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O2 levels and other questions?

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hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!

are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is

this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when you

also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen

saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?

is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like

lack of blood circulation?

and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to

stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?

and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in lately

thanks for any help!

regards monique

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Oxygen is the key. It should always be maintained so that the oxygen

saturation in our blood is at least 90% as measured with an oximeter,

which is the item you're referring to. There are units available for as

little as $65. Normally the first measurement is done at the doctor's

office through what is called a six minute walk. They determine to what

level you drop during that time. If its under 90% then you probably need

oxygen (social security says 88%). How often do we measure. Well, every

unique activity requires it and most days. I am obsessive so I probably

will measure 15 times or so today. Loading my car and putting my

powerchair in it, once seated and relaxed, when I walk to the Modern Art

Museum, at Lunch, when I walk around the museum, when I rest, when I

walk more, when I walk to Kimbell Art Museum, when I walk around it,

when I rest, when I walk more, as I walk back to my car, when settled

back in my car, walking into the hotel, unloading the car, walking to

the room, walking back down, moving the car, walking back in and up,

laying down to rest, walking down to go to dinner, driving to dinner,

walking in the restaurant, eating dinner, walking back out, driving back

to the hotel, walking back in, in the room, going to bed. Now some of

those may not require it as I'm sure what I'm doing from experience.

However, today is different and more challenging because our current air

quality is so bad and allergies flaring so flow of oxygen a bit impeded.

Tingling in hands can be caused by many things and is often a form of

neuropathy. You don't have it in your feet? Its something to definitely

ask about.

Soreness in the lungs. Can you press from the outside and replicate the

soreness. If so its not in the lungs but on the outside of them. That

can be inflammation or if you've had a biopsy its often from that. After

a VATS that soreness can be there a year or even as long as 3. Mine is

quite much still there a year later.

If you can't replicate it through touch then its internal to the lungs

and cause for immediately seeing the pulmonologist. Do you have an

incentive spirometer (you normally get one after any surgery). If so use

it and see what you can reach. If you can't exceed 1000 on inspiration

then you are at immediate risk on pneumonia. Pneumonia is quite common

after a biopsy. Its also a common complication of any infection we might

get. Another cause of soreness can be blood clots. So, you should

definitely address this soreness if its internal, or if its impeding

what you can do on an incentive spirometer. The spirometer is a good

tool to use daily for breathing exercises, to measure any problem, to

build back up after a problem. It's going to be my next crusade now that

most here are using oximeters. Since you're not experienced at

determining any of these pains, including the external ones, you should

get to your pulmonologist. Then if he explains its external and the

biopsy you'll be familiar with that particular pain. Yawning still

brings several of us pain.


> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!


> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is

> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when


> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen

> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?


> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like

> lack of blood circulation?


> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to

> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?

> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in



> thanks for any help!


> regards monique


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I also have tingling in my fingers from an autoimmune disease called Raynaud's Phenomenon. My toes tingle also. Look for information on this. I could also be a side effect of one of your medications also. The way I see it, that's the least of my problems! Thinking about you!


Subject: Re: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:47 AM

Oxygen is the key. It should always be maintained so that the oxygensaturation in our blood is at least 90% as measured with an oximeter,which is the item you're referring to. There are units available for aslittle as $65. Normally the first measurement is done at the doctor'soffice through what is called a six minute walk. They determine to whatlevel you drop during that time. If its under 90% then you probably needoxygen (social security says 88%). How often do we measure. Well, everyunique activity requires it and most days. I am obsessive so I probablywill measure 15 times or so today. Loading my car and putting mypowerchair in it, once seated and relaxed, when I walk to the Modern ArtMuseum, at Lunch, when I walk around the museum, when I rest, when Iwalk more, when I walk to Kimbell Art Museum, when I walk around it,when I rest, when I walk more, as I walk back to my car, when

