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Re: burning discharge and medication

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Have you been checked for lichen planus? This causes inflammatory

discharge. Is very rare but I have it - it went undiagnosed for so long

because it is rare.

Also, PT is not just about bio-feedback. I am completely able to have

pain free intercourse because of PT - and never did bio-feedback. Is

your PT trained in skin rolling and trigger point release?


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Hi Mindy,

Thanks for the e-mail. I am very confused as to what to do. I am in Hobart Tasmania, Australia and I don't

believe their is a vulvaovaginal specialist here or in Australia. I am currently trying buprenophine tablets and Lyrica, which doesn't have much effect. I don't have itching anymore though which is a relief. I am seeing a Pain Specialist. Is he someone that would/could do nerve blocks? What are they anyway? I am getting desperate for some pain relief, as would like to go back to work! It feels like the opening of my vagina had been scraped against the road. Sorry that sounds bad but it's how it feels. I have thick white discharge which comes when I feel the pain is at it's worst, this seems to start of the burning etc. I am seeing a Physiotherapist that has helped women with this before. She thinks I should be on medication that has more of an enpack before we start bio-feedback. I will ask her about trigger points. Am I right to think a PT that you are all

referring to is a physiotherapist? I'm trying to stay positive but I am having a very painful day and I am letting it get the better of me. Would love to hear from someone that this pain has gone and is like a terrible dream.

Thanks, Cheers

Kirsty ( Kristy)

Re: burning discharge and medication

Hi Kristy,I was thinking the same thing as Chelle posted. I have lichen planus and when I was reading your post, I thought of everything that I have gone through and it sounds similar. I have v burning, stabbing and cutting pain also. It burns, stings, itches, etc.....I tried Lyrica, but I have the same results with the Neurontin except the Lyrica gave me a headache almost every day I was taking it (3 months). Lyrica is supposed to be better than Neurontin. That has helped me with the stabbing pains and the aching and the spasms that I was getting. Emu oil or coconut oil has helped a little. I know you said you do not want any creams, but oral meds are not going to help if you have LP or LS. They will help with things like the itching, as Chelle suggested trying an antihistamine for that, which I also do. And also the Neurontin. As far as the inflammation, stinging and

burning, you will need something topical for that. I was treated for a very long time for yeast, bacterial vaginosis, etc. It took over a year to be correctly diagnosed. You really should get in to see a vulvovaginal specialist. I am not sure where you live, but I think there is a list of docs in the files section. I know it is a terrible think not knowing what is wrong with you...believe me I know exactly how that feels. Has anyone ever given you a steroid cream to try? You can email me if you would like, but my condition sounds very similar to what you are describing. I currently see Dr. in Mass. She is one of the top vulvovaginal specialists in the country. She is the one who diagnosed me and is treating me. Mindy--ME>> Hi girls,> Would

love some advice from women like me. I've been suffering with > vulval burning, stabbing, and cutting pain for a year now and have > been on many different medications. >

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