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Re: Abdominal pain?

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Before we started eating differently ( www.hacres.com ) my daughter suffered

greatly with daily pain…and sickness…

She was nauseated and often vomited every day for a long time.

She got a PSC dx in August of 04 after a liver biopsy…but she was sick

from December 03

Then she was still sick and they finally dx her with UC in

February of 06…even after starting all the UC meds she didn’t get

any better until June…because the last weekend in May I went to a class

this lady was having who taught me about food and it’s affects on our

bodies. After about six months of faithfully being on the “diet” we

went to a restaurant and had salad and baked potato…I forgot to order the

potato without sour cream and I figured once won’t hurt…so

ate less than a tablespoon of sour cream with a meal that we normally ate just

fine…15 minutes later she was complaining of a tummy ache 30 minutes

later her butt was exploding (severe diarrhea) and she was in severe pain…

four hours later she started pooping blood.

So after six months of no dairy we found that she can’t

have any… later I thought…well, maybe it was just the sour cream

and maybe cheese won’t hurt…nope…cheese did the same thing.

Anything with milk in it will do it as well. Butter on the other hand has never

affected her…go figure!

We recently found out that peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut

oil do the same thing. Also, chicken that isn’t organic will cause her to

have pain for three or four days…Just one drumstick! Grilled with nothing

on it!!

But since we have been making sure that the meat we do eat…we

eat meat about twice a month… is organic and no peanuts and no dairy with

she has been pain free.

Well, we do have the help of Asacol three times a day and don’t

forget the Imuran (not sure if I am spelling that right) but even before the “diet”

the meds didn’t seem to do anything but stop the bleeding. Her pain was

still there.

Also she gets a gray pallor and very dark circles under her eyes

when she has pain, and even though the docs say that her abdominal pain is all from

UC and nothing to do with the PSC…her liver levels go up when she looks

like that and her pain happens.

I am so sorry that Noah is having daily pain…it is bad

enough when an adult has pain…but when it is your child…it is such

a helpless, hopeless feeling :o(

In Christ's Love,

Bethany Hunt

" And he

[Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also

for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of mariapamom

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:25 PM


Subject: Abdominal pain?

Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...

How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?

If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

from it please.

My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.

Anyway, just curious.



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Before we started eating differently ( www.hacres.com ) my daughter suffered

greatly with daily pain…and sickness…

She was nauseated and often vomited every day for a long time.

She got a PSC dx in August of 04 after a liver biopsy…but she was sick

from December 03

Then she was still sick and they finally dx her with UC in

February of 06…even after starting all the UC meds she didn’t get

any better until June…because the last weekend in May I went to a class

this lady was having who taught me about food and it’s affects on our

bodies. After about six months of faithfully being on the “diet” we

went to a restaurant and had salad and baked potato…I forgot to order the

potato without sour cream and I figured once won’t hurt…so

ate less than a tablespoon of sour cream with a meal that we normally ate just

fine…15 minutes later she was complaining of a tummy ache 30 minutes

later her butt was exploding (severe diarrhea) and she was in severe pain…

four hours later she started pooping blood.

So after six months of no dairy we found that she can’t

have any… later I thought…well, maybe it was just the sour cream

and maybe cheese won’t hurt…nope…cheese did the same thing.

Anything with milk in it will do it as well. Butter on the other hand has never

affected her…go figure!

We recently found out that peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut

oil do the same thing. Also, chicken that isn’t organic will cause her to

have pain for three or four days…Just one drumstick! Grilled with nothing

on it!!

But since we have been making sure that the meat we do eat…we

eat meat about twice a month… is organic and no peanuts and no dairy with

she has been pain free.

Well, we do have the help of Asacol three times a day and don’t

forget the Imuran (not sure if I am spelling that right) but even before the “diet”

the meds didn’t seem to do anything but stop the bleeding. Her pain was

still there.

Also she gets a gray pallor and very dark circles under her eyes

when she has pain, and even though the docs say that her abdominal pain is all from

UC and nothing to do with the PSC…her liver levels go up when she looks

like that and her pain happens.

I am so sorry that Noah is having daily pain…it is bad

enough when an adult has pain…but when it is your child…it is such

a helpless, hopeless feeling :o(

In Christ's Love,

Bethany Hunt

" And he

[Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also

for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of mariapamom

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:25 PM


Subject: Abdominal pain?

Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...

How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?

