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FW: Re SB 61, the Booster Seat Bill

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From: Leigh Anne Bedrich

Forwarded to you at the request of TETAF and Dell Children's Hospital

regarding SB 61, the Booster Seat Bill. This is legislative " crunch "

time, so you may be seeing several of these emails. Please take the

opportunity to remain informed so you will be able to participate when

it is important to you. LAB

Hi there,

I'm writing to ask for your help in contacting the Governor's office in

support of the booster seat bill. This email is only going to a small

sampling of our advocacy group, so that we can generate a targeted and

quick response.

Gov. appears favorable of SB 61, but with recent controversy over

the bill it would behoove us to make him aware that the bill is being

watched and supported by the trauma and pediatric community. Thursday

or Friday, please place a call to the Governor:

1) Letting him know that SB 61 (the 'booster seat bill') has

passed and will soon reach his desk

2) Encouraging the governor to sign the bill and thanking him for

supporting Texas children and families

Each of you has a different specialty, represent an important

institution, and/or live in a key geographic location, and therefore

your call is very important. Please let me know when you've called and

pass along any notes from your conversation. If you need any

additional information resources please visit www.boosttexas.org


The phone number: .

Many thanks - and we are almost there (!),


a Yuma, MPH, CHES

Injury Prevention Manager

Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas

Office: x 86737

Pager: Fax:

E-mail: pyuma@... pyuma@...>

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Leigh Anne Bedrich, LP, MA, EFO

Emergency Healthcare Systems Program Manager

North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council



www.ncttrac.org http://www.ncttrac.org>

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