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The Many Faces of Vestibulodynia: Why I am a Splitter not a Lumper Written by Dr. Goldstein, MD Monday, 04 June 2007 Sometimes, a very small event, or brief conversationcan have the greatest impact on your life. I learnedthis one sunny spring day four years ago. I wasattending the second National Institutes of Healthconference on Vulvodynia. While I certainly found thatmany of the lectures that day to informative, noneoffered a major change in how I was treating mypatients with Vulvodynia. However, when walking to lunch I saw Dr. Gordon ,one of the world’s leading vulvar specialists. Dr., who lives in Phoenix, had had quite an eventfultrip to land. When he arrived, he had severeabdominal pain and he had just been discharged fromthe hospital after undergoing an emergencyappendectomy. After he assured me that he was fine, westarted discussing the conference and he gave me onepiece of advice.He said, “, just get them off the (birthcontrol) Pill and give them estrogen cream.†Now upuntil that conversation, I was aware of new researchthat showed that the pain of Vestibulodynia (akaVulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome, Vestibular Adenitis) wascaused by an overgrowth of nerve ending (neuronalproliferation) in the vestibular mucosa. In fact, theevidence was pretty convincing, and no one hadsuggested that the Pill caused this overgrowth ofnerves.However, I have great respect for Dr. so I gaveit a try. Amazingly, over the next few months I triedthis relatively easy intervention on my patients withvestibulodynia and about half the time their painresolved. Wow! But, I asked myself, why doesn’t itwork for everyone and how do I mesh this with theneuronal proliferation data?In addition, about the same time, there was anincreasing amount of evidence that pelvic floorphysical therapy also often worked for vestibulodynia.Again, I was very pleased to have another treatmentoption for my patients with vestibular pain, but Ibecame more and more confused. Why would physicaltherapy work if there are too many nerves? Who getswhat treatment? Should women try them all? But onenight about 2 a.m., it came to me: be a splitter, nota lumper.What I finally understood is this: vestibular pain(just like chest pain, foot pain, or any other pain)can be caused by many different diseases. If a personwent to the doctor with a pain in her foot, we wouldexpect the doctor to figure out if a patient’s footpain is caused by a broken bone, an infection, or tootight shoes. And certainly, we would expect the doctorto take an x-ray before putting a cast on the foot.Lastly, we would also feel very uncomfortable if thedoctor couldn’t find the cause of the pain and insteadshrugged and called it “footodynia.â€So what is the point of all of this? Over the last fewyears, I have identified at least a dozen specificcauses (diseases or conditions) that cause vestibularpain, redness, and pain during intercourse, i.e.vestibulodynia. While many of these diseases look verysimilar, subtle differences, along with a person’shistory can be used to distinguish the causes of thepain and thereby lead to a logical treatment path.This also explains why no one treatment works forevery woman with vestibulodynia and also explains whythe vast majority of research up until this pointisn’t very useful. The following is a list of the mostcommon of these causes. (Author’s note: I have putsome names of these causes in quotation marks as theseare the names I personally use as there is nouniversally accepted name for this specificcondition.)“Atrophic Vestibulodyni:†Frequently caused by oralcontraceptive pills, surgical removal of the ovaries,chemotherapy for breast cancer, hormonal treatment ofendometriosis, and menopause. There is evidence thatthe vestibule needs adequate levels of both estrogenand testosterone and these levels are frequentlyaltered in with the medications/conditions listedabove. Distinctive features of “atrophicvestibulodynia†are the symptoms occur gradually andthe entire vestibule is affected. There are low levelsof estrogen, and free testosterone and elevatedsex-hormone binding globulin levels on blood work.Just stopping the OCPs does not cause resolution ofthe symptoms, nor does applying hormonal creamswithout stopping the Pill. I use a combinationestrogen and testosterone gel compounded togetherafter stopping the Pill. In my opinion, every womanwho has vestibulodynia and is on OCPs should stop thepill and try the estrogen/testosterone gel as firstline treatment.