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Re: hydrocortisone and yeast

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> I started a low dose of hydrocortisone four days ago, 7.5 mg. in the

> a.m. and 5 mg. in the p.m. Right after I take it, I am really tired

> for a couple of hours, and then get some energy. Does anyone else

> have this issue?

That is what happened to me when I used it. I only used HC forabout 2 months

and it was very helpful at calming my hyper symptoms. In the beginning after

taking it I would get very sleepy. I beleive it is the body paying off a

sleep debt and allowing some healing to be done as the cortisol arrives.

This went away after a week or so.

My arenals were not seriouly in trouble though. They were on the edge.

Also, I heard that it was not supposed to cause

> yeast to grow if you were deficient, but I am itchier and can tell the

> yeast is worsening. Any advice? I need to talk to the dr. who

> prescribed it at the beginning of the week.

The only thing that has helped me with yeast is chelation. Over a year of

chelation my yeast has consitently diminshed. Stronger adrenals and the

exact amount of cortisol help a lot.


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Guest guest


> I started a low dose of hydrocortisone four days ago, 7.5 mg. in the

> a.m. and 5 mg. in the p.m. Right after I take it, I am really tired

> for a couple of hours, and then get some energy. Does anyone else

> have this issue? Also, I heard that it was not supposed to cause

> yeast to grow if you were deficient, but I am itchier and can tell the

> yeast is worsening. Any advice? I need to talk to the dr. who

> prescribed it at the beginning of the week.

Is it possible that it is helping your body fight the yeast

and you are getting die-off effects? I'm not sure about this

myself. I am using 10 mg in the morning now (slowly worked up

over a few weeks). My stomach was a bit " pouchy " and puffed up

for a couple of days, but it seems to have subsided after

switching probiotics.

I would certainly discuss it with your doctor and see what s/he

has to say.

> Also, if I need to go off or down on it, should I expect it will be

> difficult for me? I am so afraid to end up worse than I started.

I worry about this, too. I suggest continuing a dialog with your

doctor, and refer back to your test results and/or a list of

symptoms to convince yourself this is something you need, or not.

Cortisol is very important to many things your body does to take

care of itself. If you don't have enough, your health gradually


I am still struggling with the question of whether I need it, too.

It is a day to day decision. I have slept for 3 out of the last

4 nights, after having tremendous difficulty sleeping for the

past couple of months. I hope this trend is an effect of the HC

and that it will continue.


> Thank you for your help.



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>I have slept for 3 out of the last

> 4 nights, after having tremendous difficulty sleeping for the

> past couple of months. I hope this trend is an effect of the HC

> and that it will continue.

HC fixed the sleep problems I had had for years -- waking frequently,

too achey to get comfortable, sore after being in bed only a short

time. Flax oil helped considerably but I couldn't maintain the high

dose level that seemed to make the difference. I think HC got to the

root of the problem. Hope it works that way for you too.


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