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Re: Crisis Time

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There is the time I would have felt all the anxiety of the economy. Now,

I realize that its not something I can solve and that I've got plenty of

other things more important to happiness than that. The same thing with

other affairs of the world. The keys to our enjoyment of life are very

close to us and most of them are things we can control or at least

manage. I'm not at all unsympathetic to those more directly impacted by

the greed and mismanagement of others-I know that world better than

most. But I know that we can find happiness in simple ways with family

and friends and food and housing and safety. I would say health, but

guess I'm not healthy and still pretty happy. I wish I'd learned these

lessons long ago.

I know some would say to worry about future generations too. Well, I

have concern about what they face. At the same time, maybe rather than

worry we should really teach them the lessons we have learned, how to

find happiness, and what's really important in life. It's not the size

of the house or the cost of the cars. Not being political, much of what

we see is the obsessive and excessive pursuit of wealth on the part of a

few. Well, that pursuit takes down huge companies, but more than that it

tears individuals and families apart. Both parents work ridiculous hours

with no vacations to have big homes they only sleep in, fancy cars they

only drive to work in, and to provide for kids they are able to spend

little time with and sometimes not really know. We see kids thinking

about careers and instead of saying " you'll love that " we say " you'll

never make any money doing that. " I see parents disappointed when their

children choose to change their majors in college to become teachers or

social workers instead of lawyers or doctors. I have the poorest health

of my life, the least income I've had since I was very young (and that

is a long time ago) and the smallest apartment and, yet, I'm the

happiest of my life.

Well, off my soap box. Yes, ....I know you're not surprised that got

me wound up. But, I do like your message and reminder.



> My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall


> & all that the instability means. Without being political I just want

> you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind


> ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over

> our heads & our families safe!


> in Oz


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Well put! Here, Here!

GIO> >> >> > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall> St> > & all that the instability means. Without being political I just want> > you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind> you> > ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over> > our heads & our families safe!> >> > in Oz> >>

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Thank you for acknowledging the something that is on most of our minds. It is worrisome but the important things are the simplest as you pointed out. Whatever's coming we'll all weather it one way or another. I'm grateful I've got friends here so we can muddle through together!


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

Crisis Time

My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over our heads & our families safe!

in Oz

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Yep MB...for me the reality is that I feel 'rattled' for no really sensible or good reason & I've turned off my radio today.....don't want to hear any more!

I actually think I'm connecting back to the sense of un-ease that pervaded my child hood with all the Cold War talk & the Korean War & the threat of Nuclear War! Being rasied in Catholic Household & attending a Catholic school all my life I was embedded in a dreadful fear of all that entailed on a daily basis...prayers, raising money for 'the CAUSE', offereing up good deeds & actions for the poor Communists to 'see' the light! REDS under my bed were searched for most diligently every night & morning!!!!!!!!!

I might live Downunder but what happens 'Up On Top' reaches all the way here! It causes me to feel angst that the doings of countries in the Upper Hemisphere can tip our seemingly safe & isolated 'World' right over. Nothing we do here seems to matter a jot to anyone else!

My puppies are getting lots of extra lap-time today AGAIN....OMG they're wonderful at reminding me that to LOVE & BE LOVED is what it's all about! To sit on my front verandah & stroke their silky coat & get nibbled & licked furiously is just THE BEST!

Sooooooo the Doomsdayers & the 'Henny Penny's the Sky is Falling In Soothsayers' can just GO JUMP!



>> , > Thank you for acknowledging the something that is on most of our minds. It is worrisome but the important things are the simplest as you pointed out. Whatever's coming we'll all weather it one way or another. I'm grateful I've got friends here so we can muddle through together!> > > Beth-Moderator> Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08 > > > > > > > Crisis Time> > > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over our heads & our families safe! > in Oz> > >

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Bomb cellars were big in my hometown and we all were taught where to go

and what to do in the event of nuclear attack. Now, even young, it never

made much sense to me. It was sort of like everyone felt they would be

the one and only survivor and I always wondered what they thought they

were going to do when they came back out of the cellar.

Hey, according to the statistics my life expectancy is only about two

years. I should be safe that much longer shouldn't I?

We use to look for places we thought would be safe. I remember as a kid

thinking of Luxembourg. We figured no one was going to attack a neutral

country that small.

Well, I'm not spending my energy worrying about things I can't fix. I'll

just deal with my health and my enjoyment of life and right now not

thinking beyond tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll start working on Wednesday.

Now, a good thing is I know the world doesn't end on Tuesday because

you're still around and its already Wednesday there.

> >

> > ,

> > Thank you for acknowledging the something that is on most of our

> minds. It is worrisome but the important things are the simplest as


> pointed out. Whatever's coming we'll all weather it one way or


> I'm grateful I've got friends here so we can muddle through together!

> >

> >

> > Beth-Moderator

> > Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Crisis Time

> >

> >

> > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall

> St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just


> you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind


> ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over

> our heads & our families safe!

> > in Oz

> >

> >

> >


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Bomb cellars were big in my hometown and we all were taught where to go

and what to do in the event of nuclear attack. Now, even young, it never

made much sense to me. It was sort of like everyone felt they would be

the one and only survivor and I always wondered what they thought they

were going to do when they came back out of the cellar.