“Pelvic floor dysfunction†(aka levator ani syndrome,pelvic floor hypertonicity, vaginismus). In thiscondition, the muscles that surround the vestibule aretight and tender. This can cause tenderness andredness of the vestibule, without there being anintrinsic problem of the tissue of the vestibule.Often the back part of the vestibule (near theperineum) is affected more than the front part (nearthe urethra). Pelvic floor dysfunction can be detectedby a thorough exam of the levator ani muscles.Treatments include intravaginal physical therapy, warmbaths, muscle relaxants such as Valium, biofeedback,and Botox which is used to augment the physicaltherapy.“Neuronal proliferation†(NP) A condition in which thedensity of nerve ending is increased in the vestibularmucosa. I split this group into primary (pain sincethe first attempt at intercourse) and secondary(acquired after some pain free interval.) There isgood evidence that primary NP is a congenital problem(IE a birth defect) while secondary NP can be causedby an allergic or irritant reaction (frequently tovaginal anti-fungal creams.) Treatments for secondaryNP include tri-cyclic anti-depressants, lidocaine,capsaicin, and surgical removal of the affected tissue(vulvar vestibulectomy with vaginal advancement.) Inmy opinion (but there are many vulvar specialist whowill disagree) primary NP can only be cured withvestibulectomy.“Vaginitis†Sometimes there is inflammation so severein the vagina that the inflammatory white blood cellspour out of the vagina and coat the vestibule andcause a secondary vestibulitis. There are twocategories of vaginitis: infectious and sterile(non-infectious). Infectious vaginitis is caused by anorganism such as yeast and trichomonas- but notbacterial vaginitis (Gardnerella).Sterile vaginitis can be caused by exposure tochemicals such as vaginal creams, spermicides,lubricants, latex in condoms. In addition, sterilevaginitis can be caused by lack of estrogen (seeatrophic vestibulitis above for the causes) and acondition called desquamative inflammatory vaginitis(DIV). The cause of DIV is unknown but it ischaracterized by copious yellowish discharge. AlthoughDIV is difficult to “cure,†it frequently can betreated with a combination of intravaginal steroids,Clindamycin- an antibiotic, and estrogen. In addition,even though I think that infectious vaginitis is onlyinfrequently the cause of vestibulodynia, almost allwomen with vestibulodynia have been unnecessarilysubjected to many, many courses of antibiotics andanti-fungals by well-intentioned health careproviders.Vulvar Dermatoses: Several different dermatologicconditions of the vulva can cause vestibulodynia. Themost common disease affecting approximately 1% of allwomen is lichen sclerosus. The second most common iserosive lichen planus. More rare diseases includeplasma cell vulvitis and mucous membrane pemphigoid.(Please see the winter 2007 edition of the NVAnewsletter for a more thorough description of thesediseases.)“Irritant or Allergic Contact Vestibulitis.â€Unfortunately, women expose their vulvas to dozens ofdifferent chemicals almost every day. Even the mostgentle of soaps have many different chemicals in theform of perfumes, dyes, and preservatives. Toiletpaper, sanitary pads, tampons all contain chemicals.Laundry detergents and fabric softeners used to washunderwear and towels add to this chemical burden. Awoman can be sensitive or allergic to any one of thesechemicals and this can cause inflammation and pain inthe vestibule.I think that it is imperative that a woman withvestibulodynia have a thorough evaluation by healthcare provider familiar with all the causes ofvestibular pain. In addition, treatments should bedirected at the specific cause of the vestibulodynia.Just as we don’t treat every case of foot pain with acast, we shouldn’t treat every case of vestibulodyniawith one specific treatment. In addition, I want totake this opportunity to implore my colleagues whotreat vulvar pain to do research on specific causes ofvestibular pain, not just do a trial of drug X forvestibulodynia. (May, 2007 Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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Thanks for this article. In my opinion Dr. Goldstein

