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Re: Weaning Ourselves Off Of Our Medicines

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Although I must say for the sake of disclaimers that it is not wise to stop

taking meds without a doctors orders.

BUT, I would be much happier a person to be off of all of these brain

meddling pills and back to my previous being. That is why everyone on this

list is always trying to cut down on the meds I think. We always have a

handful of pills. To be honest with you, half of the time I look in my

hand, and I couldn't tell you if I am taking the right ones at the right time

or not! There is just so many...Some with food, some without food, etc.

It's a big mess!

What I would not give to wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and into the

shower, get ready for the day, and play with my little girl. Pain and drug

free. That is the ultimate goal!


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I stopped taking my bipolar meds .. because I did

better without them.. I'm out of the phase I was

in for over 1 1/2 yrs.. and I can handle life

again.. it may last a month.. it may last a

year.. also I moved to eastern NC .. and I

wouldn't trust most psychs around here to try and

treat me.. because I'm bipolar I .. when I am

having problems.. its always rapid cycling..

etc.. so .. if I can do without them.. I'm better

off for now.. and the only fibro med I was on..

was ineffective.. and I'm actually not hurting

enough for meds right now.. that changes.. a

lot.. and so I suffer.. because I can't afford

to be officially dxed...


--- Stuck Chuck stucklikechuck000@...>



> I have a question... Why are some of you (us)

> trying to stop taking your medicines? Are you

> having liver problems

> or something else which is making it hard on

> your bodies to take your medicines? Is it a

> matter of the money?


> I don't understand... On top of having Fibro, I

> have Bipolar, and arthritis & asthma &

> bronchitis, & IBS, etc, etc,e tc,


> I can't even GET the medicines I need. I Used

> to get them, I used to be married & had

> insurance,

> But since I've been divorced, I only get

> medicines IF I can afford them. I was recently

> told that

> I Will get SSI, but, I was Also told that I

> will only have 3 medicines paid for per month.

> My Bipolar & Mental health

> medicines are FIVE, alone. Four of them I get

> from the local Mental health Place, but,

> naturally,

> They want me to start using my 3 *free* meds

> with them ASAP. And, why not? My medicines are


> costing them literaly Hundreds of dollars per

> month! Yet, that leaves my breathing meds, and

> my muscle spasm meds...


> At one poit I had been put on So Many medicines

> I Did have to cut back, because Doctors decided

> I *took too many* medicines.

> Yet, each & every One addressed a seperate

> issue.


> I went tthrough YEARS & YEARS of trying herbal

> medicines & teas. They were not as effective as

> prescriptions. And, in the long run, are nerely

> as expensive.


> I have *been forced* due to running out of

> meds, and having no money, to do without. I

> don't like it.

> I haven't had my hormones in almost a full yr

> now, because I had to pick between muscle

> spasms, breathing, axiety, or hormones....

> And, I KNOW if I had my hormones it would

> *help* the other stuff, too.


> So, Why are some of us weaning ourselves from

> our meds? Are you doing this under doctors

> care? Alone? Under whose advice?

> Wondering....





> " There are only two ways to live your life. One

> is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is

> as though

> everything is a miracle. " ~Albert Einstein~


> I'm not Chuck. I'm not even a man. I'm just

> stuck in this body. 8^0




> ---------------------------------


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Yes, I agree :)


> Although I must say for the sake of disclaimers that it is not wise to stop

> taking meds without a doctors orders.


> BUT, I would be much happier a person to be off of all of these brain

> meddling pills and back to my previous being. That is why everyone on this

> list is always trying to cut down on the meds I think. We always have a

> handful of pills. To be honest with you, half of the time I look in my

> hand, and I couldn't tell you if I am taking the right ones at the right time

> or not! There is just so many...Some with food, some without food, etc.

> It's a big mess!


> What I would not give to wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and into the

> shower, get ready for the day, and play with my little girl. Pain and drug

> free. That is the ultimate goal!


