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: I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's good that

she has you. I, too, do not have breast cancer (I did include the word

" yet " in that sentence automatically and deleted it when I realized

it. Weird, right?), but have an immediate family history of it. Colleen


> I want to first start off by saying that you all are some very

> wonderful and strong people. I give you so much credit. I do not

> have cancer but my grandma was jsut diganosed with termnal

> breastcancer and I wanted to know what I could do to help her ouot.

> What were some things that helped anyt of you out? I was also

> wondering if you knew where to get teh breast cancer rubber bracelets

> for support. Thank you




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Welcome Aboard April! I'm sure you'll find some great info here that

will be useful not just for your hubby, but for yourself as well.

Sounds like your living an adventure! Glad to hear your enjoying your

new location.

Blessings, Yvonne


> I'm April. My hubby had RNY bypass Sept 25. He is doing good. I


> thought about having it but i dont' think I could handle the diet.

I have

> littel self controll. Hubby had his surgery at a center of


> They are a good group of people there! He was scheduled to have

surgery in

> June in UT but due to an office manager that had issues it didnt'


> through. We wait in UT, lived in MT at the time, for 1 1/2 months

for the

> to finally get it. They would tell us a new date and then we would


> there and they would tell us it was cancelled or whatnot. My hubby

has a

> skeletal muscle reaction to most commond anesthesia. SO the

anesthesia Dr

> wasn't comfy with doing the surgery. So we went back to MT then

hubby got a

> job offer in KY. SO...we live in KY now. We are so much more

happy with

> this DR! Oh Hubby is 29 and I'm 27. We have a 4 yo son. Oh and a


> on a weight loss program. lol I should mention that my aunt is

part of

> this group and told me to join! She is great! Love her to death!


> April


> _________________________________________________________________

> Share your special moments by uploading 500 photos per month to

Windows Live

> Spaces

> http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?



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Hey PJ! Where have you been? I was looking for posts that you might

have written. Didn't find any....but I didnt' look all that hard.

Love ya


Who thinks she looks a lot like her aunt PJ

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Hey PJ! Where have you been? I was looking for posts that you might

have written. Didn't find any....but I didnt' look all that hard.

Love ya


Who thinks she looks a lot like her aunt PJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Cat,

You certainly have been through a lot. I know what you mean about putting you

dog to sleep. We had Moochie for 13 1/2 yrs and had to put him to sleep back in

1989. I still miss him.

We are all here for you. I will keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life




Angel Feather Loomer


Check out my other ornaments at


Lots of info and gifts at:


New here

Hi , my name is Cat,

I found out I had Breast Cancer June 28. I had surgery on Aug. 1, I had

Radical mastectomy on both breast. My cancer was in the left breast, which was

Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III, and focal high-grade ductal carcinoma in

situ. I .had 8 lymph nodes which turned out to be negative, thank God.

Had chest expanders the day of my surgery. Started 16 weeks of chemo Aug. 30.

Turned 48 on Sept 3. The first 4 rounds of chemo I was so sick after each


After my second chemo on my free week I went in to have my expanders filled

and I had complications that night. My right breast swelled up in to my arm pit

and neck and the pain had me in tears.

My plastic Surgeon said he must had hit a blood vessel which caused the

bleeding. He took out 100cc out and put pressure on it to drain it so now my

left breast has 450Cs, right breast has 350cc so I'm lopsided and there's still

pain there.

Then in the middle of my chemo my dog Phantom got very sick, Oct 18 we had to

put him to sleep. We were with him when we had to do it, I was depressed so


My husband picked Phantom's ashes up today Oct. 25. I still find my self

crying but I know he's not in any pain and he's not suffering anymore. But I

still miss him here with me.

I started my second round of chemo Oct. 24. I'm felling good today not sick

like I was on the first round. Three more to go, my last one will be Dec. 5.

Then I'll meet the Doctor who will decide how much radiation treatments that I

will need.

I don't know when I will get breast implants. The worst part of chest

expanders is that, the chest muscles that lay flat on your rib cage are pulled

up on top of the chest expanders and are stretched which is painful.

I know some day when I get my implants and all well and this will be behind

me. I miss working, sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my side or just being able

to go places, out to eat, I miss all that.

I have my family with me but don't get to see our girls too much. My Mom has

been here with us helping out since the beginning. We all plan on walking in the

Breast Cancer walks next year. Thanks for being here for me and all the others

who need someone to e-mail. Have a great day and God Bless you, Cat


All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


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Welcome Cat,

You certainly have been through a lot. I know what you mean about putting you

dog to sleep. We had Moochie for 13 1/2 yrs and had to put him to sleep back in

1989. I still miss him.

We are all here for you. I will keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life




Angel Feather Loomer


Check out my other ornaments at


Lots of info and gifts at:


New here

Hi , my name is Cat,

I found out I had Breast Cancer June 28. I had surgery on Aug. 1, I had

Radical mastectomy on both breast. My cancer was in the left breast, which was

Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III, and focal high-grade ductal carcinoma in

situ. I .had 8 lymph nodes which turned out to be negative, thank God.

Had chest expanders the day of my surgery. Started 16 weeks of chemo Aug. 30.

Turned 48 on Sept 3. The first 4 rounds of chemo I was so sick after each


After my second chemo on my free week I went in to have my expanders filled

and I had complications that night. My right breast swelled up in to my arm pit

and neck and the pain had me in tears.

My plastic Surgeon said he must had hit a blood vessel which caused the

bleeding. He took out 100cc out and put pressure on it to drain it so now my

left breast has 450Cs, right breast has 350cc so I'm lopsided and there's still

pain there.

Then in the middle of my chemo my dog Phantom got very sick, Oct 18 we had to

put him to sleep. We were with him when we had to do it, I was depressed so


My husband picked Phantom's ashes up today Oct. 25. I still find my self

crying but I know he's not in any pain and he's not suffering anymore. But I

still miss him here with me.

I started my second round of chemo Oct. 24. I'm felling good today not sick

like I was on the first round. Three more to go, my last one will be Dec. 5.

Then I'll meet the Doctor who will decide how much radiation treatments that I

will need.

I don't know when I will get breast implants. The worst part of chest

expanders is that, the chest muscles that lay flat on your rib cage are pulled

up on top of the chest expanders and are stretched which is painful.

I know some day when I get my implants and all well and this will be behind

me. I miss working, sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my side or just being able

to go places, out to eat, I miss all that.