settledback in my car, walking into the hotel, unloading the car, walking tothe room, walking back down, moving the car, walking back in and up,laying down to rest, walking down to go to dinner, driving to dinner,walking in the restaurant, eating dinner, walking back out, driving backto the hotel, walking back in, in the room, going to bed. Now some ofthose may not require it as I'm sure what I'm doing from experience.However, today is different and more challenging because our current airquality is so bad and allergies flaring so flow of oxygen a bit impeded.Tingling in hands can be caused by many things and is often a form ofneuropathy. You don't have it in your feet? Its something to definitelyask about.Soreness in the lungs. Can you press from the outside and replicate thesoreness. If so its not in the lungs but on the outside of them. Thatcan be inflammation or if you've had a biopsy

its often from that. Aftera VATS that soreness can be there a year or even as long as 3. Mine isquite much still there a year later.If you can't replicate it through touch then its internal to the lungsand cause for immediately seeing the pulmonologist. Do you have anincentive spirometer (you normally get one after any surgery). If so useit and see what you can reach. If you can't exceed 1000 on inspirationthen you are at immediate risk on pneumonia. Pneumonia is quite commonafter a biopsy. Its also a common complication of any infection we mightget. Another cause of soreness can be blood clots. So, you shoulddefinitely address this soreness if its internal, or if its impedingwhat you can do on an incentive spirometer. The spirometer is a goodtool to use daily for breathing exercises, to measure any problem, tobuild back up after a problem. It's going to be my next crusade now thatmost here are

using oximeters. Since you're not experienced atdetermining any of these pains, including the external ones, you shouldget to your pulmonologist. Then if he explains its external and thebiopsy you'll be familiar with that particular pain. Yawning stillbrings several of us pain.>> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!>> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger whenyou> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?>> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like> lack

of blood circulation?>> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath inlately>> thanks for any help!>> regards monique> Messages in this topic (2) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic

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I also have tingling in my fingers from an autoimmune disease called Raynaud's Phenomenon. My toes tingle also. Look for information on this. I could also be a side effect of one of your medications also. The way I see it, that's the least of my problems! Thinking about you!


Subject: Re: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:47 AM

Oxygen is the key. It should always be maintained so that the oxygensaturation in our blood is at least 90% as measured with an oximeter,which is the item you're referring to. There are units available for aslittle as $65. Normally the first measurement is done at the doctor'soffice through what is called a six minute walk. They determine to whatlevel you drop during that time. If its under 90% then you probably needoxygen (social security says 88%). How often do we measure. Well, everyunique activity requires it and most days. I am obsessive so I probablywill measure 15 times or so today. Loading my car and putting mypowerchair in it, once seated and relaxed, when I walk to the Modern ArtMuseum, at Lunch, when I walk around the museum, when I rest, when Iwalk more, when I walk to Kimbell Art Museum, when I walk around it,when I rest, when I walk more, as I walk back to my car, when

settledback in my car, walking into the hotel, unloading the car, walking tothe room, walking back down, moving the car, walking back in and up,laying down to rest, walking down to go to dinner, driving to dinner,walking in the restaurant, eating dinner, walking back out, driving backto the hotel, walking back in, in the room, going to bed. Now some ofthose may not require it as I'm sure what I'm doing from experience.However, today is different and more challenging because our current airquality is so bad and allergies flaring so flow of oxygen a bit impeded.Tingling in hands can be caused by many things and is often a form ofneuropathy. You don't have it in your feet? Its something to definitelyask about.Soreness in the lungs. Can you press from the outside and replicate thesoreness. If so its not in the lungs but on the outside of them. Thatcan be inflammation or if you've had a biopsy

