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Re: Intro

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Mareth writes,

> ,< ringing in ears>


> I have noticed that in a lot of the questionnaires that this symptom is

> listed. I am curious as to how many have tinnitus and is it always a

> ringing or are there other times that you have different noises. There are

> many different noises in tinnitus and I would like to know if any of you

> have others than ringing.


> I have ringing but not often. I also have tingling, crickets and the sound

> of wind through high tension wires. Needless to say, I cannot tolerate the

> sound of wind through the high tension wires. It causes me stress and I

> always worry that it will not go away. It always has so I hope that it

> always well. Actually I think that the stress is the cause not the

> tinnitus.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman.

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hi cassy,

you mention using a muscle machine to tighten up your muscles due to being

overweight. Doesnt it make your muscles ache? I have been toying with the

idea of using one of those things for ages but were too scared to try in case

it was going to be unbearable and as they cost so much money i never bothered

as thought it was a waste of money.

i would be grateful if anyone else could give me input on this also.



from england

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hi cassy,

you mention using a muscle machine to tighten up your muscles due to being

overweight. Doesnt it make your muscles ache? I have been toying with the

idea of using one of those things for ages but were too scared to try in case

it was going to be unbearable and as they cost so much money i never bothered

as thought it was a waste of money.

i would be grateful if anyone else could give me input on this also.



from england

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hi cassy,

you mention using a muscle machine to tighten up your muscles due to being

overweight. Doesnt it make your muscles ache? I have been toying with the

idea of using one of those things for ages but were too scared to try in case

it was going to be unbearable and as they cost so much money i never bothered

as thought it was a waste of money.

i would be grateful if anyone else could give me input on this also.



from england

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linsthename@... wrote:


> hi cassy,

> you mention using a muscle machine to tighten up your muscles due to being

> overweight. Doesnt it make your muscles ache?

My mind's blank today. Do you mean one of those that produces electric

currents? My chiropractor used on of them on my back and I *loved* it.

He wasn't tightening muscles, he was loosening them, though. I have met

other people who have tried them and said they felt much worse

afterwards. I think it's another YMMV thing.


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cassie jenkins wrote:

> I am not sleeping well and have rec'd trazedone for

> that, but I am still up much of the night. I look

> forward to learning what everyone is doing ...to help

> live with this.

Welcome. FIguring out your limits is a big thing, what you can do

without making yourself flare, and then holding yourself to that limit

except for the big ticket items (oh... I really want to go hear Elvis in

concert, it's worth it to drive 14 hours to Graceland, even if I end up

in a flare that lasts a week). Ask your doctor for something to help

you sleep. Getting good sleep is an important part of helping yourself

to feel better. I know there's more, but my brain is foggy today.


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cassie jenkins wrote:

> I am not sleeping well and have rec'd trazedone for

> that, but I am still up much of the night. I look

> forward to learning what everyone is doing ...to help

> live with this.

Welcome. FIguring out your limits is a big thing, what you can do

without making yourself flare, and then holding yourself to that limit

except for the big ticket items (oh... I really want to go hear Elvis in

concert, it's worth it to drive 14 hours to Graceland, even if I end up

in a flare that lasts a week). Ask your doctor for something to help

you sleep. Getting good sleep is an important part of helping yourself

to feel better. I know there's more, but my brain is foggy today.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi , I'm Robyn and live in Florida. I have Lupus, FM,RA and

Chronic hep C. Two questions for you- well, maybe 3: How did you

know you had an allergy to the Plaquenil? I started it a few weeks

ago and I had terrible stomach cramps and all that goes with that. I

stopped it because I'm having some unrelated surgery next week and

there's no way I could have made it through that and all the follow-

up DR visits neccessary. I plan to discuss the Plaquenil with my

rheumy after the surgery- to lesson the dose or see if there's

something I could take to help with the side effects. I don't know.

