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<< I have worked steady for over 35 years but my body is not

cooperating and doctor wants me to quit my job...due to stress and steady

degenerative state. I have just " run of out gas " and can't do it anymore

(work as Administrative Asst..previous Legal Secretary). >>

Ducks, I like that. I would think if your doctor wants you to quit work, you

must be in an awful lot of pain. There are many on this list that have

received SS disability and others that are working on it. They will be only

to glad to help you with information. Will you receive a pension when you

leave or is it too early. Since I don't know your age I couldn't say if you

were eligible for Social Security and Medicaid. Not that I think a lot of

Medicaid. I have Medicaid and Medicare with gap insurance and I still end up

paying full price for many medications. Last time I got 3 different

prescriptions filled it was over $300.00. I have been diagnosed with

diabetes and fortunately there is a generic drug for the one I am to take.

Welcome to our group. You will get many questions answered as this is a very

knowledgeable group. A very supportive and caring one too. Just keep asking

the questions that you need answers to and most likely you will get correct


Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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  • 4 weeks later...


It's very hard to live with the " limits " of fibro and cfs. And I'm not

expert enough to comment on what treatment/meds to go with. But I do think

that I think of it as my " battle " place. I feel I can overcome the enemy -

at the very least come into a place of functioning. I never lose hope. And

I channel anger into fighting the cause of it -- when I can. I don't have

all the answers -- but I can tell you that if you read past emails -- you

can tell we're a supportive bunch of people and you can ask anything? And

express anything in here. Many people in here have taught me a lot

already! So ask your ?? - Share your experiences with us.

I'm glad you came to us...Marsha

> Hi, I'm new to the group, have had fibro and probly cfs for about 5

> years. I have great doctors, take the meds, go to both physical

> therphy and mental therapy , am having a very hard time accepting, i

> know i am going thru the stages of denial, loss, acceptance and all

> the others would like to talk to others who are having this

> problem,the other day even my pt said you cant do pt for ever so what

> do I do now ? My daughter is suggesting yoga. I think I need to share

> the daily grind with others.




> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs




> LIST OWNER: " Missy " Parrot004@...>

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe







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It's very hard to live with the " limits " of fibro and cfs. And I'm not

expert enough to comment on what treatment/meds to go with. But I do think

that I think of it as my " battle " place. I feel I can overcome the enemy -

at the very least come into a place of functioning. I never lose hope. And

I channel anger into fighting the cause of it -- when I can. I don't have

all the answers -- but I can tell you that if you read past emails -- you

can tell we're a supportive bunch of people and you can ask anything? And

express anything in here. Many people in here have taught me a lot

already! So ask your ?? - Share your experiences with us.

I'm glad you came to us...Marsha

> Hi, I'm new to the group, have had fibro and probly cfs for about 5

> years. I have great doctors, take the meds, go to both physical

> therphy and mental therapy , am having a very hard time accepting, i

> know i am going thru the stages of denial, loss, acceptance and all

> the others would like to talk to others who are having this

> problem,the other day even my pt said you cant do pt for ever so what

> do I do now ? My daughter is suggesting yoga. I think I need to share

> the daily grind with others.




> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs




> LIST OWNER: " Missy " Parrot004@...>

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe







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It's very hard to live with the " limits " of fibro and cfs. And I'm not

expert enough to comment on what treatment/meds to go with. But I do think

that I think of it as my " battle " place. I feel I can overcome the enemy -

at the very least come into a place of functioning. I never lose hope. And

I channel anger into fighting the cause of it -- when I can. I don't have

all the answers -- but I can tell you that if you read past emails -- you

can tell we're a supportive bunch of people and you can ask anything? And

express anything in here. Many people in here have taught me a lot

already! So ask your ?? - Share your experiences with us.

I'm glad you came to us...Marsha

> Hi, I'm new to the group, have had fibro and probly cfs for about 5

> years. I have great doctors, take the meds, go to both physical

> therphy and mental therapy , am having a very hard time accepting, i

> know i am going thru the stages of denial, loss, acceptance and all

> the others would like to talk to others who are having this

> problem,the other day even my pt said you cant do pt for ever so what

> do I do now ? My daughter is suggesting yoga. I think I need to share

> the daily grind with others.




> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs




> LIST OWNER: " Missy " Parrot004@...>

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe







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At 12:00 AM 01/27/2002 +0000, sissy592002 wrote:


>I think I need to share the daily grind with others.