its often from that. Aftera VATS that soreness can be there a year or even as long as 3. Mine isquite much still there a year later.If you can't replicate it through touch then its internal to the lungsand cause for immediately seeing the pulmonologist. Do you have anincentive spirometer (you normally get one after any surgery). If so useit and see what you can reach. If you can't exceed 1000 on inspirationthen you are at immediate risk on pneumonia. Pneumonia is quite commonafter a biopsy. Its also a common complication of any infection we mightget. Another cause of soreness can be blood clots. So, you shoulddefinitely address this soreness if its internal, or if its impedingwhat you can do on an incentive spirometer. The spirometer is a goodtool to use daily for breathing exercises, to measure any problem, tobuild back up after a problem. It's going to be my next crusade now thatmost here are

using oximeters. Since you're not experienced atdetermining any of these pains, including the external ones, you shouldget to your pulmonologist. Then if he explains its external and thebiopsy you'll be familiar with that particular pain. Yawning stillbrings several of us pain.>> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!>> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger whenyou> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?>> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like> lack

of blood circulation?>> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath inlately>> thanks for any help!>> regards monique> Messages in this topic (2) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic

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I also have tingling in my fingers from an autoimmune disease called Raynaud's Phenomenon. My toes tingle also. Look for information on this. I could also be a side effect of one of your medications also. The way I see it, that's the least of my problems! Thinking about you!


Subject: Re: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:47 AM

Oxygen is the key. It should always be maintained so that the oxygensaturation in our blood is at least 90% as measured with an oximeter,which is the item you're referring to. There are units available for aslittle as $65. Normally the first measurement is done at the doctor'soffice through what is called a six minute walk. They determine to whatlevel you drop during that time. If its under 90% then you probably needoxygen (social security says 88%). How often do we measure. Well, everyunique activity requires it and most days. I am obsessive so I probablywill measure 15 times or so today. Loading my car and putting mypowerchair in it, once seated and relaxed, when I walk to the Modern ArtMuseum, at Lunch, when I walk around the museum, when I rest, when Iwalk more, when I walk to Kimbell Art Museum, when I walk around it,when I rest, when I walk more, as I walk back to my car, when

settledback in my car, walking into the hotel, unloading the car, walking tothe room, walking back down, moving the car, walking back in and up,laying down to rest, walking down to go to dinner, driving to dinner,walking in the restaurant, eating dinner, walking back out, driving backto the hotel, walking back in, in the room, going to bed. Now some ofthose may not require it as I'm sure what I'm doing from experience.However, today is different and more challenging because our current airquality is so bad and allergies flaring so flow of oxygen a bit impeded.Tingling in hands can be caused by many things and is often a form ofneuropathy. You don't have it in your feet? Its something to definitelyask about.Soreness in the lungs. Can you press from the outside and replicate thesoreness. If so its not in the lungs but on the outside of them. Thatcan be inflammation or if you've had a biopsy

its often from that. Aftera VATS that soreness can be there a year or even as long as 3. Mine isquite much still there a year later.If you can't replicate it through touch then its internal to the lungsand cause for immediately seeing the pulmonologist. Do you have anincentive spirometer (you normally get one after any surgery). If so useit and see what you can reach. If you can't exceed 1000 on inspirationthen you are at immediate risk on pneumonia. Pneumonia is quite commonafter a biopsy. Its also a common complication of any infection we mightget. Another cause of soreness can be blood clots. So, you shoulddefinitely address this soreness if its internal, or if its impedingwhat you can do on an incentive spirometer. The spirometer is a goodtool to use daily for breathing exercises, to measure any problem, tobuild back up after a problem. It's going to be my next crusade now thatmost here are

using oximeters. Since you're not experienced atdetermining any of these pains, including the external ones, you shouldget to your pulmonologist. Then if he explains its external and thebiopsy you'll be familiar with that particular pain. Yawning stillbrings several of us pain.>> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!>> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger whenyou> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?>> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like> lack

of blood circulation?>> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath inlately>> thanks for any help!>> regards monique> Messages in this topic (2) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic

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HI ,

I've now got 2 Fingertip Oximeters...I bought one last year on the Web ...a Digipox Brand & it was a reasonable price, can't remember just how much! (cheaper than the Nonin) it's reveiws seemed fine & I've used it heaps. My Pul Rehab Nurse is very impressed with it & ti comes up with the same O2 readings as her equipent.