> Missy




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I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who actually is

thankful for their meds ;-) I tried for so many years to get the meds that

I've finally got now, that unless I'm absolutely forced by some dire

medical problem to stop them, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of

taking them for the rest of my life! In fact, once they get my methadone

dosage titrated completely, I'm going to check and see if my insurance will

pay for a pump implant, so that will be 3 pills (and maybe more - I

understand that there are pumps out now that will handle more than one med)

that I don't have to swallow every day. Some of my medications have side

effects, and some of the side effects cause me to have to take other

medications (pain meds make me constipated and I have to take colace for

that, and elavil dries me out completely and I have to use eye drops and

nosedrops and vaseline, etc to moisterize my body, serzone makes me

nauseous and I have to take phenergen), but even with those side effects, I

wouldn't give up my meds for anything in the world!! I'm enjoying being

able to get out of bed and move around too much! I can drive again for the

first time in several years! I can cook dinner for my husband, instead of

his having to wait on me hand and foot! In other words, because of all of

my meds, I'm a useful person again ! And I don't consider myself an

addict, any more than a diabetic considers himself an addict. Diabetics

have to take insulin to live, and I have to take my medications in order to

live a productive life, so I don't see a bit of difference, and frankly, I

don't care what " other people " think about my taking the medications that I

do! Let them have my pain for one day and I'll guarantee that they would

be begging for medication too! If you want to go off of your meds because

they're not doing any good, why not talk to your doctor and go off of them

under his supervision and keep trying meds until something works? There

are several different major pain killers, and a whole bunch of " minor " pain

killers that can be tried, not to mention muscle relaxors, etc. and it may

be the last of the whole bunch that works on you, but when you find

something that does, it can change your life! So, I guess I'm like " Chuck "

;-) I don't understand why people want to go off of their meds if those

meds are doing what they're supposed to do??


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bluskies@... wrote:


> I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who actually is

> thankful for their meds ;-)

Nope, I'm thankful for my medicines too! I would be so miserable

without them, that it doesn't bother me to take them! I ran out of my

allergy medicine a week ago, and because of a mix-up, thought I had more

medicine coming in the mail. After 5 days without allergy medicine, I

was so miserable I was in tears. Fortunately, the pharmacist could tell

I needed some help and was willing to give me two pills until she could

get an actual prescription from my doctor. Hey, if my body suddenly

completely healed and I didn't need them any more, I'd love it, but

until then, you can have my medicines when you pry them from clutching



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LOL!! I feel exactly the same way!! In fact, my pain clinic physician's

assistent said something the other day that got my attention. He said that

if I suddenly was hit in the head with a " miracle cure " and didn't need

pain medication anymore, that he would still prescribe it for several

weeks, weaning me down VERY slowly and under control. He made it VERY

clear that trying to wean off on my own could not only be dangerous, it

could be deadly. Convinced me that I don't need to go off trying to do

stuff on my own! I'm glad that your meds are working so well for you!!!

I just wish that everyone could get the same good results that we have



At 08:07 AM 1/28/02 -0500, you wrote:

Hey, if my body suddenly

>completely healed and I didn't need them any more, I'd love it, but

>until then, you can have my medicines when you pry them from clutching



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What I would not give to wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and into the

shower, get ready for the day, and play with my little girl. Pain and drug

free. That is the ultimate goal!

Well, I don't have a little girl but I too would like to jump out of bed and

not have to take a handful of pills just to start the day. And know that

there are more at lunch, early afternoon and night.

Sometimes it seems that I have forgotten that wonderful feeling of getting up

full of vim, vigor and vitality with a whole day ahead of me to do as I like.

Now it is having a hard time getting out of bed and know that pain is just

about all that you have to look forward to having.

I do have two granddaughters that I have not been able to do things with

because of pain or noise. They live next door and it would be great to do

more of the things that I used to do with them. They are 15 now and when we

went shopping for their mother's gift, we ate lunch out. That is the first

time in months.

We are going to London this summer. I promised them a few years ago and I

don't break my promises to them if I am able to move. Terri, my daughter is

going too so we should have a good time. I ask my doctor today if he would

give me a sleeping pill that would help me to sleep on the plane going over

as it is nighttime. I need to feel half way decent when we arrive there the

next morning.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman.

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What I would not give to wake up in the morning, jump out of bed and into the

shower, get ready for the day, and play with my little girl. Pain and drug

free. That is the ultimate goal!

Well, I don't have a little girl but I too would like to jump out of bed and

not have to take a handful of pills just to start the day. And know that

there are more at lunch, early afternoon and night.