Did it cause you any intestinal problems? Last question: Doesn't

your JRT want to attack your cats? I have 3 JRTs and a rat terrier

(and a husband-LOL) and my JRTs would hunt down a cat and never quit

until they've killed it. Take care, Robyn

> Hello,


> My name is . I am 43, happily married and have had

connective tissue disease since 1990. I have over lapping symptoms

of Lupus, RA, and Sjogrens. I am disabled due three failed spinal

surgeries, spinal stenosis, failed back syndrome, peripheral

neuropathy, and chronic back pain. I have one sister with Lupus and

one sister with RA. Luckily my brother does not have any

connective tissue disease.


> I was approved for SSD two weeks after they sent me to see their

doc. That was three and a half years ago. My wife is a

psychotherapist in private practice.


> We live in upstate NY and are proudly owned by five cats and a

nutty Jack Terrier.


> I am on numerous medications, but am not currently on anything for

the Lupus as I had surgery a couple of months ago. My rheumy is

starting me on injectable Methotrexate soon and wants to make sure

that I am well healed first. I am hoping I have a better reaction to

the Methotrexate than my sister. It made her very ill. I was on

Plaquenil for quite sometime, but I developed an allergy to it.


> This seems like a great list.


> Thank you.


> Blessings,



> Upstate New York


> " Slip inside the eye of your mind. Don't ya know you might find a

better place to play. " ~Oasis


> Authors Webpage:

> http://www.AuthorsDen.com/Huber


> Huber@e...

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Guest guest

Hi , I'm Robyn and live in Florida. I have Lupus, FM,RA and

Chronic hep C. Two questions for you- well, maybe 3: How did you

know you had an allergy to the Plaquenil? I started it a few weeks

ago and I had terrible stomach cramps and all that goes with that. I

stopped it because I'm having some unrelated surgery next week and

there's no way I could have made it through that and all the follow-

up DR visits neccessary. I plan to discuss the Plaquenil with my

rheumy after the surgery- to lesson the dose or see if there's

something I could take to help with the side effects. I don't know.

Did it cause you any intestinal problems? Last question: Doesn't

your JRT want to attack your cats? I have 3 JRTs and a rat terrier

(and a husband-LOL) and my JRTs would hunt down a cat and never quit

until they've killed it. Take care, Robyn

> Hello,


> My name is . I am 43, happily married and have had

connective tissue disease since 1990. I have over lapping symptoms

of Lupus, RA, and Sjogrens. I am disabled due three failed spinal

surgeries, spinal stenosis, failed back syndrome, peripheral

neuropathy, and chronic back pain. I have one sister with Lupus and

one sister with RA. Luckily my brother does not have any

connective tissue disease.


> I was approved for SSD two weeks after they sent me to see their

doc. That was three and a half years ago. My wife is a

psychotherapist in private practice.


> We live in upstate NY and are proudly owned by five cats and a

nutty Jack Terrier.


> I am on numerous medications, but am not currently on anything for

the Lupus as I had surgery a couple of months ago. My rheumy is

starting me on injectable Methotrexate soon and wants to make sure

that I am well healed first. I am hoping I have a better reaction to

the Methotrexate than my sister. It made her very ill. I was on

Plaquenil for quite sometime, but I developed an allergy to it.


> This seems like a great list.


> Thank you.


> Blessings,



> Upstate New York


> " Slip inside the eye of your mind. Don't ya know you might find a

better place to play. " ~Oasis


> Authors Webpage:

> http://www.AuthorsDen.com/Huber


> Huber@e...

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Guest guest

Hi , I'm Robyn and live in Florida. I have Lupus, FM,RA and

Chronic hep C. Two questions for you- well, maybe 3: How did you

know you had an allergy to the Plaquenil? I started it a few weeks

ago and I had terrible stomach cramps and all that goes with that. I

stopped it because I'm having some unrelated surgery next week and

there's no way I could have made it through that and all the follow-

up DR visits neccessary. I plan to discuss the Plaquenil with my

rheumy after the surgery- to lesson the dose or see if there's

something I could take to help with the side effects. I don't know.