I have my family with me but don't get to see our girls too much. My Mom has

been here with us helping out since the beginning. We all plan on walking in the

Breast Cancer walks next year. Thanks for being here for me and all the others

who need someone to e-mail. Have a great day and God Bless you, Cat


All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


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Welcome Cat,

You certainly have been through a lot. I know what you mean about putting you

dog to sleep. We had Moochie for 13 1/2 yrs and had to put him to sleep back in

1989. I still miss him.

We are all here for you. I will keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life




Angel Feather Loomer


Check out my other ornaments at


Lots of info and gifts at:


New here

Hi , my name is Cat,

I found out I had Breast Cancer June 28. I had surgery on Aug. 1, I had

Radical mastectomy on both breast. My cancer was in the left breast, which was

Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III, and focal high-grade ductal carcinoma in

situ. I .had 8 lymph nodes which turned out to be negative, thank God.

Had chest expanders the day of my surgery. Started 16 weeks of chemo Aug. 30.

Turned 48 on Sept 3. The first 4 rounds of chemo I was so sick after each


After my second chemo on my free week I went in to have my expanders filled

and I had complications that night. My right breast swelled up in to my arm pit

and neck and the pain had me in tears.

My plastic Surgeon said he must had hit a blood vessel which caused the

bleeding. He took out 100cc out and put pressure on it to drain it so now my

left breast has 450Cs, right breast has 350cc so I'm lopsided and there's still

pain there.

Then in the middle of my chemo my dog Phantom got very sick, Oct 18 we had to

put him to sleep. We were with him when we had to do it, I was depressed so


My husband picked Phantom's ashes up today Oct. 25. I still find my self

crying but I know he's not in any pain and he's not suffering anymore. But I

still miss him here with me.

I started my second round of chemo Oct. 24. I'm felling good today not sick

like I was on the first round. Three more to go, my last one will be Dec. 5.

Then I'll meet the Doctor who will decide how much radiation treatments that I

will need.

I don't know when I will get breast implants. The worst part of chest

expanders is that, the chest muscles that lay flat on your rib cage are pulled

up on top of the chest expanders and are stretched which is painful.

I know some day when I get my implants and all well and this will be behind

me. I miss working, sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my side or just being able

to go places, out to eat, I miss all that.

I have my family with me but don't get to see our girls too much. My Mom has

been here with us helping out since the beginning. We all plan on walking in the

Breast Cancer walks next year. Thanks for being here for me and all the others

who need someone to e-mail. Have a great day and God Bless you, Cat


All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


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There are some people here that have RAI therapy and could help you out. I sympathize with what you're going through. How is your diet lately? Craving starches? Sweet/salty foods? Just curious..

Re: New Here

Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is time totell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story, but Iam hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am loosingmy mind over all of this.About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly" checkup, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENTspecialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism. Aftermuch convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced methat the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. Thewhole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't bedoing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the iodinetreatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to come inevery 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which I havedone faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however in therecent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I called theENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and toldme that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to beseen again for another year.I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed to beasking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for letting mejoin the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.Charity J. Thornhill

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There are some people here that have RAI therapy and could help you out. I sympathize with what you're going through. How is your diet lately? Craving starches? Sweet/salty foods? Just curious..

Re: New Here

Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is time totell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story, but Iam hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am loosingmy mind over all of this.About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly" checkup, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENTspecialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism. Aftermuch convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced methat the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. Thewhole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't bedoing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the iodinetreatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to come inevery 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which I havedone faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however in therecent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I called theENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and toldme that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to beseen again for another year.I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed to beasking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for letting mejoin the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.Charity J. Thornhill

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There are some people here that have RAI therapy and could help you out. I sympathize with what you're going through. How is your diet lately? Craving starches? Sweet/salty foods? Just curious..

Re: New Here

Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is time totell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story, but Iam hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am loosingmy mind over all of this.About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly" checkup, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENTspecialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism. Aftermuch convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced methat the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. Thewhole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't bedoing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the iodinetreatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to come inevery 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which I havedone faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however in therecent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I called theENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and toldme that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to beseen again for another year.I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed to beasking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for letting mejoin the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.Charity J. Thornhill

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If you live in the United States, by law I think he's required to give you a copy of your labs. So you may want to request your records and see what they say. Sometimes you gotta crack the whip to make them dance, but by golly, it sure is fun!! :)

Re: New Here

Thanks for the welcome Dawn. I don't think that the ENT is actually aendocronologist (sp?), he is nothing more than a ear nose and throatspecialist. Infact, I don't think that there is a endo around my hometown or any neighboring towns either. He has never gave me any of myresults, it is always either "you are doing good, we will see in you 3months" or "you are doing and we won't need to see you again in oneyear", which was the most recent. Come to think of it, I've never evenbeen told if my levels go up or down or anything inbetween, I believethat I will be calling him tomorrow and asking for my test results.Charity> >> >> > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is> time to> > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,> but I> > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am> loosing> > my mind over all of this.> >> > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly"> check> > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT> > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.> After> > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced> me> > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The> > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I> shouldn't be> > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the> iodine> > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to> come in> > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which> I have> > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however> in the> > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I> called the> > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and> told> > me that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to> be> > seen again for another year.> >> > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed> to be> > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for> letting me> > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.> >> > Charity J. Thornhill> >>

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If you live in the United States, by law I think he's required to give you a copy of your labs. So you may want to request your records and see what they say. Sometimes you gotta crack the whip to make them dance, but by golly, it sure is fun!! :)

Re: New Here

Thanks for the welcome Dawn. I don't think that the ENT is actually aendocronologist (sp?), he is nothing more than a ear nose and throatspecialist. Infact, I don't think that there is a endo around my hometown or any neighboring towns either. He has never gave me any of myresults, it is always either "you are doing good, we will see in you 3months" or "you are doing and we won't need to see you again in oneyear", which was the most recent. Come to think of it, I've never evenbeen told if my levels go up or down or anything inbetween, I believethat I will be calling him tomorrow and asking for my test results.Charity> >> >> > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is> time to> > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,> but I> > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am> loosing> > my mind over all of this.> >> > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly"> check> > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT> > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.> After> > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced> me> > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The> > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I> shouldn't be> > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the> iodine> > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to> come in> > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which> I have> > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however> in the> > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I> called the> > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and> told> > me that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to> be> > seen again for another year.> >> > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed> to be> > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for> letting me> > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.> >> > Charity J. Thornhill> >>

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If you live in the United States, by law I think he's required to give you a copy of your labs. So you may want to request your records and see what they say. Sometimes you gotta crack the whip to make them dance, but by golly, it sure is fun!! :)