Sometimes it seems that I have forgotten that wonderful feeling of getting up

full of vim, vigor and vitality with a whole day ahead of me to do as I like.

Now it is having a hard time getting out of bed and know that pain is just

about all that you have to look forward to having.

I do have two granddaughters that I have not been able to do things with

because of pain or noise. They live next door and it would be great to do

more of the things that I used to do with them. They are 15 now and when we

went shopping for their mother's gift, we ate lunch out. That is the first

time in months.

We are going to London this summer. I promised them a few years ago and I

don't break my promises to them if I am able to move. Terri, my daughter is

going too so we should have a good time. I ask my doctor today if he would

give me a sleeping pill that would help me to sleep on the plane going over

as it is nighttime. I need to feel half way decent when we arrive there the

next morning.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman.

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Why get irritable on people who want to get rid of their medicines? I dont think

anything about you or Not-Chuck-just-stuck-in-my-body. Because the fact is that

people are different, they live different lifes and they have different choices


We all have different goals. I am a person who love nature and want to learn all

about herbs. I have experienced miracles with some herbs. And I have too

experienced miracles with healing.

But I dont judge ordinary medicines. I believe that we need both sides. Im not

so good in english so I dont know what you call it.

Hugs to you both, and Not-Chuck :)

> I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who actually is

> thankful for their meds ;-) I tried for so many years to get the meds that

> I've finally got now, that unless I'm absolutely forced by some dire

> medical problem to stop them, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of

> taking them for the rest of my life! In fact, once they get my methadone

> dosage titrated completely, I'm going to check and see if my insurance will

> pay for a pump implant, so that will be 3 pills (and maybe more - I

> understand that there are pumps out now that will handle more than one med)

> that I don't have to swallow every day. Some of my medications have side

> effects, and some of the side effects cause me to have to take other

> medications (pain meds make me constipated and I have to take colace for

> that, and elavil dries me out completely and I have to use eye drops and

> nosedrops and vaseline, etc to moisterize my body, serzone makes me

> nauseous and I have to take phenergen), but even with those side effects, I

> wouldn't give up my meds for anything in the world!! I'm enjoying being

> able to get out of bed and move around too much! I can drive again for the

> first time in several years! I can cook dinner for my husband, instead of

> his having to wait on me hand and foot! In other words, because of all of

> my meds, I'm a useful person again ! And I don't consider myself an

> addict, any more than a diabetic considers himself an addict. Diabetics

> have to take insulin to live, and I have to take my medications in order to

> live a productive life, so I don't see a bit of difference, and frankly, I

> don't care what " other people " think about my taking the medications that I

> do! Let them have my pain for one day and I'll guarantee that they would

> be begging for medication too! If you want to go off of your meds because

> they're not doing any good, why not talk to your doctor and go off of them

> under his supervision and keep trying meds until something works? There

> are several different major pain killers, and a whole bunch of " minor " pain

> killers that can be tried, not to mention muscle relaxors, etc. and it may

> be the last of the whole bunch that works on you, but when you find

> something that does, it can change your life! So, I guess I'm like " Chuck "

> ;-) I don't understand why people want to go off of their meds if those

> meds are doing what they're supposed to do??


> -

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Why get irritable on people who want to get rid of their medicines? I dont think

anything about you or Not-Chuck-just-stuck-in-my-body. Because the fact is that

people are different, they live different lifes and they have different choices


We all have different goals. I am a person who love nature and want to learn all

about herbs. I have experienced miracles with some herbs. And I have too

experienced miracles with healing.

But I dont judge ordinary medicines. I believe that we need both sides. Im not

so good in english so I dont know what you call it.

Hugs to you both, and Not-Chuck :)

> I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who actually is

> thankful for their meds ;-) I tried for so many years to get the meds that

> I've finally got now, that unless I'm absolutely forced by some dire

> medical problem to stop them, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of

> taking them for the rest of my life! In fact, once they get my methadone

> dosage titrated completely, I'm going to check and see if my insurance will

> pay for a pump implant, so that will be 3 pills (and maybe more - I

> understand that there are pumps out now that will handle more than one med)

