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Re: Not Alone!!

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Hi is,

No, you are not alone! You have gotten some good advice from some very

caring folks!

I am kinda concerned about the side effects that you may sustain from being

on Steroids right now....might be a double whammy for the emotions that you

are already having. How long a course are you on?

As someone who has been thru it, I can testify that RAI and TED (thyroid eye

disease) are contraindicated. You can read my story at the link in my


Get yourself educated and post questions when you need to! You are on your

way to recovery!

God bless,

Hashi's, Graves, TED worsened by RAI Sept. 2001


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Hi is,

No, you are not alone! You have gotten some good advice from some very

caring folks!

I am kinda concerned about the side effects that you may sustain from being

on Steroids right now....might be a double whammy for the emotions that you

are already having. How long a course are you on?

As someone who has been thru it, I can testify that RAI and TED (thyroid eye

disease) are contraindicated. You can read my story at the link in my


Get yourself educated and post questions when you need to! You are on your

way to recovery!

God bless,

Hashi's, Graves, TED worsened by RAI Sept. 2001


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Hi is,

No, you are not alone! You have gotten some good advice from some very

caring folks!

I am kinda concerned about the side effects that you may sustain from being

on Steroids right now....might be a double whammy for the emotions that you

are already having. How long a course are you on?

As someone who has been thru it, I can testify that RAI and TED (thyroid eye

disease) are contraindicated. You can read my story at the link in my


Get yourself educated and post questions when you need to! You are on your

way to recovery!

God bless,

Hashi's, Graves, TED worsened by RAI Sept. 2001


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Hi is!

So glad you found us here! This is the greatest group of " been there, done

that " people I've " met " . Have you been started on medications yet? Sounds

like you should be started on an anti-thyroid med and perhaps some


The test they want you to do is the radio-iodine uptake and scan. You'll

ingest some radioactive iodine and the next day a machine will track how

much your thyroid has taken up and if it's being concentrated in one spot or

all over. I had it done myself in April 1997 and my scan showed all over

thyroid hyperactivity. An antibody blood test can confirm Graves without

this scan but most endos (endocrinologists) don't use the antibody testing.

No, you are not crazy! But, it sounds liek you are pretty hyper right now

and I will advise you that you avoid any long-term, long acting decisions on

your health. The doctors are probably going to recommend teh RAI treatment

or surgery. Right now push them to get you on meds to get you feeling better

and thinking clearer first. Then, once you are more back to your old self

you can think how you want to proceed long term.

in MA, USA

Diagnosed w/Graves, March 1997

So far refusing RAI Treatment and Surgery!!!

Off Meds Since June 2000

Surpressed TSH and somehwat normal thyroid levels

Waiting on labs taken 10/21/02.

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Hi is!

So glad you found us here! This is the greatest group of " been there, done

that " people I've " met " . Have you been started on medications yet? Sounds

like you should be started on an anti-thyroid med and perhaps some


The test they want you to do is the radio-iodine uptake and scan. You'll

ingest some radioactive iodine and the next day a machine will track how

much your thyroid has taken up and if it's being concentrated in one spot or

all over. I had it done myself in April 1997 and my scan showed all over

thyroid hyperactivity. An antibody blood test can confirm Graves without

this scan but most endos (endocrinologists) don't use the antibody testing.

No, you are not crazy! But, it sounds liek you are pretty hyper right now

and I will advise you that you avoid any long-term, long acting decisions on

your health. The doctors are probably going to recommend teh RAI treatment

or surgery. Right now push them to get you on meds to get you feeling better

and thinking clearer first. Then, once you are more back to your old self

you can think how you want to proceed long term.

in MA, USA

Diagnosed w/Graves, March 1997

So far refusing RAI Treatment and Surgery!!!

Off Meds Since June 2000

Surpressed TSH and somehwat normal thyroid levels

Waiting on labs taken 10/21/02.

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Hi again is,

I am happy you are on meds!! It should make you feel betetr soon if you

aren't already feeling a bit better. Graves Disease sounds so scary, doesn't

it? But we go on and we all seem to survive somehow.

Makes me feel betetr though that there are others out tehre who are like me.

The old misery loves company thing.

in MA, USA

Diagnosed w/Graves, March 1997

So far refusing RAI Treatment and Surgery!!!

Off Meds Since June 2000

Surpressed TSH and somehwat normal thyroid levels

Waiting on labs taken 10/21/02.