Please do! And welcome to the group. I am hoping to start yoga once this

current flare/etc. is past. My parents do yoga and very much enjoy it.

Welcome again!



Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.



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sissy592002 wrote:

> Hi, I'm new to the group, have had fibro and probly cfs for about 5

> years. I have great doctors, take the meds, go to both physical

> therphy and mental therapy , am having a very hard time accepting, i

> know i am going thru the stages of denial, loss, acceptance and all

> the others would like to talk to others who are having this

> problem,the other day even my pt said you cant do pt for ever so what

> do I do now ? My daughter is suggesting yoga. I think I need to share

> the daily grind with others.

Hi and welcome to the group. I also can't exercise. I have a yoga

tape, but haven't gotten very far into it, it's just some relaxation and

stretching stuff. I've also started (ok, this might sound weird)

rocking in a rocking chair. I figure it's supporting my weight, but I

am at least using my leg muscles. So far I'm up to one minute.


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Thats cool Darcy :)

Darcy wrote:

I've also started (ok, this might sound weird)

> rocking in a rocking chair. I figure it's supporting my weight, but I

> am at least using my leg muscles. So far I'm up to one minute.

> Darcy

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Thats cool Darcy :)

Darcy wrote:

I've also started (ok, this might sound weird)

> rocking in a rocking chair. I figure it's supporting my weight, but I

> am at least using my leg muscles. So far I'm up to one minute.

> Darcy

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Thats cool Darcy :)

Darcy wrote:

I've also started (ok, this might sound weird)

> rocking in a rocking chair. I figure it's supporting my weight, but I

> am at least using my leg muscles. So far I'm up to one minute.

> Darcy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome Annie!

At 01:34 AM 02/22/2002 +0000, mslupie wrote:

>I have Lupus,Fibro,mild MS,Asthma and a seizure disorder.

I am a " probable MS " person myself. It's hard for me to tell if I'm tired

from FM or tired from MS. I don't know for sure about the MS, only the FM,

but hopefully I'll find out more next week. Latest MRI was pretty strongly

suggestive of MS.

Hope you find this list as supportive and welcoming as I have. Nice to

meet you!




Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.


Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam

omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum

saxum immane mittam.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group....I looked at your wedding photos and they are

beautiful. I have a LOT of hanging skin and honestly wish that I had

the TT before getting pregnant. But, I am already 35 and personally

could not justify putting off getting pregnant any longer. Good luck!


sfuld wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is , and I had my

> RNY in April, 2001. I lost from around 325 to my lowest of 165. I got

> married in November, 2002, and since then, I've gained a few pounds.

> I'm trying to lose about 15-18 pounds to get back to my pre-wedding

> weight. We will probably start trying to have a baby in September or

> so, and I really would like to start my pregnancy at a lower weight.

> I'm 33 years old, and this will be my first pregnancy. I will turn 34

> in December, and I am very much hoping to have my first kiddo before

> my 35th birthday!


> I've enjoyed reading this site and learning about some aspects of

> pregnancy after WLS. I have no concerns about being able to eat

> enough, since I'm 2+ years out and can eat plenty. My OB is very

> familiar with post-WLS pregnancies, and he is a close friend of my

> surgeon. When I saw him for my regular yearly checkup in March, I

> told him that I would be trying to have a baby sometime before my

> next yearly visit. He prescribed prenatal vitamins, and I finally

> filled the prescription and started taking them a couple of weeks

> ago. (They are a little yucky tasting, but I'll manage…)


> I'm reading a book on pre-conception planning (Before Your Pregnancy:

> A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy

> Conception) and trying to clean up some of my bad habits. I don't

> smoke, but I have been drinking too much alcohol lately, so I'm going

> to start curbing it. This book advocates that reducing alcohol

> consumption in the 2-3 months prior to conception increases the

> chances of conception. My husband recently quit smoking, and we're

> trying to do a better of job of eating healthy and getting our butts

> to the gym.


> Although I'm over 2 years post-op, I have not had any plastic

> surgeries. I definitely need a tummy tuck at least, if not a central

> body lift. Last year I was too busy planning for my wedding, and the

> timing just did not work out. And now there's no sense in having PS

> before having babies. I'm a little frustrated at the prospect of

> dealing with this sagging skin for at least the next several years

> until we're done having babies. I never thought my self-image would

> be worse after losing so much weight! Of course, I'm grateful for my

> improved health and the fact that I'm healthy enough to have a baby

> now. The skin is just annoying, but I wish I did not have to wait so

> long to do anything about it.