> that I don't have to swallow every day. Some of my medications have side

> effects, and some of the side effects cause me to have to take other

> medications (pain meds make me constipated and I have to take colace for

> that, and elavil dries me out completely and I have to use eye drops and

> nosedrops and vaseline, etc to moisterize my body, serzone makes me

> nauseous and I have to take phenergen), but even with those side effects, I

> wouldn't give up my meds for anything in the world!! I'm enjoying being

> able to get out of bed and move around too much! I can drive again for the

> first time in several years! I can cook dinner for my husband, instead of

> his having to wait on me hand and foot! In other words, because of all of

> my meds, I'm a useful person again ! And I don't consider myself an

> addict, any more than a diabetic considers himself an addict. Diabetics

> have to take insulin to live, and I have to take my medications in order to

> live a productive life, so I don't see a bit of difference, and frankly, I

> don't care what " other people " think about my taking the medications that I

> do! Let them have my pain for one day and I'll guarantee that they would

> be begging for medication too! If you want to go off of your meds because

> they're not doing any good, why not talk to your doctor and go off of them

> under his supervision and keep trying meds until something works? There

> are several different major pain killers, and a whole bunch of " minor " pain

> killers that can be tried, not to mention muscle relaxors, etc. and it may

> be the last of the whole bunch that works on you, but when you find

> something that does, it can change your life! So, I guess I'm like " Chuck "

> ;-) I don't understand why people want to go off of their meds if those

> meds are doing what they're supposed to do??


> -

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Why get irritable on people who want to get rid of their medicines? I dont think

anything about you or Not-Chuck-just-stuck-in-my-body. Because the fact is that

people are different, they live different lifes and they have different choices


We all have different goals. I am a person who love nature and want to learn all

about herbs. I have experienced miracles with some herbs. And I have too

experienced miracles with healing.

But I dont judge ordinary medicines. I believe that we need both sides. Im not

so good in english so I dont know what you call it.

Hugs to you both, and Not-Chuck :)

> I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who actually is

> thankful for their meds ;-) I tried for so many years to get the meds that

> I've finally got now, that unless I'm absolutely forced by some dire

> medical problem to stop them, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of

> taking them for the rest of my life! In fact, once they get my methadone

> dosage titrated completely, I'm going to check and see if my insurance will

> pay for a pump implant, so that will be 3 pills (and maybe more - I

> understand that there are pumps out now that will handle more than one med)

> that I don't have to swallow every day. Some of my medications have side

> effects, and some of the side effects cause me to have to take other

> medications (pain meds make me constipated and I have to take colace for

> that, and elavil dries me out completely and I have to use eye drops and

> nosedrops and vaseline, etc to moisterize my body, serzone makes me

> nauseous and I have to take phenergen), but even with those side effects, I

> wouldn't give up my meds for anything in the world!! I'm enjoying being

> able to get out of bed and move around too much! I can drive again for the

> first time in several years! I can cook dinner for my husband, instead of

> his having to wait on me hand and foot! In other words, because of all of

> my meds, I'm a useful person again ! And I don't consider myself an

> addict, any more than a diabetic considers himself an addict. Diabetics

> have to take insulin to live, and I have to take my medications in order to

> live a productive life, so I don't see a bit of difference, and frankly, I

> don't care what " other people " think about my taking the medications that I

> do! Let them have my pain for one day and I'll guarantee that they would

> be begging for medication too! If you want to go off of your meds because

> they're not doing any good, why not talk to your doctor and go off of them

> under his supervision and keep trying meds until something works? There

> are several different major pain killers, and a whole bunch of " minor " pain

> killers that can be tried, not to mention muscle relaxors, etc. and it may

> be the last of the whole bunch that works on you, but when you find

> something that does, it can change your life! So, I guess I'm like " Chuck "

> ;-) I don't understand why people want to go off of their meds if those

> meds are doing what they're supposed to do??


> -

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there is no life without my meds, at

least for me. they do help some, i

weaned off them and tried all the other

treatments, just put me back in hades

on earth.

so! lets hear it for C H E M I C A L S!!!!!



melody d. harris

aka mel

-- In @y..., Darcy Stockstill




> bluskies@m... wrote:

> >

> > I'm starting to feel like I'm the only person on the list who

actually is

> > thankful for their meds ;-)


> Nope, I'm thankful for my medicines too! I would be so miserable

> without them, that it doesn't bother me to take them! I ran out of


> allergy medicine a week ago, and because of a mix-up, thought I had


> medicine coming in the mail. After 5 days without allergy

medicine, I

> was so miserable I was in tears. Fortunately, the pharmacist could


> I needed some help and was willing to give me two pills until she


> get an actual prescription from my doctor. Hey, if my body suddenly

> completely healed and I didn't need them any more, I'd love it, but

> until then, you can have my medicines when you pry them from


> fingers!

