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Re: Holy tiredness Batman!!

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Beth, First of all...it could

definitely be a seasonal reaction. The

humidity is still high even though the temperatures have lowered. Just

listen to your body

and take it easier for a few days. I've been feeling like you do. The

weather is similar here in PA.

Second...thanks for the article! Very interesting.

Take care...Don't get sick!!!!!

Z fibriotic NSIP/05

Z 64,

fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA

And “mild”

PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!!

No, NSIP was not

self-inflicted…I never smoked!


reader,carousel lover and MomMom to


and Sara

“I’m gonna

be iron like a lion in Zion” Bob Marley


Minor-periwinkle is my flower

Beth wrote:

Boy oh boy, I feel like I got run over by a steamroller. It's

weird but it's been happening more and more recently. Days when I'm

just plain exhausted for no apparent reason. It could be the change of

seasons I suppose. It's been chilly here, nights in the 30's and days

in the high 50's. My breathing is pretty much the same unless I'm out

in the chilly wind, that always makes me cough but other than that I'm


I don't know what the deal is but I sure don't like it. OK

that's my rant for tonight you can go back to your regularly scheduled

programming folks!


Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08

"Take chances, make mistakes

and get messy!"

Miss Frizzle

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Robin here, NO NO NO, You had just better NOT get sick... Please let your body rest. Eat some good veggie soup and rest some more. I do hate when you don't feel well. Try to stay out of the cold. It seems to make us more tired trying to breathe. You don't need anything that makes you cough more. Bless your little pointed head... ;) has a terrible head cold. He has moved into the other bedroom and I am gonna send him to the other house if he sneezes one more time.. lol. I forgot how men are with a cold. oh no.. I am making veggie soup in the AM. Take care of you honey girl. Sleep well. Love & Prayers, PeggyFlorida,  IPF/UIP 2004"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."  Boy oh boy, I feel like I got run over by a steamroller. It's weird but it's been happening more and more recently. Days when I'm just plain exhausted for no apparent reason. It could be the change of seasons I suppose. It's been chilly here, nights in the 30's and days in the high 50's. My breathing is pretty much the same unless I'm out in the chilly wind, that always makes me cough but other than that I'm fine.I don't know what the deal is but I sure don't like it. OK that's my rant for tonight you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming folks!  Beth-ModeratorFibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08      "Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!" Miss Frizzle

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> > Boy oh boy, I feel like I got run over by a steamroller. It's weird

> > but it's been happening more and more recently. Days when I'm just

> > plain exhausted for no apparent reason. It could be the change of

> > seasons I suppose. It's been chilly here, nights in the 30's and days

> > in the high 50's. My breathing is pretty much the same unless I'm out

> > in the chilly wind, that always makes me cough but other than that


> > fine.

> > I don't know what the deal is but I sure don't like it. OK that's my

> > rant for tonight you can go back to your regularly scheduled

> > programming folks!

> >

> > **

> >

> > */ Beth-Moderator/*

> >

> > */Fibrotic NSIP 06/06 UCTD 06/08 Celtic Cross

> > <http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYYYAU>/*

> >

> >

> >

> > / " Take chances, make mistakes and get messy! " /

> >

> > / Miss Frizzle/

> >

> >

> >



> >

> >

> >No virus found in this incoming message.

> >Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> >Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.8.5/1755 - Release Date:

10/29/2008 5:27 PM

> >

> >

> >


Hello to my new group, and mod Beth...

I never smoked! As the season is changing, I am getting so tired.

My pulmo Doc blames my " gall bladder " for my newly diagnosed IPF

" nausea side effect " symptoms and increased fatigue, but from the

scientific research I have done (I've only been out of the 76 oxy/sat,

9 day hospital stay lung biopsy/etc. a couple of weeks). I blame the

combo of prednisone weaning and NAC side effects for my constant

flu-like and disruption of my entire already compromised GI tract. I

am SO tired, and nauseous,also. My headache never goes away.

Do others of you have my " new " and almost constant (Pain Level 7)

headache (untouched by my already full-strength Pain Clinic drugs, for

co-morbidity problems)? My GP is helping me with a quick 12 day wean

off the prednisone (I already had gastritis, acid reflux and bleeding

Chrohn's) plus I dumped my NAC because the morning dose obviously made

me so sick within 20 minutes (vomiting by the other two doses/day).

How can you tell when you have had a moderate exacerbation? I was

deathly ill, and coughing constantly, for 5 days (a week after a great

6 minute walk test two weeks out of the hospital), and now I cannot

walk a few steps without panting. My pulmo Doc blames my side effects

all on my gall bladder (never a problem before!). I am changing pulmo

Doc's on Monday. My diagnosing Doc has the bedside manner of a heart

surgeon! However, I had my GP do a gall bladder ultrasound yesterday

(just in case Pulmo-Dude might be correct).

And, why does the literature not mention the dry cough as a problem?

Does it usually get worse as IPF progresses? I can't find any good

research articles on the " end " stage, other than a respiratory

therapist who said it was similar to COPD (I nursed my mother-in-law

through that death).

Does everyone realize the the Wikipedia is begging for you guys to add

the " end " stage to their PF description? If anyone knows of a website

(I'm too old at 57 to have a double lung transplant) that might talk

about hospice, or home hospice, or increasing quality of life, I'd

love to know about it. The scientific lit says if you are intubated,

there is an 80% morbidity. If you are intubated a second time,

everyone dies during that hospitalization (Pulmo Doc's trusted site,

uptodate.com). I don't want to run up unnecessary hospital bills for

my husband to have to pay after I'm gone! Any holistic tips?

I'm scared! Sometimes I think being a trained research scientist can

be a drawback, when given this kind of diagnosis. However, I have been

feeling so poorly as the weather has changed, I haven't spent enough

time on the computer. Luckily, my GP gave me a copy of my

lung biopsy to read when I was discharged, so at least I knew that the

part of my lung that " crackles " is black, and full of fibers and

typically abnormal IPF histology.

I'm sorry for the length of my post, but since you are the Moderator,

Beth, I thought I'd post on a thread where I found you, as the

" same thing " is happening to me with the change of weather (it doesn't

help that I've had S.A.D. for 20 years, since moving near Vanderbilt

from Hollywood).

Happy Halloween,


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