Did it cause you any intestinal problems? Last question: Doesn't

your JRT want to attack your cats? I have 3 JRTs and a rat terrier

(and a husband-LOL) and my JRTs would hunt down a cat and never quit

until they've killed it. Take care, Robyn

> Hello,


> My name is . I am 43, happily married and have had

connective tissue disease since 1990. I have over lapping symptoms

of Lupus, RA, and Sjogrens. I am disabled due three failed spinal

surgeries, spinal stenosis, failed back syndrome, peripheral

neuropathy, and chronic back pain. I have one sister with Lupus and

one sister with RA. Luckily my brother does not have any

connective tissue disease.


> I was approved for SSD two weeks after they sent me to see their

doc. That was three and a half years ago. My wife is a

psychotherapist in private practice.


> We live in upstate NY and are proudly owned by five cats and a

nutty Jack Terrier.


> I am on numerous medications, but am not currently on anything for

the Lupus as I had surgery a couple of months ago. My rheumy is

starting me on injectable Methotrexate soon and wants to make sure

that I am well healed first. I am hoping I have a better reaction to

the Methotrexate than my sister. It made her very ill. I was on

Plaquenil for quite sometime, but I developed an allergy to it.


> This seems like a great list.


> Thank you.


> Blessings,



> Upstate New York


> " Slip inside the eye of your mind. Don't ya know you might find a

better place to play. " ~Oasis


> Authors Webpage:

> http://www.AuthorsDen.com/Huber


> Huber@e...

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  • 4 years later...

You say sliced and diced and sectioned and x-rayed. Does that mean the

diagnosis was made from CT scans? Who made it. All the waffling and the

2 lpm continuous and everything just don't give me a comfortable

feeling. If not made at a teaching hospital with PF expertise, I'd

recommend a second opinion.

As to specifics of your comments. NSIP often has an autoimmune disease

as an underlying cause. Hopefully you can get another opinion that feels

stronger one way or another. A rheumatologist should be able to figure

out if there is an autoimmune disease.

Ok, as to oxygen. It's rare that we would need the same flow all the

time. Most of us need one flow sitting and a very different one when

engaging in activity. Do you have an oximeter? If not, you need one.

Also, have you had an overnight sleep oximeter to determine nighttime

use. As to getting better, I can't say thats the case, but if you get

the right amount of oxygen and adjust to the disease, life can be


The level of exhaustion you describe and the sweating don't sound like

you're getting enough oxygen or certainly some issue. At 2 lpm you're at

such a low amount that I wouldn't hope you'd feel as bad as you

describe. Thats why I question the amount of oxygen and the overall


As to catching a cold, first you need to avoid germs in every possible

way. Second, you need to get immediate medical care when you catch


What medications are you on?


> I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given Dracula a couple of

gallons of blood,

> sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked into the floor for

the past year.


> Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly a cold. Then a

couple of weeks later, it

> was changed to must have been the flu. Then, oops, looks like ground

glass, sorry it is

> IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an autoimmune disease

component. Several

> months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP with an autoimmune

disease component

> and a connective tissue disease with it. Personally, sounds like a

catch all. Sorry if I sound

> frustrated. I am. And scared.


> I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters continuous. Thought that I

did not need it,

> now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I will ever get better.

Does it get better?


> I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids still at home and

caregiver to my elderly

> mother (although honestly, she is taking more care of me than I am of

her lately.)


> A couple of questions...

> 1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the point that my body seems

to made of lead. If

> that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the dishes. It took an HOUR!

then, I need a 2

> hour nap. I am exhausted.


> 2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout the day. (no, not

menopause). I get

> drenched. Is that part of this process?


> 3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am catching a cold!! So,

what do I do now?

> normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have, and the medications

that I am on what

> should I do? Is there something that I should do or not do?


> Sorry for the long winded message.


> Later,


> DX 08 still pending??


> >


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You say sliced and diced and sectioned and x-rayed. Does that mean the

diagnosis was made from CT scans? Who made it. All the waffling and the

2 lpm continuous and everything just don't give me a comfortable

feeling. If not made at a teaching hospital with PF expertise, I'd

recommend a second opinion.