> Darcy

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Oh Irene, you are SO lucky to have granddaughters that live so close by and

that you can see often!! My granddaughter will turn one year on Feb. 19th

(I still say that I'm much too young to have a granddaughter ), and she

and her parents live about 35 or 40 miles away, in the nearest city. It

doesn't sound like much, but my son and his wife won't bring her up here

yet (they feel like she needs to be older before she meets all of the

animals - this is one of those things where I have to sit back and grit my

teeth and remind myself that I have to keep my big mouth shut - it's THEIR

decision ), and they're both so busy, between both of them working long

hours and having stuff to do every single second that they're NOT at work -

I just don't get to see her all that often. If I see her every couple of

months, I feel like I've been lucky :-( It must be so wonderful to have

your granddaughters right next door!! If I were closer, I could babysit

Ali during the day rather than her having to go to daycare...... .

I'm glad that you're making the most out of your girls - you'll always

treasure these times, and your vacation this summer sounds like something

that you ALL will treasure for ever!! Good for you for appreciating them

as much as you do!!

gentle hugs :-)


At 08:57 PM 1/28/02 EST, you wrote:

>I do have two granddaughters that I have not been able to do things with

>because of pain or noise. They live next door and it would be great to do

>more of the things that I used to do with them. They are 15 now and when we

>went shopping for their mother's gift, we ate lunch out. That is the first

>time in months.


>We are going to London this summer. I promised them a few years ago and I

>don't break my promises to them if I am able to move. Terri, my daughter is

>going too so we should have a good time. I ask my doctor today if he would

>give me a sleeping pill that would help me to sleep on the plane going over

>as it is nighttime. I need to feel half way decent when we arrive there the

>next morning.



>Take care,



>Books may well be the only true magic

> Alice Hoffman.



>SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs


>HOME PAGE:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/7127/fibromyalgia-cfs.html

>LIST OWNER: " Missy " Parrot004@...>








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Oh, I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was irritated with people for

wanting to drop their meds - I'm definitely not!! I do hate to see people

go off of meds that are working for them and helping them just because

someone along the way has made them feel like they're " addicted " , when

they're not. But I'm not irritated with the people, just the situation

that sometimes arises from people's misinformation ;-) I too am very

interested about herbs, have a fairly decent collection of herb references

books, and am even on a couple of lists about herbs :-) I'm also like you

in believing that there's a place in life for both herbs and conventional

medications, and hopefully, other people will learn about both and

interactions, etc and learn how to use both effectively in their lives!

Sorry about the misunderstanding!!!

gentle hugs,


At 04:26 AM 1/29/02 -0000, you wrote:

>Why get irritable on people who want to get rid of their medicines? I dont

think anything about you or Not-Chuck-just-stuck-in-my-body. Because the

fact is that people are different, they live different lifes and they have

different choices :)


>We all have different goals. I am a person who love nature and want to

learn all about herbs. I have experienced miracles with some herbs. And I

have too experienced miracles with healing.


>But I dont judge ordinary medicines. I believe that we need both sides. Im

not so good in english so I dont know what you call it.


>Hugs to you both, and Not-Chuck :)

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(they feel like she needs to be older before she meets all of the



When the twins were born we still had our black lab. My daughter did not

live next door then but like yours lived about a 30 minute drive away. She

was worried about Blackie too but she brought the girls over and we did not

have any problems at all. They were used to him from a very early age and

later would crawl all over him, try to ride on his back and set him front of

him and play with him. He never once tried to bite or hurt those girls. He

just looked very patient as if to say this to will pass.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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(they feel like she needs to be older before she meets all of the



When the twins were born we still had our black lab. My daughter did not

live next door then but like yours lived about a 30 minute drive away. She

was worried about Blackie too but she brought the girls over and we did not

have any problems at all. They were used to him from a very early age and

later would crawl all over him, try to ride on his back and set him front of

him and play with him. He never once tried to bite or hurt those girls. He

just looked very patient as if to say this to will pass.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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(they feel like she needs to be older before she meets all of the



