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Re: chelating with weak adrenals

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> Hi, all. My fatigued has come back and is very overwhelming right

now. My gut reaction is to try a round of chelation, to see if that

helps. I know my adrenals are weak causing the fatigue, and I am not

on HC yet, but I am looking into getting some. It will be without a

doctor, at least at first.


> Is it safe to do a round with weakened adrenals like this, or

should I start some HC first?

TK--- I would personally get some Hc to try before you continue

chelating if you have tested and know it is a problem, it can help

tremendously. You should also test thyroid.


> Thanks,

> Olif




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> Hi, all. My fatigued has come back and is very overwhelming right

now. My gut reaction is to try a round of chelation, to see if that

helps. I know my adrenals are weak causing the fatigue, and I am not

on HC yet, but I am looking into getting some. It will be without a

doctor, at least at first.


> Is it safe to do a round with weakened adrenals like this, or should

I start some HC first?

Hi Olif,

I second what TK said. Chelation is a long term solution, but

stressful in the short term. You need the HC to help with the short

term stress. Are you having problems getting HC or do you have some

reservations about trying it?


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Hi Olif

Not taking stress, wanting to cry all the time, and also prefering to

be alone, (like i also feel) are also hypo symptoms. My Cortisol

levels are high, so they are stressed but not yet fatigued.

You say your temps are OK but so are mine in the afternoon, but temps

are still low in the morning and night time.

Dont dismiss Hypo symptoms yet. Check your temps in the morning before

you do anything at all. If they are below 97.6F before you do anything

then you can suspect hypo.

I cant remember what you said your free T4 and free T3 were?


> " Are you having problems getting HC or do you have some

> reservations about trying it? "


> Hi, . I still have the source you emailed me, and I think I am

going to order some tonight.


> I was planning on seeing a doctor in Chicago, who would prescribe it

to me, but now I think I am going to wait a while. I am going to have

insurance, hopefully effective May 1st. I do need to order some to get

by until then.


> The last four days I have been so fatigued. When that happens, my

mood gets really bad- I couldn't stop crying long enough to even walk

into work today and I have no reason (other than the fatigue) to even

be upset. I was nauseous this morning, too, which can be a symptom of

AF, right? This isn't even a normal symptom of mine- I think I am

getting worse. It wasn't the flu kind of nauseous. I have absolutely

no tolerance for stress today, and just want to sit and cry for no



> I did have low cortisol last August. I should be getting canary club

test results next week, but I don't really want to wait that long to

order the HC. I really doubt my adrenals are doing much better than

last year, if at all.


> I don't think it is my thyroid, because my temps are normal and I am

not cold. I do need my thyroid looked at, because I am not tolerating

iodine at all- even 35 mcg without getting hyper symtpoms. I was hypo

before trying the iodine.


> Do I just start with 20 mg HC right away, or do I work up? I know to

divide them where I am getting more of it in the a.m. My ND has my AI

book, so I can't reference it. I am sure it is collecting dust and/or

cobwebs, but I hope I am wrong...


> Thanks,

> Olif



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> " Are you having problems getting HC or do you have some

> reservations about trying it? "


> Hi, . I still have the source you emailed me, and I think I am

going to order some tonight.

Ok. I can't remember how long it takes to be delivered, but I hope you

get relief soon.

> The last four days I have been so fatigued. When that happens, my

mood gets really bad- I couldn't stop crying long enough to even walk

into work today and I have no reason (other than the fatigue) to even

be upset.

I am sorry you are feeling so bad.

> I was nauseous this morning, too, which can be a symptom of AF, right?

I am not sure. Maybe others know. Did you say your temps are steady

and normal? With adrenal insufficiency you'd expect fluctuating

temps. When your adrenal was tested before was that just a morning

blood test of cortisol?

> This isn't even a normal symptom of mine- I think I am getting

worse. It wasn't the flu kind of nauseous. I have absolutely no

tolerance for stress today, and just want to sit and cry for no reason.

I can't remember if you have tried Isocort or Adrenal Cortex extract,

but they might be things you could get quickly to help until the HC

comes. Several health food stores near me carry adrenal cortex

extract, so you could potentially find it near you easily.

