Guest guest Posted April 25, 2009 Report Share Posted April 25, 2009 Excerpt from TETAF: updated changes- Urgent action is needed to stop legislation CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO STOP PASSAGE OF LEGISLATION THAT WOULD REPEAL FUNDING FOR THE TEXAS TRAUMA SYSTEM WHAT? 96> &Bill=SB8 96 Senate Bill 896 by Sen. Eliot Shapleigh (D-El Paso), that proposes to repeal the Driver's Responsibility Program, was voted favorably from the Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee on Monday, April 6, 2009. Sen. Shapleigh and some other senators believe the surcharges imposed by the program are onerous and impact low-income Texans who are unable to pay the additional penalties. In this view, they apparently fail to see that the program directly supports the care of those without insurance when they are injured. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? The Driver's Responsibility Program is a point system that institutes surcharges and penalties on habitually bad drivers, who often require the life-saving services of Trauma Centers and EMS in Texas. The program serves as the primary source of funds to offset uncompensated trauma care provided by hospitals designated as trauma centers in Texas. Since 2004 these hospitals have provided over $1 billion in uncompensated trauma care costs, or $200 million per year, while the fund has appropriated over $239 million during this same period. Funds from the Driver's Responsibility Program also directly support the trauma system in Texas, as funds are allocated to trauma service area regional advisory councils and emergency medical service providers. SB 896 is a major threat to the Texas EMS and Trauma System! WHAT HAPPENS NOW? The bill was voted favorably from the senate floor and is in the House Transportation Committee. WHAT CAN I DO TO PREVENT THIS ATTACK ON TRAUMA CARE? Contact your Representative and those on the House Transportation Committee today to let them know that the Driver's Responsibility Program is working and is critical for the Texas Trauma System! Ask them to vote NO on SB 896, AND support fully disbursing all funds collected into the account. When the Driver's Responsibility Program was passed in 2003 there were 188 designated trauma facilities in Texas in 133 counties, and trauma centers were being forced out of business. Today, in large part due to the success of the Driver's Responsibility Program, there are 245 designated trauma facilities in 164 counties in Texas. The program is helping to save lives and improve care for all Texans! In addition, they should clearly understand: the Texas Driver's Responsibility Program directly supports the care of low-income Texans and preserves their access to care when they need it the most. Representatives and media outlets should hear from trauma and emergency health care providers to hear how funds from the Designated Trauma Facility and Emergency Medical Services account have improved care in their representative districts. You can be the difference where these issues are concerned. WHY ME? Because you are a dedicated provider of trauma and emergency health care and Representatives need to hear your dedication to saving lives! HOW DO I DO IT? Go to> and verify who your representative is. Contact their office directly and ask to speak with the Representative or staff person assigned to health care issues and tell your story! Sharing specifics on how this funding has helped your area, hospital or provider would be helpful in making your point and if possible describe what it would mean if this funding were taken away. Letters sent on letterhead via fax or e-mail are also encouraged. Ask your Representative to vote against SB 896 and to support appropriating all the funds in the Designated Trauma Facility and EMS Account, as intended by the 78th Texas Legislature.. EMS, TRAUMA AND ACUTE CARE PROFESSIONALS DEDICATED TO THE CARE OF ALL TEXANS! A. Allman, EMT-B Director Of First Responder Operations Hawley Volunteer Fire Department FRO P.O. Box 175 Hawley, Texas 79525 david.allman@ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2009 Report Share Posted April 25, 2009 Wouldn't it be better to come up with a comprehensive health care plan for all Americans and quit hanging on to piece meal approaches that have not validated, or proven a set outcome? From what I've seen more money is poured into salaries, mileage, room, board, airfare, partying, , renting meeting rooms for about 500 or so folks from their employers, and out of their own pockets. Then you have the full and part time jobs created for many former retired state employees, or folks they could be on a political buddy system. After that many get to take and spend some money, and then take money from another pot