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Re: Ambulance Attendants Accused of Raping, Molesting Across the...

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Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET


Freelance Consultant/Trainer/Author/Journalist/Fire Protection Consultant


(Cell Phone)

(IFW/FSS Office)


" A Texan with a Jersey Attitude "

" Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds

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In a message dated 8/11/2009 7:28:40 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

texas.paramedic@... writes:

Yeah it is all coming back to me now, Dudley. LOL Getting old.... ;)


To: texasems-l


Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 23:40:27 -0400

Subject: Re: Ambulance Attendants Accused of Raping,

Molesting Across the United States


I am not aware of all the cases, but I am aware of a couple of them.? But

first, let me say it was this article and the hard work of several EMS

leaders around the state as well at the Texas Ambulance Association that worked

to get a new law passed this legislative session that is one of the most

progressive laws in the nation.? It has a set of things that people can NOT

be certified with at all including murder, sexual assault, any crime that

requires registration as a sex offender, etc.? In addition, it allows DSHS

to refuse to certify people that have convictions for things that could

cause harm to the citizens if they were certified...and instead of the decision

getting appealed to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) who

traditionally overturned DSHS staffs decisions because the law language

did " specifically say DSHS couldn't withhold certification... " the decisions

must now be appealed to the District Court of County...so a criminal

court will decide if a convicted felon can hold an EMS certification if

DSHS says no.

LASTLY, it also allows DSHS to tell folks BEFORE they enroll in an

education program if they will be able to be certified at the end of the


This will prevent students from having to sit through the class, pay all

the money and then get told at the end...sorry you can't be certified.? This

will prevent the economic investment that spurns many to carry this as far

as possible....

On the cases I am aware of, they are what the legislature calls " Romeo and

t " cases.? These are cases where a 17, 18 or 19 year old kid had sex

with his 15 or 16 year old girlfriend and when the parents found out, they

filed charges.? These folks are now on the registered sex offender

list....even though in both cases I am aware of, the two kids ended up getting

married....one got divorced after several years and the others are still


Either way, we now have legislation in place.? The EMS Committee,

Education Committee and GETAC itself will be reviewing some rule changes in


to this legislation in 2 weeks at the GETAC meetings so that the rules can

get published and the new laws can be put into effect by DSHS.?

Here is a link to the law language.? It is a pretty good job in my


BTW, this article was published in December and is one of 3 or 4 out at

that time.? It really helped to spurn this change this year.


RE: Ambulance Attendants Accused of Raping,

Molesting Across the United States

I seem to recall we discussed this article here when it was first

published, eight months ago.


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