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Re: Pub Med Articles on Rhamnosus GG, etc./urinary and vaginal infections

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so this is the strain contained in culturelle, no? are there other

sources that people know of?



> The following abstract contains the words: " Recently

> has been reported the first clinical evidence that

> probiotic lactobacilli can be delivered to the vagina

> following oral intake. "


> That means that we can put these into our mouths and

> it will go clear to he vagina (to the urinary tract

> also) to kill whatever microbes, fungi, etc., that it

> has the power to do. This is natural medicine and we

> don't have to go to the doc and beg for antifungals

> and antibiotics that don't work, etc. We can treat

> ourselves and have control over at least that

> hopefully. Sounds like a miracle to me.


> This page has all kinds of information and abstract,

> articles, etc., one can click onto.



http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=ShowDetailView & TermToSear\

ch=15267122 & ordinalpos=2 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.\



> Arline








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I haven't quite figured all of this out yet. Each

product I am interested in that have the possible

RIGHT probiotic has a maker who says it is the best

and unique. Plus I am not the greatest researcher and

figureouter of scientific information!! ;o)

At this point, I am interested in and convinced that

the following all have good stuff in them. I can't say

for sure what is the best. I am going to experiment

with all of them. Culturelle has done a lot already

for my constant yeast. I expect that whichever one I

decide to use I will have to use it forever. That is

better than being dependent upon trying to get

Diflucan, etc., from the doc which has been very hard

to do in the past. Whatever it is that makes me a

target for yeast overgrowth (I suspect all my food

allergies some of which I don't even know) will

probably be with me always.

Femdophilus, Probiflora, Culturelle

I guess the answer is I just don't know for sure as

these products are produced by different companies in

different countries, with different wording and I

haven't deciphered it yet.




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