When the twins were born we still had our black lab. My daughter did not

live next door then but like yours lived about a 30 minute drive away. She

was worried about Blackie too but she brought the girls over and we did not

have any problems at all. They were used to him from a very early age and

later would crawl all over him, try to ride on his back and set him front of

him and play with him. He never once tried to bite or hurt those girls. He

just looked very patient as if to say this to will pass.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Hi Irene,

I think if I had just one dog, maybe a bit older and settled, they would

allow her to come up here. Instead I have TEN dogs, two of which are VERY

large, several are tiny, but yippy & loud & like to jump up on you (by the

time you finish the act of sitting down here, you already have a least one,

and usually more, dogs in your lap ), as well as 10 birds talking and

screaming at the tops of their lungs. It would be pretty overwhelming for

her, so what I'll probably do is bring the dogs down to her house one at a

time and let her get used to them that way. I'd hate to scare the peepee

out of her so that she wouldn't like ANY animals! My son doesn't care for

animals after growing up with all of mine, so I'll use a different approach

on her ;-) Thanks for sharing your experience - it gave me the idea of

taking one dog down to her at a time!!


At 02:16 PM 1/31/02 EST, Irene wrote:



>When the twins were born we still had our black lab. My daughter did not

>live next door then but like yours lived about a 30 minute drive away. She

>was worried about Blackie too but she brought the girls over and we did not

>have any problems at all. They were used to him from a very early age and

>later would crawl all over him, try to ride on his back and set him front of

>him and play with him. He never once tried to bite or hurt those girls. He

>just looked very patient as if to say this to will pass.



>Take care,



>Books may well be the only true magic

>Alice Hoffman

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Okay, I understand what you mean.

Luckily enough, I am not one of those who go off of medicines because someone

tell me they are bad or that Im addicted. I am the other type person. I tell

people Im on antidepressiva and I dont care who hear me. And I dont care about

what they think either. Many have called my antidepressiva for

happiness-pills....saying that it give you a false feeling of


It is because I know about side-effects and how it will affect you with time. It

is no problem if conventional medication is used for short times...but when it

starts to be over years, every day...

Like the SSRI antidepressiva...if you take them for many years..your brain cells

gets killed....but if you take them for one year or something like that....no


By the way....Ive seen alot of stuff about Prozac recently. That it makes people

more crazy than decreasing the depression...Some of those desperados killing

alot of people in USA was on Prozac...and that boy who took his air plane right

into the building...he was on Prozac....

And I talked with a man who told he was on Prozac when he decided to take his

gun and go to a roof and kill all people going out of a big store in his

city....And then kill himself afterward..

He was so lucky that he " woke up " right before he was going to do that, and he

went off Prozac from that very day....

So......I think conventional medicines is often misused......and that doctors

dont know enough about the medicines they are prescribing to people...

I wish doctors knew more about what they are doing. But they dont have time

because they have too many patients, or they are not smart enough to educate

themself....After all they are just humans....

Soooooo...Im doing the work doctors should have done...I educate myself by get

all info I can about my medicines and work out a plan to not get those

side-effects :)

I was so lucky that I was offered free light-therapy while I am trying to wean

off my anti-depressiva. It is time for me to wean myself off it, because Ive

been on it almost one year. Well, the light-therapy is a funny experience. Green

light is sooo relaxing...I discovered that I get deeper sleep after a treatment

with green light...weird, huh???

First time I got it, I got one night with deeper sleep...oh, so good it was.

Yesterday I got my second time with green light...I had a night with deep sleep

again :) And my muscles is still quite relaxed. I think it last longer each time

you take this light-therapy....

When its about my pain-killers....I know it will destroy my liver if I use it

for long time. So I take Milk Thistle capsules while Im on my pain-killers. Milk

Thistle is a special herb. It protect your liver against chemicals and alcohol

if one drink too much..... :)

Cool, huh?

Okay...I need to get off and put some wood in my oven. Its almost storm out

there....and freezing cold in my living room...brrrr...

