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Re: Some thoughts: To Lori

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Amen to that. You said it straight up! No one to check on the alchohlic,

and make sure that the bottle there buying is not because they are addicted, or

just feel like having a sip to cure a bad cold, ease the tension, etc.

Take care Sharon

Lori Hammer wrote: Somtimes I wish I was an

alcoholic its cheaper and legal. It makes no sense what we have to go through

just live our life one day at a time. Making sure we have the meds we need. But

if you are a drinker the world is open to you. I just get peeved when I hear of

people with no insurance or help to get the medications they need , but there

sits the booze on the counter so you can just pick up what you need and pay for

it and leave. But, the ones of us who need medication for chronic pain is like

pulling teeth to get you doctors to help . Sorry, this world is so messed up!


Lori J

ybug75901@...> wrote:

Thanks sweetie. You see I would be paying an insurance premium of over 400

dollars a month. On top of that the copays and rx copays. My doc only charges me

$75 for a visit and my meds run maybe 150 dollars a month at most. So, why pay

that premium? Also, any insurance I take at this time will not cover a

pre-existing condition for at least a year so none of my fibro related visits

would be covered anyway since I am already diagnosed.

I understand what you meant. Not a problem. I guess I wanted to reinforce also

that I was not suggesting anything illegal in case someone interpreted it that


love and hugs,

Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Sorry to hear that about insurance,

but do know, what u mean as long as your not paying out for Dr's all the time,

it is cheaper, that way. Here in Me. insurance if I were working really is

affordable, but I just have worn out. Though after the long long wait of SSD

eligibility if I get turned down I will be forced to do something, I was working

quite a few private jobs, also, though no inusrance but the pay is good. I wish

I could work, really bad. I know you would not be wheeling and dealing, but was

afraid of how I adressed the cost difference, and why so many people are

suffering as Dr.'s are afraid to prescribe do to people doing these kind of

things. I just was mentioning, I did not want someone to take the topic out of

contents again, and we get warned. Nothing illegal happening just a statement.

Like u say also we sometimes fall between the cracks on getting help in so many


yet the ones who sit back with the six packs, don't know what the word work

means get everything handed to them..... Hope your days get lighter, just

starting another storm here! Rain though, was suppose to be Snow Take Care Best

you can Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I don't have insurance. I work

for a small privately owned nursing home. Even in the bigger nursing homes and

hospitals, most of them have insurance to offer for a really large amount of

premium for the employees. I worked for one company that wanted to charge me 400

dollars a month for the insurance. That was not counting that they wanted co

pays for dr visits and prescriptions. I figure I do better financially without

it. For $400 a month, I can go to the dr. and get my meds for much cheaper than


No I don't agree with people buying anything from the street. I just would never

do that and would NEVER sell my pain meds. It is against my ethics and every

grain I have. I am lucky to have a doctor who knows fibro is real and will rx my

meds for me. If not, I would be SOL. I would just have to suffer.

It seems that the middle class of America suffers in a crunch because alot of us

make just enough money that we don't qualify for any government funding, and not

enough to pay the high price of health insurance.


Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Debra- Just thought I would

inquire, you don't get benefits where you work? Isn't that unusual in the

nursing feild, or do you have one of those optional jobs like I did when I last

worked a facility where I went in Leu of benefits as it brought me $2.00 more an

hr. which meant 16.00 which was better than the health insurance they offered.

It sure is hard to have no insurance though isn't it? The Rx are tougher to get

because the exact reason you pointed out, to many people selling them, instead

of using them for what they went to Dr. c/o of.! Ut cost apprx,, $1.00 a vicodin

RX wise, and sells on the St.'s for up to 10.00 a pill,depending on strentgh,

and where you live!, No wonder people like us with unseeable disease end up

suffering, I have very believing, understanding, Dr's who have seen me have to

be wheeled in so I am lucky, but those who can't get help I feel so sorry for.