to pay large dues to be a member of regional organizations. This was never well thought out, or well funded with proven scientific results to show a single dime made a difference. If you through enough money at something maybe it will stick. Isn't that what the latest " tea parties " were meant to do. Send a message to things just like this. That's what I heard at the Tea Parties !!!!!!!!!!! The Tea Party folks which seems to be a Huge majority of Texans would NOT want this to be stopped. The battle cry is TAX ENOUGH ALREADY and that freight train has left the station. Just my opinion, and everyone has one, Ron Urgent: Immediate Action on your part is requested Excerpt from TETAF: updated changes- Urgent action is needed to stop legislation CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO STOP PASSAGE OF LEGISLATION THAT WOULD REPEAL FUNDING FOR THE TEXAS TRAUMA SYSTEM WHAT? 96> &Bill=SB8 96 Senate Bill 896 by Sen. Eliot Shapleigh (D-El Paso), that proposes to repeal the Driver's Responsibility Program, was voted favorably from the Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee on Monday, April 6, 2009. Sen. Shapleigh and some other senators believe the surcharges imposed by the program are onerous and impact low-income Texans who are unable to pay the additional penalties. In this view, they apparently fail to see that the program directly supports the care of those without insurance when they are injured. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? The Driver's Responsibility Program is a point system that institutes surcharges and penalties on habitually bad drivers, who often require the life-saving services of Trauma Centers and EMS in Texas. The program serves as the primary source of funds to offset uncompensated trauma care provided by hospitals designated as trauma centers in Texas. Since 2004 these hospitals have provided over $1 billion in uncompensated trauma care costs, or $200 million per year, while the fund has appropriated over $239 million during this same period. Funds from the Driver's Responsibility Program also directly support the trauma system in Texas, as funds are allocated to trauma service area regional advisory councils and emergency medical service providers. SB 896 is a major threat to the Texas EMS and Trauma System! WHAT HAPPENS NOW? The bill was voted favorably from the senate floor and is in the House Transportation Committee. WHAT CAN I DO TO PREVENT THIS ATTACK ON TRAUMA CARE? Contact your Representative and those on the House Transportation Committee today to let them know that the Driver's Responsibility Program is working and is critical for the Texas Trauma System! Ask them to vote NO on SB 896, AND support fully disbursing all funds collected into the account. When the Driver's Responsibility Program was passed in 2003 there were 188 designated trauma facilities in Texas in 133 counties, and trauma centers were being forced out of business. Today, in large part due to the success of the Driver's Responsibility Program, there are 245 designated trauma facilities in 164 counties in Texas. The program is helping to save lives and improve care for all Texans! In addition, they should clearly understand: the Texas Driver's Responsibility Program directly supports the care of low-income Texans and preserves their access to care when they need it the most. Representatives and media outlets should hear from trauma and emergency health care providers to hear how funds from the Designated Trauma Facility and Emergency Medical Services account have improved care in their representative districts. You can be the difference where these issues are concerned. WHY ME? Because you are a dedicated provider of trauma and emergency health care and Representatives need to hear your dedication to saving lives! HOW DO I DO IT? Go to> and verify who your representative is. Contact their office directly and ask to speak with the Representative or staff person assigned to health care issues and tell your story! Sharing specifics on how this funding has helped your area, hospital or provider would be helpful in making your point and if possible describe what it would mean if this funding were taken away. Letters sent on letterhead via fax or e-mail are also encouraged. Ask your Representative to vote against SB 896 and to support appropriating all the funds in the Designated Trauma Facility and EMS Account, as intended by the 78th Texas Legislature.. EMS, TRAUMA AND ACUTE CARE PROFESSIONALS DEDICATED TO THE CARE OF ALL TEXANS! A. Allman, EMT-B Director Of First Responder Operations Hawley Volunteer Fire Department FRO P.O. Box 175 Hawley, Texas 79525 david.allman@ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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