You need more cortisol when ill. You might have both a mild flu and

adrenal insufficiency. Adrenal support is very helpful is getting

over illness.

> Do I just start with 20 mg HC right away, or do I work up? I know to

divide them where I am getting more of it in the a.m.

Start low with HC and work up to the least you can take that relieves

your symptoms. You ABSOLUTELY don't want to take any more HC than you


There are different schools of thought about how to dose HC. One way

is to try to mimic the daily cycle of cortisol and take say 10 mg

first thing, 5 mg with lunch and 5 mg mid-afternoon. Jeffries (author

of Safe Uses of Cortisol) advocates 5 with breakfast, lunch and dinner

and possibly bedtime. Some people have trouble sleeping if they

take HC too late in the day. Andy says HC is least suppressive of

your normal adrenal function if you take it earlier in the day. I

think you just need to experiment to see what works for you.

You could try reading this:



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" When your adrenal was tested before was that just a morning

blood test of cortisol? "

It was 4X saliva. I was low throughout the day and high DHEA. I wasn't

flatlined- I was at least following the normal curve, just way below normal.

from NTH-Adrenal list says that nausea is a " serious " adrenal symptom.

This one is new for me...

" I can't remember if you have tried Isocort or Adrenal Cortex extract "

Last summer before I saw my ND, I tried IsoCort on my own. It really did nothing

for me, but I only tried it for 2-3 weeks. It was shortly after that that I

began seeing my ND. She doesn't like HC or extracts for some reason. I almost

picked some extract up today at the hfs (I work there). I might go there

tomorrow for some. Do I take it according to the directions, or can I take more

if I ease into it?

I was able to order some HC, but it will be a couple weeks before I get it...

I will probably try 's HC recommendation dosage found here:


I am sure I will be posting my canary club results next week (or the week after)

to get input on my thyroid, etc.



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> " Are you having problems getting HC or do you have some

> reservations about trying it? "


> Hi, . I still have the source you emailed me, and I think I am

going to order some tonight.


> I was planning on seeing a doctor in Chicago, who would prescribe it

to me, but now I think I am going to wait a while. I am going to have

insurance, hopefully effective May 1st. I do need to order some to get

by until then.


> The last four days I have been so fatigued. When that happens, my

mood gets really bad- I couldn't stop crying long enough to even walk

into work today and I have no reason (other than the fatigue) to even

be upset. I was nauseous this morning, too, which can be a symptom of

AF, right? This isn't even a normal symptom of mine- I think I am

getting worse. It wasn't the flu kind of nauseous. I have absolutely

no tolerance for stress today, and just want to sit and cry for no


All sounds very adrenal. Yes, nausea can be a symptom. I had this

early on and it was a sign that things were getting worse. I was

not really understanding what was happening and just thought it was

part of the overall toxicity.

I agree with about trying to get something to support yourself

until you get some HC. Ashwagandha was great for me. Adrenal

cortex extract might help. Even taking B5 and C *frequently* may

help. Licorice would be good - even licorice candy, the less sugar

the better. It will help. Just some ideas.

> I did have low cortisol last August. I should be getting canary club

test results next week, but I don't really want to wait that long to

order the HC. I really doubt my adrenals are doing much better than

last year, if at all.


> I don't think it is my thyroid, because my temps are normal and I am

not cold. I do need my thyroid looked at, because I am not tolerating

iodine at all- even 35 mcg without getting hyper symtpoms. I was hypo

before trying the iodine.

With this plus chelation, your adrenals are very likely to be worse

now than before. Try to rest as much as you can. Be judicious

about things that will stress your adrenals - chelation, emotional

stress, exercise, just *doing* anything can be too much sometimes.

Treat yourself very nicely and ask others to do the same.

For me, this varied somewhat day to day. Here's hoping you have

a better day tomorrow.


> Do I just start with 20 mg HC right away, or do I work up? I know to

divide them where I am getting more of it in the a.m. My ND has my AI

book, so I can't reference it. I am sure it is collecting dust and/or

cobwebs, but I hope I am wrong...

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This sounds typical of adrenal fatigue....


> > This isn't even a normal symptom of mine- I think I am getting

> worse. It wasn't the flu kind of nauseous. I have absolutely no

> tolerance for stress today, and just want to sit and cry for no

> reason.

