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Hi Rhonda..

So sorry about your toe.. Unfortunately I relate as i have freak accidents

happen to me too.. like when the Cuisinart blade liked my finger a little too


Just wanted to note: Hold off on the almond flour- once you guys start feeling

better than intro it. Ask for ideas when it is time.

Welcome, and just keep asking questions!!


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> As I attempt to wade through the vast amount of new information I need to

> learn, I thought it might be polite to introduce myself before I jump in

> with my questions. I'm Rhonda 45, IBS/UC diagnosed after my son , 16,

> was finally diagnosed with Crohn's. He was diagnosed at 12 and although

> I'm grateful to his doctors for what they did for him, it's time for us to

> try this diet. When was finally diagnosed he had a nasty fistula and

> was dropping 5 pounds a week. He's over 6ft tall now and is thin as a

> rail. He has constant stomach pain, chest pain, intestinal pain, muscle

> and joint aches, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, leg twitches,

> psoriasis, migraines... and in 4 years that fistula is still not totally

> healed. I've been diagnosed with many things before IBS/UC.. and told my

> constant rectal bleeding was hemorrhoids. My son's GI doc recommended I

> get further exams after knowing 's diagnosis and yup, no

> hemorrhoids. There are a million things that cause me pain when I eat

> them. I can't wait to see how we feel in a year from now.


> I'm overwhelmed by how much information I need to learn to do this diet

> right. I want it to work for us, and I'm happy to say he's excited about

> the diet. Hubby is on board, although grumbling about it a bit. I

> welcome any hints, tips etc that you have. Web-sites or links that you go

> to for reference. I did find www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info. Is there a

> forum online for us as well?


> I bought a new Cuisinart Friday and a sharp blade fell from the box and

> into my toe.. so I'm hindered a bit by an inch long 1/2 inch deep

> gash. I'm keeping it elevated and it appears to be healing well. I have a

> yogurt maker, an ice-cream maker.. all I need is someone to operate all

> these keen new toys. I have several cookbooks on the way, including

> Lucy's. Some Almond flour coming from Lucy and my local grocery carries

> Dry Farmer's Cheese. They call it Fromage Blanc as well. It sounds like

> the right item.


> Okay... that's us now.


> Rhonda 45, IBS/UC

> Son, , 16, Crohn's


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> As I attempt to wade through the vast amount of new information I need to

> learn, I thought it might be polite to introduce myself before I jump in

> with my questions. I'm Rhonda 45, IBS/UC diagnosed after my son , 16,

> was finally diagnosed with Crohn's. He was diagnosed at 12 and although

> I'm grateful to his doctors for what they did for him, it's time for us to

> try this diet. When was finally diagnosed he had a nasty fistula and

> was dropping 5 pounds a week. He's over 6ft tall now and is thin as a

> rail. He has constant stomach pain, chest pain, intestinal pain, muscle

> and joint aches, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, leg twitches,

> psoriasis, migraines... and in 4 years that fistula is still not totally

> healed. I've been diagnosed with many things before IBS/UC.. and told my

> constant rectal bleeding was hemorrhoids. My son's GI doc recommended I

> get further exams after knowing 's diagnosis and yup, no

> hemorrhoids. There are a million things that cause me pain when I eat

> them. I can't wait to see how we feel in a year from now.


> I'm overwhelmed by how much information I need to learn to do this diet

> right. I want it to work for us, and I'm happy to say he's excited about

> the diet. Hubby is on board, although grumbling about it a bit. I

> welcome any hints, tips etc that you have. Web-sites or links that you go

> to for reference. I did find www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info. Is there a

> forum online for us as well?


> I bought a new Cuisinart Friday and a sharp blade fell from the box and

> into my toe.. so I'm hindered a bit by an inch long 1/2 inch deep

> gash. I'm keeping it elevated and it appears to be healing well. I have a

> yogurt maker, an ice-cream maker.. all I need is someone to operate all

> these keen new toys. I have several cookbooks on the way, including

> Lucy's. Some Almond flour coming from Lucy and my local grocery carries

> Dry Farmer's Cheese. They call it Fromage Blanc as well. It sounds like

> the right item.


> Okay... that's us now.


> Rhonda 45, IBS/UC

> Son, , 16, Crohn's


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Hi Rhonda and :

Don't feel overwhelmed. If you focus on your health, it will become second

nature. You'll have to cook all your own food at first which is the healthiest

way to live anyway. Look at this as a way to take you and your son's health into

your own hands. You may have to stay on meds the entire time on SCD, but you'll

have a much healthier diet and you'll be helping to control your symptoms...

eventually maybe being able to wean yourself off meds.

The dies is really very simple... The key to this diet is starting off slowly.

Here are some pointers.

* Start with the intro diet for at least 3 days.