As to specifics of your comments. NSIP often has an autoimmune disease

as an underlying cause. Hopefully you can get another opinion that feels

stronger one way or another. A rheumatologist should be able to figure

out if there is an autoimmune disease.

Ok, as to oxygen. It's rare that we would need the same flow all the

time. Most of us need one flow sitting and a very different one when

engaging in activity. Do you have an oximeter? If not, you need one.

Also, have you had an overnight sleep oximeter to determine nighttime

use. As to getting better, I can't say thats the case, but if you get

the right amount of oxygen and adjust to the disease, life can be


The level of exhaustion you describe and the sweating don't sound like

you're getting enough oxygen or certainly some issue. At 2 lpm you're at

such a low amount that I wouldn't hope you'd feel as bad as you

describe. Thats why I question the amount of oxygen and the overall


As to catching a cold, first you need to avoid germs in every possible

way. Second, you need to get immediate medical care when you catch


What medications are you on?


> I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given Dracula a couple of

gallons of blood,

> sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked into the floor for

the past year.


> Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly a cold. Then a

couple of weeks later, it

> was changed to must have been the flu. Then, oops, looks like ground

glass, sorry it is

> IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an autoimmune disease

component. Several

> months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP with an autoimmune

disease component

> and a connective tissue disease with it. Personally, sounds like a

catch all. Sorry if I sound

> frustrated. I am. And scared.


> I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters continuous. Thought that I

did not need it,

> now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I will ever get better.

Does it get better?


> I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids still at home and

caregiver to my elderly

> mother (although honestly, she is taking more care of me than I am of

her lately.)


> A couple of questions...

> 1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the point that my body seems

to made of lead. If

> that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the dishes. It took an HOUR!

then, I need a 2

> hour nap. I am exhausted.


> 2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout the day. (no, not

menopause). I get

> drenched. Is that part of this process?


> 3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am catching a cold!! So,

what do I do now?

> normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have, and the medications

that I am on what

> should I do? Is there something that I should do or not do?


> Sorry for the long winded message.


> Later,


> DX 08 still pending??


> >


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We are all scared in the beginning and then some...

Tiredness seems to be typical for a lot of us

I don't know about the sweats -- could be related to medications that you are on -- mine are

Sometimes i can't tell the difference between a cold and the disease

If I think i have a cold coming on, i take extra naps, drink lots of fluids -- chicken soup

and take over the counter meds to manage the symptoms (Mucinex)

in case of fever and/or thick green mucus -- call the doctor immediately

ask your doctor about pulmonary rehab --

exercise is very important

an exercise regimen might decrease some of the tiredness, it has something to do with how your muscles use the oxygen -- mary beth can give you a better explanation

don't do anything without asking your doctor

do you go to a teaching hospital?

take your list of questions with you the next time you see your doctor or call his office and ask him the questions for a quicker response

Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennsylvania

Subject: Intro To: Breathe-Support Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 10:02 PM

I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given Dracula a couple of gallons of blood, sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked into the floor for the past year. Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly a cold. Then a couple of weeks later, it was changed to must have been the flu. Then, oops, looks like ground glass, sorry it is IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an autoimmune disease component. Several months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP with an autoimmune disease component and a connective tissue disease with it. Personally, sounds like a catch all. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I am. And scared. I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters continuous. Thought that I did not need it, now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I will ever get better. Does it get better?I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids still at home and caregiver to my

elderlymother (although honestly, she is taking more care of me than I am of her lately.) A couple of questions...1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the point that my body seems to made of lead. If that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the dishes. It took an HOUR! then, I need a 2 hour nap. I am exhausted.2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout the day. (no, not menopause). I get drenched. Is that part of this process?3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am catching a cold!! So, what do I do now? normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have, and the medications that I am on what should I do? Is there something that I should do or not do?Sorry for the long winded message.Later,DX 08 still pending??>

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We are all scared in the beginning and then some...