My mom has a

neighbor who has this disease and she said before they treated her, she a

couple times felt like commiting suicide because of the pain, and she is in her

70's!!! Oh I hope things get better for us before that, I don't want this pain

that much longer! And please no one take ALERT to the fact that I mentioned the

cost of narcotic's being sold on the St's as I grew up in a overpopulated town

of drug abusers, plus again us that work in the healthfield are well wise to

what is happening out there.that is all I am not into buying and selling! Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I can look back years ago and

recall that I had fibro though it was not diagnosed. The symptoms were mild then

and I could brush them off for the most part. Up until 5 years ago when it hit

me really hard, I never had a pain that Tylenol would not take care of. Had a

doctor have told me I had fibro back then, I would have thought, well I can take

this without medication. It was not bad then. Matter of fact, pain was not even

an issue at the time... it was just some numbness and tingling in my fingers,

some fibro fog (which I did not know it was then), and being overly tired. The

pain did not hit me bad until that flare from hell about 5 years ago. Then I

found that no amount of over the counter meds would take care of it or touch it.

I remember being at work one day several weeks before the diagnosis.... I

thought I was getting a " virus " . I was aching all over. I remember taking

Tylenol.... no relief. Added some Advil

to it.... no relief.... took some

naproxen.... no relief. I thought to myself... " that is strange.... wonder why

these medicines don't work... must be a really bad virus coming on " .

I would not have imagined that within a week I would be in such pain that I

would think I was dying and had some terminal illness. Thus, I went to doctor

after doctor and finally got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

So, let me just say that this disease certainly has its stages and its

difference in severity from one person to the next. And when the pain gets so

bad, and over the counter meds no longer work, I promise that any human being

will take a RX medication to try to help it or they will become non functional

and lay in misery.

Hopefully, some people will never progress to this stage and will continue to

have mild symptoms because I don't wish this on anyone. BUT, from my own

experience... I know that without RX pain killers I would not be able to get up

and go to work or do anything.

COST issues-- I do not have insurance, but the cheapest and oldest drugs for

narcotic pain relief are cheap. Hydrocodone compared to some other drugs is

definately not expensive. (unless you get them off the street.. then the price

will be very high).

Also, lets just look at the facts. Rx drugs work on the pain before they get you

" high " or " zombied " . If you take a RX that is really too strong for the amount

of pain, yes you will probably get wasted on it. But if the pain is bad enough,

the medication will work on the pain and will not put you out of it and into


Just some thoughts.

love and hugs,

Debra V.


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How true. I certainly understand that. Alot of things make no sense in this

world. If I could drink the pain away... maybe I would. LOL..... Not really

because after a drink or two I would be sick and puking.

You are so right about that though. Alcohol is one of the worst addictive drugs

we have and it is readily available to anyone. It ruins lives and kills people,

but it is sold no matter what. But then, you take someone with a disease they

did not ask for like fibro, and most of us don't get treatment for the pain.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Lori Hammer wrote:

Somtimes I wish I was an alcoholic its cheaper and legal. It makes no sense

what we have to go through just live our life one day at a time. Making sure we

have the meds we need. But if you are a drinker the world is open to you. I

just get peeved when I hear of people with no insurance or help to get the

medications they need , but there sits the booze on the counter so you can just

pick up what you need and pay for it and leave. But, the ones of us who need

medication for chronic pain is like pulling teeth to get you doctors to help .

Sorry, this world is so messed up!


Lori J

ybug75901@...> wrote:

Thanks sweetie. You see I would be paying an insurance premium of

over 400 dollars a month. On top of that the copays and rx copays. My doc only

charges me $75 for a visit and my meds run maybe 150 dollars a month at most.

So, why pay that premium? Also, any insurance I take at this time will not cover

a pre-existing condition for at least a year so none of my fibro related visits

would be covered anyway since I am already diagnosed.

I understand what you meant. Not a problem. I guess I wanted to reinforce also

that I was not suggesting anything illegal in case someone interpreted it that


love and hugs,

Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Sorry to hear that about

insurance, but do know, what u mean as long as your not paying out for Dr's all

the time, it is cheaper, that way. Here in Me. insurance if I were working

really is affordable, but I just have worn out. Though after the long long wait

of SSD eligibility if I get turned down I will be forced to do something, I was

working quite a few private jobs, also, though no inusrance but the pay is good.