Re: New Here

Thanks for the welcome Dawn. I don't think that the ENT is actually aendocronologist (sp?), he is nothing more than a ear nose and throatspecialist. Infact, I don't think that there is a endo around my hometown or any neighboring towns either. He has never gave me any of myresults, it is always either "you are doing good, we will see in you 3months" or "you are doing and we won't need to see you again in oneyear", which was the most recent. Come to think of it, I've never evenbeen told if my levels go up or down or anything inbetween, I believethat I will be calling him tomorrow and asking for my test results.Charity> >> >> > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is> time to> > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,> but I> > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am> loosing> > my mind over all of this.> >> > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the "yearly"> check> > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT> > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.> After> > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced> me> > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The> > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I> shouldn't be> > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the> iodine> > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to> come in> > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which> I have> > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however> in the> > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I> called the> > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and> told> > me that all of my levels are "normal" and that I wouldn't need to> be> > seen again for another year.> >> > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed> to be> > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for> letting me> > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.> >> > Charity J. Thornhill> >>

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Thanks Kate, I actually didn't find what you said discomforting because

it is something that I have been struggling with. I believe that he

knows what to do, however I also believe that he doesn't either. You

know what I am saying? I spoke w/ a friend that has hypothyroidism and

she believes also that this dr. doesn't have a clue what he is talking


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is

> > > time to

> > > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd

> story,

> > > but I

> > > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am

> > > loosing

> > > > my mind over all of this.

> > > >

> > > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly "

> > > check

> > > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> > > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.

> > > After

> > > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally

> convinced

> > > me

> > > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine.

> The

> > > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > > shouldn't be

> > > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the

> > > iodine

> > > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to

> > > come in

> > > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing.

> Which

> > > I have

> > > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications,

> however

> > > in the

> > > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I

> > > called the

> > > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back

> and

> > > told

> > > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need

> to

> > > be

> > > > seen again for another year.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed

> > > to be

> > > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > > letting me

> > > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > > >

> > > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks Kate, I actually didn't find what you said discomforting because

it is something that I have been struggling with. I believe that he

knows what to do, however I also believe that he doesn't either. You

know what I am saying? I spoke w/ a friend that has hypothyroidism and

she believes also that this dr. doesn't have a clue what he is talking


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is

> > > time to

> > > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd

> story,

> > > but I

> > > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am

> > > loosing

> > > > my mind over all of this.

> > > >

> > > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly "

> > > check

> > > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> > > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.

> > > After

> > > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally

> convinced

> > > me

> > > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine.

> The

> > > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > > shouldn't be

> > > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the

> > > iodine

> > > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to

> > > come in

> > > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing.

> Which

> > > I have

> > > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications,

> however

> > > in the

> > > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I

> > > called the

> > > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back

> and

> > > told

> > > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need

> to

> > > be

> > > > seen again for another year.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed

> > > to be

> > > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > > letting me

> > > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > > >

> > > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > > >

> > >

> >


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My diet hasn't changed much. My appetite has, I'm not as hungry as I

usually am. I don't eat as much as I used to, and nothing looks good to

me. Well, except tomatoes, I love tomatoes.....go figure huh? LOL


> There are some people here that have RAI therapy and could help you

out. I sympathize with what you're going through. How is your diet

lately? Craving starches? Sweet/salty foods? Just curious..



> Re: New Here




> Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is time to

> tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story, but


> am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am


> my mind over all of this.


> About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly " check

> up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism. After

> much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced me

> that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The

> whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't


> doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the iodine

> treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to come


> every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which I


> done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however in


> recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I called


> ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and told

> me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need to be

> seen again for another year.


> I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed to be

> asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for letting


> join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.


> Charity J. Thornhill


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I do live in the United States. I am going to get copies b/c I think

that I am going to go to another doctor, the same doctor that I have had

for 29 yrs. (my age). He has never misdiagnosed me, treated me badly,

and explained everything to me in simple terminology so that I can

understand what is going on.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is

> > time to

> > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,

> > but I

> > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am

> > loosing

> > > my mind over all of this.

> > >

> > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly "

> > check

> > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.

> > After

> > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced

> > me

> > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The

> > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > shouldn't be

> > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the

> > iodine

> > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to

> > come in

> > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which

> > I have

> > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however

> > in the

> > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I

> > called the

> > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and

> > told

> > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need to

> > be

> > > seen again for another year.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed

> > to be

> > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > letting me

> > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > >

> > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > >

> >


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I do live in the United States. I am going to get copies b/c I think

that I am going to go to another doctor, the same doctor that I have had

for 29 yrs. (my age). He has never misdiagnosed me, treated me badly,

and explained everything to me in simple terminology so that I can

understand what is going on.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is

> > time to

> > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,

> > but I

> > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am

> > loosing

> > > my mind over all of this.

> > >

> > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly "

> > check

> > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.

> > After

> > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced

> > me

> > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The

> > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > shouldn't be

> > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the

> > iodine

> > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to

> > come in

> > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which

> > I have

> > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however

> > in the

> > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I

> > called the

> > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and

> > told

> > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need to

> > be

> > > seen again for another year.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed

> > to be

> > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > letting me

> > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > >

> > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > >

> >


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I do live in the United States. I am going to get copies b/c I think

that I am going to go to another doctor, the same doctor that I have had

for 29 yrs. (my age). He has never misdiagnosed me, treated me badly,

and explained everything to me in simple terminology so that I can

understand what is going on.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it is

> > time to

> > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd story,

> > but I

> > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like I am

> > loosing

> > > my mind over all of this.

> > >

> > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for the " yearly "

> > check

> > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an ENT

> > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and hyperthyroidism.

> > After

> > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally convinced

> > me

> > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive iodine. The

> > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > shouldn't be

> > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing the

> > iodine

> > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would need to

> > come in

> > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing. Which

> > I have

> > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications, however

> > in the

> > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so I

> > called the

> > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me back and

> > told

> > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't need to

> > be

> > > seen again for another year.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm supposed

> > to be

> > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > letting me

> > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > >

> > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > >

> >


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I think I understand well what you are feeling like, in this


I haven't been diagnosed but the problems remain. I ended up changing

doctors very recently. I'll tell you why but first, will tell you how

I felt about changing doctors before I did:

Having to start all over. Where do I begin!? That is, in trying to

explain to him everything that has been happening. Overwhelming!

In the past, I always thought it best to stick with the doctor who

knows most about you. A good thought but it may turn out to not serve

our best interest: our health, our life.

When you have an existing problem that is very discomforting, it's

terrible to have a doctor show you " the hand. "

You begin to doubt yourself. You'll go between that and then, to the

opposite side. Yet, how can you get your doctor to listen!?

You feel like you've been let down, that your life is going to fall

in-between the cracks. Feeling helpless and become cynical. All this

can lead to a great deal of stress. Not to mention how you are

feeling with symptoms alone.

