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Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda? - rant on quality of internet

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It's all about the money!! For what it's worth the list of doctors who are

changing things is

growing. I used to use a lot of Nutrasweet. At one point I started getting

small tremors in

my left foot. This was about the same time that I had had it with my other

doctors and

the thyroid problems and other symptoms I was having and switched to the doctor

I am

using now. She told me to immediately stop using Nutrasweet and gave me info on


problems associated with it, including a lot of people coming down with MS


from it's use. I became very concerned after doing research on the subject as


daughter's endo was pushing sugar free substitutes for my daughter's use across


board for her Type 1 diabetes. They even hand out tons of samples of sugar free


at their office to the kids. We found that her BG is affected even worse with


than it is with regular sugar. It whacks it out for long periods.

I think it is a war and we as consumers need to educate ourselves, and start or

continue to

speak out. One of the problems, though, is that it usually takes losing one's

health to

figure out what's going on. Or spend a few months in a hospital setting and

you'll quickly

figure out that our medical system is in deep trouble. I'm not sure how one can

watch TV

anymore, with all the big pharma commercials trolling for patients and not

figure out

what's going on. It's this blind trust that the majority seems to have. We

need to speak

out just as many have done with their thyroid issues.

Here's an excerpt with some good info on Nutrasweet, again from Dr. O'Shea with

lots of

good references. There is a ton of info and evidence out there, that has been


kept from the public. The full chapter can be found at:



When the FDA approved [aspartame] for human consumption in 1974, it went against


body of evidence so enormous as to stagger the credulity of virtually any

thinking person.

" What most consumers don't know, " says Mike Wallace of CBS's " 60 Minutes, " " is


aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history. Consumers


reported more than 7,000 adverse reactions to the FDA, ranging from dizziness to

headaches to seizures. "

How could such a toxin get approved for mass consumption? Consider this:


was OK'd during the Reagan Era. Ronnie's appointee as FDA Commissioner was


Hull Hays. A few months after approving aspartame, Hays left the FDA. Take a

wild guess

what his next job was. A top position as consultant for Monsanto's PR office!

Ain't that

America/ for you and me

From the very beginning, researchers had problems with aspartame's effects on

the body,

especially on the nervous system. A more complete list of aspartame's side

effects is found

in a Feb. 1994 report from the Department of Health and Human Services:



muscle spasms

weight gain {!}





rapid heartbeat


vision problems

hearing loss

anxiety attacks

slurred speech

loss of taste

ringing in the ears


memory loss


Other researchers found that aspartame could cause

brain tumors

multiple sclerosis


chronic fatigue

Parkinson's disease


mental retardation


birth defects


diabetes {!}

-------- Blaylock

Read these two lists again. This is what people really get when they think

they're getting

what? A " diet " drink that will let them lose weight and still enjoy soft drinks?

And it still

causes diabetes and weight gain? Looks like some more masterful marketing, the

type that

sells vaccines and heart medication and fake insulin and pain killers. And the

beauty of it

is that the drug companies will get money both ways -

-when people drink the diet soft drinks

-when people then get all these diseases, which require more drugs.

Aspartame is a triple molecule composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and


(wood alcohol).

Blaylock, a professor of neurophysiology, is the real expert on aspartic

acid. In his

book, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Dr. Blaylock reminds us that MSG is

99% aspartic

acid. Aspartic acid is a major neurotoxin which can cause virtually any


disorder you can think of. (See above list) It does this by producing free

radicals that kill

nerve cells. Blaylock has over 500 scientific references to back up this notion

of nerve

damage from aspartic acid.

A chemical that kills nerve cells may mimic several neurological diseases. One

is Multiple

Sclerosis. With true MS, the insulation around nerves - the myelin - is being


destroyed, for some unknown reason. This shorts out the affected parts of the


system. The result is a wide range of possible symptoms - numbness, pain,


headache, blindness, organ breakdown, etc. But aspartame may cause the identical

presentation, and be misdiagnosed as MS. This would render any treatment for the


useless, obviously. The point is, if someone has been diagnosed with MS, or with


other incurable nerve disorder, and they're drinking diet soft drinks on a daily

basis, the

physicians may be barking up the wrong tree. And the patient will continue to


himself, maybe to death.