I wish I could work, really bad. I know you would not be wheeling and dealing,

but was afraid of how I adressed the cost difference, and why so many people are

suffering as Dr.'s are afraid to prescribe do to people doing these kind of

things. I just was mentioning, I did not want someone to take the topic out of

contents again, and we get warned. Nothing illegal happening just a statement.

Like u say also we sometimes fall between the cracks on getting help in so many


yet the ones who sit back with the six packs, don't know what the word work

means get everything handed to them..... Hope your days get lighter, just

starting another storm here! Rain though, was suppose to be Snow Take Care Best

you can Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I don't have insurance. I work

for a small privately owned nursing home. Even in the bigger nursing homes and

hospitals, most of them have insurance to offer for a really large amount of

premium for the employees. I worked for one company that wanted to charge me 400

dollars a month for the insurance. That was not counting that they wanted co

pays for dr visits and prescriptions. I figure I do better financially without

it. For $400 a month, I can go to the dr. and get my meds for much cheaper than


No I don't agree with people buying anything from the street. I just would

never do that and would NEVER sell my pain meds. It is against my ethics and

every grain I have. I am lucky to have a doctor who knows fibro is real and will

rx my meds for me. If not, I would be SOL. I would just have to suffer.

It seems that the middle class of America suffers in a crunch because alot of

us make just enough money that we don't qualify for any government funding, and

not enough to pay the high price of health insurance.


Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Debra- Just thought I would

inquire, you don't get benefits where you work? Isn't that unusual in the

nursing feild, or do you have one of those optional jobs like I did when I last

worked a facility where I went in Leu of benefits as it brought me $2.00 more an

hr. which meant 16.00 which was better than the health insurance they offered.

It sure is hard to have no insurance though isn't it? The Rx are tougher to get

because the exact reason you pointed out, to many people selling them, instead

of using them for what they went to Dr. c/o of.! Ut cost apprx,, $1.00 a vicodin

RX wise, and sells on the St.'s for up to 10.00 a pill,depending on strentgh,

and where you live!, No wonder people like us with unseeable disease end up

suffering, I have very believing, understanding, Dr's who have seen me have to

be wheeled in so I am lucky, but those who can't get help I feel so sorry for.

My mom has a

neighbor who has this disease and she said before they treated her, she a

couple times felt like commiting suicide because of the pain, and she is in her

70's!!! Oh I hope things get better for us before that, I don't want this pain

that much longer! And please no one take ALERT to the fact that I mentioned the

cost of narcotic's being sold on the St's as I grew up in a overpopulated town

of drug abusers, plus again us that work in the healthfield are well wise to

what is happening out there.that is all I am not into buying and selling! Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I can look back years ago and

recall that I had fibro though it was not diagnosed. The symptoms were mild then

and I could brush them off for the most part. Up until 5 years ago when it hit

me really hard, I never had a pain that Tylenol would not take care of. Had a

doctor have told me I had fibro back then, I would have thought, well I can take

this without medication. It was not bad then. Matter of fact, pain was not even

an issue at the time... it was just some numbness and tingling in my fingers,

some fibro fog (which I did not know it was then), and being overly tired. The

pain did not hit me bad until that flare from hell about 5 years ago. Then I

found that no amount of over the counter meds would take care of it or touch it.

I remember being at work one day several weeks before the diagnosis.... I

thought I was getting a " virus " . I was aching all over. I remember taking

Tylenol.... no relief. Added some Advil

to it.... no relief.... took some

naproxen.... no relief. I thought to myself... " that is strange.... wonder why

these medicines don't work... must be a really bad virus coming on " .

I would not have imagined that within a week I would be in such pain that I

would think I was dying and had some terminal illness. Thus, I went to doctor

after doctor and finally got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

So, let me just say that this disease certainly has its stages and its

difference in severity from one person to the next. And when the pain gets so

bad, and over the counter meds no longer work, I promise that any human being

will take a RX medication to try to help it or they will become non functional

and lay in misery.