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Welcome is!

Good for you that you were able to cut down on the smoking! That's a

major step to good health no matter what direction your thyroid disease

takes. It will be an added source of stress to you now. If you find

yourself indulging in not terribly unhealthy comfort eating or sweets now

don't be too hard on yourself. Fluctuating weight is a part of this that

you may have to put up with till you're on a more even keel.

I hope you won't consider me presumptuous if I offer a certain outline

to you to help you organize yourself as you embark on treatment. Here are

a number of important points:

1. Take a deep breath (slow down and relax) and research. I'm going to

tell you something that may strike you as bizarre but true: Your dr. -

the endocrinologist ( " endo, " the thyroid guy) may not offer you the best

treatment or enough information. Please avail yourself of help from the

group regarding any concerns you have now and will in the future.

Don't swallow or drink ANYTHING else until you are sure you understand

all the implications.

2. You may already have thyroid eye disease (TED). With all the other

appointments you have to make, you need to find an ophthomologist

experienced in TED to get some baseline measurements. There are many good

reasons not to have RAI but especially if you are already showing signs

of TED it is clearly contraindicated and NO RESPONSIBLE endo will

recommend it at this point. Again, I am so excited for you that you were

able to cut down on smoking. That will also help your eyes.

3. There are 3 major treatment options ahead of you:

a. Antithyroid drugs (ATD's)

b. Partial or total thyroidectomy

c. Radioactive iodine (RAI) - ablation of the thyroid with RAI

I'm going to go backwards here and start with " c " . On the homepage are

two important things you should read (actually, many more!). One is the

list of 20 reasons NOT to have RAI, with citations to impress medical

professionals. Another is a contract Jody drew up to present an endo with

before consenting to RAI. RAI is permanent and it is sad that many drs.

rush a patients into it without giving them time to research their


b. surgery - a major step and also permanent. Like RAI, the patient

usually becomes hypothyroid but without the dangerous side effects. Used

when a patient cannot tolerate ATD's or doesn't want to commit to the

usual 2 years of the ATD regimen (because say, the patient is a woman and

wants to have a baby sooner).

c. Anti thyroid drugs. Most of us here would say this is your best bet

and we have experience with them.

4. Important points about ATDs

a. The two major ones:

1. Methimazole (commonly referred to by its brand name Tapazole or

outside of the US carbimozole, a similar drug)

2. PTU (propylthyrauricel?)

b. If you can't tolerate one you CAN try the other.

c. You will need regular monitoring - regular bloodwork, specific tests.

This is a lot to swallow so I'm going to stop now with just 3 more bits

of info.

#1 Are you on beta blockers now? If you're not going to start ATD's

immediately you must get on one.

#2 Get hold of these 2 books: Graves Disease, a Practical Guide by Elaine

(who is a member of this list) and The Thyroid Solution by Dr.

Ridha Arem. You can get a good deal on them though barnesandnoble.

#3 You need baseline bloodword BEFORE starting ATDs. This has been

discussed fairly recently. The bloodwork includes antibodies (I THINK:

TSI, TPO, and TRab), TSH, FREE T3 and T4 (not TOTAL), white blood count,

and liver enzymes.

Take care, Fay


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Welcome is!

Good for you that you were able to cut down on the smoking! That's a

major step to good health no matter what direction your thyroid disease

takes. It will be an added source of stress to you now. If you find

yourself indulging in not terribly unhealthy comfort eating or sweets now

don't be too hard on yourself. Fluctuating weight is a part of this that

you may have to put up with till you're on a more even keel.

I hope you won't consider me presumptuous if I offer a certain outline

to you to help you organize yourself as you embark on treatment. Here are

a number of important points:

1. Take a deep breath (slow down and relax) and research. I'm going to

tell you something that may strike you as bizarre but true: Your dr. -

the endocrinologist ( " endo, " the thyroid guy) may not offer you the best

treatment or enough information. Please avail yourself of help from the

group regarding any concerns you have now and will in the future.

Don't swallow or drink ANYTHING else until you are sure you understand

all the implications.

2. You may already have thyroid eye disease (TED). With all the other

appointments you have to make, you need to find an ophthomologist

experienced in TED to get some baseline measurements. There are many good

reasons not to have RAI but especially if you are already showing signs

of TED it is clearly contraindicated and NO RESPONSIBLE endo will

recommend it at this point. Again, I am so excited for you that you were

able to cut down on smoking. That will also help your eyes.

