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peach ice cream.... YUMMMMMMMMMMY

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I want some toooooooooooo. please  ;) Love and Prayers, Peggy   IPF  2004,  Florida"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back,  Faith looks up." Oh my gosh is right ML! Fresh peach ice cream. Oh my gosh again and again. I love it.  Guess I'll have to settle for Tillamook. The best there is the PNW! MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR.   NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!  HI BRUCE AND ALL..........Elect. bill....I called my Elect. company this morning and talked to them about the difference between "Electric Supply Svc - nonfuel===$206.97"Electric Supply Svc - fuel ===$143.34Distribution Service ===$ 61.17Sales and Use Surcharge ===$ 0.99State/Local Consumption Tax ===$ 4.81HENRICO Utility Tax === 1.00TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES ===$ 418.28FROM 07/10-08/11It was a female trying to explain it to another female which (if it isn't a cooking question) I don't understand a word she said, something like the nonfuel cost is relavent to the fuel cost and you are charged for the fuel cost because of the nonfuel cost. woo-haa, SO THAT'S IT?HAHAHAHAHHA lol lol lol It's about time I understood that. Yah!So at last months bill I paid the Budget amount, $152.00 so when we got the bill last night it will remain $152.00 til the cows come home or until at the end of the 1 year, they will adjust the budget amount.Know what too? I am on all electric cooking now, no gas at all in the house, and the a/c I keep on 75, with all the fans going, (yikes) I have to for my comfort level, I need it cool or I get really sick. Physically sick and weak.Thank you for your input Bruce, very interesting indeed! I read the whole thing too.I am having to use the canisters up because I am going to try to save on electricity and those little rubber/metal washers you have to put on the regular that goes on the top of the canister?????? They keep falling off and losing them. Luckily I had 2 in a bag in my tubing supply bag. Our office (second bedroom) looks more like a hospital room than an office at this point.A 10 years ago Earl and I had our own business at home here in the apt, we have this second bedroom and we had 2 computers (IBM,Gateway) which we still have, I use the Gateway now for most things. Anyhow, we did business cards for a lot of car dealership salesman in the Richmond area and beyond. I did most of of prospecting for it, Earl designed the cards he is magic on the computer with Photo shop. Unbelievable. After my left hip replacement in 1999, I could not prospect anymore, we still have some of the regular customers, but not many. That's when Earl went to work designing kitchens for Lowe's. He and his father and 3 brothers used to have their own cabinet business in Virginia Beach. They built an awful lot of the apt. and townhouses there back in the 60's-70's. One day, Earl looked at all "ten" of his fingers and said, that's enough. hahahahaha He came close to losing a few a couple of times. He really likes what he does now and is really good at it too.Today I have been really frustrated with things, but this stupid disease has got me in a tither. Trying to vent too. hahah But I am fine, just a little upset at what I am costing Earl. He has been so patient and wonderful.Last night before he left Lowe's he bought me an electric ICE CREAM MAKER. That is a great way to lose this weight, don't you think?????????????????????????????????????????????? I am dying for some really wonderful home made banana nut and peach ice cream made with real fruit. o my gosh.I LOVE YOU THIS DAYMARY LOU - RICHMOND VAIPF -02

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Speaking of peach ice cream...do others of you have the same reaction that I do...ice cream and almost any kind of sweets set off a coughing spell...as well as when I start talking for the first time in the morning?

Dale 67, NC, IPF just confirmed, no meds, taking natural SerraEzyme

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Good Morning Dale:

Good Grief, don't cough, then you couldn't eat any

peach ice cream.

I know it is going to be expensive to make, so be it.

I am worth it and so are you.



IPF - '02


> Speaking of peach ice cream...do others of you have the same reaction

> that I do...ice cream and almost any kind of sweets set off a coughing

> spell...as well as when I start talking for the first time in the

> morning?


> Dale 67, NC, IPF just confirmed, no meds, taking natural SerraEzyme


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