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Re: vitamins vs. food

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You should speak to your doctor about Ensure or other such supplements.



> Good evening guys

> I have such a hard time eating enough, I'm afraid not to take

vitamins. I have no appetite and when I do eat I can hold only so much

food. I guess because my lungs are taking up so much space. I try to eat

throughout the day, but 100 calories here and there just don't seem to

add up to enough.

> I know it was said that not a lot of people here have that problem, so

I know it may be hard to understand how hard it can be to make myself

eat. It really worries me sometimes.



> Citrus Heights, California

> LIP-2006

> NHL-1999

> SJS-1994

> Isaiah 7:14 (King Version) Therefore

> the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall

> conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.



> According to many Medical

> Researchers, Vitamin Supplements make the most expensive pee in the

> world.... the problem is with UPTAKE....generally they just go


> through our systems & come out as waste product! Spend what you'll

> save buying vitamin supplements on good, nutritious FOOD!

> GOOD FOOD is the only

> smart way to take Vitamins! Follow the DAILY 5 veges of different

> colours, 2 Fruits, lots of Fibre, Moderate Protein, Complex, Low GI

> Carbs & very little Fat & you'll be fine m' friends! STOP

> eating processed food as much as possible... buy & cook your own REAL





> Citrus Heights, California

> LIP-2006

> NHL-1999

> SJS-1994

> Isaiah 7:14 (King Version) Therefore the Lord himself shall give

you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall

call his name Immanuel.


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Oh no dear I'm sorry if my comments have carelessly caused you anxiety... has your Doctors ever suggested putting you on a special Liquid Food diet that is able to hold & deliver the Vitamins/Minerals you need to sustain you. In those special supplements the uptake is much better 'cos the nutrition is combined properly & the body can 'Uptake' what it needs.

If you become malnourished Nutrition can be delivered via an intravenous line.

I have read that with PF eating can become a major problem.. often because it is hard to breathe and eat at the same time!

From what you've said you do try to eat little & often but it IS hard when you don't have any appetite. I became very under-weight & malnourished years ago when my Gall Bladder was crook.... even after it was removed it took 2 years to get back to normal eating. I remember eating a LOT of Baby Cereal.. don;t know why but it was all I could face... it kept me going for a long, long time!

Sometimes Doctors don't realise what is going on unbtil you alert them to your eating problem! Have you talked about this with your Doctor???????


in Oz

>> > Good evening guys > I have such a hard time eating enough, I'm afraid not to take vitamins. I have no appetite and when I do eat I can hold only so much food. I guess because my lungs are taking up so much space. I try to eat throughout the day, but 100 calories here and there just don't seem to add up to enough. > I know it was said that not a lot of people here have that problem, so I know it may be hard to understand how hard it can be to make myself eat. It really worries me sometimes.> > > Citrus Heights, California> LIP-2006> NHL-1999> SJS-1994> Isaiah 7:14 (King Version) Therefore> the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall> conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.> > > According to many Medical> Researchers, Vitamin Supplements make the most expensive pee in the> world.... the problem is with UPTAKE....generally they just go straight> through our systems & come out as waste product! Spend what you'll> save buying vitamin supplements on good, nutritious FOOD!> GOOD FOOD is the only> smart way to take Vitamins! Follow the DAILY 5 veges of different> colours, 2 Fruits, lots of Fibre, Moderate Protein, Complex, Low GI> Carbs & very little Fat & you'll be fine m' friends! STOP> eating processed food as much as possible... buy & cook your own REAL food!> WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!> GIO> > Citrus Heights, California> LIP-2006> NHL-1999> SJS-1994> Isaiah 7:14 (King Version) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.>

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I'm surprised that more folk aren't struggling with the same problem too .. it certainly shows up as one the clear symptoms of PF.. but maybe because many of us have been diagnosed at an earlier stage of progression it is yet to affect us that way.

Prednisone probably masks the potaentail for those taking that drug.. they have the opposite problem... imagine feeling STARVING but not having enough BREATH to satisfy your hunger....YIKES that wouold be CRUEL!

Also prescribing O2 at a sensible, earlier stage might also imnprove people's capacity to eat properly. I have a horrid suspicion that in Australia the Specialists consider O2 to be only for late stage 'relief'... I'm yet to confront that one. I'll be yelling for it & prepared to pay out of my own pocket to keep the food going down!

Do PUSH for some help on this one... Doctors often don't act until the Patient really makes a song n dance about things. You need to be nourished for heaven's sakes! How else are you meant to fight the blinkin' battle!

Do you like Mashed Bananas & Ice Cream or Yoghurt.... Bananas are a 'complete' food & very easily digested........

Your family should run an in-house competition to see you can tempt you with what! They can put in all the effort of preparations & get their reward when they see you consuming the delectable offerings they have made for you!

Good Luck & do let us know how you're doing on this score.... we CARE about you !


in Oz

> Subject: Re: vitamins vs. food> To: Breathe-Support > Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 7:44 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > Oh no dear I'm sorry if my comments have carelessly caused you anxiety... has your Doctors ever suggested putting you on a special Liquid Food diet that is able to hold & deliver the Vitamins/Minerals you need to sustain you. In those special supplements the uptake is much better 'cos the nutrition is combined properly & the body can 'Uptake' what it needs.> If you become malnourished Nutrition can be delivered via an intravenous line. > I have read that with PF eating can become a major problem.. often because it is hard to breathe and eat at the same time!> From what you've said you do try to eat little & often but it IS hard when you don't have any appetite. I became very under-weight & malnourished years ago when my Gall Bladder was crook.... even after it was removed it took 2 years to get back to normal eating. I remember eating a LOT of Baby Cereal.. don;t know why but it was all I could face... it kept me going for a long, long time!> Sometimes Doctors don't realise what is going on unbtil you alert them to your eating problem! Have you talked about this with your Doctor?????? ?> Hugs,> in Oz> >

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