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Re: What All Do I Have To Stop Before Repeating Test?? And Why The 4 Tube Test??

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I learn something new from almost every post I read, and it prompts

more questions re: Progesterone, 2 vs 4 tube, water retention, flu or

AF?....here goes..I stopped hormones/glandulars 2 wks ago so I could

do 2 tube test today. Doc said since I've been sick w/ cold/flu for

over a wk, if I do saliva test now, crtisol will be skewed

re:stress/illness. Today I realized I've still been using 1/2 pump

daily Arbonne Progesterone cream. Sigh..guess that means I stop that

and wait 2 more wks... right? Going on my FIRST REAL vacation Mar 6

with no family obligations, no holiday cooking, no work to do, no

performances, just rest with girlfriends on a little island,so cheap

it's almost free- that helps the stress..;.) . But I'm afraid that

being off Adrenal supplements and progesterone, etc, and not having

test results to start treatment and HC, I'll be like a limp noodle...

so what's the point? Help....what can I do? I haven't gained weight,

but am up a jeans size in thighs, losing what little muscle def I had

since cutting back on exercise,stopping carb,fat blockers, Adr.

rebuilders, and adding salt/C/B100-which seems to have made a

wonderful difference in how I feel, even tho I've been sick. Don't

know if it's water retention or increase in body fat. Changed armour

to sublingual in 3 doses yesterday, w/increase from 90-112.50. more

than 1/4g, but I couldn't cut it any smaller. Temp avgs last 3 days

98.30,97.87,98.00. Waking temps 97.5, 97.9, 97.1. Would bad headache,

nausea, fatigue for the past 3-4 days have been symptoms of AF or

Hypo, or did my cold turn into the flu? Wed afternoon, it was like

someone just pulled the plug. I couldn't get out of bed Thur...laid

around all day-same Fri. Was able to get out about 3 hrs Sat, but

wore me out. Today, I actually went for a walk..feeling pretty

grateful for that.

My baseline saliva test a year ago was a 4 tube. They're supposed to

be sending me the results, finally. Doc gave me a 2 tube this time.

Should I order my own 4 tube from ZRT?

I've almost finished reading everything in the files, and copying the

things that seem pertinent to me. Started a spreadsheet of temps,meds

and supplements, when I change and why. Will add tests and results

when they arrive.

Sorry for so many questions....thanks in advance for any



> two weeks. :)


> >>>I was wondering how long I have to be off them before I test?



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