Hey, according to the statistics my life expectancy is only about two

years. I should be safe that much longer shouldn't I?

We use to look for places we thought would be safe. I remember as a kid

thinking of Luxembourg. We figured no one was going to attack a neutral

country that small.

Well, I'm not spending my energy worrying about things I can't fix. I'll

just deal with my health and my enjoyment of life and right now not

thinking beyond tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll start working on Wednesday.

Now, a good thing is I know the world doesn't end on Tuesday because

you're still around and its already Wednesday there.

> >

> > ,

> > Thank you for acknowledging the something that is on most of our

> minds. It is worrisome but the important things are the simplest as


> pointed out. Whatever's coming we'll all weather it one way or


> I'm grateful I've got friends here so we can muddle through together!

> >

> >

> > Beth-Moderator

> > Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Crisis Time

> >

> >

> > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall

> St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just


> you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind


> ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over

> our heads & our families safe!

> > in Oz

> >

> >

> >


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Bomb cellars were big in my hometown and we all were taught where to go

and what to do in the event of nuclear attack. Now, even young, it never

made much sense to me. It was sort of like everyone felt they would be

the one and only survivor and I always wondered what they thought they

were going to do when they came back out of the cellar.

Hey, according to the statistics my life expectancy is only about two

years. I should be safe that much longer shouldn't I?

We use to look for places we thought would be safe. I remember as a kid

thinking of Luxembourg. We figured no one was going to attack a neutral

country that small.

Well, I'm not spending my energy worrying about things I can't fix. I'll

just deal with my health and my enjoyment of life and right now not

thinking beyond tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll start working on Wednesday.

Now, a good thing is I know the world doesn't end on Tuesday because

you're still around and its already Wednesday there.

> >

> > ,

> > Thank you for acknowledging the something that is on most of our

> minds. It is worrisome but the important things are the simplest as


> pointed out. Whatever's coming we'll all weather it one way or


> I'm grateful I've got friends here so we can muddle through together!

> >

> >

> > Beth-Moderator

> > Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Crisis Time

> >

> >

> > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall

> St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just


> you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind


> ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over

> our heads & our families safe!

> > in Oz

> >

> >

> >


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My honest feeling is that this world is just spinning out of control so I have decided to live as happyas possible.. Not worry. I know no one will get my money.. LOL there is a joke for ya.. Be sure to post pictures of the pups as they grow. I would have a dozen if I wouldn't be locked up..lol Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, a roof over our heads & our families safe! in Oz  

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Dearest Princess Hee Hee,

NOTHING can be permitted to interfere with your Hee Hee's...we must tell Wall St to take it's crisis elsewhere please ....we have lots of fun & living to do! Actually I suspect the world has been in a Spin ever since it got started!

The puppies are so much fun Peggy..I wish you could have a cuddle...now we've got a BIG Sista (Spice) & a little sista (Sugar)...its now easy to tell them apart as they've taken up different aspects of their 3-way gene pool! It's actually hard to get photos of them 'cos they're such runarounds! Don't worry little sista is the smarter, cunning one & Big Sista NEVER gets HER bones! Big Sista wins the roll-around games but little sista always wins the chasing games & always fits into the most ridiculously small spots to GLOAT!

lots of love,


> > > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall > St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just > want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to > remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, > a roof over our heads & our families safe!> > in Oz>

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Dearest Princess Hee Hee,

NOTHING can be permitted to interfere with your Hee Hee's...we must tell Wall St to take it's crisis elsewhere please ....we have lots of fun & living to do! Actually I suspect the world has been in a Spin ever since it got started!

The puppies are so much fun Peggy..I wish you could have a cuddle...now we've got a BIG Sista (Spice) & a little sista (Sugar)...its now easy to tell them apart as they've taken up different aspects of their 3-way gene pool! It's actually hard to get photos of them 'cos they're such runarounds! Don't worry little sista is the smarter, cunning one & Big Sista NEVER gets HER bones! Big Sista wins the roll-around games but little sista always wins the chasing games & always fits into the most ridiculously small spots to GLOAT!

lots of love,


> > > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall > St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just > want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to > remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, > a roof over our heads & our families safe!> > in Oz>

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Dearest Princess Hee Hee,

NOTHING can be permitted to interfere with your Hee Hee's...we must tell Wall St to take it's crisis elsewhere please ....we have lots of fun & living to do! Actually I suspect the world has been in a Spin ever since it got started!

The puppies are so much fun Peggy..I wish you could have a cuddle...now we've got a BIG Sista (Spice) & a little sista (Sugar)...its now easy to tell them apart as they've taken up different aspects of their 3-way gene pool! It's actually hard to get photos of them 'cos they're such runarounds! Don't worry little sista is the smarter, cunning one & Big Sista NEVER gets HER bones! Big Sista wins the roll-around games but little sista always wins the chasing games & always fits into the most ridiculously small spots to GLOAT!

lots of love,


> > > My guess is that a lot of you are feeling quietly anxious about Wall > St & all that the instability means. Without being political I just > want you to know we're all in this together in the aftermath & to > remind you ( & ME) that ALL that really matters is food on the table, > a roof over our heads & our families safe!> > in Oz>

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