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Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier.

Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right? Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok?



Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier.

Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right? Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok?



Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier.

Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right? Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok?



Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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I am glad you are feeling better--honestly--  LOL I AM. I am.. Yep Eddie and Jane will get here around noon. We are getting everything done today. Boy I do miss . She is little miss handy wipe. I managed to bleach down the little bathroom and told he was NOT to even go in there.. think it'llwork? So today I'm gonna do the big bath.. told him he had to go across to the other house..I just can't get Joyce off my mind. Laugh a little cry a little. miss her a lot.Come when you can. You know we love you.It has cooled off here to. 71 this am. i am headed to the porch with my coffee.  ;) Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I am glad you are feeling better--honestly--  LOL I AM. I am.. Yep Eddie and Jane will get here around noon. We are getting everything done today. Boy I do miss . She is little miss handy wipe. I managed to bleach down the little bathroom and told he was NOT to even go in there.. think it'llwork? So today I'm gonna do the big bath.. told him he had to go across to the other house..I just can't get Joyce off my mind. Laugh a little cry a little. miss her a lot.Come when you can. You know we love you.It has cooled off here to. 71 this am. i am headed to the porch with my coffee.  ;) Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I am glad you are feeling better--honestly--  LOL I AM. I am.. Yep Eddie and Jane will get here around noon. We are getting everything done today. Boy I do miss . She is little miss handy wipe. I managed to bleach down the little bathroom and told he was NOT to even go in there.. think it'llwork? So today I'm gonna do the big bath.. told him he had to go across to the other house..I just can't get Joyce off my mind. Laugh a little cry a little. miss her a lot.Come when you can. You know we love you.It has cooled off here to. 71 this am. i am headed to the porch with my coffee.  ;) Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I am honestly looking for you.. You've been kiddin right??  Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I am honestly looking for you.. You've been kiddin right??  Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I am honestly looking for you.. You've been kiddin right??  Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sniffle, sob, sniffle sob....I'm ok just feeling sorry for myself that I'm not arriving at your house this afternoon. It's gotten much cooler up here, it's only 56 right now and I've got my windows open. Feels wonderful!! I will be able to go for a walk around the neighborhood later on and that will make me happier. Jane and Eddy arrive tomorrow right?  Make sure you give them huge hugs for me, ok? Love, Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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I wish I was kidding...but the doctor said no traveling till I'm done with the antibiotic and he re-checks me. I'm thinking about maybe coming down around your birthday. Would that work?


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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I wish I was kidding...but the doctor said no traveling till I'm done with the antibiotic and he re-checks me. I'm thinking about maybe coming down around your birthday. Would that work?


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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I wish I was kidding...but the doctor said no traveling till I'm done with the antibiotic and he re-checks me. I'm thinking about maybe coming down around your birthday. Would that work?


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive



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I'm pullin your leg.. I in my head know you can't travel but my heart says  come on down.. lolI am so sorry. I hate the feeling the meds give me. Just take care of you..That is the SECOND RULE..A few min ago I hit the "get mail button" and my e-mail from today went awayand up popped mail from May & June.  How weird is that. I always delete mail so I don'tknow what is happening with this thing.  OK break is over, I am having a good time cleaningmy house even though I am not doing to much. work 10, break 10. Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Peggy,I wish I was kidding...but the doctor said no traveling till I'm done with the antibiotic and he re-checks me.  I'm thinking about maybe coming down around your birthday. Would that work? Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08 Change everything. Love and Forgive       MB Beth, How are ya feeling? WAHHHAAAWWWAAAAHHHH AAAAWWW.

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Hi MB,

I haven't reached the point of not being able to work yet, but am coming very close. It just seems that I can't concentrate any more like I used to and focus on what I am doing. Maybe it is the 20 medications I have to take everyday!! Anyhoo, I, too am dreading the day when I can't work any more, but in another way, I think I will be relieved not to have all the stress to deal with wondering constantly am I messing something up. Hope you have a great night!!CaroASTHMA 1976,OSTEOARTHRITIS 2002, COPD 02/06, IPF 08/07, UIP 01/08, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS 03/08 SJOGREN SYNDROME 07/08Mississippi

Subject: Re: MBTo: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 4:53 PM

MB ... you really struck a cord with me when you wrote, "I hate not being able to work". I was that way for such a long time and I learned for me that my self-esteem and self-worth were all tied up with "what I did".

It's been a hard adjustment for me too.

But strangely, not that my disability keeps me from doing much at all, it seems to be ok. Maybe I've finally adjusted, or I simply don't have the energy to fight it any more.

I'm so glad I no longer have to go to a job. I couldn't do it any longer...

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!