I switched doctors because my doctor seemed disconnected, not hearing

what I was saying or quickly diagnosing me. I understand a doctor

trying to relieve your worry but unless they've thoroughly looked

into the matter...is NOT comforting.

She was hurried. I brought in a family member, for support and

noticed she slowed down. I thought, maybe she had a bad day last I

saw her. Then, I went in again-alone. Back to her old self. Last I

saw her, I had my husband with me. She changed her " tune " again.

Then, I wrote her a letter, laying out everything that had been going

on. Things that I couldn't bring myself to tell her, due to her

hurry/my nerves (but left that part out) and as well, having gone to

the E.N.T. - she couldn't know everything. I was trying to paint her

a clear picture.

The response I got back? Her nurse called me to say that my doctor

didn't want to treat the problems with my neck/throat...but would see

me for hormonal/allergies.

The time I spent writing that letter and hating every minute of

it...and she didn't have the decency to call me herself.

That was my que and who knows, maybe that was her intent. I think it

was over her head and maybe she knew she wasn't the doctor for me. If

that was the case, she handled it wrong. Wrong either way.

I changed doctors and this is what I told him, right off the bat: my

background (strong suit) in school was math/science and mechanics. I

need to understand, fully informed about what I'm dealing with.

The " inner workings. " I think he understood perfectly. I am not

looking for instant answers but someone willing to get to the bottom

of it, not think poorly of me for doing my own research and keep me

informed v/v.

Once I gave him a glimpse into my personality, the rest went nicely.

He told me what tests could be run and why. If this happens, why it

might happen. Yet he did tell me at one point (on something else),

basically right now I am telling you I don't know the answer. I

appreciated his honesty, taking the time (not hurried) and not having

the feeling that he thought I was " loopy. " I had the feeling that he

trusted me. I need to feel like I can trust him, too. Open,

comfortable communication is IMPERATIVE.

I wrote him a short list of symptoms and I asked him, how do you feel

about my writing this up and you reading it? He replied, that it made

it easier for him. Good...that was my point and is easier for me too.

My last doctor didn't seem to care for it.

That's the way it seems to be: either they like it or don't.

I would ask your friend for a doctor's referral.

If it makes it easier on you: on your computer (Word), list your

symptoms, concerns, questions etc., print and provide it to the new


It may very well be that he/she won't be able to take care of the

entire matter right off the bat but just as long as he/she truly

reads what you've written and makes a plan of " attack " ...that's a

good first step.

Tell him/her that it is important for you to get down to the bottom

of this, that you understand what is happening and why. Then, know

your options.

Your first step must be in obtaining your labs and/or other medical

records, if you so desire.

I requested mine many months ago. Interesting reading, what the

doctor was thinking. Get to see some of their " personality " shine

through too.

Just take it one step at a time, try not to allow yourself to get

overwhelmed. I KNOW, when you feel so bad...you want it fixed NOW or

better yet...to all go away NOW. It might take more time to get to

the bottom of this but I do believe you will have better success with

this seeing a new doctor.

Know this, you are not alone. Many, MANY people have gone through the

same situation, many sharing your same condition. If a doctor

isn't " equipped " to figure it out or too damn disinterested/arrogant

to care...it is NOT your fault.

Find a good doctor. If you can trust him/her and trust his/her

diagnosis...you'll feel much better.

Get your thyroid test numbers and list them here. Patients are the

most informed, in regard to their condition.

Best to you and keep that chin up,


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it


> > > > time to

> > > > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd

> > story,

> > > > but I

> > > > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like

I am

> > > > loosing

> > > > > my mind over all of this.

> > > > >

> > > > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for

the " yearly "

> > > > check

> > > > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an


> > > > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and


> > > > After

> > > > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally

> > convinced

> > > > me

> > > > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive


> > The

> > > > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > > > shouldn't be

> > > > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing


> > > > iodine

> > > > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would

need to

> > > > come in

> > > > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing.

> > Which

> > > > I have

> > > > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications,

> > however

> > > > in the

> > > > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so


> > > > called the

> > > > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me


> > and

> > > > told

> > > > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't


> > to

> > > > be

> > > > > seen again for another year.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm


> > > > to be

> > > > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > > > letting me

> > > > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > > > >

> > > > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hello all, my name is Charity, I am 29 yrs. old. I guess it

> is

> > > > > time to

> > > > > > tell you all why I joined the group...LOL...kind of an odd

> > > story,

> > > > > but I

> > > > > > am hoping that you all will understand because I feel like

> I am

> > > > > loosing

> > > > > > my mind over all of this.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > About a year and a half ago I went to my doctor for

> the " yearly "

> > > > > check

> > > > > > up, and she found a lump in my throat, so she sent me to an


> > > > > > specialist, who diagnosed me with nodules and

> hyperthyroidism.

> > > > > After

> > > > > > much convincing and talking by this ENT dr., he finally

> > > convinced

> > > > > me

> > > > > > that the best route for me would be taking radioactive

> iodine.

> > > The

> > > > > > whole way to the hospital I kept thinking to myself that I

> > > > > shouldn't be

> > > > > > doing this, but I went through with it anyhow. After doing

> the

> > > > > iodine

> > > > > > treatment, I was told by the ENT specialist that I would

> need to

> > > > > come in

> > > > > > every 3 months for TH tests to see how my levels are doing.

> > > Which

> > > > > I have

> > > > > > done faithfully, so far he hasn't prescribed medications,

> > > however

> > > > > in the

> > > > > > recent weeks I have been feeling fatigued and irritable, so

> I

> > > > > called the

> > > > > > ENT dr. and made an appointment, afterwards he called me

> back

> > > and

> > > > > told

> > > > > > me that all of my levels are " normal " and that I wouldn't

> need

> > > to

> > > > > be

> > > > > > seen again for another year.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm not sure what I'm doing, what caused this, what I'm

> supposed

> > > > > to be

> > > > > > asking, or anything else for that matter. Anyhow, thanks for

> > > > > letting me

> > > > > > join the group, I look forward to getting to know everybody.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Charity J. Thornhill

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I am hoping that this post doesn't just go " poof " ...LOL.

To answer some of your questions, there was no imaging test done when

they found the nodule. What happened was this, I went in, he did the

physical exam, then he wanted lab work done, I had blood drawn, the next

day I went back in, and that is when he told me that due to the nodule,

I developed hyperthyroidism. That is when laid out the only 2 options

that he siad was available to me, RAI or surgery. When I attempted to

discuss any other type of options, it was like talking to a brick wall.

He wanted it his way or no way at all! I was mad, and I knew that he

didn't give a damn, but I still went back for more tests. And every

single time, I saw the nurse, and that made me concerned too. I even

expressed my concern to the nurse, who said that there was nothing to

worry about.

