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FW: Message from the Chair: Ambulance-Design Specifications, New on the Web, Google Newsgroup and other section news

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Emergency Medical Services Section

of the International Association of Fire Chiefs

Emergency Medical



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June 30, 2009

TO: EMS Section Members

FROM: Chief Ludwig, EMS Section Chair

Currently on the EMS Section Website

The EMS Section website serves as a resource for EMS information and

tools. New to the site in June:

* The June Fully Involved


podcast: Chief Ludwig, EMS Section chair, interviews Debra Cason,

project director for the National EMS Education Standards development,

and Dan Manz, state EMS director for Vermont and chairperson responsible

for implementing the National EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A

Systems Approach. The interview covers how the new EMS education

standards were developed, who they impact and how they will be

implemented. Find this online at Resources > Podcasts

http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1120> , as

well as on IAFC-TV http://www.iafctv.org/default.cfm?sub=3> and


* Additional H1N1 " Swine Flu " resources

http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1107> : A

recent briefing, created by the EMS Section's Emerging Disease Committee

for fire and EMS chiefs, explains what the World Health Organization's

increase of the pandemic threat level to Phase 6 means for local

departments. Find this on Resources > H1N1 Flu

http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1107> .


Fire-Rescue International Is Less Than 60 Days Away: Have You Registered


The EMS Section will hold its biannual membership meeting at Fire-Rescue

International http://www.iafc.org/fri> (FRI) on Thursday, August 27,

in room A-130-131 of the Dallas Convention Center 1-3 pm local time.

Section activities will be discussed, section committees will give

reports and many guests will provide updates on their efforts on behalf

of the EMS community at the local, state and federal level.

FRI provides you and your department with the best education and

networking on issues affecting the fire and EMS service during these

tough economic times. Some great sessions with valuable takeaways for

today's EMS leaders include:

* Chief - Do You Know About This? Current and Emerging EMS Topics

for the Fire Chief


* Untapped Revenue Sources for Fire-based EMS


* Mentoring in Memphis : A Case Study for Developing

Firefighter/Paramedic Recruits


Check out the FRI website http://www.iafc.org/fri> to see all of the

leadership courses

http://iafc.confex.com/iafc/fri09/webprogram/meeting.html> being

offered and the numerous networking events


age=934> .


Stay Up to Date with the EMS Section Google Newsgroup

As an added member benefit, the EMS Section has created a Google

newsgroup feed for members to receive important updates and to exchange

information in an easy and unobtrusive manner. Members can also utilize

the Google newsgroup community to ask questions, obtain information and

provide knowledge to fellow section members. For example, Google

newsgroup members were the first to learn of the EMS Section's Emerging

Disease Committee briefing on what the World Health Organization's

pandemic increase to Phase 6 meant to local departments.

If you're interested in this service, please send an email request to

EMS Section Staff Liaison Lucian Deaton via emsSection@....


Ambulance-Design Specifications Meeting Held

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) committee writing

ambulance design specifications-with safety as a main focus-has held

their first meeting. The committee was formed when the EMS Section and

the Safety, Health and Survival Section of the IAFC petitioned the NFPA

to form a committee to address ambulance-safety design. , who

is a member of both sections, represents the IAFC on the NFPA

ambulance-design specification committee.


June Executive Committee Call Minutes Available

During their monthly teleconference on June 17, the executive committee


* Development of increased section member benefits

* EMS helicopter regulation

* Education program planning for FRM 2010

* EMS representation on NFPA committees

The full minutes are available on www.iafc.org/emssection under About >

Meetings http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=825>


EMS Chair Update Table of



Table of Contents

Currently on the EMS Section Website

Fire-Rescue International Is Less Than 60 Days Away: Have You Registered


Stay Up to Date with the EMS Section Google Newsgroup

Ambulance-Design Specifications Meeting Held

June Executive Committee Call Minutes Available

www.iafc.org/emsSection http://www.iafc.org/emsSection>



EMS Section of the IAFC

4025 Fair Ridge Drive, Suite 300 * Fairfax, VA 22033-2868

Phone: * Fax: * Web: www.iafc.org/emsSection

EMS Home http://www.iafc.org/emsSection> | About

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Resources http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=819>

| Awards http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=842>

| FRM Conference http://www.iafc.org/frm> | Calendar

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http://www.iafc.org/associations/4685/files/mbrship_applicWEB.pdf> |

Contact http://www.iafc.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=844>

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