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UPDATE: GETAC-Education Committee meeting notification

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Meeting room will be in E-105



From: , Indra

Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 2:42 PM

To: , Indra; 'Office of EMS/Trauma Systems Annoucements';

'Texas EMS group'; 'Texas EMS, Trauma, and Acute Care Foundation';

'Texas RAC chairs'; 'Texas Trauma Coordinators'; 'Texas Trauma Group';

'-M.VanRavenswaay '; ' G Longoria'; ' Randall Loflin,

M.D.'; 'Joan E. Shook, MD'; 'Jodie Harbert III'; ' D. '; '

Fernandez, MD'; 'Marti VanRavenswaay'; 'Mike Click'; 'Pete D Wolf';

' M MD'; ' s, EMT-P'; 'Shirley Scholz'; 'Tivy

Whitlock'; 'Vance Riley'; ' Wiren'; ' Saltareli2'; '

Saltarelli'; 'Danny Updike'; 'Dennis Hebner'; 'Jack Sosebee'; '

Speier'; ' Dwayne Lemons'; 'Mike Eastlee'; 'Rickey '; '

Simonson'; ' T. Gerhardt, MD'; 'Shirley Scholz'; ' ';

' Sager'; ' Yuhas'; ' Persse, MD-Chair'; 'Joyce

Serville'; ' Pickard'; 'Mickie '; 'Remmy '; '

Smalling, MD'; ' Wozniak'; 'Rodney Parrish'; ' Sewell';

' '; ' Vaughan'; 'Doug Havron'; ' Kidd, MD'; '

Epley-Chair'; 'Ernie Schmid'; 'Gilbert '; 'Ira Nemeth, MD';

'Loretta Kuhn'; 'Lori Upton'; 'Mike Megna'; 'Mitch Moriber'; 'Nimm

Kidd'; 'Randy Crow'; ' Stout'; ' Kirk'; 'Sharon Nalls';

'Victor Wells'; 'Wanda Helgesen'; ' () Bolleter'; '

Shiplet'; 'Jeffery '; 'Jodie Harbert-Chair'; ' Creech'; 'ph

Hamilton'; 'Lance Villers'; 'Lorie Lefevers'; 'Sam '; '

'; 'Tim Hardy'; ' Petrilla'; ' McNevin';

'Dudley Wait-Chair'; 'Eddie '; 'Keri Price Grant'; '

Deramus'; 'Larry '; 'Lon Squyres'; 'Lucille Maes'; '

Farris'; 'Tony '; ' Curtis '; ' Romo';

' Northway'; ' Beard'; ' Galvan'; 'a Yuma';

'Ramiro " Ram " , RN'; 'Rickie -Chair'; 'Rohit Shenoi'; 'Shelli

s-Stidham'; ' Hougen'; 'Wayne Dennis'; ' Spear, MD';

' , MD'; ' Randy Loflin, MD'; ' Griswell, MD';

' Young, MD'; ' Sirbaugh, DO'; ' Bradley, MD'; '

Greenberg, MD, FACEP'; 'Sharon Ann Malone, MD'; ' C Ellerbe,

DO-Chair'; ' , MD'; 'Bonnie Hartstein, MD'; 'Britton

Devillier, DO'; ' Macias, MD'; 'Craig Huang, MD'; ' Wesson,

MD'; 'Janet Pointer'; 'Joan E. Shook, MD-Chair'; ' , MD';

'Maeve Sheehan, MD'; 'ette '; 'R. Todd Maxson'; 'Sally Snow,

RN'; 'Wayne Rutherford'; 'Anne Leonard'; 'Beverly Welch'; 'Cindy Hoff';

'Dicky Huey'; 'J Brent Dalley'; 'J Neal Rutledge, MD-Chair'; '

Grotta, MD'; 'Lise Labiche'; 'Mike Click-GETAC Liason'; '

Knappage'; 'Tim Berry'; 'Warren Porter'; 'Craig , MD'; 'Craig

Rhyne'; ' Rives'; ' '; 'Debra '; 'Dennis Dove, MD';

'Jackie Gondeck'; ' '; 'Jim Parisi'; 'Jorie Klein'; 'Kathy

Rodgers'; 'Mark Sparkman, MD'; 'Nilda '; ' ,

MD-Chair'; ' , MD'; ' '; 'Shahid Shafi, MD';

' Cotner-Pouncy'; 'Wendi McNabb'

Cc: Bishop, Maxie; Hart, Brett; Veal, ; Posada, ;

, ; Clack, ; Perkins, Kathy

Subject: GETAC-Education Committee meeting notification

Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC)

Meeting Notification

Blinn College-

Room E-105

2423 Blinn Blvd.

, TX 77805

Friday, June 26, 2009

9:00am-5:00pm Education Committee

An agenda will be available soon on our website (

http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/emstraumasystems ). For more information,

please call the Office of EMS\Trauma Systems Coordination at (512)



Administrative Assistant to

Jane Guerrero, Director

Office of EMS/Trauma Systems Coordination

Texas Department of State Health Services

Business Phone:

Business Email: indra.hernandez@...


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