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Speech problems and cortisol weaning?

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Has anyone noticed speech problems - slurring and loss of " tight "

articulation changes - occurring while doing cortisol weaning (or

Armour weaning which I'm doing in parallel)? It's *really* odd - a

slurring like effect that's like my mouth doesn't want to make fast

articulation changes, and where (I think as a result) all my vowels

tend toward their open forms (toward /a/ [father] vs /i/ [which]),

and making something that might be a kind of a lisp.

What's doubly odd is that it seems to only start after I've been

speaking for a while (meaning about 10-15 seconds continuously) -

possibly because the muscles aren't making ATP fast enough, and it

doesn't affect my singing AT ALL, and if anything, singing probably

uses MORE energy - although it may use it preferentially in the vocal

fold rather oral articulation - but even fast articulation changes in

singing don't seem to be affected either (yet perhaps..) If

anything, my singing seem better in some ways - I seem more aware of

the connection between what my throat is doing and what I'm producing

- somehow.

Some people have reported speech-slurring resulting from missing a

cortisol dose, but all those seem to be from a *really* severe AF.

Of course, if my adrenal problems are congenital/almost-congenital or

a result of messed-up inter-uterine development/programming of the

HPA, then perhaps I've always been at stage 6 or 7 and my body had

just figured out how to (mal)-adapt to it with what it can.

Adrenaline will kick in if cortisol fails, giving us the symptoms of

adrenal crisis, so I assume that adrenaline can *sort of* regulate

some of the same processes - if badly, perhaps enough to keep an

organism alive until the adrenals might be able to recover. I know

that I've *always* had over-reactions to stress, and the kind of

adrenaline " zaps " (are they an actual physical sensation) others have

mentioned with reference to sound - like an auditory/tactile

synesthic crossover, concentrating either in my abdominal area if I'm

sitting, or in the spine/small-of-the-back if I'm lying down.

Well, 45 minutes after I took 1 Isocort and 1/4 grain of Armour,

the speech symptoms are gone (or almost gone). I'm not sure which it

was - I don't know how fast Isocort's cortisol gets into the system

(the two were separated by about 10 minutes - probably not enough

time for the cortisol to get into the blood) It could also be the

antidepressant/anxiety, but I don't think so as I have only taken 2

doses today (one in the morning - I think - short-term " flashbulb "

memory is affected - cortisol probably) and one about 45 minutes

ago. I've never had anything like this happen with reference to the

antidepressant though.


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