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> > Do I just start with 20 mg HC right away, or do I work up? I know


> divide them where I am getting more of it in the a.m.


> Start low with HC and work up to the least you can take that


> your symptoms. You ABSOLUTELY don't want to take any more HC than


> need.


> There are different schools of thought about how to dose HC. One


> is to try to mimic the daily cycle of cortisol and take say 10 mg

> first thing, 5 mg with lunch and 5 mg mid-afternoon.

TK--- first thing in the morning, mid morning and lunch, possibly

early afternoon and then adjust from there. Hc has a short life

Jeffries (author

> of Safe Uses of Cortisol) advocates 5 with breakfast, lunch and


> and possibly bedtime.

TK--- not a good schedule and does nto follow the circadium rhythm

that your body does for making cortisol.

Some people have trouble sleeping if they

> take HC too late in the day.

TK--- many

Andy says HC is least suppressive of

> your normal adrenal function if you take it earlier in the day.

TK--- correct, a good reason to keep it dosed earlier.


> think you just need to experiment to see what works for you.


> You could try reading this:


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/adrenal-info/how-to-treat


> W.


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> " I agree with about trying to get something to support yourself

> until you get some HC. Ashwagandha was great for me. Adrenal

> cortex extract might help. Even taking B5 and C *frequently* may

> help. Licorice would be good "


> Thanks, .


> I have been taking pantothenic acid (500mg, 2-3 times/day) and C

(500mg, 6X/day). I just remembered I have licorice root tincture on

hand and will start that in the morning. I can take that twice a day,

too, right?

Yes, probably can take it more often if you want. 2-3 times

probably will make a nice difference. Licorice slows the

breakdown of your own cortisol, so it lasts longer.

> I am getting a little anxiety and dizziness now. Should I try

licorice now, even though it is after 8 p.m.? I don't have the kind of

anxiety where I can't sleep.

I would. I took ashwagandha and licorice in the evening, as well

as during the day. I had some of the best sleep of my life during

the 6 months I was taking them.

I just want to say, with all due respect to , that

although nausea does go along with serious adrenal symptoms,

there are lots of reasons you can have nausea. It is reasonable

to be aware, but I would try to distract yourself from this

concern because it will just make you more anxious.

If nausea gets to be a problem again, try some electrolyte drinks

(salt water, alka seltzer gold, or something of that nature) and

see if your taste buds indicate you need one of those.


> I will pickup some Ashwagandha and adrenal extract tomorrow. I have

HC ordered, but will probably be a couple weeks.


> Thanks,

> Olif




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  • 1 month later...
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> My adrenals are pretty bad. I am on 25-30 mg HC, in 5 divided doses-

>I can't get down to 4 doses/day. I am wondering if I might have the

>need to increase the HC while on rounds.

If you find that you feel a need to increase the HC on rounds or at

the end of rounds, then you are using doses of chelator that are too

high for you.

> Do others have that need?

When I first started chelating at 18 mg per dose I felt like I had

been hit by a truck the day after I stopped a round and the fatigue

would continue for almost a week. 25 mg per dose was unbearable.

When I lowered the dose to 12.5 mg there were no side effects.

> My body is pretty good at telling me when I need to increase the HC.

>I start to get shaky, heavy heart beating, etc. that is alleviated

>when I dose. I haven't chelated, since starting HC, so I don't know

>what to expect.


I encourage you to continue to look for other supplements/medications

that may help to decrease the need for HC. Have you optimized thyroid

medication for example? Do you have pain that needs to be treated

(pain is one of the big reasons why I was needing extra HC). Look

through pages 143-167 of " Amalgam Illness " to see if there are other

chemicals that may help to treat your symptoms.

> Since I am already at a high dose of HC, I am worried about needing

to go above this amount.


There shouldn't be any need to increase as long as you stay at the

chelator dose that is right for your circumstances.

It's best to reserve increases of HC for big stress like divorce,

funerals, infections - and even then the usual advice is to increase

for a couple of days and then get back down to maintenance dose as

soon as possible.

I strongly recommend having a copy of Jefferies book " Safe Uses of

Cortisol " for anyone who is using cortisol.


> Thanks,

> Olif





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