is a very bright man and he writes very well.

However, the only new thing in this article to me is

his suggestion that nerve proliferation is caused by

birth control pills. Isn't that what he is suggesting?

I would like to see some proof, some at all, that

birth control pills cause nerve proliferation.

Does anybody have anything at all that I can read that

says that.

AT least somebody is thinking about the CAUSE of nerve

proliferation besides me. I have read that gluten

sensitivity causes nerve proliferation. I have

wondered what else might do that.




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When I got off birth control pills at 45, I began to have the severe

burning sensation and other problems. I also got off my Claritin D.

I had migranes and the doctor took me off everything. Later my gyno

prescribed VagiFem, but I rarely use it, because my grandmother died

from breast cancer and my mother had it. I am scared to use it. I

wonder if VagiFem will do the same as Estrogen Cream? Several years

back I was a regular here, but after improving I quit coming here.

Now I am having an awful flare up. So, I am back!



> > Apparently someone is having success with the

> > addition of estrogens. In my

> > case, I think I fall into the levator ani syndrome

> > category of all he

> > mentions.

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> > ************************************** Get a sneak

> > peek of the all-new AOL at

> > http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tour

> >








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When I got off birth control pills at 45, I began to have the severe

burning sensation and other problems. I also got off my Claritin D.

I had migranes and the doctor took me off everything. Later my gyno

prescribed VagiFem, but I rarely use it, because my grandmother died

from breast cancer and my mother had it. I am scared to use it. I

wonder if VagiFem will do the same as Estrogen Cream? Several years

back I was a regular here, but after improving I quit coming here.

Now I am having an awful flare up. So, I am back!



> > Apparently someone is having success with the

> > addition of estrogens. In my

> > case, I think I fall into the levator ani syndrome

> > category of all he

> > mentions.

> >

> > C

> >

> >

> >

> > ************************************** Get a sneak

> > peek of the all-new AOL at

> > http://discover.aol.com/memed/aolcom30tour

> >








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Yahoo! FareChase.

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Surgical procedures to the vulvar area can also do damage to the

nerves in that area. I had been on the pill years before the

vulvar issues ever happened and had no problems with my vulvar


The last time I had a problem with birth control pills I got

dizzy and it turned out it wasn't the pills (because I had gone

off of them to see if it was the pills). It was an inner ear

virus that was going on at the same time.

Kristy :)



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Surgical procedures to the vulvar area can also do damage to the

nerves in that area. I had been on the pill years before the

vulvar issues ever happened and had no problems with my vulvar


The last time I had a problem with birth control pills I got

dizzy and it turned out it wasn't the pills (because I had gone

off of them to see if it was the pills). It was an inner ear

virus that was going on at the same time.

Kristy :)



Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.

Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list & sid=396545469

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Surgical procedures to the vulvar area can also do damage to the

nerves in that area. I had been on the pill years before the

vulvar issues ever happened and had no problems with my vulvar


The last time I had a problem with birth control pills I got

dizzy and it turned out it wasn't the pills (because I had gone

off of them to see if it was the pills). It was an inner ear

virus that was going on at the same time.

Kristy :)



Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.

Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list & sid=396545469

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Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestation

of the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything to

do with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to see

some study or even speculation about it. I don't see

anywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nerve

fibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.

I think when a doctor says something like this, there

should be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. If

so I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting that

BC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far out

but if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.

As far as BC pills go, I always figured they were

poison to women but its relation to growing extra

nerves is my question.


--- Anonymous wrote:

> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting

> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect

> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies

> has the potential to cause this problem. There has

> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar

> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin

> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most

> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or

> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen

> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries

> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of

> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is

> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all

> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera

> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the

> progesterone/progestins and very light on the

> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and

> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen.

> Or at least, this is the way I understand it.


> DUsty



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Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestation

of the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything to

do with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to see

some study or even speculation about it. I don't see

anywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nerve

fibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.

I think when a doctor says something like this, there

should be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. If

so I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting that

BC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far out

but if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.

As far as BC pills go, I always figured they were

poison to women but its relation to growing extra

nerves is my question.


--- Anonymous wrote:

> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting

> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect

> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies

> has the potential to cause this problem. There has

> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar

> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin

> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most

> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or

> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen

> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries

> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of

> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is

> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all

> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera

> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the

> progesterone/progestins and very light on the

> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and

> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen.

> Or at least, this is the way I understand it.


