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National Jewish & Strange Responses

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> When I told a few friends and my son that I had an illness

that was

> terminal some of them and my son responded with:Well, we

all have to go

> sometime. Has anyone had someone say this to them and if so

what do you

> say when they say that? It hurt me deeply when my son said

that to me.

> And, it is such a cold thing to say.....it also hurt when

my friends

> say it to me or as one said well, you are getting old you

didn't expect

> to live to be 90 did you? (actually I did! LOL ). Joyce R.

Prescott AZ

> PF Nov o8




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You are going to love National Jewish...I went after being diagnosed

in Houston for a second opinion. They were consistenly on time with

appointments and tests, so helpful and very considerate. I found

them to be one of the best facilities I've been to. I can see why

they are rated the number one respiratory center in the US.

Their responses were very cold and like someone else suggested, maybe

they just couldn't handle it at time, but only you were there to be

able to read the body language etc. I am sorry people responded that

way. I know it did hurt.

I've been back on Pred. since August....each time I keep my manicure

appointment the oriental technicians consistently say this:

1) 'Hello' and 2)'You not skinny anymore....got fat, yes?'

...it always catches me off guard but then I think at least

they are honest! Everyone else says they can't see a change to be

nice! I take my last dose Sunday....then the work begins again to

lose it again!

One hard thing I've learned recently is that I have to use the energy

I do have, to concentrate on being as well as I can be, I can't use

it to worry about what others may say or do...it works for me, maybe

it will for others.

I hope you have a good weekend!

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