3. There are 3 major treatment options ahead of you:

a. Antithyroid drugs (ATD's)

b. Partial or total thyroidectomy

c. Radioactive iodine (RAI) - ablation of the thyroid with RAI

I'm going to go backwards here and start with " c " . On the homepage are

two important things you should read (actually, many more!). One is the

list of 20 reasons NOT to have RAI, with citations to impress medical

professionals. Another is a contract Jody drew up to present an endo with

before consenting to RAI. RAI is permanent and it is sad that many drs.

rush a patients into it without giving them time to research their


b. surgery - a major step and also permanent. Like RAI, the patient

usually becomes hypothyroid but without the dangerous side effects. Used

when a patient cannot tolerate ATD's or doesn't want to commit to the

usual 2 years of the ATD regimen (because say, the patient is a woman and

wants to have a baby sooner).

c. Anti thyroid drugs. Most of us here would say this is your best bet

and we have experience with them.

4. Important points about ATDs

a. The two major ones:

1. Methimazole (commonly referred to by its brand name Tapazole or

outside of the US carbimozole, a similar drug)

2. PTU (propylthyrauricel?)

b. If you can't tolerate one you CAN try the other.

c. You will need regular monitoring - regular bloodwork, specific tests.

This is a lot to swallow so I'm going to stop now with just 3 more bits

of info.

#1 Are you on beta blockers now? If you're not going to start ATD's

immediately you must get on one.

#2 Get hold of these 2 books: Graves Disease, a Practical Guide by Elaine

(who is a member of this list) and The Thyroid Solution by Dr.

Ridha Arem. You can get a good deal on them though barnesandnoble.

#3 You need baseline bloodword BEFORE starting ATDs. This has been

discussed fairly recently. The bloodwork includes antibodies (I THINK:

TSI, TPO, and TRab), TSH, FREE T3 and T4 (not TOTAL), white blood count,

and liver enzymes.

Take care, Fay


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Thanks, I was rushing and though I plan of 'meeting' you is :-)...now I

shall zip back up this LONG list of emails I have here and get right back to


But I did grab my old bottle of PTU that Jody mentioned to you. The full

name is Propylthiourac...in the last 4 years I still have to look at the

bottle for that word. PTU is much easier.

-Pam L -

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I am sending you the " Letter to Spouses. "

Since there is a copy right on it, and we do not own it, we can not post it

here. It can help others to understand what we are going through.

If anyone else wants a copy, please let me know.

-Pam L -3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW

reduction of PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking

at the BIG picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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I am sending you the " Letter to Spouses. "

Since there is a copy right on it, and we do not own it, we can not post it

here. It can help others to understand what we are going through.

If anyone else wants a copy, please let me know.

-Pam L -3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW

reduction of PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking

at the BIG picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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I am sending you the " Letter to Spouses. "

Since there is a copy right on it, and we do not own it, we can not post it

here. It can help others to understand what we are going through.

If anyone else wants a copy, please let me know.

-Pam L -3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW

reduction of PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking

at the BIG picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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is and all,

I can not sit here and be polite while I SMELL A RAT !

is...Do your doctors KNOW that you will not take the RAI ( radio active

iodine ) ???

Everything they are doing to you is standard pretreatment for RAI.

The dose of 1200 mg of PTU is very unusual, and the only reason I was on

such a high dose is because I was in emergency in a very serious thyroid

storm. If you were feeling good within 2 weeks, that tells me you were not

as sick as I was. Thus the 1200mg may well be wrong for you. But it would

work if they wanted to quickly get your levels down to prevent a storm when

you swallowed the RAI.

The scan they are having you take the radioactive pill for and come back to

have it scanned later, is standard to be used to judge the dose of RAI

needed to kill the thyroid. This is the only reason the scan is on any use.

The prednisone dose you describe, is also standard pre treatment before RAI.

And being told to not resume taking the PTU for 4 days after is not right IF

they were planning on you staying on PTU for treatment.

But it is standard IF they read the scan you take...rush you off down the

hall that day or the next day..and have you take the RAI.

They will tell you your levels are off the charts ( standard line we all

hear ) and that if you don't take the RAI you will die ( another standard

line we all hear).

They will most likely have a bunch of other lies up their sleeves if you

start to object to the RAI.

The PTU killing your liver and white blood cells is another old favorite.

