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Re: Follow up to low TSH

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Yes it is pretty normal especiall yif you have adrenal fatigue or lwo

ferritin, but other wise if nothing is wrong and you are just hypo the

TSH shoudl be higher. When I see one that low it usually means something

is bnot wokrign right, have you tried or tested B12?









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Haven't checked B-12 but taking it sublinqual. Based on my shakiness and no

recovery ability it seems to be pointing toward adrenals not able to handle all

the hormone im my blood-30mg HC for a man I hear is low anyway, let alone if I

am overworking my system with to much thyroid.


> Yes it is pretty normal especiall yif you have adrenal fatigue or lwo

> ferritin, but other wise if nothing is wrong and you are just hypo the

> TSH shoudl be higher. When I see one that low it usually means something

> is bnot wokrign right, have you tried or tested B12?


> --


> http://nthadrenalsweb.org/



> http://faqhelp.webs.com/


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/


> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/


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I found the book from this website very helpful when I was researching a low

TSH. He says Vitamin A deficiency is one cause.

Another reason I found mentioned on the realthyroidhelp site was exposure to

toxins, particularly petrochemicals.


> My TSH was 0.005 after decreasing dessicated-Val suggested it could be low

ferritin or I might just have too much dessicated and agreed with my Dr. to

decrease dessicated and stay on T3.


> My ferritin has always been good-tested it a few times over the last couple of

years-last lab iron 128, ferritin 134.


> So is it normal to have such a suppressed TSH and not be hyper? My average

pulse is probably 72 beats a minute-I've had low basals, but my afternoon temp

does reach 98.6 on most days. I have no tolerance for excercise, brain fog is

back,-this seems like a paradoxial situation...

> My TSH actually dropped (more suppressed) after dropping 1.5 grains

dessicated-does this make since? Do high quality labs like Lab Corp make big



> Thanks for the advice-as of now I see the best move is too drop the

dessicated, I just hope I don't crash...


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