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Re: My very unusual situation-Michele

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Do you mind mentioning why you won't don internal work? I am having it

done at my PT and felt like it's helping but if you know something I

don't about why it might not be a good idea, I would like to know. You

can email me off group if you want more privacy.



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Do you mind mentioning why you won't don internal work? I am having it

done at my PT and felt like it's helping but if you know something I

don't about why it might not be a good idea, I would like to know. You

can email me off group if you want more privacy.



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I'll bet Rhonda K would have a field day with you. After all your surgeries, I'll bet your pelvic floor is a contracted trigger point filled mess. Have you ever considered travelling to get a consult from one of the really really good PTs?Kristy Sokoloski wrote: Chelle,I understand what you are trying to say but I can tell when I amhaving problems down below because of how in tune I am with mybody. And I thank you for sharing what you have learned.As for my

surgeries, they have not affected my bladder. Thereason is because the incisions for my last 3 are nowhere nearthe bladder, especially the suprapubic one. Thank goodness forthat. With my last 3 surgeries I only have two incisions unlikethe 4 from my very first lap in 1997 (the one that gave cluesabout my endo). I will gladly consider internal PT but only if done by aphysiatrist or a Nurse Practicioner, but my main issue is mynerves because of the damage done to them. If I go to a regularPT it can only be done externally if I were to do that (see below one reason why I won't even for external work at thistime).As for the treatment if I did want to do it with a regular PT(which I have an opinion about them doing internal work but willkeep that to myself) it would actually make me worse and notbetter because of how low of a pain threshold I have and alsothe fact that I have fibromyalgia. I would need to

have someonethat is also experienced at working on fibro patients if I everwere to consider a regular PT for external work. Not havingsomeone that is also experienced with fibromyalgia can make thecondition worse.I don't have many problems with scar tissue from my laps and thereason why is because of the stuff my doctor uses to preventthem from being a big problem. I even went adhesion free for 7years until the endo caused some more to give me more problemslast year. And so far since that surgery last year no newproblems with adhesions thank goodness.I can see where for some women though having surgeries a lotcould create a problem though. Makes sense based on what yousaid. And my doctor and I do our best to avoid doing moresurgery but unfortunately for me with my endo as it is becauseof the way my body deals with it I have to have surgery every somany years to get its status checked out when it starts

to actup. But on the medication front I'm glad that both the pill andthe Zoladex (this one especially) work together to keep my endoin check.Thanks for the information. It's good to know about in case itshould become an issue later, but I do know that I have someissues with my bladder in part because of the scare I hadearlier this year with the ultrasound. I also had some symptoms7 years ago with my bladder that also indicated something iswrong there.I will let you know what happens and if I decide to go with anyinternal work. But I will make sure that the one I choose isaware of my fibro to make sure that whatever is done is done ina way that won't make me worse. It just makes it very hard (which is also why I'm able to be sofine tuned as to tell what is going on in such detail with mybody) because I am very limited to what I can do and if thereare some things I can do I'm often limited to how

I can go aboutthem. Because otherwise I would gladly try everything that isavailable (I've done a ton of research on the issue, heard aboutPT for the area even as far back as nearly 10 years ago for thepelvic floor area and in relation to vulvodynia) to try and helpthis.I have some other reasons that come in to play for why I can'tlet an actual physical therapist do internal work on me (one ofwhich ties in to an opinion on the subject that I'll keep tomyself), but they aren't as big as the reasons given here. And I did talk to someone (a physical therapist that is) severalyears ago at the time this discussion came up on the list andsomeone tried to suggest it nearly 10 years ago. And she agreedthat if I came to her she would do it any way I wanted her towhich meant all the work would have to be external.There were so many things I wanted to try even 5 years after thediagnosis but couldn't then just

like I can't now. Beinglimited for a lot of reasons can be hard at times which is whyI'm always checking with all my doctors to see what they say. My rheumatologist feels that for me a physiatrist would be abetter choice overall and I'm considering consulting one for mynerve issues.Thanks for the information. I truly appreciate it and I'm sorryif I sounded irritated earlier. The weather was getting to me abit because it started to rain. Above all thanks for caring.Kristy :)__________________________________________________

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