If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

from it please.

My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.

Anyway, just curious.



password available by e-mailing request to me:


(Just tell me who you are :))

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Before we started eating differently ( www.hacres.com ) my daughter suffered

greatly with daily pain…and sickness…

She was nauseated and often vomited every day for a long time.

She got a PSC dx in August of 04 after a liver biopsy…but she was sick

from December 03

Then she was still sick and they finally dx her with UC in

February of 06…even after starting all the UC meds she didn’t get

any better until June…because the last weekend in May I went to a class

this lady was having who taught me about food and it’s affects on our

bodies. After about six months of faithfully being on the “diet” we

went to a restaurant and had salad and baked potato…I forgot to order the

potato without sour cream and I figured once won’t hurt…so

ate less than a tablespoon of sour cream with a meal that we normally ate just

fine…15 minutes later she was complaining of a tummy ache 30 minutes

later her butt was exploding (severe diarrhea) and she was in severe pain…

four hours later she started pooping blood.

So after six months of no dairy we found that she can’t

have any… later I thought…well, maybe it was just the sour cream

and maybe cheese won’t hurt…nope…cheese did the same thing.

Anything with milk in it will do it as well. Butter on the other hand has never

affected her…go figure!

We recently found out that peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut

oil do the same thing. Also, chicken that isn’t organic will cause her to

have pain for three or four days…Just one drumstick! Grilled with nothing

on it!!

But since we have been making sure that the meat we do eat…we

eat meat about twice a month… is organic and no peanuts and no dairy with

she has been pain free.

Well, we do have the help of Asacol three times a day and don’t

forget the Imuran (not sure if I am spelling that right) but even before the “diet”

the meds didn’t seem to do anything but stop the bleeding. Her pain was

still there.

Also she gets a gray pallor and very dark circles under her eyes

when she has pain, and even though the docs say that her abdominal pain is all from

UC and nothing to do with the PSC…her liver levels go up when she looks

like that and her pain happens.

I am so sorry that Noah is having daily pain…it is bad

enough when an adult has pain…but when it is your child…it is such

a helpless, hopeless feeling :o(

In Christ's Love,

Bethany Hunt

" And he

[Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also

for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2


[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of mariapamom

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:25 PM


Subject: Abdominal pain?

Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...

How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?

If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

from it please.

My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.

Anyway, just curious.



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I have URQ " discomfort " almost all the time. I generally get abdominal pain from

my UC.

when I am in a flare, then it feels like I have razor blades bouncing around in

my guts.




> Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...


> How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?


> If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

> from it please.


> My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

> thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.


> Anyway, just curious.


> Blessings,


> www.caringbridge.org/visit/noahwmartens


> password available by e-mailing request to me:

> chelseablue13girl@...


> (Just tell me who you are :))


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I have URQ " discomfort " almost all the time. I generally get abdominal pain from

my UC.

when I am in a flare, then it feels like I have razor blades bouncing around in

my guts.




> Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...


> How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?


> If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

> from it please.


> My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

> thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.


> Anyway, just curious.


> Blessings,


> www.caringbridge.org/visit/noahwmartens


> password available by e-mailing request to me:

> chelseablue13girl@...


> (Just tell me who you are :))


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I have URQ " discomfort " almost all the time. I generally get abdominal pain from

my UC.

when I am in a flare, then it feels like I have razor blades bouncing around in

my guts.




> Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...


> How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?


> If it is not daily you suffer indicate how often if ever you DO suffer

> from it please.


> My Noah has it nearly daily and the docs are not up for doing a darn

> thing. I don't know if it is the UC or the PSC to be honest.


> Anyway, just curious.


> Blessings,


> www.caringbridge.org/visit/noahwmartens


> password available by e-mailing request to me:

> chelseablue13girl@...


> (Just tell me who you are :))


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I have RUQ pain daily,all day, I am rarely without it. I have PSC no

UC I also get the pale stools, and have several loose stools on my bad

days. I generally stick to a bland diet and avoid red meat. I have

said for years my stomach and gut feel like I am full of broken glass.

Somedays are worse than others, but it is always there.

PSC 5/07 Listed

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I have RUQ pain daily,all day, I am rarely without it. I have PSC no

UC I also get the pale stools, and have several loose stools on my bad

days. I generally stick to a bland diet and avoid red meat. I have

said for years my stomach and gut feel like I am full of broken glass.

