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Re: Possible that high dose of vit D causing spike in temp

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hi - I have heard that you should gradually increase to that

large a dose

of Vit. D b/c of the Herximer effect - if I understand

it correctly, the theory is that anything that causes toxic cell die-


(including high doses of vitamin D) causes a corresponding immune

system reaction (including, potentially, higher temps). You might

want to google herximer for a more articulate explanation. Long

story short, you might want to lower your vit. D dose and very

gradually bring it up. Hope that helps.

- (in UK)

> My temps for almost two weeks have been very steady around 98 except

> for two days out of the past three where I had one mid-day temp

> reading just over 99 which, of course, blows my average and keeps me

> on the same dose of Armour even though I need more. I've been


> it with HC for the past several days - first with the gel that


> working enough (although temps were good the whole time I was on


> then switching back to pills and trying my experiment with


> But I've also added the 50,000IU of vit D that my Top Doc


> although I'm not taking it every day like I think his nurse said


> I get confirmation which I called and left a message about today. I

> don't remember whether I took it on Sat. (journaling when I take it

> now), but could it be accounting for the spike in temp - maybe


> my body better utilize the thyroid hormone?


> Thanks,




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Thanks . My sister went through a pretty aggressive lyme disease

treatment and experienced what she thought was some herxing, although

the extremely high doses of antibiotics that they had her on could

have been accounting for that too. I have also seen references to

herx reactions from detoxes and cleanses. I just didn't know that vit

D might cause it also. I feel like hell the last few days since

starting it every day at this high dose, but I'm also hypo and about

ready to increase Armour again if my temps cooperate. The pain in my

spine and ribs has been around for a long time, but it is much more

pronounced and I don't know what to attribute that to. If it is herx

I can live with it as long as it doesn't go on too long. I'm having a

telephone consult with my doc next week and it's on my list.



> hi - unfortunately, I'm no expert, so I can't specifically answer

> your questions. I got my info from another yahoo group called

> CFSProtocol - if you go to the group and look at his FWIW text, he

> describes the success he has had in treating family members with

> CFIDS. Initially it involves vitamin D and magnesium, and he

> recommends ALWAYS slowly ramping up to the desired dosage. I couldn't

> tell you 1. exactly what the supplements are meant to be killing off

> (and causing the herx reaction) or 2. how long that lasts.


> Sorry you're feeling so frustrated - I too hope you have one of those

> good days soon.

> (in UK)

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Thanks . My sister went through a pretty aggressive lyme disease

treatment and experienced what she thought was some herxing, although

the extremely high doses of antibiotics that they had her on could

have been accounting for that too. I have also seen references to

herx reactions from detoxes and cleanses. I just didn't know that vit

D might cause it also. I feel like hell the last few days since

starting it every day at this high dose, but I'm also hypo and about

ready to increase Armour again if my temps cooperate. The pain in my

spine and ribs has been around for a long time, but it is much more

pronounced and I don't know what to attribute that to. If it is herx

I can live with it as long as it doesn't go on too long. I'm having a

telephone consult with my doc next week and it's on my list.



> hi - unfortunately, I'm no expert, so I can't specifically answer

> your questions. I got my info from another yahoo group called

> CFSProtocol - if you go to the group and look at his FWIW text, he

> describes the success he has had in treating family members with

> CFIDS. Initially it involves vitamin D and magnesium, and he

> recommends ALWAYS slowly ramping up to the desired dosage. I couldn't

> tell you 1. exactly what the supplements are meant to be killing off

> (and causing the herx reaction) or 2. how long that lasts.


> Sorry you're feeling so frustrated - I too hope you have one of those

> good days soon.

> (in UK)

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Thanks . My sister went through a pretty aggressive lyme disease

treatment and experienced what she thought was some herxing, although

the extremely high doses of antibiotics that they had her on could

have been accounting for that too. I have also seen references to

herx reactions from detoxes and cleanses. I just didn't know that vit

D might cause it also. I feel like hell the last few days since

starting it every day at this high dose, but I'm also hypo and about

ready to increase Armour again if my temps cooperate. The pain in my

spine and ribs has been around for a long time, but it is much more

pronounced and I don't know what to attribute that to. If it is herx

I can live with it as long as it doesn't go on too long. I'm having a

telephone consult with my doc next week and it's on my list.



> hi - unfortunately, I'm no expert, so I can't specifically answer

> your questions. I got my info from another yahoo group called

> CFSProtocol - if you go to the group and look at his FWIW text, he

> describes the success he has had in treating family members with

> CFIDS. Initially it involves vitamin D and magnesium, and he

> recommends ALWAYS slowly ramping up to the desired dosage. I couldn't

> tell you 1. exactly what the supplements are meant to be killing off

> (and causing the herx reaction) or 2. how long that lasts.


> Sorry you're feeling so frustrated - I too hope you have one of those

> good days soon.

> (in UK)

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I find this fascinating - one of my biggest frustrations in all this

is having side effects from ANYTHING I take, even vitamins that are

supposed to help. I've said for years that Vit. B makes me buzzy and

then I crash and feel worse - this is finally all making sense.

