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Re: magnesium deficiency

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I found out through blood test. My doc said mine was EXTREMELY LOW.

he said that selenium and zinc arent accurate through blood, never

said mag wasn't. It was a simple blood serum test. Now, Im ordered to

try milk of mag every night to raise it. I've never had any prominent

symtpoms except an eye twitching once in a while(which could be hypo

adrenal or thyroid too), and some shakiness inside. My limbs have

never really twitched, like they say would happen with low mag.

I read somewhere too, that hypothyroidism causes you to be low in ALL

of your minerals.

> >

> > MOST people with hypothyoridism are low in magnesium. to correct


> > oyu need ot take JUST magnesium. Taking calcium and magnesium

does nto

> > work,. If you are in doubt about how much you are taking order a

lab to

> > see where lyour levels of calcium and magnesium are. Guessing is

> juts that.

> > https://orders.directlabs.com/dl-locator/order_tests.aspx

> >

> > Magnesium $39 and Calcium spot urine $39

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane


> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> >


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My understanding from some reading is that we are almost all somewhat

mag deficient b/c it has been leeched out of our environment and that

us hypo people are even worse off than most. My doc ordered the RBC

Mag test and had to write it in on his lab sheet and the phlebotomist

had to look it up when she did my blood draw. Mine came back right in

the middle of normal - 5.1 with a ref. range of 4 - 6.4. I'm still

supplementing with 400mg at night - so far dissolving my mag/glycinate

tabs in water and waiting for the Natural Calm that I ordered.


> What kind of blood test did you have? SERUM magnesium is VERY

unreliable, but RED BLOOD CELL magnesium is very reliable about what's

in the cells. Conventional docs run serum magnesium and people die

from heart problems due to serious deficiency but told their magnesium

status is fine. Alternative docs run " red blood cell " because they

know this is most reliable. Genova Diagnostics is a good lab to get

these levels tested by. You can go to their website and look over

their excellent tests and ask your doc to order one and do it for you.



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