Just a few weeks back I ended up unexpectedly buying a second one at the Lung Net Conference in Brisbane. It has an extra feature that is useful for anyone with Reynaud's or peripheral blood circulation problems...it measures the blood supply to the fingertips (or the ear lobe!) & it means I can adjust my expectations if the blood supply is lower than normal.

It was a 'Heal Force' Prince-100C Dingertip oximeter...they had it on Special just for the Conference at AUS $197.

I think I just googled for Oximeter Sales & Comparison & searched only withoin Oz.

I find them really helpful whne I'm exercising....helps me monitor when to stop n' start ...rest periods etc. Also useful to keep beside your bed & check if you wake up feeling 'odd'! I've been told to take it last thing at night & first thing in morning just to watch for the numbers dropping...I do that for a while & then get slack..repeat pattern over time...can't be too hyper about it all!

The Digipox is lighter & smaller than the Heal Force so I still prefer to use that when out n' about. I keep the heal Force next to my bed.


down the Road & over a few Hills from you! In that there HIPPY Country!

>> hmmm, have heard of that elisa!> thanks will look into it.> > bruce...any particular brand you guys over there use for the oximeters? > just did a quick search here in oz! couple of different brands, but no > idea!>

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HI ,

I've now got 2 Fingertip Oximeters...I bought one last year on the Web ...a Digipox Brand & it was a reasonable price, can't remember just how much! (cheaper than the Nonin) it's reveiws seemed fine & I've used it heaps. My Pul Rehab Nurse is very impressed with it & ti comes up with the same O2 readings as her equipent.

Just a few weeks back I ended up unexpectedly buying a second one at the Lung Net Conference in Brisbane. It has an extra feature that is useful for anyone with Reynaud's or peripheral blood circulation problems...it measures the blood supply to the fingertips (or the ear lobe!) & it means I can adjust my expectations if the blood supply is lower than normal.

It was a 'Heal Force' Prince-100C Dingertip oximeter...they had it on Special just for the Conference at AUS $197.

I think I just googled for Oximeter Sales & Comparison & searched only withoin Oz.

I find them really helpful whne I'm exercising....helps me monitor when to stop n' start ...rest periods etc. Also useful to keep beside your bed & check if you wake up feeling 'odd'! I've been told to take it last thing at night & first thing in morning just to watch for the numbers dropping...I do that for a while & then get slack..repeat pattern over time...can't be too hyper about it all!

The Digipox is lighter & smaller than the Heal Force so I still prefer to use that when out n' about. I keep the heal Force next to my bed.


down the Road & over a few Hills from you! In that there HIPPY Country!

>> hmmm, have heard of that elisa!> thanks will look into it.> > bruce...any particular brand you guys over there use for the oximeters? > just did a quick search here in oz! couple of different brands, but no > idea!>

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HI ,

I've now got 2 Fingertip Oximeters...I bought one last year on the Web ...a Digipox Brand & it was a reasonable price, can't remember just how much! (cheaper than the Nonin) it's reveiws seemed fine & I've used it heaps. My Pul Rehab Nurse is very impressed with it & ti comes up with the same O2 readings as her equipent.

Just a few weeks back I ended up unexpectedly buying a second one at the Lung Net Conference in Brisbane. It has an extra feature that is useful for anyone with Reynaud's or peripheral blood circulation problems...it measures the blood supply to the fingertips (or the ear lobe!) & it means I can adjust my expectations if the blood supply is lower than normal.

It was a 'Heal Force' Prince-100C Dingertip oximeter...they had it on Special just for the Conference at AUS $197.

I think I just googled for Oximeter Sales & Comparison & searched only withoin Oz.