I think the trick is to slowly introduce anything new and see how

your body reacts.

Hope you are feeling better by now, .

- (UK)

> From Real Thyroid member:


> " I got a thyroid dump w/ just 200mcg of D3, and by the time I got to

> 800mcg I had an adrenal crash! I am now on hc and sloooowly working


> way up with D3- I'm at about 600mcg and doing better. For me,


> is like taking

> thyroid hormone. I increase when I start feeling hypo again. Vitamin

> B12 has the same effect and I have to add that slowly as well. At 30

> mg hc it is STILL hard on my adrenals!!! I haven't even added


> meds yet! But at this point I am happy to be able to tolerate it at

> all. That was my motivation for starting isocort and then on to hc,


> I was crashing just on the supplements I needed, then I would NEVER

> tolerate thyroid meds. Going slow, but sure, and feeling a bit


> everyday. "


> and in response to my follow-up


> " Yes, it's common. B12 can make some people hyperthyroid. I'm not

> saying these supplements are hard on the adrenals. They can


> thyroid hormone output/ or make your cells more receptive to thyroid

> hormone that is in your blood, and if the adrenals aren't adequately

> supported this will affect the adrenals, as it did w/ me. There is


> member who could not take her thyroid meds for 3 months while


> B12 as it made her hyperthyoid. "


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I find this fascinating - one of my biggest frustrations in all this

is having side effects from ANYTHING I take, even vitamins that are

supposed to help. I've said for years that Vit. B makes me buzzy and

then I crash and feel worse - this is finally all making sense.

I think the trick is to slowly introduce anything new and see how

your body reacts.

Hope you are feeling better by now, .

- (UK)

> From Real Thyroid member:


> " I got a thyroid dump w/ just 200mcg of D3, and by the time I got to

> 800mcg I had an adrenal crash! I am now on hc and sloooowly working


> way up with D3- I'm at about 600mcg and doing better. For me,


> is like taking

> thyroid hormone. I increase when I start feeling hypo again. Vitamin

> B12 has the same effect and I have to add that slowly as well. At 30

> mg hc it is STILL hard on my adrenals!!! I haven't even added


> meds yet! But at this point I am happy to be able to tolerate it at

> all. That was my motivation for starting isocort and then on to hc,


> I was crashing just on the supplements I needed, then I would NEVER

> tolerate thyroid meds. Going slow, but sure, and feeling a bit


> everyday. "


> and in response to my follow-up


> " Yes, it's common. B12 can make some people hyperthyroid. I'm not

> saying these supplements are hard on the adrenals. They can


> thyroid hormone output/ or make your cells more receptive to thyroid

> hormone that is in your blood, and if the adrenals aren't adequately

> supported this will affect the adrenals, as it did w/ me. There is


> member who could not take her thyroid meds for 3 months while


> B12 as it made her hyperthyoid. "


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VItamin D is very controverisal still. There are tons of info saying

how 'good' it is for you and how much it can prevent, and there are

also a lot of info out there saying how 'bad' it is for you.

With something NEW and CONTROVERSIAL like this, use at your own


Anything you are about to try, research, and expect to read both good

and bad and weigh the options.

I have both hypothyroidism, and hypoadrenalism, and two top physicians

have given me vit D supplements, so Im not so sure about the supplement

causing this. It's the liquid stuff. I have chosen not to take them as

much as what they tell me to because the whole VIT D thing is still

very new, and Im a big chicken about reactions and such.

Just thought Id add this when I read very negative things coming from

the vit D discussion. There are some good that can come of it too, it's

just newer and when something is new, they say everything...one will

say this and one will say that.

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VItamin D is very controverisal still. There are tons of info saying

how 'good' it is for you and how much it can prevent, and there are

also a lot of info out there saying how 'bad' it is for you.

With something NEW and CONTROVERSIAL like this, use at your own


Anything you are about to try, research, and expect to read both good

and bad and weigh the options.

I have both hypothyroidism, and hypoadrenalism, and two top physicians

have given me vit D supplements, so Im not so sure about the supplement

causing this. It's the liquid stuff. I have chosen not to take them as

much as what they tell me to because the whole VIT D thing is still

very new, and Im a big chicken about reactions and such.

Just thought Id add this when I read very negative things coming from

the vit D discussion. There are some good that can come of it too, it's

just newer and when something is new, they say everything...one will

say this and one will say that.

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VItamin D is very controverisal still. There are tons of info saying

how 'good' it is for you and how much it can prevent, and there are

also a lot of info out there saying how 'bad' it is for you.

With something NEW and CONTROVERSIAL like this, use at your own


Anything you are about to try, research, and expect to read both good

and bad and weigh the options.

I have both hypothyroidism, and hypoadrenalism, and two top physicians

have given me vit D supplements, so Im not so sure about the supplement

causing this. It's the liquid stuff. I have chosen not to take them as

much as what they tell me to because the whole VIT D thing is still

very new, and Im a big chicken about reactions and such.

Just thought Id add this when I read very negative things coming from

the vit D discussion. There are some good that can come of it too, it's

just newer and when something is new, they say everything...one will

say this and one will say that.

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