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Diet issues, v pain, etc--Mara

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Hi Mara--

I totally agree with you, especially this statement that you made " I

feel that sometimes, this pain takes so much out of our lives, that it

is stupid to take more pleasures away by depriving ourselves from the

good things in life (e.g. food) " and this is part of my issue with it

all. The pain + dietary restrictions is way too much stress and

burden. Blueberri () made the point that yes, if it gets rid of

the pain then by all means I would choose the restrictions over the

pain. But without that impetus and inspiration to stick with the diet

and have the reward of no pain it's nearly impossible.

To answer your question about why stick to the restrictions if it

doesn't help my pain? Well in the case of the insulin resistance it's

not causing my pain, but in order to heal from muscular type pain it's

very important to have enough glucose getting to the cells (The mother

of trigger point science, Dr. Janet Travell, has done lots of research

on this). It's nearly impossible to heal it with a blood sugar issue.

So while it's not exactly the cause of my pain it's something that I

need to watch in order to heal. Recommendations for diabetes/insulin

resistance include restricting corn and potatoes from the diet. Grrr.

And as for the gluten, I am kind of one foot in and one foot out the

door. I have been sticking to it for the most part but I do wonder if

I need to really follow that diet. I did test positive on the

enterolab test but all blood and bowel testing I've had is negative. I

realize that the stool test is a way to detect it before the disease

is serious, but I am still skeptical for some reason.


> Dear ,

> You say in your post that you're almost positive that your pain has

> nothing to do with diet. My question then is, why restrict yourself?

> I simiarly had one terrible yeast infection after a course of

> antibiotics which I am convinced triggered my pain. I went through all

> the diets, and stuck to them strictly. Honestly, I didn't notice much

> of a difference in my pain, and in fact, I think it was perhaps to my

> detriment (in the sense that I was depriving my body from a number of

> nutrients, as well as producing more stress from being paranoid about

> what I ate). Today, I am 99% pain free. I have a pretty healthy diet,

> lots of organic food, and very little refined/sugar, etc. But I still

> have an ocassional cookie, and I really love wine. I feel that

> sometimes, this pain takes so much out of our lives, that it is stupid

> to take more pleasures away by depriving ourselves from the good things

> in life (e.g. food). I'm also confused about your post that corn and

> potatoes have a negative impact on insulin. They are both incredibly

> healthy carbs, and I would think, they would only be a problem if you

> have insuline issues or diabetes. I would say to you to eat what you

> like if it makes you feel good and if you don't notice any connection

> to your symptoms. It's not like eating certain foods will predispose

> you to yeast infections. It really doesn't work that way: I think

> certain foods might worsen your symptoms once you already have a yeast

> infection. And if you lead a generally unhealthy diet, it might weaken

> your body's immune system and make you more susceptible to infection.

> But if you have no food intolerances or food allergies, why be so

> restrictive to yourself? Anyway, these are my thoughts. And as a

> sidenote, I haven't had a yeast infection since that one episode, and

> that was four years ago.

> m.

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