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A few adtl peices of info that I left out

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I wanted to add that I was being lazy about the dripped yogurt. I found that

dripping the yogurt works for me in a flare - not dripped still give me a little

irritation (mild bleeding in a flare). The texture is so much more creamier -

I had no idea - I use goat milk. The SCD counselor told me that there is less

of the lactose in dripped (I will never go back) - I also wanted to say that the

following supplements also worked for me in early flare and are a result of the

fine tuning process I have had with the SCD counselor. I preface this by saying

that everyone, as you already know is different, but I wish I had found

something like this as a starting point for myself earlier in the stages both in

dosage and brands. While others may have posted, I never say, so wanted to

offer what has worked for me (including during a flare)

*Freeda Multi Vitamin- 1 in the morning ( and adtl one misd day every other day)

*Freeda B Complex 1 in the monring

*Lyosan acidopholus 1 capsul in the morning wiht food

*GI Pro Health Micellized Vit A (5000 iu per drop) 1 drop on food or drink in

the morning

*Carlson Vit D drops(2000 iu per drop) - 1 on food or drink in morning

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 (with lemon taste)1000 mg - 2 gel tebs in morning (good

I am told as an anti-inflamatory)

Now brand zinc - 50 mg in morning

Thorne brand Pantethine250 mg - 1/day in the morning

I am testing still the Kirkman Brand Saccharomyces Boulardi 3 Billion CFUs per

capsule - I was taking two of these at night on an empty but stopped during the

flare and things improved. Since I introduced so much at once I was not sure if

this was a culprit to my problems - will re-introduce at the counselors

suggestion of 1/2 a tab to start maybe in a few days.


UC 6 yrs

SCD 10 months 1 day

Asacol 800 mg/ 3 x per day

Imipramine 20 mg/ night

Dropping the Canasa suppositories :)

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