Tiredness seems to be typical for a lot of us

I don't know about the sweats -- could be related to medications that you are on -- mine are

Sometimes i can't tell the difference between a cold and the disease

If I think i have a cold coming on, i take extra naps, drink lots of fluids -- chicken soup

and take over the counter meds to manage the symptoms (Mucinex)

in case of fever and/or thick green mucus -- call the doctor immediately

ask your doctor about pulmonary rehab --

exercise is very important

an exercise regimen might decrease some of the tiredness, it has something to do with how your muscles use the oxygen -- mary beth can give you a better explanation

don't do anything without asking your doctor

do you go to a teaching hospital?

take your list of questions with you the next time you see your doctor or call his office and ask him the questions for a quicker response

Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennsylvania

Subject: Intro To: Breathe-Support Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 10:02 PM

I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given Dracula a couple of gallons of blood, sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked into the floor for the past year. Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly a cold. Then a couple of weeks later, it was changed to must have been the flu. Then, oops, looks like ground glass, sorry it is IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an autoimmune disease component. Several months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP with an autoimmune disease component and a connective tissue disease with it. Personally, sounds like a catch all. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I am. And scared. I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters continuous. Thought that I did not need it, now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I will ever get better. Does it get better?I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids still at home and caregiver to my

elderlymother (although honestly, she is taking more care of me than I am of her lately.) A couple of questions...1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the point that my body seems to made of lead. If that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the dishes. It took an HOUR! then, I need a 2 hour nap. I am exhausted.2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout the day. (no, not menopause). I get drenched. Is that part of this process?3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am catching a cold!! So, what do I do now? normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have, and the medications that I am on what should I do? Is there something that I should do or not do?Sorry for the long winded message.Later,DX 08 still pending??>

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We are all scared in the beginning and then some...

Tiredness seems to be typical for a lot of us

I don't know about the sweats -- could be related to medications that you are on -- mine are

Sometimes i can't tell the difference between a cold and the disease

If I think i have a cold coming on, i take extra naps, drink lots of fluids -- chicken soup

and take over the counter meds to manage the symptoms (Mucinex)

in case of fever and/or thick green mucus -- call the doctor immediately

ask your doctor about pulmonary rehab --

exercise is very important

an exercise regimen might decrease some of the tiredness, it has something to do with how your muscles use the oxygen -- mary beth can give you a better explanation

don't do anything without asking your doctor

do you go to a teaching hospital?

take your list of questions with you the next time you see your doctor or call his office and ask him the questions for a quicker response

Pink Joyce IPF 3/06 Pennsylvania

Subject: Intro To: Breathe-Support Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 10:02 PM

I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given Dracula a couple of gallons of blood, sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked into the floor for the past year. Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly a cold. Then a couple of weeks later, it was changed to must have been the flu. Then, oops, looks like ground glass, sorry it is IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an autoimmune disease component. Several months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP with an autoimmune disease component and a connective tissue disease with it. Personally, sounds like a catch all. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I am. And scared. I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters continuous. Thought that I did not need it, now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I will ever get better. Does it get better?I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids still at home and caregiver to my

elderlymother (although honestly, she is taking more care of me than I am of her lately.) A couple of questions...1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the point that my body seems to made of lead. If that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the dishes. It took an HOUR! then, I need a 2 hour nap. I am exhausted.2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout the day. (no, not menopause). I get drenched. Is that part of this process?3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am catching a cold!! So, what do I do now? normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have, and the medications that I am on what should I do? Is there something that I should do or not do?Sorry for the long winded message.Later,DX 08 still pending??>

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You can have both. Are they from the different sections? Thats sometimes

the case. Have your slides been reviewed by more than one pathologist?

If not, get another specializing in ILD's to look at them.

> > > >

> > > > I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given

> > Dracula

> > > a couple of

> > > gallons of blood,

> > > > sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked

> > into

> > > the floor for

> > > the past year.