As for the not wanting to see me in a year, I'm not sure if that was b/c

he honestly wants to write this off and postpone the inevitable or if

the test results read something good. He never discusses the levels for

me or anything else for that matter, which is another reason why I made

the decision to change doctors.

Which brings us to today, when I called to have copies of my paperwork

they gave me the run around, and when they inquired as to why I wanted

them, and I told them, they didn't want to release any of it to me.

Which I know in Arkansas they aren't able to with hold medical records

from a patient, I work as a legal assistant.

The only person that said " it could take up to 3 yrs before you could

possibly have to take medication " was the ENT doctor. The dr. at the

hospital didn't say anything like to me, the nurse didn't say anything

like that, or anybody else for that matter.

My whole thing is that all of this came on so quickly, and I didn't have

the slightest idea of what any of it meant. To be honest, I'm still

trying to figure some of it out. I know that I had a nodule, I know that

I did the RAI b/c I thought there was no other option besides surgery,

and now I am waiting on a doctor to determine when I take medications

for the rest of my God given life.

I have been taking an herbal supplement, some days I can tell it helps

then there are days when I think that it is a waste of money and time. I

am overwhelmed with all of this every single passing day. It is like my

whole life is revolving around the thoughts of medication for the rest

of my life, feeling depressed, etc. I am not the kind of person that

depends on anything, including medications. I had to have C-Section w/

my daughter b/c I had such a hard time delivering her, I refused pain

meds b/c I didn't feel the need to depend on them, I wasn't going to be

able to take it at home, so what was the purpose? Ya know what I am

saying? My husband thought I was being stubborn, but I wasn't, it is

just the way I am. I'm not dependent on anything or anybody. But now, I

feel like I am loosing it and I'm not dealing with it very well at all.

Thanks for listening to me!


> > >

> > > I think I understand well what you are feeling like, in this

> > > situation.

> > >

> > > I haven't been diagnosed but the problems remain. I ended up

> changing

> > > doctors very recently. I'll tell you why but first, will tell you

> how

> > > I felt about changing doctors before I did:

> > >

> > > Having to start all over. Where do I begin!? That is, in trying to

> > > explain to him everything that has been happening. Overwhelming!

> > >

> > > In the past, I always thought it best to stick with the doctor who

> > > knows most about you. A good thought but it may turn out to not

> serve

> > > our best interest: our health, our life.

> > >

> > > When you have an existing problem that is very discomforting, it's

> > > terrible to have a doctor show you " the hand. "

> > > You begin to doubt yourself. You'll go between that and then, to

> the

> > > opposite side. Yet, how can you get your doctor to listen!?

> > > You feel like you've been let down, that your life is going to

> fall

> > > in-between the cracks. Feeling helpless and become cynical. All

> this

> > > can lead to a great deal of stress. Not to mention how you are

> > > feeling with symptoms alone.

> > >

> > > I switched doctors because my doctor seemed disconnected, not

> hearing

> > > what I was saying or quickly diagnosing me. I understand a doctor

> > > trying to relieve your worry but unless they've thoroughly looked

> > > into the matter...is NOT comforting.

> > > She was hurried. I brought in a family member, for support and

> > > noticed she slowed down. I thought, maybe she had a bad day last I

> > > saw her. Then, I went in again-alone. Back to her old self. Last I

> > > saw her, I had my husband with me. She changed her " tune " again.

> > >

> > > Then, I wrote her a letter, laying out everything that had been

> going

> > > on. Things that I couldn't bring myself to tell her, due to her

> > > hurry/my nerves (but left that part out) and as well, having gone

> to

> > > the E.N.T. - she couldn't know everything. I was trying to paint

> her

> > > a clear picture.

> > > The response I got back? Her nurse called me to say that my doctor

> > > didn't want to treat the problems with my neck/throat...but would

> see

> > > me for hormonal/allergies.

> > > The time I spent writing that letter and hating every minute of

> > > it...and she didn't have the decency to call me herself.

> > >

> > > That was my que and who knows, maybe that was her intent. I think

> it

> > > was over her head and maybe she knew she wasn't the doctor for

> me. If

> > > that was the case, she handled it wrong. Wrong either way.

> > >

> > > I changed doctors and this is what I told him, right off the bat:

> my

> > > background (strong suit) in school was math/science and

> mechanics. I

> > > need to understand, fully informed about what I'm dealing with.

> > > The " inner workings. " I think he understood perfectly. I am not

> > > looking for instant answers but someone willing to get to the

> bottom

> > > of it, not think poorly of me for doing my own research and keep

> me

> > > informed v/v.

> > > Once I gave him a glimpse into my personality, the rest went

> nicely.

> > > He told me what tests could be run and why. If this happens, why

> it

> > > might happen. Yet he did tell me at one point (on something else),

> > > basically right now I am telling you I don't know the answer. I

> > > appreciated his honesty, taking the time (not hurried) and not

> having

> > > the feeling that he thought I was " loopy. " I had the feeling that

> he

> > > trusted me. I need to feel like I can trust him, too. Open,

> > > comfortable communication is IMPERATIVE.

> > >

> > > I wrote him a short list of symptoms and I asked him, how do you

> feel

> > > about my writing this up and you reading it? He replied, that it

> made

> > > it easier for him. Good...that was my point and is easier for me

> too.

> > > My last doctor didn't seem to care for it.

> > > That's the way it seems to be: either they like it or don't.

> > >

> > > I would ask your friend for a doctor's referral.

> > > If it makes it easier on you: on your computer (Word), list your

> > > symptoms, concerns, questions etc., print and provide it to the

> new

> > > doctor.

> > >

> > > It may very well be that he/she won't be able to take care of the

> > > entire matter right off the bat but just as long as he/she truly

> > > reads what you've written and makes a plan of " attack " ...that's a

> > > good first step.

> > >

> > > Tell him/her that it is important for you to get down to the

> bottom

> > > of this, that you understand what is happening and why. Then, know

> > > your options.

> > >

> > > Your first step must be in obtaining your labs and/or other

> medical

> > > records, if you so desire.

> > > I requested mine many months ago. Interesting reading, what the

> > > doctor was thinking. Get to see some of their " personality " shine

> > > through too.

> > >

> > > Just take it one step at a time, try not to allow yourself to get

> > > overwhelmed. I KNOW, when you feel so bad...you want it fixed NOW

> or

> > > better yet...to all go away NOW. It might take more time to get to

> > > the bottom of this but I do believe you will have better success

> with

> > > this seeing a new doctor.

> > >

> > > Know this, you are not alone. Many, MANY people have gone through

> the

> > > same situation, many sharing your same condition. If a doctor

> > > isn't " equipped " to figure it out or too damn

> disinterested/arrogant

> > > to care...it is NOT your fault.

