy, you are a wise man.

Kenny Navarro


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