Aspartic acid is very dangerous to infants, whose nervous systems are still

forming and

have not developed a defense system as yet. Very similar to what we saw with DPT


(Sanctity of Human Blood) It may not be wise to give your infant diet anything.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid necessary for brain function. In excess,


lowers serotonin levels, causing depression. (Elsas)

Methanol is wood alcohol. In the 1920s when liquor was illegal, people would


resort to wood alcohol, even though the dangers of blindness from doing so were


known. Methanol is a by-product of aspartame after aspartame breaks down in the


intestine, from the action of our enzyme chymotrypsin.

An additional problem with methanol is that it is then changed into formaldehyde

in the

body. As we saw in Sanctity of Human Blood, formaldehyde is a well-known


and carcinogen, documented in every toxicology and pathology text ever written.

Researchers found out that digestion is not even necessary to break aspartame

down into

these three toxins. If the diet soda sits around in a room where temperature

goes above

86 degrees F, formaldehyde is produced. (Moser, p 42) Other researchers have


the neurotoxic components of Gulf War Syndrome with the boatloads of diet soda

that sat

around in the desert sun for weeks, at temperatures above 100 degrees F. But

such a

thing happens every day in America in warmer climates. Soda delivery trucks



Toxicity levels? The EPA has giving methanol as consumption limit of 7.8 mg per


Problem is, a one liter bottle of diet soda contains 56 mg of potential

methanol! (Monte)

How could something this toxic be approved by the FDA? That's simple. The

demand. By

1986, Americans were drinking 20 billion cans of diet soda per year, all of it


aspartame. (Metzenbaum) In 1987, Monsanto sold 8,500 TONS of aspartame,

according to

USDA figures. After that year, they refused to release production figures. But

it's unlikely

that production has gone down since then, considering all the foods that now


aspartame. A partial list:

diet soft drinks

breakfast cereals


malt beverages

pie fillings



fruit juice concentrates

baked goods


breath mints

chewing gum


wine coolers


------- Gold, p 9, 10

Then Monsanto found the real motherlode - chewable vitamins. Here is a partial

list of the

drugs and vitamins which now are flavored by the proven neurotoxin aspartame:

- Mylanta Natural Fiber Supplement, Sugar Free.

- Centrum,Jr vitamins

- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets

- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Grape Flavored Chewable Tablets

- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Cold Multi-Symptom Chewable Tablets

- Junior Strength TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets

- PEDIACARE Cold-Allergy Tablets for Ages 6 to 12

- PEDIACARE Cough-Cold Tablets for Ages 6 to 12

- PEDICARE Childrens Cold Relief Tablets

- TYLENOL Cold and Flu Hot Medication

- TYLENOL Cold and Flu No Drowsiness Formula Hot Medication

- Childrens Chewable CO-TYLENOLv

- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Night-time Cold Medicine

- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Cold and Cough Medicine

- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Sinus Allergy Medicine

- BUGS BUNNY Vitamin Products (ALL)

- FLINTSTONES Plus Calcium Multivitamin Supplement

- FLINTSTONES Complete Multivitamin Supplement

- FLINTSTONES Childrens Chewable Multivitamin

- DIMETAPP Cold and Allergy Chewable Tablets

- TEMPRA 3 Chewable Tablets, 80mg acetaminophen tablet

- TEMPRA 3 Double Strength Chewable Tablets, 160mg acetominophen

- Zantac Efferdose

- SKAGGS ALPHA BETA Childrens Pain Reliever

- SHOP'N SAVE Childrens Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- KINNEY " S Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- PAY'N SAVE Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- PEOPLES Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- PIGGLY WIGGLY Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin P.R.

- RITE AID Childrens Aceteminophen Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- Childrens Anacin-3 Chewable Tablets


- ECKERD Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative

- LONGS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative

- PAYLESS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative

- RALEY'S Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder

- RITE AID Sugar Free Regular Flavor Nat.Veg.Bulk Powder

- SQUIBBCARE Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative

- THRIFTY Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Laxative

- HEALTH BALANCE Childrens Chewable Multivitamin

- ZOO CHEWS Animal-Shaped Chewable Multivitamin

- MEDIGUARD Childens Multivitamin Supplement (Cherry,Orange and Grape)

- EQUATE Chewable Vitamins Animal-Shaped (with Iron)

- MEIJER CIRCUS SHAPES (Complete with Calcium,Iron and Minerals)


- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Plus Extra C

- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Complete

- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins With Iron

- REVCO Childrens Chewable Multivitamins

- LONGS Children's Chewable Multivitamin

- GRAY DRUG FAIR Childrens Chewable Multivitamin

source: Use of Aspartame By Pharmaceutical Companies

Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research

The above list can be verified by a trip to your local drugstore. The lowest

example of

bold-faced pandering that can be imagined is palming off known poisons to

children by

disguising them with cutesy names. Anybody see a correlation with the epidemic


levels cited above? What are we doing to our children?