I find them really helpful whne I'm exercising....helps me monitor when to stop n' start ...rest periods etc. Also useful to keep beside your bed & check if you wake up feeling 'odd'! I've been told to take it last thing at night & first thing in morning just to watch for the numbers dropping...I do that for a while & then get slack..repeat pattern over time...can't be too hyper about it all!

The Digipox is lighter & smaller than the Heal Force so I still prefer to use that when out n' about. I keep the heal Force next to my bed.


down the Road & over a few Hills from you! In that there HIPPY Country!

>> hmmm, have heard of that elisa!> thanks will look into it.> > bruce...any particular brand you guys over there use for the oximeters? > just did a quick search here in oz! couple of different brands, but no > idea!>

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The Digipox OLED is approved by the European Medical Foundation and

though it can only be sold in the US for sports and not medical use

(sure just haven't gone through the whole FDA process since do seem to

meet all the standards) should be an excellent unit.

The Heal Force unit you mentioned is FDA approved and sold in the US for

medical use although not widely sold here.

Both are made by Chinese companies.

> >

> > hmmm, have heard of that elisa!

> > thanks will look into it.

> >

> > bruce...any particular brand you guys over there use for the

> oximeters?

> > just did a quick search here in oz! couple of different brands, but


> > idea!

> >


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The Digipox OLED is approved by the European Medical Foundation and

though it can only be sold in the US for sports and not medical use

(sure just haven't gone through the whole FDA process since do seem to

meet all the standards) should be an excellent unit.

The Heal Force unit you mentioned is FDA approved and sold in the US for

medical use although not widely sold here.

Both are made by Chinese companies.

> >

> > hmmm, have heard of that elisa!

> > thanks will look into it.

> >

> > bruce...any particular brand you guys over there use for the

> oximeters?

> > just did a quick search here in oz! couple of different brands, but


> > idea!

> >


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the thing on the finger is called an oximeter. we use it to monitor the oxygen saturation level. if it goes too low we know to rest or turn up the lpm's on the O2, or call the pulmonary doc. I have a Nonin 9500. Bought it on line a couple of years ago. There are ads for oximeters in "The Pulmonary Paper."

COPD digest is for another disease, but has a good resource list.

Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis is another organization that you could check out. Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennslvania

Subject: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM

hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when you also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like lack of blood circulation?and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird? and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in latelythanks for any help!regards monique

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Yes, at the bottom of ebay sometimes are paid sponsors. As to OctiveTech

brand, it is sold by Clinical Guard world wide. I would not recommend

the Model 300C as its indicated more for recreational purposes. However,

the Model 300CSE and 300D and 300F all are FDA approved and would be

fine. Now, I haven't known anyone to own one but they should work fine.


> bruce,

> thanks!

> i looked on ebay, there are brands on there:

> oled

> nonin

> nissei

> and pulseox....


> at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and that is

> www.clinicalguard.com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.


> thanks for helping me with this. xx


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Yes, at the bottom of ebay sometimes are paid sponsors. As to OctiveTech

brand, it is sold by Clinical Guard world wide. I would not recommend

the Model 300C as its indicated more for recreational purposes. However,

the Model 300CSE and 300D and 300F all are FDA approved and would be

fine. Now, I haven't known anyone to own one but they should work fine.


> bruce,

> thanks!

> i looked on ebay, there are brands on there:

> oled

> nonin

> nissei

> and pulseox....


> at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and that is

> www.clinicalguard.com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.


> thanks for helping me with this. xx


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Note the BCI sold by them is also an excellent unit.

> >

> > bruce,

> > thanks!

> > i looked on ebay, there are brands on there:

> > oled

> > nonin

> > nissei

> > and pulseox....

> >

> > at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and that


> > www.clinicalguard.com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.

> >

> > thanks for helping me with this. xx

> >


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Note the BCI sold by them is also an excellent unit.

