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Re: Night sweats

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Am 53, post menopausal, no hrt, off all supplements for at least 4 weeks

before saliva testing.

estrogen, your opinion, hmmmmmmmmmm my full Diagnos tests at end of


<<How is your estrogen? Are you takign HC in the daytime?>>

Estradiol 11 post men no hrt range 1-4 ***************

To me looks like I'm off the charts.... what do I do???

DHEA looks low as well. Will both of these affect sleep patterns and night


Off to do some internet research.

<<<<Sounds liek you need a bedtime dose and proitein at bedtime. No carbs

after abotu 5PM. This sounds liek hypoglycemia.>>

Eating 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil at about 10-10:30 with sleep at 11:00

Was doing cheese and crackers sometimes too, will drop that. Am eating no

candy, no soda, almost no sugars at all. Stevia in yoghurt and haven't

even been doing that lately cause of possible too much sugar in the dairy.

Not doing any HC during day. Seriphos AM and PM. (included my labs, you

talk to so many)

Eat almost no processed foods, only use sea salt liberally. Actualy have

to force myself to eat, and am doing protein. No white carbs, only whole

grains when I do carbs.

Use no caffine, not even excedrine. My stress level is sky high, all out

of my control. (people die whether I want them to or not)

Am getting moderate exercise grooming and leading horses. (a JOY for me)

Have excellent therapist, feels Amino acids along with my Cytomel may be

good start for me. She's hooking me up with a Yoga class as well. Wants me

to do a gentle walk most every day.

Will see what accupuncture has to say on monday. Have given up massages for

time being cause I need $$$ for labs and supplements.

Am 53, post menopausal, no hrt, off all supplements for at least 4 weeks

before saliva testing.

kc in AZ

Free Cortisol

7:00-8:00 28 Elevated 13-24 Range

11-Noon 5 Normal 5-10 Range

4-5 pm 6 Normal 3-8 Range

11-Mid 6 Elevated 1-4 Range

Cortison Burden 45 23-42 Range

DHEA 4 Normal 3-19 Range

Estradiol 11 post men no hrt range 1-4 ***************

Progester 51 post men no hrt range 5-95

Free Testos 12 Normal 8-20 range

FTSH 56 Normal

FT4 0.25 Normal

FT3 0.24 Borderline Low

Thyroid Mocro AB SIgA Positive Normal=Negative

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HMMM Your estrogen levels are showing me LOW cortils and I am more

inclined to believe them wiht your symtooms than the cortisol labs.This

can be from several things.. Either a previously HIGHER cortils level

where you r body opened up way to omany receptors for cortils and you

literally burn through ti very quickly, or clogged cortisl receptors

which do not allow the cortisl to work properly The OS should help wiht

boith these but in the meantime you might actually try Isocort in the

daytime. Is your BP high? Does it rise when you take it sitting then

satnding? I would check that out and if not rising definitely add in

some Isocort to see if that might help you sleep better. It would also

lower your estrogen where it needs ot be. You might also use both

testosterone and progesterone as both are on the low end.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Kc, 2.5mg of HC in the middle of the night has helped me before - a

couple of times it was obviously just what I needed b/c I fell right

to sleep after taking it with a little food. Other times, it hasn't

helped at all. When I take it like that I usually reduce the morning

dose by 2.5mg so, for me, that has meant taking 7.5 or 10mg when I get

up (depending on whether I was dosing 10 or 12.5 in the AM - now I am

dosing 10mg). I don't know what my night-time cortisol levels are

anymore, but they tested low when I did the saliva test. I wish that

we could test them again while taking HC but the results wouldn't mean



> Has anyone had experience with HIGH midnight and AM cortisol levels,


> having cortisol drop during the sleep hours.


> With all the sleep meds I've been on and for the length of, time,

AND, the

> fact that they are no longer effective.


> I'm " almost " thinking about a mild dose of hydrocortisone cream when

I first

> wake up at 3:00 am.... as a trial.


> I'm already doing everything else nutritionally I know to do.


> Have a therapy appt today, maybe she's got some new breathing


> for me.


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