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Trip to the ER this afternoon...Medrol?

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Well, some of you may remember I've posted about terrible knee pain

these last three weeks. I landed in the ER this afternoon due to

excrutiating pain and swelling. I've got an appt with a local doc on

Tuesday, but they couldn't see me until then and told me to go to the

ER. Basically, it turned out like I thought - no blood clots, no

Baker's cyst, no fractures. The doc was very nice and said it had to

be soft tissue inflammation, but he couldn't do a scan because they

had already ruled out all the life-threatening stuff. So, I ended up

with Ultram, high-dose ibuprofen, a Medrol dose pack and crutches.

I haven't taken the Medrol yet because I really want to sleep

tonight, and I hope the Ultram will help that. I know this is

probably an auto-immune thing - I've got Hashi's, but I don't have

the thyroid meds in place yet due to extremely low ferritin.

So, what should I know about the Medrol? Is the typical tapering

schedule okay for adrenal-challenged folks? My current dose of HC is

32.5 mg.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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> You can tke it but in PLACE OF your HC dosing. How much did they give

> oyu What doses for how long?


Val, thanks so much for giving your $.02. I was hoping you'd be online

tonight! I am nervous about taking this, being so high a dose and also

because I know a yeast infection is going to be in my future. My leg

is so swollen you can't see my knee, so I gotta do something!

They gave me a dose pack that starts at 24 mg (6 pills), tapering by 1

pill per day.

I'm also wondering if it is going to be effective for 24 hours or if I

should split the dose up.

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