I am sorry to frighten you, but you have to know what is going on NOW,

before they get your mind all messed up again by taking you OFF the PTU.

This will cause you to go hyper again, and trust me...they KNOW this. They

also know it will make you crazy and more likely to do exactly what they

tell you to do.

Remember, there is BIG money in RAI. And it is the CHEAPEST way for the

insurance company to treat you. This means for the doctors to get along with

the insurance company, they LIE and try to trick you, when you are at your

most vulnerable.

I may sound like some kind of NUT..but we see this all the time. They lied

to me too. But I fooled them...the pills DID work !

-Pam L-

-Pam L-

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is and all,

I can not sit here and be polite while I SMELL A RAT !

is...Do your doctors KNOW that you will not take the RAI ( radio active

iodine ) ???

Everything they are doing to you is standard pretreatment for RAI.

The dose of 1200 mg of PTU is very unusual, and the only reason I was on

such a high dose is because I was in emergency in a very serious thyroid

storm. If you were feeling good within 2 weeks, that tells me you were not

as sick as I was. Thus the 1200mg may well be wrong for you. But it would

work if they wanted to quickly get your levels down to prevent a storm when

you swallowed the RAI.

The scan they are having you take the radioactive pill for and come back to

have it scanned later, is standard to be used to judge the dose of RAI

needed to kill the thyroid. This is the only reason the scan is on any use.

The prednisone dose you describe, is also standard pre treatment before RAI.

And being told to not resume taking the PTU for 4 days after is not right IF

they were planning on you staying on PTU for treatment.

But it is standard IF they read the scan you take...rush you off down the

hall that day or the next day..and have you take the RAI.

They will tell you your levels are off the charts ( standard line we all

hear ) and that if you don't take the RAI you will die ( another standard

line we all hear).

They will most likely have a bunch of other lies up their sleeves if you

start to object to the RAI.

The PTU killing your liver and white blood cells is another old favorite.

I am sorry to frighten you, but you have to know what is going on NOW,

before they get your mind all messed up again by taking you OFF the PTU.

This will cause you to go hyper again, and trust me...they KNOW this. They

also know it will make you crazy and more likely to do exactly what they

tell you to do.

Remember, there is BIG money in RAI. And it is the CHEAPEST way for the

insurance company to treat you. This means for the doctors to get along with

the insurance company, they LIE and try to trick you, when you are at your

most vulnerable.

I may sound like some kind of NUT..but we see this all the time. They lied

to me too. But I fooled them...the pills DID work !

-Pam L-

-Pam L-

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is and all,

I can not sit here and be polite while I SMELL A RAT !

is...Do your doctors KNOW that you will not take the RAI ( radio active

iodine ) ???

Everything they are doing to you is standard pretreatment for RAI.

The dose of 1200 mg of PTU is very unusual, and the only reason I was on

such a high dose is because I was in emergency in a very serious thyroid

storm. If you were feeling good within 2 weeks, that tells me you were not

as sick as I was. Thus the 1200mg may well be wrong for you. But it would

work if they wanted to quickly get your levels down to prevent a storm when

you swallowed the RAI.

The scan they are having you take the radioactive pill for and come back to

have it scanned later, is standard to be used to judge the dose of RAI

needed to kill the thyroid. This is the only reason the scan is on any use.

The prednisone dose you describe, is also standard pre treatment before RAI.

And being told to not resume taking the PTU for 4 days after is not right IF

they were planning on you staying on PTU for treatment.

But it is standard IF they read the scan you take...rush you off down the

hall that day or the next day..and have you take the RAI.

They will tell you your levels are off the charts ( standard line we all

hear ) and that if you don't take the RAI you will die ( another standard

line we all hear).

They will most likely have a bunch of other lies up their sleeves if you

start to object to the RAI.

The PTU killing your liver and white blood cells is another old favorite.

I am sorry to frighten you, but you have to know what is going on NOW,

before they get your mind all messed up again by taking you OFF the PTU.

This will cause you to go hyper again, and trust me...they KNOW this. They

also know it will make you crazy and more likely to do exactly what they

tell you to do.

Remember, there is BIG money in RAI. And it is the CHEAPEST way for the

insurance company to treat you. This means for the doctors to get along with

the insurance company, they LIE and try to trick you, when you are at your

most vulnerable.

I may sound like some kind of NUT..but we see this all the time. They lied

to me too. But I fooled them...the pills DID work !