> DUsty



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BABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous

wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the>

estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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BABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous

wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the>

estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on

thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if

there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all

progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on

thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if

there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all

progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on

thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if

there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all

progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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All medication is a form of poison but some of us need the

medicines such as the pill to take care of ongoing problems.

Kristy :)



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All medication is a form of poison but some of us need the

medicines such as the pill to take care of ongoing problems.

Kristy :)



Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play

Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.


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All medication is a form of poison but some of us need the

medicines such as the pill to take care of ongoing problems.

Kristy :)



Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play

Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.


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Shoot Arline, phone rang and I hit send before I could include some other interesting sites. Sorry..... Listing them now. Dustyhttp://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-document & doi=10.1095/biolreprod.104.030023 & ct=1http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=nerve+proliferation+in+vulvar+atrophy & hl=en & rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-27,GGGL:en & um=1 & oi=scholartAnonymous wrote: Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to

break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I

would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this

is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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Shoot Arline, phone rang and I hit send before I could include some other interesting sites. Sorry..... Listing them now. Dustyhttp://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-document & doi=10.1095/biolreprod.104.030023 & ct=1http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=nerve+proliferation+in+vulvar+atrophy & hl=en & rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-27,GGGL:en & um=1 & oi=scholartAnonymous wrote: Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to

break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I

would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this

is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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Shoot Arline, phone rang and I hit send before I could include some other interesting sites. Sorry..... Listing them now. Dustyhttp://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-document & doi=10.1095/biolreprod.104.030023 & ct=1http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=nerve+proliferation+in+vulvar+atrophy & hl=en & rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-27,GGGL:en & um=1 & oi=scholartAnonymous wrote: Arline, Welllllll , if you look at the question of how does one get set up for nerve proliferation (overabundance of very sensitive nerves), it is commonly believed that chronic inflammation/irritation/disease at the sight of the pain causes the nerves of the are to become overstimulated. Once that happens the cylce of pain is hard to

break.In the vulva, vulvo vaginal atrophy (lack of estrogen and or estrogen receptors) cause REALLY severe skin inflammation ( I had it - I can tell you its severe). Skin breaks and pits and peels. This sets up the area for the chronic inflammation and overstimulation and the pain cycle begins. The source of the beginning of the inflammation can be ( and was in my case) estrogen loss which led to atrophy, which led to an abundance of angry misfiring nerves. Chronic inflammation leads to nerve proliferation.THis site gives some info on thishttp://www.emedicine.com/med/topic3369.htmDunno if this is the same site you guys were looking at in the earlier list thread. I missed that post - having trouble with my 'puter.DustyBABB wrote: Dusty,Nerve proliferation is a very specific manifestationof the nerves. It doesn't apparently have anything todo with estrogen receptors. If so I would like to seesome study or even speculation about it. I don't seeanywhere that lack of estrogen causes extra nervefibers to grow or that it is even a possibility.I think when a doctor says something like this, thereshould be some factual basis to it. Maybe there is. Ifso I was expressing my wish to see it. Suggesting thatBC pills causes nerve proliferation is pretty far outbut if there is ANY research on it, I can't find it.As far as BC pills go, I always figured they werepoison to women but its relation to growing extranerves is my question.Arline--- Anonymous wrote:> I didn't read the article - computer's been acting> up and I didn't see that post, but I

would suspect> that ANYTHING which leeches estrogen from our bodies> has the potential to cause this problem. There has> been info out there that women suffering from vulvar> problems have fewer estrogen receptors in the skin> of the vulva. Having fewer receptors is most> likely due to a prolonged depletion of estrogen, or> an unbalanced sex hormone panel. This can happen> because of disease (thyroid is one) surgeries> (hysterectomy is one) or medicines which deprive of> estrogen, like birth control. Some birth control is> all progesterone/progestin with no estrogen at all> (like the Mirena IUD) and I believe the Depo Provera> shot also. Most BC pills are heavily laden with the> progesterone/progestins and very light on the> estrogen - which can I think - in the right gal, and> the right environment cause depletion of estrogen. > Or at least, this

is the way I understand it.> > DUsty ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/**IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, Thanks for your cooperation! *****

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