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Re: HI BRUCE AND ALL..........Elect. bill....

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Oh my gosh is right ML! Fresh peach ice cream. Oh my gosh again and again. I love it. Guess I'll have to settle for Tillamook. The best there is the PNW!

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

HI BRUCE AND ALL..........Elect. bill....

I called my Elect. company this morning and talked to them about the difference between "Electric Supply Svc - nonfuel===$206.97"Electric Supply Svc - fuel ===$143.34Distribution Service ===$ 61.17Sales and Use Surcharge ===$ 0.99State/Local Consumption Tax ===$ 4.81HENRICO Utility Tax === 1.00TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES ===$ 418.28FROM 07/10-08/11It was a female trying to explain it to another female which (if it isn't a cooking question) I don't understand a word she said, something like the nonfuel cost is relavent to the fuel cost and you are charged for the fuel cost because of the nonfuel cost. woo-haa, SO THAT'S IT?HAHAHAHAHHA lol lol lol It's about time I understood that. Yah!So at last months bill I paid the Budget amount, $152.00 so when we got the bill last night it will remain $152.00 til the cows come home or until at the end of the 1 year, they will adjust the budget amount.Know what too? I am on all electric cooking now, no gas at all in the house, and the a/c I keep on 75, with all the fans going, (yikes) I have to for my comfort level, I need it cool or I get really sick. Physically sick and weak.Thank you for your input Bruce, very interesting indeed! I read the whole thing too.I am having to use the canisters up because I am going to try to save on electricity and those little rubber/metal washers you have to put on the regular that goes on the top of the canister?????? They keep falling off and losing them. Luckily I had 2 in a bag in my tubing supply bag. Our office (second bedroom) looks more like a hospital room than an office at this point.A 10 years ago Earl and I had our own business at home here in the apt, we have this second bedroom and we had 2 computers (IBM,Gateway) which we still have, I use the Gateway now for most things. Anyhow, we did business cards for a lot of car dealership salesman in the Richmond area and beyond. I did most of of prospecting for it, Earl designed the cards he is magic on the computer with Photo shop. Unbelievable. After my left hip replacement in 1999, I could not prospect anymore, we still have some of the regular customers, but not many. That's when Earl went to work designing kitchens for Lowe's. He and his father and 3 brothers used to have their own cabinet business in Virginia Beach. They built an awful lot of the apt. and townhouses there back in the 60's-70's. One day, Earl looked at all "ten" of his fingers and said, that's enough. hahahahaha He came close to losing a few a couple of times. He really likes what he does now and is really good at it too.Today I have been really frustrated with things, but this stupid disease has got me in a tither. Trying to vent too. hahah But I am fine, just a little upset at what I am costing Earl. He has been so patient and wonderful.Last night before he left Lowe's he bought me an electric ICE CREAM MAKER. That is a great way to lose this weight, don't you think?????????????????????????????????????????????? I am dying for some really wonderful home made banana nut and peach ice cream made with real fruit. o my gosh.I LOVE YOU THIS DAYMARY LOU - RICHMOND VAIPF -02

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