> > >

> > > Find a good doctor. If you can trust him/her and trust his/her

> > > diagnosis...you'll feel much better.

> > >

> > > Get your thyroid test numbers and list them here. Patients are the

> > > most informed, in regard to their condition.

> > >

> > > Best to you and keep that chin up,

> > > ~Kate


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I am hoping that this post doesn't just go " poof " ...LOL.

To answer some of your questions, there was no imaging test done when

they found the nodule. What happened was this, I went in, he did the

physical exam, then he wanted lab work done, I had blood drawn, the next

day I went back in, and that is when he told me that due to the nodule,

I developed hyperthyroidism. That is when laid out the only 2 options

that he siad was available to me, RAI or surgery. When I attempted to

discuss any other type of options, it was like talking to a brick wall.

He wanted it his way or no way at all! I was mad, and I knew that he

didn't give a damn, but I still went back for more tests. And every

single time, I saw the nurse, and that made me concerned too. I even

expressed my concern to the nurse, who said that there was nothing to

worry about.

As for the not wanting to see me in a year, I'm not sure if that was b/c

he honestly wants to write this off and postpone the inevitable or if

the test results read something good. He never discusses the levels for

me or anything else for that matter, which is another reason why I made

the decision to change doctors.

Which brings us to today, when I called to have copies of my paperwork

they gave me the run around, and when they inquired as to why I wanted

them, and I told them, they didn't want to release any of it to me.

Which I know in Arkansas they aren't able to with hold medical records

from a patient, I work as a legal assistant.

The only person that said " it could take up to 3 yrs before you could

possibly have to take medication " was the ENT doctor. The dr. at the

hospital didn't say anything like to me, the nurse didn't say anything

like that, or anybody else for that matter.

My whole thing is that all of this came on so quickly, and I didn't have

the slightest idea of what any of it meant. To be honest, I'm still

trying to figure some of it out. I know that I had a nodule, I know that

I did the RAI b/c I thought there was no other option besides surgery,

and now I am waiting on a doctor to determine when I take medications

for the rest of my God given life.

I have been taking an herbal supplement, some days I can tell it helps

then there are days when I think that it is a waste of money and time. I

am overwhelmed with all of this every single passing day. It is like my

whole life is revolving around the thoughts of medication for the rest

of my life, feeling depressed, etc. I am not the kind of person that

depends on anything, including medications. I had to have C-Section w/

my daughter b/c I had such a hard time delivering her, I refused pain

meds b/c I didn't feel the need to depend on them, I wasn't going to be

able to take it at home, so what was the purpose? Ya know what I am

saying? My husband thought I was being stubborn, but I wasn't, it is

just the way I am. I'm not dependent on anything or anybody. But now, I

feel like I am loosing it and I'm not dealing with it very well at all.

Thanks for listening to me!


> > >

> > > I think I understand well what you are feeling like, in this

> > > situation.

> > >

> > > I haven't been diagnosed but the problems remain. I ended up

> changing

> > > doctors very recently. I'll tell you why but first, will tell you

> how

> > > I felt about changing doctors before I did:

> > >

> > > Having to start all over. Where do I begin!? That is, in trying to

> > > explain to him everything that has been happening. Overwhelming!

> > >

> > > In the past, I always thought it best to stick with the doctor who

> > > knows most about you. A good thought but it may turn out to not

> serve

> > > our best interest: our health, our life.

> > >

> > > When you have an existing problem that is very discomforting, it's

> > > terrible to have a doctor show you " the hand. "

> > > You begin to doubt yourself. You'll go between that and then, to

> the

> > > opposite side. Yet, how can you get your doctor to listen!?

> > > You feel like you've been let down, that your life is going to

> fall

> > > in-between the cracks. Feeling helpless and become cynical. All

> this

> > > can lead to a great deal of stress. Not to mention how you are

> > > feeling with symptoms alone.

> > >

> > > I switched doctors because my doctor seemed disconnected, not

> hearing

> > > what I was saying or quickly diagnosing me. I understand a doctor

> > > trying to relieve your worry but unless they've thoroughly looked

> > > into the matter...is NOT comforting.

> > > She was hurried. I brought in a family member, for support and

> > > noticed she slowed down. I thought, maybe she had a bad day last I

> > > saw her. Then, I went in again-alone. Back to her old self. Last I

> > > saw her, I had my husband with me. She changed her " tune " again.

> > >

> > > Then, I wrote her a letter, laying out everything that had been

> going

> > > on. Things that I couldn't bring myself to tell her, due to her

> > > hurry/my nerves (but left that part out) and as well, having gone

> to

> > > the E.N.T. - she couldn't know everything. I was trying to paint

> her

> > > a clear picture.

> > > The response I got back? Her nurse called me to say that my doctor

> > > didn't want to treat the problems with my neck/throat...but would

> see

> > > me for hormonal/allergies.

> > > The time I spent writing that letter and hating every minute of

> > > it...and she didn't have the decency to call me herself.

> > >

> > > That was my que and who knows, maybe that was her intent. I think

> it

> > > was over her head and maybe she knew she wasn't the doctor for

> me. If

> > > that was the case, she handled it wrong. Wrong either way.

> > >

> > > I changed doctors and this is what I told him, right off the bat:

> my

> > > background (strong suit) in school was math/science and

> mechanics. I

> > > need to understand, fully informed about what I'm dealing with.

> > > The " inner workings. " I think he understood perfectly. I am not

> > > looking for instant answers but someone willing to get to the

> bottom

> > > of it, not think poorly of me for doing my own research and keep

> me

> > > informed v/v.

> > > Once I gave him a glimpse into my personality, the rest went

> nicely.

> > > He told me what tests could be run and why. If this happens, why

> it

> > > might happen. Yet he did tell me at one point (on something else),

> > > basically right now I am telling you I don't know the answer. I

> > > appreciated his honesty, taking the time (not hurried) and not

> having

> > > the feeling that he thought I was " loopy. " I had the feeling that

> he

> > > trusted me. I need to feel like I can trust him, too. Open,

> > > comfortable communication is IMPERATIVE.

> > >

> > > I wrote him a short list of symptoms and I asked him, how do you

> feel

> > > about my writing this up and you reading it? He replied, that it

> made

> > > it easier for him. Good...that was my point and is easier for me

> too.

> > > My last doctor didn't seem to care for it.

> > > That's the way it seems to be: either they like it or don't.

> > >

> > > I would ask your friend for a doctor's referral.

> > > If it makes it easier on you: on your computer (Word), list your

> > > symptoms, concerns, questions etc., print and provide it to the

> new

> > > doctor.