> Well, I'll probably just keep lurking for a while until I have

> some " news " or maybe questions when we're TTC (I'm learning all the

> acronyms!). I certainly don't have much to add to the conversation at

> this point, but I am grateful for this site – I have already learned

> so much.


> Best wishes,


> Lap RNY 4/5/01

> 325/183 (lowest: 165 – trying to get back there)

> http://www.michaelandshelley.com






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Guest guest

Welcome to the group....I looked at your wedding photos and they are

beautiful. I have a LOT of hanging skin and honestly wish that I had

the TT before getting pregnant. But, I am already 35 and personally

could not justify putting off getting pregnant any longer. Good luck!


sfuld wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is , and I had my

> RNY in April, 2001. I lost from around 325 to my lowest of 165. I got

> married in November, 2002, and since then, I've gained a few pounds.

> I'm trying to lose about 15-18 pounds to get back to my pre-wedding

> weight. We will probably start trying to have a baby in September or

> so, and I really would like to start my pregnancy at a lower weight.

> I'm 33 years old, and this will be my first pregnancy. I will turn 34

> in December, and I am very much hoping to have my first kiddo before

> my 35th birthday!


> I've enjoyed reading this site and learning about some aspects of

> pregnancy after WLS. I have no concerns about being able to eat

> enough, since I'm 2+ years out and can eat plenty. My OB is very

> familiar with post-WLS pregnancies, and he is a close friend of my

> surgeon. When I saw him for my regular yearly checkup in March, I

> told him that I would be trying to have a baby sometime before my

> next yearly visit. He prescribed prenatal vitamins, and I finally

> filled the prescription and started taking them a couple of weeks

> ago. (They are a little yucky tasting, but I'll manage…)


> I'm reading a book on pre-conception planning (Before Your Pregnancy:

> A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy

> Conception) and trying to clean up some of my bad habits. I don't

> smoke, but I have been drinking too much alcohol lately, so I'm going

> to start curbing it. This book advocates that reducing alcohol

> consumption in the 2-3 months prior to conception increases the

> chances of conception. My husband recently quit smoking, and we're

> trying to do a better of job of eating healthy and getting our butts

> to the gym.


> Although I'm over 2 years post-op, I have not had any plastic

> surgeries. I definitely need a tummy tuck at least, if not a central

> body lift. Last year I was too busy planning for my wedding, and the

> timing just did not work out. And now there's no sense in having PS

> before having babies. I'm a little frustrated at the prospect of

> dealing with this sagging skin for at least the next several years

> until we're done having babies. I never thought my self-image would

> be worse after losing so much weight! Of course, I'm grateful for my

> improved health and the fact that I'm healthy enough to have a baby

> now. The skin is just annoying, but I wish I did not have to wait so

> long to do anything about it.


> Well, I'll probably just keep lurking for a while until I have

> some " news " or maybe questions when we're TTC (I'm learning all the

> acronyms!). I certainly don't have much to add to the conversation at

> this point, but I am grateful for this site – I have already learned

> so much.


> Best wishes,


> Lap RNY 4/5/01

> 325/183 (lowest: 165 – trying to get back there)

> http://www.michaelandshelley.com






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Guest guest

Welcome to the group....I looked at your wedding photos and they are

beautiful. I have a LOT of hanging skin and honestly wish that I had

the TT before getting pregnant. But, I am already 35 and personally

could not justify putting off getting pregnant any longer. Good luck!


sfuld wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is , and I had my

> RNY in April, 2001. I lost from around 325 to my lowest of 165. I got

> married in November, 2002, and since then, I've gained a few pounds.

> I'm trying to lose about 15-18 pounds to get back to my pre-wedding

> weight. We will probably start trying to have a baby in September or

> so, and I really would like to start my pregnancy at a lower weight.

> I'm 33 years old, and this will be my first pregnancy. I will turn 34

> in December, and I am very much hoping to have my first kiddo before

> my 35th birthday!