Hopefully, some people will never progress to this stage and will continue to

have mild symptoms because I don't wish this on anyone. BUT, from my own

experience... I know that without RX pain killers I would not be able to get up

and go to work or do anything.

COST issues-- I do not have insurance, but the cheapest and oldest drugs for

narcotic pain relief are cheap. Hydrocodone compared to some other drugs is

definately not expensive. (unless you get them off the street.. then the price

will be very high).

Also, lets just look at the facts. Rx drugs work on the pain before they get

you " high " or " zombied " . If you take a RX that is really too strong for the

amount of pain, yes you will probably get wasted on it. But if the pain is bad

enough, the medication will work on the pain and will not put you out of it and

into neverland.

Just some thoughts.

love and hugs,

Debra V.


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In a message dated 3/9/08 9:29:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

dodgeturbo99@... writes:

If we go out drinling which is hardly ever ,I am a very cheap date 1 drink

and I am felin'good. But do not feel the next day as I wake up I feel pretty

good but as the day goes on I hurt so bad I can't stand it.

Lori J

Sounds exactly like me!


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If we go out drinling which is hardly ever ,I am a very cheap date 1 drink and I

am felin'good. But do not feel the next day as I wake up I feel pretty good

but as the day goes on I hurt so bad I can't stand it.

Lori J

debra van ness wrote:

How true. I certainly understand that. Alot of things make no sense in

this world. If I could drink the pain away... maybe I would. LOL..... Not really

because after a drink or two I would be sick and puking.

You are so right about that though. Alcohol is one of the worst addictive drugs

we have and it is readily available to anyone. It ruins lives and kills people,

but it is sold no matter what. But then, you take someone with a disease they

did not ask for like fibro, and most of us don't get treatment for the pain.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Lori Hammer wrote: Somtimes I wish I was an alcoholic

its cheaper and legal. It makes no sense what we have to go through just live

our life one day at a time. Making sure we have the meds we need. But if you are

a drinker the world is open to you. I just get peeved when I hear of people with

no insurance or help to get the medications they need , but there sits the booze

on the counter so you can just pick up what you need and pay for it and leave.

But, the ones of us who need medication for chronic pain is like pulling teeth

to get you doctors to help . Sorry, this world is so messed up!


Lori J

ybug75901@...> wrote:

Thanks sweetie. You see I would be paying an insurance premium of over 400

dollars a month. On top of that the copays and rx copays. My doc only charges me

$75 for a visit and my meds run maybe 150 dollars a month at most. So, why pay

that premium? Also, any insurance I take at this time will not cover a

pre-existing condition for at least a year so none of my fibro related visits

would be covered anyway since I am already diagnosed.

I understand what you meant. Not a problem. I guess I wanted to reinforce also

that I was not suggesting anything illegal in case someone interpreted it that


love and hugs,

Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Sorry to hear that about insurance,

but do know, what u mean as long as your not paying out for Dr's all the time,

it is cheaper, that way. Here in Me. insurance if I were working really is

affordable, but I just have worn out. Though after the long long wait of SSD

eligibility if I get turned down I will be forced to do something, I was working

quite a few private jobs, also, though no inusrance but the pay is good. I wish

I could work, really bad. I know you would not be wheeling and dealing, but was

afraid of how I adressed the cost difference, and why so many people are

suffering as Dr.'s are afraid to prescribe do to people doing these kind of

things. I just was mentioning, I did not want someone to take the topic out of

contents again, and we get warned. Nothing illegal happening just a statement.