-Pam L-

-Pam L-

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For anyone that missed this..

is said:

***I picked up the steroids last night and started them this morning. I am

only taking 10 mg 2 times a day for a week and then 10 mg once a day for a

week and that is it. I am off of my PTU until I go on Monday to have the

iodine tablet tests. Miss Endo told me to start the PTU again 4 days after

the tests.***

RAI is the ONLY reason I have EVER heard of the steroids being used this

way. THIS was the final CLUE as to exactly what is going on here.

Same exact thing with the 4 days off PTU after the supposed scan only. RAI

is the only reason they would have her not start back on the PTU as soon as

the scan is done.

I do read a lot about RAI and this is all STANDARD pre and post treatment.

is...you do not have to do the scan if you don't want to. But you do

need a new doctor and right NOW.

You need to be on PTU and you need to have labs done, and the proper dose .

It will most likely NOT be 1200mg.

Take a day off of work, and find a doctor right now.

Get paper copies of the labs you have had done so far and post them.

Another day or two, and you are not going to be able to think straight.

-Pam L- still fuming

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For anyone that missed this..

is said:

***I picked up the steroids last night and started them this morning. I am

only taking 10 mg 2 times a day for a week and then 10 mg once a day for a

week and that is it. I am off of my PTU until I go on Monday to have the

iodine tablet tests. Miss Endo told me to start the PTU again 4 days after

the tests.***

RAI is the ONLY reason I have EVER heard of the steroids being used this

way. THIS was the final CLUE as to exactly what is going on here.

Same exact thing with the 4 days off PTU after the supposed scan only. RAI

is the only reason they would have her not start back on the PTU as soon as

the scan is done.

I do read a lot about RAI and this is all STANDARD pre and post treatment.

is...you do not have to do the scan if you don't want to. But you do

need a new doctor and right NOW.

You need to be on PTU and you need to have labs done, and the proper dose .

It will most likely NOT be 1200mg.

Take a day off of work, and find a doctor right now.

Get paper copies of the labs you have had done so far and post them.

Another day or two, and you are not going to be able to think straight.

-Pam L- still fuming

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For anyone that missed this..

is said:

***I picked up the steroids last night and started them this morning. I am

only taking 10 mg 2 times a day for a week and then 10 mg once a day for a

week and that is it. I am off of my PTU until I go on Monday to have the

iodine tablet tests. Miss Endo told me to start the PTU again 4 days after

the tests.***

RAI is the ONLY reason I have EVER heard of the steroids being used this

way. THIS was the final CLUE as to exactly what is going on here.

Same exact thing with the 4 days off PTU after the supposed scan only. RAI

is the only reason they would have her not start back on the PTU as soon as

the scan is done.

I do read a lot about RAI and this is all STANDARD pre and post treatment.

is...you do not have to do the scan if you don't want to. But you do

need a new doctor and right NOW.

You need to be on PTU and you need to have labs done, and the proper dose .

It will most likely NOT be 1200mg.

Take a day off of work, and find a doctor right now.

Get paper copies of the labs you have had done so far and post them.

Another day or two, and you are not going to be able to think straight.

-Pam L- still fuming

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Thank you for jumping in right away. Poor is doesn't know any of us. She

has no way of knowing which of us are newbies or oldies. We need to help

her because they are defiantly planning on her mind going nuts again.

Yes..is...You are NOT crazy. But the treatment they have you on affects

your mind. And they know it.

All of us Gravsiens know it, because we have been there.

Jody...I have been reading her posts, and everyone's great input. Then as I

was doing dishes...it suddenly came crystal clear what the hell is going on.

! I do some of my best thinking over the dish pan. :-)

-Pam L-

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Thank you for jumping in right away. Poor is doesn't know any of us. She

has no way of knowing which of us are newbies or oldies. We need to help

her because they are defiantly planning on her mind going nuts again.

Yes..is...You are NOT crazy. But the treatment they have you on affects

your mind. And they know it.

All of us Gravsiens know it, because we have been there.

Jody...I have been reading her posts, and everyone's great input. Then as I

was doing dishes...it suddenly came crystal clear what the hell is going on.

! I do some of my best thinking over the dish pan. :-)

-Pam L-

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Thank you for jumping in right away. Poor is doesn't know any of us. She

has no way of knowing which of us are newbies or oldies. We need to help

her because they are defiantly planning on her mind going nuts again.