> I've enjoyed reading this site and learning about some aspects of

> pregnancy after WLS. I have no concerns about being able to eat

> enough, since I'm 2+ years out and can eat plenty. My OB is very

> familiar with post-WLS pregnancies, and he is a close friend of my

> surgeon. When I saw him for my regular yearly checkup in March, I

> told him that I would be trying to have a baby sometime before my

> next yearly visit. He prescribed prenatal vitamins, and I finally

> filled the prescription and started taking them a couple of weeks

> ago. (They are a little yucky tasting, but I'll manage…)


> I'm reading a book on pre-conception planning (Before Your Pregnancy:

> A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy

> Conception) and trying to clean up some of my bad habits. I don't

> smoke, but I have been drinking too much alcohol lately, so I'm going

> to start curbing it. This book advocates that reducing alcohol

> consumption in the 2-3 months prior to conception increases the

> chances of conception. My husband recently quit smoking, and we're

> trying to do a better of job of eating healthy and getting our butts

> to the gym.


> Although I'm over 2 years post-op, I have not had any plastic

> surgeries. I definitely need a tummy tuck at least, if not a central

> body lift. Last year I was too busy planning for my wedding, and the

> timing just did not work out. And now there's no sense in having PS

> before having babies. I'm a little frustrated at the prospect of

> dealing with this sagging skin for at least the next several years

> until we're done having babies. I never thought my self-image would

> be worse after losing so much weight! Of course, I'm grateful for my

> improved health and the fact that I'm healthy enough to have a baby

> now. The skin is just annoying, but I wish I did not have to wait so

> long to do anything about it.


> Well, I'll probably just keep lurking for a while until I have

> some " news " or maybe questions when we're TTC (I'm learning all the

> acronyms!). I certainly don't have much to add to the conversation at

> this point, but I am grateful for this site – I have already learned

> so much.


> Best wishes,


> Lap RNY 4/5/01

> 325/183 (lowest: 165 – trying to get back there)

> http://www.michaelandshelley.com






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Guest guest

Welcome to all the new members of the group that I missed this week.... You

have found a wonderful group of women who are truly helpful and inspire most

of us daily! Again, welcome and congrats to all the new pregnant Mommies!

Marcy Wallis

Mom to Kaitlyn 05/01/94

Mom to 12/10/02

Wife to

New to the group

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is , and I had my

RNY in April, 2001. I lost from around 325 to my lowest of 165. I got

married in November, 2002, and since then, I've gained a few pounds.

I'm trying to lose about 15-18 pounds to get back to my pre-wedding

weight. We will probably start trying to have a baby in September or

so, and I really would like to start my pregnancy at a lower weight.

I'm 33 years old, and this will be my first pregnancy. I will turn 34

in December, and I am very much hoping to have my first kiddo before

my 35th birthday!

I've enjoyed reading this site and learning about some aspects of

pregnancy after WLS. I have no concerns about being able to eat

enough, since I'm 2+ years out and can eat plenty. My OB is very

familiar with post-WLS pregnancies, and he is a close friend of my

surgeon. When I saw him for my regular yearly checkup in March, I

told him that I would be trying to have a baby sometime before my

next yearly visit. He prescribed prenatal vitamins, and I finally

filled the prescription and started taking them a couple of weeks

ago. (They are a little yucky tasting, but I'll manage.)

I'm reading a book on pre-conception planning (Before Your Pregnancy:

A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy

Conception) and trying to clean up some of my bad habits. I don't

smoke, but I have been drinking too much alcohol lately, so I'm going

to start curbing it. This book advocates that reducing alcohol

consumption in the 2-3 months prior to conception increases the

chances of conception. My husband recently quit smoking, and we're

trying to do a better of job of eating healthy and getting our butts

to the gym.

Although I'm over 2 years post-op, I have not had any plastic

surgeries. I definitely need a tummy tuck at least, if not a central

body lift. Last year I was too busy planning for my wedding, and the

timing just did not work out. And now there's no sense in having PS

before having babies. I'm a little frustrated at the prospect of

dealing with this sagging skin for at least the next several years

until we're done having babies. I never thought my self-image would

be worse after losing so much weight! Of course, I'm grateful for my

improved health and the fact that I'm healthy enough to have a baby

now. The skin is just annoying, but I wish I did not have to wait so

long to do anything about it.

Well, I'll probably just keep lurking for a while until I have

some " news " or maybe questions when we're TTC (I'm learning all the

acronyms!). I certainly don't have much to add to the conversation at

this point, but I am grateful for this site - I have already learned

so much.

Best wishes,

Lap RNY 4/5/01

325/183 (lowest: 165 - trying to get back there)


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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Guest guest

Welcome to all the new members of the group that I missed this week.... You

have found a wonderful group of women who are truly helpful and inspire most

of us daily! Again, welcome and congrats to all the new pregnant Mommies!