Somedays are worse than others, but it is always there.

PSC 5/07 Listed

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I have RUQ pain daily,all day, I am rarely without it. I have PSC no

UC I also get the pale stools, and have several loose stools on my bad

days. I generally stick to a bland diet and avoid red meat. I have

said for years my stomach and gut feel like I am full of broken glass.

Somedays are worse than others, but it is always there.

PSC 5/07 Listed

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I do. EVERY DAY my stomach hurts. It's just so disheartening and I

can not imagine one of my children going through this. I'm so sorry

for both of you.

I went to several doctors before I found one that said basically, well

we don't know what's causing your pain but we know it's there so we'll

just treat the pain. And now I take pain medication. I'm sure it has

something to do with the PSC. I don't have UC or anything like that

although I do get diarrhea and constipations issues sometimes.

There isn't always an answer it seems, but that doesn't mean it's not




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That is a very good question. I have abdominal pain

very frequently, at least every other day. I have a

jpouch, so I don't know if it is from that, an ulcer

or PSC, I just know it hurts. Doctors are aware of

it, but other than an endoscope 2 years ago, they do

nothing...oh wait, they gave me prilosec to take.

Cindy Baudoux-Northrup



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: I was first diagnosed with UC over 36 years ago, so

intestinal pain (generalized abdominal) and chronic fatigue was part

of my daily life. My diagnosis came as a result of a routine blood

test; it was about 6 years later that the URQ pain started. It has

continued for the past 3 years. Occasionally I get sharp stabbing

pains, often just a burning rib-cage region pain.

I've been to GI's who told me that pain wasn't a normal part of PSC.

When I finally got in to see a hepatologist, I found a doctor who

would respect my perceptions rather than accuse me of being drug-

seeking (my RN daughter laughed at that comment - she said, " of

course, you're drug-seeking; you're in pain and searching for

relief!) or that it was all 'in my head' (psychosomatic melodrama).

The fact is that for some people, PSC causes significant and constant

pain. My hepatologist didn't question me, he referred me to a Pain

Clinic. My doctor there works with me to manage the pain; we'ce used

medication as well as massage & physical therapy. I rarely have pain

that I cannot manage as a result. I'm able to remain fully employed

and productive.

I was staged at a '2' in 2006 and my MRCPs & ERCPs show significant

liver damage. I no longer have a colon, but what's left of my

intestines remain inflamed often and the URQ pain is present but

manageable. Adjusting the diet is definitely a must. Those foods

that cause me pain are eliminated from my diet. If I eat them, then

I know what will happen. It's my choice whether the desire for the

food is worth the pain that it will cause. With the occasional

exception of really rich ice cream, no food is worth the certain


Debbie in Seattle

UC '72, JPouch Colectomy '91, PSC since at least '99, stage 2 2006

Just a quick question for fellow PSCers...

How many of you suffer daily from abdominal pain?


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I'd die a thousand times before I would want to see one of my children deal with

what I

have to. I was 16 when first Dx'ed with UC, and I now know why my mom was so


about my DX. It wasn't until I became a mother that I fully appreciated how hard


illness has been on her -- and why.



> After reading about you all feeling like glass and razor blades in your

> stomachs to describe the pain.my heart broke.so I asked my ten year old

> daughter how it felt when she had a flare up... she said it was the worse

> pain in the world.I said yeah, but how would you describe it to someone who

> never felt pain before.she said " You know that poster in the museum .Mr.

> Germy " (in the museum there is a picture in the bathroom to encourage kids

> to wash their hands, Mr. Germy and Mr. Sudsy. Mr. Germy is this ugly nasty

> looking thing and he makes you sick.Mr. Sudsy is can kill Mr. Germy.) She

> said " it is like a lot of Mr. Germys got inside me and are eating their way

> out. "




> I feel so bad for all of you that have to experience this kind of pain.




> In Christ's Love,


> Bethany Hunt


> " And he [Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but

> also for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2


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>>>It wasn't until I became a mother that I fully

appreciated how hard my

illness has been on her -- and why.



about being a mom changes everything doesn’t it?

In Christ's Love,

Bethany Hunt

" And he

[Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also

for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2

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Bethany -- motherhood is the original Shock and Awe!


> Something about being a mom changes everything doesn't it?




> In Christ's Love,


> Bethany Hunt


> " And he [Jesus] is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but

> also for the sins of the whole world. " 1 2:2


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