Yes..is...You are NOT crazy. But the treatment they have you on affects

your mind. And they know it.

All of us Gravsiens know it, because we have been there.

Jody...I have been reading her posts, and everyone's great input. Then as I

was doing dishes...it suddenly came crystal clear what the hell is going on.

! I do some of my best thinking over the dish pan. :-)

-Pam L-

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This story changes nothing.

PTU comes in 50mg pills. That is how we know how much you are taking. Please

study the pill bottle. The information IS on there somewhere in tiny print.


The fact that you did as you were told and took the pills right away says

good things about you and bad things about your doctor not making this

clear. Any endo knows new hyper patients will be confused, and they KNOW to

write things down for you.

All they are doing is pre and post RAI procedures. This is a fact.

TRUE steroid use for thyroid eye disease is at much higher doses and for at

LEAST 8 months to one year at lower doses. It is NEVER at the dose or time

you describe.

You are either being manipulated or this endo has know idea in the world how

to treat thyroid or thyroid eye disease.

As long as you understand ahead of time, you can do well, and get on with

healing. But not under this doctors care. At least not by everything I have

read so far.

-Pam L-

3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW reduction of

PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking at the BIG

picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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This story changes nothing.

PTU comes in 50mg pills. That is how we know how much you are taking. Please

study the pill bottle. The information IS on there somewhere in tiny print.


The fact that you did as you were told and took the pills right away says

good things about you and bad things about your doctor not making this

clear. Any endo knows new hyper patients will be confused, and they KNOW to

write things down for you.

All they are doing is pre and post RAI procedures. This is a fact.

TRUE steroid use for thyroid eye disease is at much higher doses and for at

LEAST 8 months to one year at lower doses. It is NEVER at the dose or time

you describe.

You are either being manipulated or this endo has know idea in the world how

to treat thyroid or thyroid eye disease.

As long as you understand ahead of time, you can do well, and get on with

healing. But not under this doctors care. At least not by everything I have

read so far.

-Pam L-

3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW reduction of

PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking at the BIG

picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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This story changes nothing.

PTU comes in 50mg pills. That is how we know how much you are taking. Please

study the pill bottle. The information IS on there somewhere in tiny print.


The fact that you did as you were told and took the pills right away says

good things about you and bad things about your doctor not making this

clear. Any endo knows new hyper patients will be confused, and they KNOW to

write things down for you.

All they are doing is pre and post RAI procedures. This is a fact.

TRUE steroid use for thyroid eye disease is at much higher doses and for at

LEAST 8 months to one year at lower doses. It is NEVER at the dose or time

you describe.

You are either being manipulated or this endo has know idea in the world how

to treat thyroid or thyroid eye disease.

As long as you understand ahead of time, you can do well, and get on with

healing. But not under this doctors care. At least not by everything I have

read so far.

-Pam L-

3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW reduction of

PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking at the BIG

picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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It's OK to be frightened, but do not PANIC. We have all weekend to help you

learn what you need to know by Monday. And we will.

Here are a couple of my favorite articles that will be relevant right now

for you. The first is about the scan. This is the subject we have been

debating here, starting a few days before you joined us. So you can also go

the home page at Yahoo , and find the older posts.

But...here is a great site with ACCURATE information.




Here is a past post from Elaine concerning the RAI scan, and it not being a

useful tool. Though some do go through with it because of social pressure.

Elaine is the author of 'Graves' Disease a Practical Guide'. It is available

at most libraries. Once you see it, you will probably end up purchasing as

it becomes the best reference material available. BTW...the profits go to

thyroid research. She is not doing this to get rich.

Anyway...here is that old post from Elaine.


The blood tests measure how the thyroid is functioning, whether it's hyper


hypo. Please read this article which notes that the uptake is neither

necessary nor desirable. You could still have the test if you want to

establish a good relationship with your doctor, but you'd have this


if you want to show him current thought on the subject.


You probably have to sign but members hip is free.

The article is called Management of Thyrotoxicosis by ph N. Fisher, MD


-Pam L - oh...please read my signature..if I had stopped PTU at one year I

would still be sick.

3 1/2 yr.Graves and TED, PTU, Remission due to education, SLOW reduction of

PTU, improved lifestyle, excellent nutrition,herbs, and looking at the BIG

picture !

Pills alone only fix symptoms. We must help our bodies to heal.

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