Marcy Wallis

Mom to Kaitlyn 05/01/94

Mom to 12/10/02

Wife to

New to the group

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is , and I had my

RNY in April, 2001. I lost from around 325 to my lowest of 165. I got

married in November, 2002, and since then, I've gained a few pounds.

I'm trying to lose about 15-18 pounds to get back to my pre-wedding

weight. We will probably start trying to have a baby in September or

so, and I really would like to start my pregnancy at a lower weight.

I'm 33 years old, and this will be my first pregnancy. I will turn 34

in December, and I am very much hoping to have my first kiddo before

my 35th birthday!

I've enjoyed reading this site and learning about some aspects of

pregnancy after WLS. I have no concerns about being able to eat

enough, since I'm 2+ years out and can eat plenty. My OB is very

familiar with post-WLS pregnancies, and he is a close friend of my

surgeon. When I saw him for my regular yearly checkup in March, I

told him that I would be trying to have a baby sometime before my

next yearly visit. He prescribed prenatal vitamins, and I finally

filled the prescription and started taking them a couple of weeks

ago. (They are a little yucky tasting, but I'll manage.)

I'm reading a book on pre-conception planning (Before Your Pregnancy:

A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy

Conception) and trying to clean up some of my bad habits. I don't

smoke, but I have been drinking too much alcohol lately, so I'm going

to start curbing it. This book advocates that reducing alcohol

consumption in the 2-3 months prior to conception increases the

chances of conception. My husband recently quit smoking, and we're

trying to do a better of job of eating healthy and getting our butts

to the gym.

Although I'm over 2 years post-op, I have not had any plastic

surgeries. I definitely need a tummy tuck at least, if not a central

body lift. Last year I was too busy planning for my wedding, and the

timing just did not work out. And now there's no sense in having PS

before having babies. I'm a little frustrated at the prospect of

dealing with this sagging skin for at least the next several years

until we're done having babies. I never thought my self-image would

be worse after losing so much weight! Of course, I'm grateful for my

improved health and the fact that I'm healthy enough to have a baby

now. The skin is just annoying, but I wish I did not have to wait so

long to do anything about it.

Well, I'll probably just keep lurking for a while until I have

some " news " or maybe questions when we're TTC (I'm learning all the

acronyms!). I certainly don't have much to add to the conversation at

this point, but I am grateful for this site - I have already learned

so much.

Best wishes,

Lap RNY 4/5/01

325/183 (lowest: 165 - trying to get back there)


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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Guest guest











Mom to:


7 year twin boys and

Madison age 4

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Guest guest


I had a hernia repair and tummy tuck on 11-4-03 and got pregnant 2-4-03. I am

now due 11-7-03 although the date keeps moving up a day or two with each visit!

I am extremly tight and show more above the belly button than below. It is tight

but not totally uncomfortable. I am just now starting to round out below the b

button. I am hoping that it wont stretch too much and so far that is the case,

although I do have 3 more months to go!


-- New to the group


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Guest guest


I had a hernia repair and tummy tuck on 11-4-03 and got pregnant 2-4-03. I am

now due 11-7-03 although the date keeps moving up a day or two with each visit!

I am extremly tight and show more above the belly button than below. It is tight

but not totally uncomfortable. I am just now starting to round out below the b

button. I am hoping that it wont stretch too much and so far that is the case,

although I do have 3 more months to go!


-- New to the group


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Guest guest


I had a hernia repair and tummy tuck on 11-4-03 and got pregnant 2-4-03. I am

now due 11-7-03 although the date keeps moving up a day or two with each visit!

I am extremly tight and show more above the belly button than below. It is tight

but not totally uncomfortable. I am just now starting to round out below the b

button. I am hoping that it wont stretch too much and so far that is the case,

although I do have 3 more months to go!


-- New to the group


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Tina!

Welcome to the group! What an amazing group of people on this list!

Who's your doctor? Glad to hear that your daughter is receiving the

Ponseti method!

If you have a chance and would like to read about our story,

check out our website:


I recently updated it.

My daughter is now 3 years 3 months and is doing terrific! Her foot

was pretty mild, so it corrected very easily without a tenotomy. Did

your daughter need a tenotomy?

Look forward to hearing more about your story so far!


Joanne W. mom to Zoe (3-25-01, right clubfoot)

> Hello all. My name is Tina, and I live in Dartmouth, NS, Canada.