I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of yourself. ipf 2/07IL

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I refused when healthy to recognize I had any limitations. Hence, I did

the work of three people, strove for perfection, and had a pretty

miserable existence. One of the things I have learned since then is

radical acceptance and to be happy with my limitations and set

boundaries and limits. We talk in our society so much about productivity

and start to equate our own worth to what we're able to do. Well, MB and

others, calling your child and reminding them you love him, hugging a

parent, discussing old times with brothers or sisters, giving a kind

word to someone you pass, supporting someone here-those are productive

and important. Why do we make ourselves feel guilty over that we can't

control and even apologize for it? Ok, I know there's nothing worse than

a reformed workaholic, even if my working to excess was caused in large

part by having Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (not to be

confused with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

The thing is that where most of us are today, taking care of ourselves,

of our homes, of our health is as much job as we can handle. We don't

know what time we have left so we should enjoy our " retirement " such as

it is. I'm not likely to make 66 (retirement age for my birth) so I'm

going to make the most of 58 and make no apologies for it.

As to your specifics you described with helping the friend's mom, I know

I couldn't do that. First, the stress of her and the situation is such a

huge energy drain. Stress drains me and when combined with the disease

really does. Not feeling sorry for myself, just stating fact. Second, a

regular commitment of time is something I couldn't deal with. Some days,

4-5 hours of activity might come easy. Other days thats like a 16 hour

day to me. I might do two in the morning, come home and rest, then do

another two of activity. I could never commit to it. Even on my good

days, 4-5 hours of activity, then sitting on sofa, will lead to nap.

It's like volunteering. If there was something that allowed me to be

there when I was up to it and didn't have doctor's appointments and

wasn't traveling, fine. But I couldn't commit to it several times a week

at fixed times for the exact same reasons I can't work. What your sister

said is true. Social Security didn't just deem us disabled because they

like us.

I always put myself last in thoughts, plans and actions. Now, i've

become protective and even a bit selfish toward myself. I will do what I

can for others and i've helped friends, but I won't do it to my own

detriment unless its an emergency situation (yes, I did see someone take

a potentially bad fall and actually ran toward them months ago oxygen

and all). I still worry more than I should about problems that aren't

mine. But, I'm not trying to solve all of everyone's problems anymore.

Plus, if I don't take care of myself, I'm not going to be able to help


As to the friend's mom, I know they feel guilty about " putting her

somewhere " but how would they feel if something tragic happened because

they didn't. They are so fortunate to have your help when you're there,

but there are living situations right for different times and conditions

of our lives. Oh, the thought of being in her condition frightens me far

more than PF does.

Glad to see you admit to yourself and guess by telling us you can't take

it back.....lol. So, listen to what you're saying and take care of



> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend and

already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a little

too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom those

three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a week for 4

or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds, take her out

to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and occasionally take

her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound exhausting does it? But I get

home from there and pass out in my recliner completely spent. It may be

a matter of mental strain, she does have dementia and and keeping her

grounded in the here and now is a constant task. She's also becoming

less and less steady on her feet and more short of breath even slowly

walking around her own home. Fortunately her children are finally

starting to see what I've been trying to tell them for months. Mom

cannot live alone anymore. It's just not safe. She put a stainless

saucepan in the microwave last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were blue

sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's blithely

watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea. She insisted

it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double doses of all her

meds one day last week because she couldn't remember that her daughter

had been there earlier and she had already taken them. There are more

stories but it all amounts to the same thing. She needs to be

supervised. Her daughters are taking her today to look at a place

called Spring Arbor that's closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire

quickly, for the sake of her safety. I will miss the income from this

'job' but I won't miss the strain. My sister reminded me today that I

was approved for disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth "

she informed me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I

hate not being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in me

(though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I was so

angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of yourself.

> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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First of all I am so sorry you are sick. For myself I know I tend to forget (pretend) I have a disease until I get sick with a cold, flu, etc and then reality hits me really hard. I am praying that you get out of jammies and back to having fun soon. Second, I can so relate to getting run down being a care taker. We recently moved my father to an assisted living home because of dementia and other health problems. Like the woman you care for , he constantly has to have things repeated, gets confused easily and some days can't seperate TV events from real ones. I visit him once a week for only 2-3 hours and I come home absolutely drained! I take him out to eat and just getting his walker in and out of the car, supervising him so he doesn't fall and trying to understand what he is saying to me makes me feel like I have

run a 10 mile race. I have no clue how you have been doing this 3 times a week. No wonder you got sick. Take care Beth,

R. (52) Sarcoid/PF 3/2006 Carlsbad, California

Subject: Re: MBTo: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 1:19 PM

Thanks ,

This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.

If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds, take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore. It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave last week one day. I was in the

bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea. She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for disability for a reason. "You're disabled Beth" she informed me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not being able to work. After over

two years you'd think I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL

Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears. Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive


I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of yourself. ipf 2/07IL

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First of all I am so sorry you are sick. For myself I know I tend to forget (pretend) I have a disease until I get sick with a cold, flu, etc and then reality hits me really hard. I am praying that you get out of jammies and back to having fun soon. Second, I can so relate to getting run down being a care taker. We recently moved my father to an assisted living home because of dementia and other health problems. Like the woman you care for , he constantly has to have things repeated, gets confused easily and some days can't seperate TV events from real ones. I visit him once a week for only 2-3 hours and I come home absolutely drained! I take him out to eat and just getting his walker in and out of the car, supervising him so he doesn't fall and trying to understand what he is saying to me makes me feel like I have

run a 10 mile race. I have no clue how you have been doing this 3 times a week. No wonder you got sick. Take care Beth,

R. (52) Sarcoid/PF 3/2006 Carlsbad, California

Subject: Re: MBTo: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 1:19 PM

Thanks ,

This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.

