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Re: Re: I'm pregnant- BECKY!!!

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Becky, Im SO Very excited for you!!! I remember you from back when I was on here daily, and I know you have had many struggles with V pain throughout the years. I have to admit - I went throught the same concerns you are going through in early pregnancy. I was 5-6 weeks too when I found out , and was previously on a long term regimine of doxy as part of my Lymes treatment. I also was going through some MAJOR stresses and taking medications that , had I known I was pregnant, I would not have been on IE: paxil, etc.... Bottom line is this, and it always calms my soul... you have been chosen to be a mother, and what happens prior to you knowing is out of your control, you have the gift of life, and you will be okay. God is always good about

seeing us to the finish line. I am about due here in a few weeks, and considering all things on a preliminary standpoint, My baby appears to be fine despite hurdles thrown our way, even though they seem so vulnerable and small, they are very tough. The fact you are pregnant is a large hurdle in itself for most V pain suffers....you are truely blessed. Rest in knowing you are being taken care of..... take care of yourself,,, Ill be looking for updates throughout,,,, ( : Chelle wrote: Hey Becky, well hmmm? When you took the P. with your cycles did you notice any 'help' with your v.pain? I might be wrong on this, but I think when you are low in P. they usually have you supplement during the first trimester...then you go off of it. I'll just throw this out there, but I'd pay attention to those last six weeks or so of your pregnancy...if the symptoms seem worse it 'might' be the P. (so frustrating trying to pin-point the hormonal stuff). Yet, hormonal imbalances for us individually can be so REAL. Do you have a good V.pain doc that might could help you? I thought 's post was GREAT! I remembered this morning and realize I was taking a Rx med when I got pregnant with my second....went off of it and then ended

up using it again (with doc's okay) during the 2nd & 3rd trimesters...and my little boy is fine. I wish you and the baby the best, keep us posted on how you're doing. I'll keep praying for you ( & baby).... Hugs, Chelle

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