This section is getting too long. The story of the politics and deceit behind

the FDA

approval of aspartame during the past 25 years is a classic in the usual format:


legislated into public use through sweetheart arrangements among manufacturers,

legislators, and regulators, complete with the usual fraudulent research,


medical 'experts' proclaiming the safety of a proven toxin, etc. For the whole

slimy tale,

start with:

- Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame by Nash Stoddard,

Odenwald Press, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-884363-14-8.

- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills L. Blaylock, MD, Health Press,


Don't miss the part about the Magic Rat. There was a famous investigation of all


research submitted to the FDA for aspartame's approval. The investigators wrote


findings in a document called the Bressler Report. The Magic Rat was a

representation of

the type of fraud uncovered by the Bressler Report. It seems there was one rat

whose name

was A23 LM. According to the Report: " that animal A23LM was alive at week 88,

dead from

week 92 through week 104, alive at week 108, and dead at week 112. "

Even Elvis couldn't do that.

Want to know how lame the FDA really is? After the Commissioner and several key


and researchers who were investigating aspartame had accepted lucrative

positions with

Searle and Monsanto, the FDA had the temerity to come out with a statement like

this in


" FDA has no further plans to continue to collect adverse reaction reports or


research periodically done on aspartame. " ( Wilcox, FDA branch chief, Food

Chemical News 1995)

So who's going to monitor it then? The FBI?

Here's the bottom line with aspartame: it's too big to get rid of. Just because

it's sweet

doesn't mean it's a food. Aspartame is not a food; it's a manmade synthetic.


additives aren't necessarily foods. Aspartame is the #1 food additive on the

market. It is

also a component of thousands of prescription and non-prescription drugs. We're


billions and billions of dollars every year. It would take a boatload of Ralph

Naders to stop

this kind of trade.


> This may be too off topic, or otherwise.. unwanted.. If so, I'll

> keep my rants about the allopathic/alternative(many flavors) " war " to

> myself :) Is there another list that talks about stuff like this -

> not just (or even so much) about what's good and bad, but how to try

> (I know, tilting windmills..) to change the prevailing attitudes,

> among doctors, researchers, politicians, and the public - on both

> sides of the allopathic/alternative " war " ?

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> This may be too off topic, or otherwise.. unwanted.. If so, I'll

> keep my rants about the allopathic/alternative(many flavors) " war " to

> myself :) Is there another list that talks about stuff like this -

> not just (or even so much) about what's good and bad, but how to try

> (I know, tilting windmills..) to change the prevailing attitudes,

> among doctors, researchers, politicians, and the public - on both

> sides of the allopathic/alternative " war " ?

Well, as long as the FDA caters to the pharmaceutical companies and

the food producers, they are never going to be working for our best

interests, so I don't trust anything just because it's FDA approved.

Since we're all people who have been sick for years because we were

failed by mainstream medicine, I don't see how this is such a

difficult concept to accept, yk? Mainstream medicine is made up of

people who were taught by people who accept goodies from

pharmaceutical companies who have a financial interest in shaping

their viewpoint. It's only natural that they are going to steer

patients in the direction that benefits their benefactors. It really

is all about the money, and we are just pawns.

I don't think it's a question of why more people don't complain. I

think it's more a question of how many people don't know what their

symptoms are related to. The more research I do, the more possible

causes I unearth for hypo, adrenal fatigue and migraines. Many people

just blindly trust their doctor and have no idea that the food they

eat or the drugs they take can make their symptoms worse.

Choose your poison? No thanks. They can keep 'em.


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> This may be too off topic, or otherwise.. unwanted.. If so, I'll

> keep my rants about the allopathic/alternative(many flavors) " war " to

> myself :) Is there another list that talks about stuff like this -

> not just (or even so much) about what's good and bad, but how to try

> (I know, tilting windmills..) to change the prevailing attitudes,

> among doctors, researchers, politicians, and the public - on both

> sides of the allopathic/alternative " war " ?

Well, as long as the FDA caters to the pharmaceutical companies and

the food producers, they are never going to be working for our best

interests, so I don't trust anything just because it's FDA approved.