If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds, take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore. It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave last week one day. I was in the

bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea. She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for disability for a reason. "You're disabled Beth" she informed me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not being able to work. After over

two years you'd think I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL

Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears. Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08

Change everything. Love and Forgive


I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of yourself. ipf 2/07IL

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> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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Dear MB ,

Sorry you had to miss the trip you were so looking forward to.

You seem to know that you have exhausted your self, this stress may

have brought the infection since the immune system becomes weaker.

i am glad that, that job has come to and , I hope you find some

other lighter job . You are an active person and you need to keep

youself occupied.

How are you feeling today?

Hope you have a restful week end



-- In Breathe-Support , Beth



> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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Dear MB ,

Sorry you had to miss the trip you were so looking forward to.

You seem to know that you have exhausted your self, this stress may

have brought the infection since the immune system becomes weaker.

i am glad that, that job has come to and , I hope you find some

other lighter job . You are an active person and you need to keep

youself occupied.

How are you feeling today?

Hope you have a restful week end



-- In Breathe-Support , Beth



> Thanks ,

> This kind of came up out of nowhere but I'm definitely on the mend

and already chafing at the doctors restrictions.


> If I'm really honest with myself I know that I've been doing a

little too much and have been stressed. Looking after my friends mom

those three days a week. It's really such a small thing. 3 days a

week for 4 or 5 hours, fix her a meal, make sure she's had her meds,

take her out to get her hair done when I can talk her into it and

occasionally take her to a doctor appointment. Doesn't sound

exhausting does it? But I get home from there and pass out in my

recliner completely spent. It may be a matter of mental strain, she

does have dementia and and keeping her grounded in the here and now

is a constant task. She's also becoming less and less steady on her

feet and more short of breath even slowly walking around her own

home. Fortunately her children are finally starting to see what I've

been trying to tell them for months. Mom cannot live alone anymore.

It's just not safe. She put a stainless saucepan in the microwave

last week one day. I was in the

> bathroom for 2 minutes and by the time I came back there were

blue sparks shooting around the inside of the microwave and she's

blithely watching something on MTV. (Don't ask, it wasn't my idea.

She insisted it was her favorite show....sigh) She also took double

doses of all her meds one day last week because she couldn't

remember that her daughter had been there earlier and she had

already taken them. There are more stories but it all amounts to

the same thing. She needs to be supervised. Her daughters are

taking her today to look at a place called Spring Arbor that's

closeby. Hopefully this can all transpire quickly, for the sake of

her safety. I will miss the income from this 'job' but I won't miss

the strain. My sister reminded me today that I was approved for

disability for a reason. " You're disabled Beth " she informed

me. Shocking! I despise thinking of myself that way. I hate not

being able to work. After over two years you'd think

> I'd have gotten over it by now. There must be a little Taurus in

me (though I'm a cancer) cause I can be STUBBORN. LOL


> Anyway, I've rambled here. Hope I haven't bored you all to tears.

Thanks to all of you for being my friends!


> Beth




> MB



> I am so sorry you got sick, I know how disappointed you are . I

was so angry when I couldn't go to Chattanooga. Take care of


> ipf 2/07IL



> Age 49 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 07/08


> Change everything. Love and Forgive


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi You. Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Sher,Thanks for updating us on Vicky's situation. She's in my prayers every day.  She's another of the courageous people I admire so much on this board!! CHF (congestive heart failure) is one of the risks of treating dehydration in a patient with end stage lung disease. The CHF can indeed end your life, it ended my Grandfather's life and two years ago it nearly ended mine.  Before my fibrosis was diagnosed, my heart was having to work so hard to get enough oxygen around my body that it nearly wore out. Had I not been hospitalized when I was, I'd likely have died. The cause of my death would have been congestive heart failure as a complication of pulmonary fibrosis.  Beth-ModeratorFibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08         Message from VickyVicky is in the hospital again. This time with dehydration. When I spoke with her last evening Drs were discussing putting her on massive input of fluids. However the outcome of that could throw her into congestive heart failure. I guess that in itself would not take her life but when she asked the Dr if she will survive CHF...will she be alive in a week... he replied "I don't know"....She will give her brother my phone number so he can call in any event that she is unable... And I think I have troubles.MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR.   NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

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Hey you, what's going on with you today? I'm just hangin out working on Joyce's memorial page. Feeling tired so just lyin low today.




Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

Message from Vicky

Vicky is in the hospital again. This time with dehydration. When I spoke with her last evening Drs were discussing putting her on massive input of fluids. However the outcome of that could throw her into congestive heart failure. I guess that in itself would not take her life but when she asked the Dr if she will survive CHF...will she be alive in a week... he replied "I don't know"....

She will give her brother my phone number so he can call in any event that she is unable...

And I think I have troubles.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

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