> > > >

> > > > Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly

> > a

> > > cold. Then a

> > > couple of weeks later, it

> > > > was changed to must have been the flu. Then,

> > oops,

> > > looks like ground

> > > glass, sorry it is

> > > > IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an

> > autoimmune

> > > disease

> > > component. Several

> > > > months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP

> > with

> > > an autoimmune

> > > disease component

> > > > and a connective tissue disease with it.

> > Personally,

> > > sounds like a

> > > catch all. Sorry if I sound

> > > > frustrated. I am. And scared.

> > > >

> > > > I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters

> > continuous.

> > > Thought that I

> > > did not need it,

> > > > now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I

> > will

> > > ever get better.

> > > Does it get better?

> > > >

> > > > I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids

> > still at

> > > home and

> > > caregiver to my elderly

> > > > mother (although honestly, she is taking more

> > care of

> > > me than I am of

> > > her lately.)

> > > >

> > > > A couple of questions...

> > > > 1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the

> > point

> > > that my body seems

> > > to made of lead. If

> > > > that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the

> > dishes. It

> > > took an HOUR!

> > > then, I need a 2

> > > > hour nap. I am exhausted.

> > > >

> > > > 2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout

> > the

> > > day. (no, not

> > > menopause). I get

> > > > drenched. Is that part of this process?

> > > >

> > > > 3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am

> > > catching a cold!! So,

> > > what do I do now?

> > > > normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have,

> > and

> > > the medications

> > > that I am on what

> > > > should I do? Is there something that I should do

> > or

> > > not do?

> > > >

> > > > Sorry for the long winded message.

> > > >

> > > > Later,

> > > >

> > > > DX 08 still pending??

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >


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You can have both. Are they from the different sections? Thats sometimes

the case. Have your slides been reviewed by more than one pathologist?

If not, get another specializing in ILD's to look at them.

> > > >

> > > > I have been poked and prodded, x-rayed, given

> > Dracula

> > > a couple of

> > > gallons of blood,

> > > > sliced diced and sectioned, then pftd and walked

> > into

> > > the floor for

> > > the past year.

> > > >

> > > > Basically, last year I caught what was supposedly

> > a

> > > cold. Then a

> > > couple of weeks later, it

> > > > was changed to must have been the flu. Then,

> > oops,

> > > looks like ground

> > > glass, sorry it is

> > > > IPF. Maybe. Or NSIP. Maybe. Or NSIP with an

> > autoimmune

> > > disease

> > > component. Several

> > > > months later, and the diagnosis is currently NSIP

> > with

> > > an autoimmune

> > > disease component

> > > > and a connective tissue disease with it.

> > Personally,

> > > sounds like a

> > > catch all. Sorry if I sound

> > > > frustrated. I am. And scared.

> > > >

> > > > I was put on oxygen 3 months ago, 2 liters

> > continuous.

> > > Thought that I

> > > did not need it,

> > > > now not sure I can be without it. Not sure if I

> > will

> > > ever get better.

> > > Does it get better?

> > > >

> > > > I work full time, am single parent of 2 kids

> > still at

> > > home and

> > > caregiver to my elderly

> > > > mother (although honestly, she is taking more

> > care of

> > > me than I am of

> > > her lately.)

> > > >

> > > > A couple of questions...

> > > > 1) I feel exhausted a lot of the time, to the

> > point

> > > that my body seems

> > > to made of lead. If

> > > > that normal? Yesterday I was able to do the

> > dishes. It

> > > took an HOUR!

> > > then, I need a 2

> > > > hour nap. I am exhausted.

> > > >

> > > > 2) I start sweat buckets sporadically throughout

> > the

> > > day. (no, not

> > > menopause). I get

> > > > drenched. Is that part of this process?

> > > >

> > > > 3) Oh, yeah, and just for fun, I think that I am

> > > catching a cold!! So,

> > > what do I do now?

> > > > normally, not an issue. But with whatever I have,

> > and

> > > the medications

> > > that I am on what

> > > > should I do? Is there something that I should do

> > or

> > > not do?

> > > >

> > > > Sorry for the long winded message.

> > > >

> > > > Later,

> > > >

> > > > DX 08 still pending??

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >


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