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Re: feeling really disheartened and frustrated

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Hi ,

Although I don't really have too much different to say

than the other people who replied to your post, I just

want to tell you that I (as well as everyone else on

here) knows just how you feel about wanting to give up

and can't deal with the constant pain anymore. This

is a terrible thing to have to live/deal with and i

wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But, I do believe

that we cannot be in pain forever. As long as we keep

pushing we will find something that will help. And

even if we exhaust everything available right now, I

am also a strong believer that in just a few short

years there will soooo many more ideas and options and

knowledge about this condition, along with medicines

and procedures for things involved like nerves (in my

case), skin and whatnot. Also, I lost a

relationship- he said it didn't have anything to do

with my problem, but i just don't believe that- so I

know how you feel. I found it soooo much easier to

deal with this when I was in a relationship, but you

learn how to support yourself and I realize now that I

wouldn't want such a crappy person in my life anyways.

From what you said about now only having pain on one

side, even though it is just as bad, it's a sign that

things are getting better. Even though it took 2

years to get that one side better it just goes to show

that something you are doing is working. It's so

frustrating to not see results right away, or even

after many months so i completely understand how you

feel. I guess what keeps me going is that I am

determined to still have the best life I can. Even

though it's not as perfect as I'd like it to be, I'm

going to do my damned best to make the best of it and

keep looking ahead to those few years down the road

when I believe there will be soooo much more progress

with this. Yes, I certainly do still worry all the

time that I will just get worse and worse and not get

better, but others have gotten better so we can too.

I'm not going to give up the rest of my life, starting

over a year ago when I was 22 to this horrible

condition and I don't want you to give up either. We

all have our good days and bad days, so just know that

we are all there for each other through the ups and

downs. Hang in there, cry your eyes out if need be

and keep pushing. I'll tell you, I'm watching

football right now and we are a thousand times

stronger than they could ever be!

> femifesto wrote: Hey

> Everyone--


> Yesterday and today I've been tearful again after

> several months of

> higher spirits and hopefulness...I just feel like

> I've been doing

> everything in my power, really really trying to be

> proactive in

> dealing with this all and not let the sadness of the

> situation inhibit

> my recovery.


> BUT I just don't seem to be getting anywhere. I've

> been trying to do

> the PT thing for over a year now...and I know the

> fact that I haven't

> been able to go consistently for several months at a

> time has made it

> less effective, but nonetheless I'm still in pain.

> True, it's only on

> one side now instead of both but it hurts just as

> bad.


> I've been addressing my nutritional and hormonal

> deficiencies, trying

> not to let the pain propel me into a state of

> anxiety, taking

> meds.....everything. It's so frustrating that there

> are so few PTs who

> really know what their doing. My PT knows a lot, but

> she's no Rhonda

> or .


> To top it off I'm still having these rectal symptoms

> (mucous

> discharge) which is really gross and no one can give

> me a reason for

> it or offer any help. They did send me for an

> anorectal manometry, a

> test similar to biofeedback that tests the state of

> the muscles there

> (which I believe are the same ones as the vaginal

> ones but just a

> different side). The results say that my resting

> tone is more than

> twice what a normal one is, and they've referred me

> for pelvic floor

> rehab, but there are 70 people in front of me!!!


> I know I can't give up....but I am so wearied from 2

> years of constant

> pain and no relief. Sometimes I feel like I just

> can't go on. I feel

> totally tapped energy wise. I have zero sex drive

> and if I don't

> change that soon, my relationship may end, but I

> can't change it

> unless I am out of pain!


> Sorry to vent. You guys are really all I have in

> this

> department...sure I have friends and family who love

> and support me,

> but I can't talk to them really about any of this.


> Thanks for listening.









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