Since we're all people who have been sick for years because we were

failed by mainstream medicine, I don't see how this is such a

difficult concept to accept, yk? Mainstream medicine is made up of

people who were taught by people who accept goodies from

pharmaceutical companies who have a financial interest in shaping

their viewpoint. It's only natural that they are going to steer

patients in the direction that benefits their benefactors. It really

is all about the money, and we are just pawns.

I don't think it's a question of why more people don't complain. I

think it's more a question of how many people don't know what their

symptoms are related to. The more research I do, the more possible

causes I unearth for hypo, adrenal fatigue and migraines. Many people

just blindly trust their doctor and have no idea that the food they

eat or the drugs they take can make their symptoms worse.

Choose your poison? No thanks. They can keep 'em.


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I dont have diabetes so this is not an issue for me. I will only eat

real sugar. I believe that aspartame gave my father brain cancer. I

wouldn't eat it if you paid me.

I certainly empathize with you.


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I dont have diabetes so this is not an issue for me. I will only eat

real sugar. I believe that aspartame gave my father brain cancer. I

wouldn't eat it if you paid me.

I certainly empathize with you.


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I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just one or two

packets a day in tea and coffee.

I feel it's much safer.

Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda? -

rant on quality of internet

I dont have diabetes so this is not an issue for me. I will only eat

real sugar. I believe that aspartame gave my father brain cancer. I

wouldn't eat it if you paid me.

I certainly empathize with you.


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I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just one or two

packets a day in tea and coffee.

I feel it's much safer.

Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda? -

rant on quality of internet

I dont have diabetes so this is not an issue for me. I will only eat

real sugar. I believe that aspartame gave my father brain cancer. I

wouldn't eat it if you paid me.

I certainly empathize with you.


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I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just one or two

packets a day in tea and coffee.

I feel it's much safer.

Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda? -

rant on quality of internet

I dont have diabetes so this is not an issue for me. I will only eat

real sugar. I believe that aspartame gave my father brain cancer. I

wouldn't eat it if you paid me.

I certainly empathize with you.


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" bigeyes1962 " wrote:


> Well, as long as the FDA caters to the pharmaceutical companies and

> the food producers, they are never going to be working for our best

> interests, so I don't trust anything just because it's FDA approved.

Kind of related (and my soapbox): Yellow 5 is an FDA approved food

color, even though NUMEROUS complaints have been documented to the FDA

about adverse reactions like hives, asthma, eczema, ADHD, etc. This

food color is actually banned in some European countries, but is in

numerous foods here, many that kids eat.

> I don't think it's a question of why more people don't complain. I

> think it's more a question of how many people don't know what their

> symptoms are related to. The more research I do, the more possible

> causes I unearth for hypo, adrenal fatigue and migraines. Many people

> just blindly trust their doctor and have no idea that the food they

> eat or the drugs they take can make their symptoms worse.

I helped write a petition to the FDA to ban Yellow 5. It was submitted

in 2001. I can see it was taken seriously. Most with hives, asthma,

eczema, etc. have no idea that Yellow 5 could be the cause of their

symptoms. So they just use HC cream, inhalers, antihistamines,

Ritalin, etc. to control their symptoms. Keeping it in our food supply

is a windfall for pharmaceuticals, but that would be a conspiracy.

There's no such thing, right?


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" bigeyes1962 " wrote:


> Well, as long as the FDA caters to the pharmaceutical companies and

> the food producers, they are never going to be working for our best

> interests, so I don't trust anything just because it's FDA approved.

Kind of related (and my soapbox): Yellow 5 is an FDA approved food

color, even though NUMEROUS complaints have been documented to the FDA

about adverse reactions like hives, asthma, eczema, ADHD, etc. This

food color is actually banned in some European countries, but is in

numerous foods here, many that kids eat.

> I don't think it's a question of why more people don't complain. I

> think it's more a question of how many people don't know what their

> symptoms are related to. The more research I do, the more possible

> causes I unearth for hypo, adrenal fatigue and migraines. Many people

> just blindly trust their doctor and have no idea that the food they

> eat or the drugs they take can make their symptoms worse.

I helped write a petition to the FDA to ban Yellow 5. It was submitted

in 2001. I can see it was taken seriously. Most with hives, asthma,

eczema, etc. have no idea that Yellow 5 could be the cause of their

symptoms. So they just use HC cream, inhalers, antihistamines,

Ritalin, etc. to control their symptoms. Keeping it in our food supply

is a windfall for pharmaceuticals, but that would be a conspiracy.