> >

> > bruce,

> > thanks!

> > i looked on ebay, there are brands on there:

> > oled

> > nonin

> > nissei

> > and pulseox....

> >

> > at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and that


> > www.clinicalguard.com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.

> >

> > thanks for helping me with this. xx

> >


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Note the BCI sold by them is also an excellent unit.

> >

> > bruce,

> > thanks!

> > i looked on ebay, there are brands on there:

> > oled

> > nonin

> > nissei

> > and pulseox....

> >

> > at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and that


> > www.clinicalguard.com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.

> >

> > thanks for helping me with this. xx

> >


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... I don't catch every post so you may already have this info. Try

www.portablewebs.com for an oximeter that is $65. FDA approved. I and many others on the board have this one and it works fine.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM

hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when you also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like lack of blood circulation?and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird? and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in latelythanks for any help!regards monique

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... I don't catch every post so you may already have this info. Try

www.portablewebs.com for an oximeter that is $65. FDA approved. I and many others on the board have this one and it works fine.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM

hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when you also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like lack of blood circulation?and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird? and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in latelythanks for any help!regards monique

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is in Australia, over the hill and through the dale from .


> From: monique moniquekirkby@...

> Subject: O2 levels and other questions?

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM



> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!


> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is

> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when


> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen

> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?


> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like

> lack of blood circulation?


> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to

> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?

> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in



> thanks for any help!


> regards monique


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is in Australia, over the hill and through the dale from .


> From: monique moniquekirkby@...

> Subject: O2 levels and other questions?

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM



> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!


> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is

> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when


> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen

> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?


> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like

> lack of blood circulation?


> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to

> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?

> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in



> thanks for any help!


> regards monique


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is in Australia, over the hill and through the dale from .


> From: monique moniquekirkby@...

> Subject: O2 levels and other questions?

> To: Breathe-Support

> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 4:23 AM



> hi guys, just a couple of questions as so newly diagnosed!


> are we supposed to have a certain level of oxygen to feel ok? and is

> this worked out by one of those things you slip on your finger when


> also get your blood pressure checked at the hospital? is that oxygen

> saturation or something, and how often should we check this etc?


> is it normal to have slight tingling in both my hands too, sortof like

> lack of blood circulation?


> and also, today my lungs have felt very sore, i feel like i have to

> stretch my back out to almost stretch my lungs, does that sound weird?

> and i sometimes get sharp pains and also hurts a bit to breath in



> thanks for any help!


> regards monique


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Bruce, you seem to know about devices used for medical. i spoke to my heart nurse you said there is a device you blow into , a small portable type, that they use in pulmo rehab that helps break up congestion. She couldn't remember the name but said it would help. I do not have insurance so they won't let me go so are you aware of any such device thanks

sharon p ph 2008

Subject: Re: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 10:38 AM

Note the BCI sold by them is also an excellent unit.> >> > bruce,> > thanks!> > i

looked on ebay, there are brands on there:> > oled> > nonin> > nissei> > and pulseox....> >> > at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and thatis> > www.clinicalguard. com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.> >> > thanks for helping me with this. xx> >>

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Bruce, you seem to know about devices used for medical. i spoke to my heart nurse you said there is a device you blow into , a small portable type, that they use in pulmo rehab that helps break up congestion. She couldn't remember the name but said it would help. I do not have insurance so they won't let me go so are you aware of any such device thanks

sharon p ph 2008

Subject: Re: O2 levels and other questions?To: Breathe-Support Date: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 10:38 AM

Note the BCI sold by them is also an excellent unit.> >> > bruce,> > thanks!> > i

looked on ebay, there are brands on there:> > oled> > nonin> > nissei> > and pulseox....> >> > at the bottom is a website i think which pays to be there and thatis> > www.clinicalguard. com.au and has octivetech brand! up to 40% off.> >> > thanks for helping me with this. xx> >>

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