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Re: I'm pregnant

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I SO know how you feel! When I found out I was pregnant (12 weeks now)

I had taken all kinds of stuff for constipation, herbal stuff for

health (but still not so good for baby) and was using testosterone and

antibiotics. I freaked out. But there's nothing we can do about it now,

but just move forward and do better! And my doctor ('s practice,

who wrote the V book) said the tiny bit of estradiol that we use is

fine, so I am still doing that, plus my emu oil or coconut oil.

Email offline if you want to chat more!


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Thanks for your encouragement, everyone. Kristy, you may be right about the adhesions. And Chelle, I think the burning is definitely hormonal. The thing is I was tested this fall and my P levels were low, so I've been supplementing with Prometrium the last 3 cycles (2nd half only). I went off it when I normally do, about 2-3 days before my period, but I never started and that's when I found out I was pregnant. Well, then my bloodtests for the pregnancy also showed low P even though I'd been taking it previously. So I'm back on the Prometrium. , thank you for sharing your story about your healthy baby despite the no-no meds you had to take. Flesh-eating bacteria? Really? I can't imagine! Becky

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Hey Becky, well hmmm? When you took the P. with your cycles did you notice any 'help' with your v.pain? I might be wrong on this, but I think when you are low in P. they usually have you supplement during the first trimester...then you go off of it. I'll just throw this out there, but I'd pay attention to those last six weeks or so of your pregnancy...if the symptoms seem worse it 'might' be the P. (so frustrating trying to pin-point the hormonal stuff). Yet, hormonal imbalances for us individually can be so REAL. Do you have a good V.pain doc that might could help you? I thought 's post was GREAT! I remembered this morning and realize I was taking a Rx med when I got pregnant with my second....went off of it and then ended up using it again (with doc's okay) during the 2nd & 3rd trimesters...and my little boy is fine. I wish you and the baby the

best, keep us posted on how you're doing. I'll keep praying for you ( & baby).... Hugs, Chelle

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My midwives asked all about everything I had taken, and I guess I would

say they were concerned, but not enough to recommend any kind of

special testing or any of that. They said lots of people take alot of

things before they know they're pregnant, and all we can do now is move

forward. I've had two ultrasounds with good heartbeat and normal

anatomy...I know that doesn't mean everything is ok in the way of

possible learning disorders or things like that, but what can I do now?

Just my best moving forward. You too! =)


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