> 14 month old daughter was born with her left foot clubbed and


> I have never heard of the Ponseti method until I found this


> I believe this is what my daughter had done. She was in her first

> cast when she was 6 days old, and have then on for several months,

> using manipulation of the casts, however all of her casts were

> fiberglass ones. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.

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Guest guest

Hi Tina!

Welcome to the group! What an amazing group of people on this list!

Who's your doctor? Glad to hear that your daughter is receiving the

Ponseti method!

If you have a chance and would like to read about our story,

check out our website:


I recently updated it.

My daughter is now 3 years 3 months and is doing terrific! Her foot

was pretty mild, so it corrected very easily without a tenotomy. Did

your daughter need a tenotomy?

Look forward to hearing more about your story so far!


Joanne W. mom to Zoe (3-25-01, right clubfoot)

> Hello all. My name is Tina, and I live in Dartmouth, NS, Canada.


> 14 month old daughter was born with her left foot clubbed and


> I have never heard of the Ponseti method until I found this


> I believe this is what my daughter had done. She was in her first

> cast when she was 6 days old, and have then on for several months,

> using manipulation of the casts, however all of her casts were

> fiberglass ones. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.

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Guest guest

Hi Tina,

I am in Lantz, NS, there are a few of us here from NS.

Did you receive treatment at the IWK? Who was your doctor? What stage

is your daughter at in her treatment?

My son was born with left clubfoot and was treated at the

IWK by Dr. Hyndman. We did not have very good results there (short

casts, no DBB) and were headed down the path to surgery. I ended up

taking my son to BC to see Dr. Pirani a Ponseti trained doctor.

I am really interested to hear how your treatment went at the IWK,

and how your little one is doing now. Hopefully your experience was

better than mine.

Feel free to email me personally , I'd love to chat.

Sometimes we local Mum's get together let me know if you are

interested in that.

Good luck!


Mum to Ben born March 31,2003 Unilateral left clubfoot

> Hello all. My name is Tina, and I live in Dartmouth, NS, Canada.


> 14 month old daughter was born with her left foot clubbed and


> I have never heard of the Ponseti method until I found this


> I believe this is what my daughter had done. She was in her first

> cast when she was 6 days old, and have then on for several months,

> using manipulation of the casts, however all of her casts were

> fiberglass ones. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.

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Hi Tina,

I am in Lantz, NS, there are a few of us here from NS.

Did you receive treatment at the IWK? Who was your doctor? What stage

is your daughter at in her treatment?

My son was born with left clubfoot and was treated at the

IWK by Dr. Hyndman. We did not have very good results there (short

casts, no DBB) and were headed down the path to surgery. I ended up

taking my son to BC to see Dr. Pirani a Ponseti trained doctor.

I am really interested to hear how your treatment went at the IWK,

and how your little one is doing now. Hopefully your experience was

better than mine.

Feel free to email me personally , I'd love to chat.

Sometimes we local Mum's get together let me know if you are

interested in that.

Good luck!


Mum to Ben born March 31,2003 Unilateral left clubfoot

> Hello all. My name is Tina, and I live in Dartmouth, NS, Canada.


> 14 month old daughter was born with her left foot clubbed and


> I have never heard of the Ponseti method until I found this


> I believe this is what my daughter had done. She was in her first

> cast when she was 6 days old, and have then on for several months,

> using manipulation of the casts, however all of her casts were

> fiberglass ones. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.

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Guest guest

Hi Tina,

I am in Lantz, NS, there are a few of us here from NS.

Did you receive treatment at the IWK? Who was your doctor? What stage

is your daughter at in her treatment?

My son was born with left clubfoot and was treated at the

IWK by Dr. Hyndman. We did not have very good results there (short

casts, no DBB) and were headed down the path to surgery. I ended up

taking my son to BC to see Dr. Pirani a Ponseti trained doctor.

I am really interested to hear how your treatment went at the IWK,

and how your little one is doing now. Hopefully your experience was

better than mine.

Feel free to email me personally , I'd love to chat.

Sometimes we local Mum's get together let me know if you are

interested in that.

Good luck!


Mum to Ben born March 31,2003 Unilateral left clubfoot

> Hello all. My name is Tina, and I live in Dartmouth, NS, Canada.


> 14 month old daughter was born with her left foot clubbed and


> I have never heard of the Ponseti method until I found this


> I believe this is what my daughter had done. She was in her first

> cast when she was 6 days old, and have then on for several months,

> using manipulation of the casts, however all of her casts were

> fiberglass ones. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you.

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