Like u say also we sometimes fall between the cracks on getting help in so many


yet the ones who sit back with the six packs, don't know what the word work

means get everything handed to them..... Hope your days get lighter, just

starting another storm here! Rain though, was suppose to be Snow Take Care Best

you can Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I don't have insurance. I work

for a small privately owned nursing home. Even in the bigger nursing homes and

hospitals, most of them have insurance to offer for a really large amount of

premium for the employees. I worked for one company that wanted to charge me 400

dollars a month for the insurance. That was not counting that they wanted co

pays for dr visits and prescriptions. I figure I do better financially without

it. For $400 a month, I can go to the dr. and get my meds for much cheaper than


No I don't agree with people buying anything from the street. I just would never

do that and would NEVER sell my pain meds. It is against my ethics and every

grain I have. I am lucky to have a doctor who knows fibro is real and will rx my

meds for me. If not, I would be SOL. I would just have to suffer.

It seems that the middle class of America suffers in a crunch because alot of us

make just enough money that we don't qualify for any government funding, and not

enough to pay the high price of health insurance.


Debra V.

sharon studley wrote: Debra- Just thought I would

inquire, you don't get benefits where you work? Isn't that unusual in the

nursing feild, or do you have one of those optional jobs like I did when I last

worked a facility where I went in Leu of benefits as it brought me $2.00 more an

hr. which meant 16.00 which was better than the health insurance they offered.

It sure is hard to have no insurance though isn't it? The Rx are tougher to get

because the exact reason you pointed out, to many people selling them, instead

of using them for what they went to Dr. c/o of.! Ut cost apprx,, $1.00 a vicodin

RX wise, and sells on the St.'s for up to 10.00 a pill,depending on strentgh,

and where you live!, No wonder people like us with unseeable disease end up

suffering, I have very believing, understanding, Dr's who have seen me have to

be wheeled in so I am lucky, but those who can't get help I feel so sorry for.

My mom has a

neighbor who has this disease and she said before they treated her, she a

couple times felt like commiting suicide because of the pain, and she is in her

70's!!! Oh I hope things get better for us before that, I don't want this pain

that much longer! And please no one take ALERT to the fact that I mentioned the

cost of narcotic's being sold on the St's as I grew up in a overpopulated town

of drug abusers, plus again us that work in the healthfield are well wise to

what is happening out there.that is all I am not into buying and selling! Sharon

debra van ness wrote: I can look back years ago and

recall that I had fibro though it was not diagnosed. The symptoms were mild then

and I could brush them off for the most part. Up until 5 years ago when it hit

me really hard, I never had a pain that Tylenol would not take care of. Had a

doctor have told me I had fibro back then, I would have thought, well I can take

this without medication. It was not bad then. Matter of fact, pain was not even

an issue at the time... it was just some numbness and tingling in my fingers,

some fibro fog (which I did not know it was then), and being overly tired. The

pain did not hit me bad until that flare from hell about 5 years ago. Then I

found that no amount of over the counter meds would take care of it or touch it.

I remember being at work one day several weeks before the diagnosis.... I

thought I was getting a " virus " . I was aching all over. I remember taking

Tylenol.... no relief. Added some Advil

to it.... no relief.... took some

naproxen.... no relief. I thought to myself... " that is strange.... wonder why

these medicines don't work... must be a really bad virus coming on " .

I would not have imagined that within a week I would be in such pain that I

would think I was dying and had some terminal illness. Thus, I went to doctor

after doctor and finally got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

So, let me just say that this disease certainly has its stages and its

difference in severity from one person to the next. And when the pain gets so

bad, and over the counter meds no longer work, I promise that any human being

will take a RX medication to try to help it or they will become non functional

and lay in misery.

Hopefully, some people will never progress to this stage and will continue to

have mild symptoms because I don't wish this on anyone. BUT, from my own

experience... I know that without RX pain killers I would not be able to get up

and go to work or do anything.

COST issues-- I do not have insurance, but the cheapest and oldest drugs for

narcotic pain relief are cheap. Hydrocodone compared to some other drugs is

definately not expensive. (unless you get them off the street.. then the price

will be very high).

Also, lets just look at the facts. Rx drugs work on the pain before they get you

" high " or " zombied " . If you take a RX that is really too strong for the amount

of pain, yes you will probably get wasted on it. But if the pain is bad enough,

the medication will work on the pain and will not put you out of it and into


Just some thoughts.

love and hugs,

Debra V.


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