Hugs from me :)

> Oh, I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was irritated with people for

> wanting to drop their meds - I'm definitely not!! I do hate to see people

> go off of meds that are working for them and helping them just because

> someone along the way has made them feel like they're " addicted " , when

> they're not. But I'm not irritated with the people, just the situation

> that sometimes arises from people's misinformation ;-) I too am very

> interested about herbs, have a fairly decent collection of herb references

> books, and am even on a couple of lists about herbs :-) I'm also like you

> in believing that there's a place in life for both herbs and conventional

> medications, and hopefully, other people will learn about both and

> interactions, etc and learn how to use both effectively in their lives!

> Sorry about the misunderstanding!!!


> gentle hugs,

> -


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Dear " hugs from me " ,

Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD


I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

I'm wondering if they would work...?



> I was so lucky that I was offered free light-therapy while I am

trying to wean off my anti-depressiva. It is time for me to wean

myself off it, because Ive been on it almost one year. Well, the

light-therapy is a funny experience. Green light is sooo relaxing...I

discovered that I get deeper sleep after a treatment with green

light...weird, huh???


> First time I got it, I got one night with deeper sleep...oh, so

good it was. Yesterday I got my second time with green light...I had

a night with deep sleep again :) And my muscles is still quite

relaxed. I think it last longer each time you take this light-




> Hugs from me :)



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Hello Kit

I can ask tomorrow what machine she do have. I went to a place called

V-Clinique. They do have many different treatments...She have a big thing, so Im

sure its not something you can buy and have at home :)

I have too seen different types of light therapy machinery. I can try to ask in

another list Im on, a natural therapy list thing......if any of them know of

good products in light-therapy...

It may take some days before I know more....


> Dear " hugs from me " ,


> Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

> Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD

> administering?

> I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

> I'm wondering if they would work...?


> Thanks,

> Kit

> >

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Hello Kit

I can ask tomorrow what machine she do have. I went to a place called

V-Clinique. They do have many different treatments...She have a big thing, so Im

sure its not something you can buy and have at home :)

I have too seen different types of light therapy machinery. I can try to ask in

another list Im on, a natural therapy list thing......if any of them know of

good products in light-therapy...

It may take some days before I know more....


> Dear " hugs from me " ,


> Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

> Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD

> administering?

> I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

> I'm wondering if they would work...?


> Thanks,

> Kit

> >

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i'm very new to this list. Could you email me privately to let me know

the address of the'natural list' you are speaking of?


Connie T

walkyria9 wrote:

> Hello Kit


> I can ask tomorrow what machine she do have. I went to a place called

> V-Clinique. They do have many different treatments...She have a big

> thing, so Im sure its not something you can buy and have at home :)


> I have too seen different types of light therapy machinery. I can try

> to ask in another list Im on, a natural therapy list thing......if any

> of them know of good products in light-therapy...


> It may take some days before I know more....


> Mar





> > Dear " hugs from me " ,

> >

> > Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

> > Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD

> > administering?

> > I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

> > I'm wondering if they would work...?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Kit

> > >

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i'm very new to this list. Could you email me privately to let me know

the address of the'natural list' you are speaking of?


Connie T

walkyria9 wrote:

> Hello Kit


> I can ask tomorrow what machine she do have. I went to a place called

> V-Clinique. They do have many different treatments...She have a big

> thing, so Im sure its not something you can buy and have at home :)


> I have too seen different types of light therapy machinery. I can try

> to ask in another list Im on, a natural therapy list thing......if any

> of them know of good products in light-therapy...


> It may take some days before I know more....


> Mar





> > Dear " hugs from me " ,

> >

> > Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

> > Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD

> > administering?

> > I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

> > I'm wondering if they would work...?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Kit

> > >

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i'm very new to this list. Could you email me privately to let me know

the address of the'natural list' you are speaking of?


Connie T

walkyria9 wrote:

> Hello Kit


> I can ask tomorrow what machine she do have. I went to a place called

> V-Clinique. They do have many different treatments...She have a big

> thing, so Im sure its not something you can buy and have at home :)


> I have too seen different types of light therapy machinery. I can try

> to ask in another list Im on, a natural therapy list thing......if any

> of them know of good products in light-therapy...


> It may take some days before I know more....


> Mar





> > Dear " hugs from me " ,

> >

> > Could you tell me how they are delivering the light-therapy?

> > Does it look like expensive machinery? Is this an MD

> > administering?

> > I've seen different colored-lens glasses in catalogues.

> > I'm wondering if they would work...?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Kit

> > >

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