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Re: Not vulvodynia after all?! (venting about PT)

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>Mainly venting, but thinking that my pain might stem from my back


I have become increasingly frustrated.. can't find a doc to take me

seriously here, that I could afford, and after a few months of

basically very little day to day pain( of say, 2 on a scale of 1-10)

NOW its coming back. I also have scoliosis, and my lower lumbar

vertebre are fused in an s curve. Stands to reason, hmm? I also have

the tingling, and " painish " sensations on my inner thighs towards the

back. That is NOT from anything irritating my vagina! I mention that

to my doc, and she immediately dismisses it by saying " oh.. that's for

people who have " real " pelvic pain " , and goes on to say, " well, at

least the pain has gotten better!! "

Dammit, I want to have sex with my husband! ( lol, not anything anyone

else on this list doesn't feel, or say often, but it is very true. )

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Jester (name?) - I hear you loud and clear. All of this can be sooo frustrating. Maybe you should try to look into the scoliosis, if possible. I had an MRI in Dec that showed the nerves on the right side of my spine do not have much room, not like on the left. My spine curves over to that side in the lumbar area. I think scoliosis should definitely be looked at when ruling out 'causes' of vulvar pain. Hang in there....Hugs, Chelle

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Jester (name?) - I hear you loud and clear. All of this can be sooo frustrating. Maybe you should try to look into the scoliosis, if possible. I had an MRI in Dec that showed the nerves on the right side of my spine do not have much room, not like on the left. My spine curves over to that side in the lumbar area. I think scoliosis should definitely be looked at when ruling out 'causes' of vulvar pain. Hang in there....Hugs, Chelle

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Jester (name?) - I hear you loud and clear. All of this can be sooo frustrating. Maybe you should try to look into the scoliosis, if possible. I had an MRI in Dec that showed the nerves on the right side of my spine do not have much room, not like on the left. My spine curves over to that side in the lumbar area. I think scoliosis should definitely be looked at when ruling out 'causes' of vulvar pain. Hang in there....Hugs, Chelle

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I am due on August 31st. I don't think we're going to find out what

we're having, I kinda want to but how often in life do you get a

surprise that big? I also am having a very rough pregnancy and this may

be the only one I have biologically so it might be fun to be surprised.

I have been trying to decide whether or not to hire a doula. We don't

have a lot of extra money but I think it sounds fabulous. We are

delivering at a free-standing birth center with midwives and will be

using hypnobirthing. We're pretty granola-ey. =) Have you seen Ricki

Lake's documentary, " The Business of Being Born " ? It's fabulous. It's

on netflix, I think you would like it.

I am hoping PT will help get me ready for delivery...my biggest fear is

tearing, because I have LP and I know the skin won't heal as easily as

it would for other women. We are hopeful that hypnobirthing will relax

me enough to handle this fear. =)


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I had a doula and it was worth every penny. I thought it was so invaluable to have one that I decided to become one myself. There is a wide range of what doulas charge, depending on experience, so call around (you can get a list at www.dona.org) and I bet you'll find a doula you can afford. I used midwives (and a doula) for my second birth and had a really great experience. Good luck!

Re: Not vulvodynia after all?! (venting about PT)

Becky,I am due on August 31st. I don't think we're going to find out what we're having, I kinda want to but how often in life do you get a surprise that big? I also am having a very rough pregnancy and this may be the only one I have biologically so it might be fun to be surprised.I have been trying to decide whether or not to hire a doula. We don't have a lot of extra money but I think it sounds fabulous. We are delivering at a free-standing birth center with midwives and will be using hypnobirthing. We're pretty granola-ey. =) Have you seen Ricki Lake's documentary, "The Business of Being Born"? It's fabulous. It's on netflix, I think you would like it. I am hoping PT will help get me ready for delivery...my biggest fear is tearing, because I have LP and I know the skin won't heal as easily as it would for other women. We are hopeful that hypnobirthing will relax me enough to handle this fear. =) Melinda

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