-Chicken soup with the onions/celery picked out and the carrots blended back

into the soup (an immersion blender works great for this). Once you feel

healing, you can blend the onions/celery back in.

-Homemade gelatin with 50/50 either Tropicana Pure Premium no pulp OJ or

Welchs's 100% grape juice.

-Roasted Chicken

-Hamburger Patties

-I tolerated Colby/Jack cheese during this time

-Very ripe bananas (if you are fighting yeast too you might want to check out

the files along with this group. there is some great info on SCD and candida.)

I felt immediate relief by following the intro. I had to SLOWLY add foods back

into my diet. Everything caused discomfort.

As for yogurt, take it SLOW. start with a 1/4 teaspoon a day and work your way

up from there. It took me months to be able to handle a full cup at a time.

After the intro:

* Start introducing veggies slowly. They should be peeled, deseeded and well

cooked. http://pecanbread.com/new/recipes1.html has a great guidline for

starting the diet.

I first tolerated

-cooked apples (sliced apples with a little honey and cinnamon) on top of banana

pancakes (1 very ripe banana blended with 1 egg until smooth and cooked like a

pancake).. this was and still is divine.

-Carrot pie (2 lbs. well cooked carrots (2 hours), blended with 4 tempured eggs,

some honey to taste, and cinnamon... bake until lightly browned on top)

-SCD Cheesecake (YUMMY)

-well cooked cauliflower

-well cooked french style green beans

-well cooked peeled and deseeded squashes (any kind)

I have been on the diet 17 months and still don't tolerate much nut flour or

nuts in general. Take that very slowly and wait until you see actual results

before adding.

Keep in mind, you need to do a 3 day rotation on adding new foods to see what

your body reacts too. I know I still can eat cooked spinach or broccoli today.

I have been lukcy enough to add beans into my diet, but I am still having severe

C issues (it's been a week since I've gone to the bathroom even though I'm

following the C protocol).

Good luck to you and your son. If you can show him and your husband how foods

can actually help, they'll be on board. I have 3 people that knew how much pain

I was in before SCD and those 3 people take up for me all the time when someone

says ... well you can have just one bite. Right after I switched to SCD and

there was so much improvement someone tried to get me to eat something... they

were really trying hard and I was still new and having horrible cravings...

well, my sister, who's a nutcase anyway, went off on ths person. Your family and

friends that know what you and your son are going through will be on board

immediatley when they see how fast you improve on the diet. I have 3 people that

cook for me, which isn't hard, and I trust that they know what to do and I don't

even question them about what they used anymore. It's nice having this support

group and supporting family/friends. Without this group and those 3

family/friends, I would have had a much harder time doing this.

Good luck to you and hope your toe heals up fast =)

Misty Kimble

CD - no meds

SCD - 17 months

> I'm overwhelmed by how much information I need to learn to do this diet right.

I want it to work for us, and I'm happy to say he's excited about the diet.

Hubby is on board, although grumbling about it a bit. I welcome any hints, tips

etc that you have. Web-sites or links that you go to for reference. I did find

www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info. Is there a forum online for us as well?

> I have several cookbooks on the way, including Lucy's. Some Almond flour

coming from Lucy and my local grocery carries Dry Farmer's Cheese. They call it

Fromage Blanc as well. It sounds like the right item.

> Rhonda 45, IBS/UC

> Son, , 16, Crohn's

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Hi Misty,

That is an awfully long time not to poop.

You ever resort to home-made enemas or perhaps Magnesium products?

My acupuncturist told me that some people should eat figs and not prunes- do you

think you could maybe do some stewed figs with some prunes or something.

I was very backed up due to narcotics post surgery- couldn't do figs though as

it has seeds and that is contra-indicative post bowel surgery.


> I have been lukcy enough to add beans into my diet, but I am still having

severe C issues (it's been a week since I've gone to the bathroom even though

I'm following the C protocol).

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Hi Misty,

That is an awfully long time not to poop.

You ever resort to home-made enemas or perhaps Magnesium products?

My acupuncturist told me that some people should eat figs and not prunes- do you

think you could maybe do some stewed figs with some prunes or something.

I was very backed up due to narcotics post surgery- couldn't do figs though as

it has seeds and that is contra-indicative post bowel surgery.


> I have been lukcy enough to add beans into my diet, but I am still having

severe C issues (it's been a week since I've gone to the bathroom even though

I'm following the C protocol).

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Hi Misty,

That is an awfully long time not to poop.

You ever resort to home-made enemas or perhaps Magnesium products?

My acupuncturist told me that some people should eat figs and not prunes- do you

think you could maybe do some stewed figs with some prunes or something.

I was very backed up due to narcotics post surgery- couldn't do figs though as

it has seeds and that is contra-indicative post bowel surgery.


> I have been lukcy enough to add beans into my diet, but I am still having

severe C issues (it's been a week since I've gone to the bathroom even though

I'm following the C protocol).

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