> > >

> > > It may very well be that he/she won't be able to take care of the

> > > entire matter right off the bat but just as long as he/she truly

> > > reads what you've written and makes a plan of " attack " ...that's a

> > > good first step.

> > >

> > > Tell him/her that it is important for you to get down to the

> bottom

> > > of this, that you understand what is happening and why. Then, know

> > > your options.

> > >

> > > Your first step must be in obtaining your labs and/or other

> medical

> > > records, if you so desire.

> > > I requested mine many months ago. Interesting reading, what the

> > > doctor was thinking. Get to see some of their " personality " shine

> > > through too.

> > >

> > > Just take it one step at a time, try not to allow yourself to get

> > > overwhelmed. I KNOW, when you feel so bad...you want it fixed NOW

> or

> > > better yet...to all go away NOW. It might take more time to get to

> > > the bottom of this but I do believe you will have better success

> with

> > > this seeing a new doctor.

> > >

> > > Know this, you are not alone. Many, MANY people have gone through

> the

> > > same situation, many sharing your same condition. If a doctor

> > > isn't " equipped " to figure it out or too damn

> disinterested/arrogant

> > > to care...it is NOT your fault.

> > >

> > > Find a good doctor. If you can trust him/her and trust his/her

> > > diagnosis...you'll feel much better.

> > >

> > > Get your thyroid test numbers and list them here. Patients are the

> > > most informed, in regard to their condition.

> > >

> > > Best to you and keep that chin up,

> > > ~Kate


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I am hoping that this post doesn't just go " poof " ...LOL.

To answer some of your questions, there was no imaging test done when

they found the nodule. What happened was this, I went in, he did the

physical exam, then he wanted lab work done, I had blood drawn, the next

day I went back in, and that is when he told me that due to the nodule,

I developed hyperthyroidism. That is when laid out the only 2 options

that he siad was available to me, RAI or surgery. When I attempted to

discuss any other type of options, it was like talking to a brick wall.

He wanted it his way or no way at all! I was mad, and I knew that he

didn't give a damn, but I still went back for more tests. And every

single time, I saw the nurse, and that made me concerned too. I even

expressed my concern to the nurse, who said that there was nothing to

worry about.

As for the not wanting to see me in a year, I'm not sure if that was b/c

he honestly wants to write this off and postpone the inevitable or if

the test results read something good. He never discusses the levels for

me or anything else for that matter, which is another reason why I made

the decision to change doctors.

Which brings us to today, when I called to have copies of my paperwork

they gave me the run around, and when they inquired as to why I wanted

them, and I told them, they didn't want to release any of it to me.

Which I know in Arkansas they aren't able to with hold medical records

from a patient, I work as a legal assistant.

The only person that said " it could take up to 3 yrs before you could

possibly have to take medication " was the ENT doctor. The dr. at the

hospital didn't say anything like to me, the nurse didn't say anything

like that, or anybody else for that matter.

My whole thing is that all of this came on so quickly, and I didn't have

the slightest idea of what any of it meant. To be honest, I'm still

trying to figure some of it out. I know that I had a nodule, I know that

I did the RAI b/c I thought there was no other option besides surgery,

and now I am waiting on a doctor to determine when I take medications

for the rest of my God given life.

I have been taking an herbal supplement, some days I can tell it helps

then there are days when I think that it is a waste of money and time. I

am overwhelmed with all of this every single passing day. It is like my

whole life is revolving around the thoughts of medication for the rest

of my life, feeling depressed, etc. I am not the kind of person that

depends on anything, including medications. I had to have C-Section w/

my daughter b/c I had such a hard time delivering her, I refused pain

meds b/c I didn't feel the need to depend on them, I wasn't going to be

able to take it at home, so what was the purpose? Ya know what I am

saying? My husband thought I was being stubborn, but I wasn't, it is

just the way I am. I'm not dependent on anything or anybody. But now, I

feel like I am loosing it and I'm not dealing with it very well at all.

Thanks for listening to me!


> > >

> > > I think I understand well what you are feeling like, in this

> > > situation.

> > >

> > > I haven't been diagnosed but the problems remain. I ended up

> changing

> > > doctors very recently. I'll tell you why but first, will tell you

> how

> > > I felt about changing doctors before I did:

> > >

> > > Having to start all over. Where do I begin!? That is, in trying to

> > > explain to him everything that has been happening. Overwhelming!

> > >

> > > In the past, I always thought it best to stick with the doctor who

> > > knows most about you. A good thought but it may turn out to not

> serve

> > > our best interest: our health, our life.

> > >

> > > When you have an existing problem that is very discomforting, it's

> > > terrible to have a doctor show you " the hand. "

> > > You begin to doubt yourself. You'll go between that and then, to

> the

> > > opposite side. Yet, how can you get your doctor to listen!?

> > > You feel like you've been let down, that your life is going to

> fall

> > > in-between the cracks. Feeling helpless and become cynical. All

> this

> > > can lead to a great deal of stress. Not to mention how you are

> > > feeling with symptoms alone.

> > >

> > > I switched doctors because my doctor seemed disconnected, not

> hearing

> > > what I was saying or quickly diagnosing me. I understand a doctor

> > > trying to relieve your worry but unless they've thoroughly looked

> > > into the matter...is NOT comforting.

> > > She was hurried. I brought in a family member, for support and

> > > noticed she slowed down. I thought, maybe she had a bad day last I

> > > saw her. Then, I went in again-alone. Back to her old self. Last I

> > > saw her, I had my husband with me. She changed her " tune " again.

> > >

> > > Then, I wrote her a letter, laying out everything that had been

> going

> > > on. Things that I couldn't bring myself to tell her, due to her

> > > hurry/my nerves (but left that part out) and as well, having gone

> to

> > > the E.N.T. - she couldn't know everything. I was trying to paint

> her

> > > a clear picture.

> > > The response I got back? Her nurse called me to say that my doctor

> > > didn't want to treat the problems with my neck/throat...but would

> see

> > > me for hormonal/allergies.

> > > The time I spent writing that letter and hating every minute of

> > > it...and she didn't have the decency to call me herself.

> > >

> > > That was my que and who knows, maybe that was her intent. I think

> it

> > > was over her head and maybe she knew she wasn't the doctor for

> me. If

> > > that was the case, she handled it wrong. Wrong either way.

> > >

> > > I changed doctors and this is what I told him, right off the bat:

> my

> > > background (strong suit) in school was math/science and

> mechanics. I

> > > need to understand, fully informed about what I'm dealing with.

> > > The " inner workings. " I think he understood perfectly. I am not

> > > looking for instant answers but someone willing to get to the

> bottom

> > > of it, not think poorly of me for doing my own research and keep

> me

> > > informed v/v.

> > > Once I gave him a glimpse into my personality, the rest went

> nicely.

