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Re: speaking of airline O2

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Jim, Yep that was on our news for a couple days. The tank was the one stored for the pilots use if needed.Sure did make a big hole.. Love and Prayers, Peggy   IPF  2004,  Florida"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back,  Faith looks up." Has anyone heard more about the Qantas 747 that had a forced landing in Asia somewhere, maybe Hong Kong?? Seems there was some kind of explosion and it blew a chunk out of the fuselage just ahead of the wing. I saw photos, big hole, like 8 feet. At the time I heard that they were attributing it to a tank of medical oxygen........then I never heard another thing. I thought..........."wonderful, this ought'a boost our travel capabilities." jim--- On Sun, 8/17/08, Bruce Moreland <brucemoreland (AT) gmail (DOT) com>wrote:From: Bruce Moreland <brucemoreland (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Subject: Re: trip to USTo: Breathe-Support Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 6:28 AMGeetaGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrr.Oh the things that so frustrate me. Lack of customer service anddisrupting the lives of others so by just failing to take care of simplearrangements for something you'd long ago ordered and were paying quitedearly for.When I traveled on business, I found most airlines left something to bedesired including US. Some of the European airlines I found haddeteriorated more to US standards over the years. However, I foundairlines in other countries had somehow trained the populace to acceptanything they did. Central and South American airlines were the worst.One of the most unique situations I found was Colombian airlines(including airport personnel and even customs and immigration) treatedUS passengers much better than they did Colombians. ly, they hadtrained Colombians to put up with anything. I had a bad experience withAvianca, which was during that time voted worst service of any airlinein the world, and I expressed my displeasure rather strongly over theservice and the lies about what was going on (was tipped in advance towhat was going to happen). From that point on, I was treated likeroyalty and afforded with services that shocked my traveling companions.Well, hopefully everything will be in order for the 21st and you'll soonbe here.>> Hi friends,> I was all set to take the flight to Sanfransico> tomorrow but we got an intimation from the airlines> that they did not have enough o2 and it woould take> them a few days to procure the o2 cylinders so now our> departure has been postponed to thursday the 21st Aug> So now i am all ready and keyed up and no where to> go. feeling slighly deflated .> hope there are no more glitches !!> hope to meet some of the goup in CA> keep well all of you> Geeta>

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