There's no such thing, right?


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> Keeping it in our food supply

> is a windfall for pharmaceuticals, but that would be a conspiracy.

> There's no such thing, right?


> Barb


Of course not. We're just paranoid. <rolling eyes>

They grow richer and people stay sick.


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> Keeping it in our food supply

> is a windfall for pharmaceuticals, but that would be a conspiracy.

> There's no such thing, right?


> Barb


Of course not. We're just paranoid. <rolling eyes>

They grow richer and people stay sick.


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i think it is much better to stop sugar alltogether. once you are able to stop

using it you don;t crave any more.


Re: Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda?

- rant on quality of internet

Gikas wrote:

> I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just one or two

packets a day in tea and coffee.

> I feel it's much safer.



I just got some erythritol to try. It isn't supposed to cause the GI

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i think it is much better to stop sugar alltogether. once you are able to stop

using it you don;t crave any more.


Re: Re: OT - Pick Your Poison - aspertame or splenda?

- rant on quality of internet

Gikas wrote:

> I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just one or two

packets a day in tea and coffee.

> I feel it's much safer.



I just got some erythritol to try. It isn't supposed to cause the GI

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This is a very powerful sweetener that I have used.


Another that I have tried is :


I like the erythritol for making candy during the holidays.


> > I would never touch aspartame either, but I do use saccharin just

one or two packets a day in tea and coffee.

> > I feel it's much safer.

> >

> >

> I just got some erythritol to try. It isn't supposed to cause the GI

> effects of Xylitol, maltitol and other sugar alcohols. It is too bad we

> can't get cyclamate here. It has been proven it didn't cause cancer

> after all. I'm told its legal in Canada, but not here. Some people who

> live close enough stock up when they cross the border.As I recall, it

> tasted far better than any other sweetener I've used in the past 40

> years, but maybe I mis-remember. I do remember I liked pop that had

> cyclamate, and stopped using SF soda when it was withdrawn because

> saccharin was, to me, nasty in aftertaste.

> sol


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I love the DaVinci syrups also. I use the rasberry on my low carb sf

cheesecake & the pineapple in my stirfry. Yummy!!!



> I love the Vanilla and Hazlenut flavors inthe Da Vinci SF syrups.

Yes my

> coffee comes also in decaf! It is from www.deansbeans.com


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/


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> Most with hives, asthma, eczema, etc. have no idea that Yellow 5

> could be the cause of their symptoms. So they just use HC cream,

> inhalers, antihistamines, Ritalin, etc. to control their symptoms.

> Keeping it in our food supply is a windfall for pharmaceuticals,

> but that would be a conspiracy. There's no such thing, right?


I'm not sure I believe in *intentional* conspiracies like this.

But I do certainly believe in *unintentional* conspiracies - where

one company(ies) does one thing, that happens to benefit another -

everyone " benefits " (except the general public), and so things just

keep going as the status quo. I think even when most of the public

*do* ask questions (or are pushed to consider such) about health

effects of aspertame, alumnized salt, aluminum from cans leaching

into coke, phthlates from plastic leaching into milk and then may

cause all maner or hormone havoc in babies and maybe adults,

fluorine, etc, they just say, " I'm not sick - I dont' see anyone else

who is.. "

But they compaire *their* health and the health of " other people "

to the general public. And since all these things are ubiquitous -

there is no control population to point to and say " Well, *they're*

healthier. " , peoblems can creep in and nobody sees it - the

populationas a whole just gets sicker. Maybe there's some tribe in

Africa or somewhere that has less exposure (to persistent chemicals),

and none to aspertame, table salt, Al cans (or Coke for that matter -

who knows what it could be doing), etc. But their lifestyles are so

different from ours that it's impossible to say definitively it's

just becuase they have less exposure to such things. It's probably

the same thing with hypoT and adrenal symptoms. And having our

doctors (and friends? family?) say that " you're fine. Nothing is

wrong. Don't be a hypochondriac (read: don't listen to your own

body) " does not help at all. So this list is teeming with life as a


I love the new soda that actualy advirtises that it is made with

" 100% pure cane sugar " , and says on the box " Corn is for cows. Sugar

is for soda. " LOL! I wonder how they ever got the message that some

people really *don't* want to be drinking HFCS by the gallon-a-year

(at least)?


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