> > > He told me what tests could be run and why. If this happens, why

> it

> > > might happen. Yet he did tell me at one point (on something else),

> > > basically right now I am telling you I don't know the answer. I

> > > appreciated his honesty, taking the time (not hurried) and not

> having

> > > the feeling that he thought I was " loopy. " I had the feeling that

> he

> > > trusted me. I need to feel like I can trust him, too. Open,

> > > comfortable communication is IMPERATIVE.

> > >

> > > I wrote him a short list of symptoms and I asked him, how do you

> feel

> > > about my writing this up and you reading it? He replied, that it

> made

> > > it easier for him. Good...that was my point and is easier for me

> too.

> > > My last doctor didn't seem to care for it.

> > > That's the way it seems to be: either they like it or don't.

> > >

> > > I would ask your friend for a doctor's referral.

> > > If it makes it easier on you: on your computer (Word), list your

> > > symptoms, concerns, questions etc., print and provide it to the

> new

> > > doctor.

> > >

> > > It may very well be that he/she won't be able to take care of the

> > > entire matter right off the bat but just as long as he/she truly

> > > reads what you've written and makes a plan of " attack " ...that's a

> > > good first step.

> > >

> > > Tell him/her that it is important for you to get down to the

> bottom

> > > of this, that you understand what is happening and why. Then, know

> > > your options.

> > >

> > > Your first step must be in obtaining your labs and/or other

> medical

> > > records, if you so desire.

> > > I requested mine many months ago. Interesting reading, what the

> > > doctor was thinking. Get to see some of their " personality " shine

> > > through too.

> > >

> > > Just take it one step at a time, try not to allow yourself to get

> > > overwhelmed. I KNOW, when you feel so bad...you want it fixed NOW

> or

> > > better yet...to all go away NOW. It might take more time to get to

> > > the bottom of this but I do believe you will have better success

> with

> > > this seeing a new doctor.

> > >

> > > Know this, you are not alone. Many, MANY people have gone through

> the

> > > same situation, many sharing your same condition. If a doctor

> > > isn't " equipped " to figure it out or too damn

> disinterested/arrogant

> > > to care...it is NOT your fault.

> > >

> > > Find a good doctor. If you can trust him/her and trust his/her

> > > diagnosis...you'll feel much better.

> > >

> > > Get your thyroid test numbers and list them here. Patients are the

> > > most informed, in regard to their condition.

> > >

> > > Best to you and keep that chin up,

> > > ~Kate


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OK, now I want to go scold that nurse... what on earth? It feels to me like

sometimes these folks just don't LISTEN. If you can feel it in your hand and

not taste it, that should tell her something. I'd be reporting her to the

patient advocate at your hospital - sooner rather than later.

When I was fresh from surgery and in pain, I asked the nurse for some pain meds

- she asked me to wait as it was only 45 mins until my next scheduled med. I

said OK (what else was I going to say? I was in some kind of twilight state

anyway). By the time she got the pain meds to me it was too late, and the pain

had taken over. They had to give me some special booster thing to help me get

back on top of the pain. That's the trick, to always stay a little ahead of the

pain level so you don't develop an exaggerated response (or so I'm told). The

point of this is that when the patient advocate came to see how I was doing, I

told her what happened. She was all over it like white on rice. Very apologetic

and clear that the nurse would be doing some additional education on how to

treat patients in pain.

Sending another hug.... Thank heaven your doc understood what might have

happened. Are you on Coumadin or Warfarin?


---- Cath wrote:

> Maya,


> My problems all started after surgery. The day after surgery, a nurse was

messing around with my IV. When she gave me my meds I told her that it was

burning in my hand bad. She told me that I should taste it and I told her I

could not taste it but I could feel it in my hand.

> When I was released and the next day my hand was swollen up to my elbow.

That was very scary. My Surgeon said the nurse must have pulled my IV out of my

vein and shot the meds into my hand resulting in to a blood clot.

> I was put on a blood thinner which is why I bleed in my right breast. I'm

trying to stay positive and trust God that I will one day have beautiful girls

sitting on my chest again.

> My last chemo will be Dec. 5 and then radiation. I don't know how many

treatments my Dr. will tell me I need. I probably will not have recon. surgery

until the new year. Thanks for the hugs and hugs back to you. Have a great day

and God bless you and everybody, Cat

> mbrand@... wrote:

> Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 2:01:48 -0400


> To: breastcancer2

> Subject: Re: New here

> CC: Cath


> Hi Cat,


> Big Hug coming your way. I too had the expanders and suffered some discomfort,

but nothing like what you describe. I can say that I'm about 6 months out from

my recon and love my girls. They look great and day by day I feel increasing

better. I wish the same for you.


> Maya


> ---- Cath wrote:

> > Hi , my name is Cat,

> >

> > I found out I had Breast Cancer June 28. I had surgery on Aug. 1, I had

Radical mastectomy on both breast. My cancer was in the left breast, which was

Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade III, and focal high-grade ductal carcinoma in

situ. I .had 8 lymph nodes which turned out to be negative, thank God.

> > Had chest expanders the day of my surgery. Started 16 weeks of chemo Aug.

30. Turned 48 on Sept 3. The first 4 rounds of chemo I was so sick after each


> > After my second chemo on my free week I went in to have my expanders filled

and I had complications that night. My right breast swelled up in to my arm pit

and neck and the pain had me in tears.

> > My plastic Surgeon said he must had hit a blood vessel which caused the

bleeding. He took out 100cc out and put pressure on it to drain it so now my

left breast has 450Cs, right breast has 350cc so I'm lopsided and there's still

pain there.

> > Then in the middle of my chemo my dog Phantom got very sick, Oct 18 we had

to put him to sleep. We were with him when we had to do it, I was depressed so


> > My husband picked Phantom's ashes up today Oct. 25. I still find my self

crying but I know he's not in any pain and he's not suffering anymore. But I

still miss him here with me.

> > I started my second round of chemo Oct. 24. I'm felling good today not sick

like I was on the first round. Three more to go, my last one will be Dec. 5.

Then I'll meet the Doctor who will decide how much radiation treatments that I

will need.

> > I don't know when I will get breast implants. The worst part of chest

expanders is that, the chest muscles that lay flat on your rib cage are pulled

up on top of the chest expanders and are stretched which is painful.

> > I know some day when I get my implants and all well and this will be behind

me. I miss working, sleeping in my bed, sleeping on my side or just being able

to go places, out to eat, I miss all that.

> > I have my family with me but don't get to see our girls too much. My Mom has

been here with us helping out since the beginning. We all plan on walking in the

Breast Cancer walks next year. Thanks for being here for me and all the others

who need someone to e-mail. Have a great day and God Bless you, Cat

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done


> >

> >

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