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Re: Oprah yesterday

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There are days that I wish my DH could make the most money (don't get me

wrong, he is a very hard working man ) and I could stay home forever but

deep down I think him being home is best plus he is a great cook and can

build anything so him being home has its benefits!


This is terrific!!!

Penny :-D

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There are days that I wish my DH could make the most money (don't get me

wrong, he is a very hard working man ) and I could stay home forever but

deep down I think him being home is best plus he is a great cook and can

build anything so him being home has its benefits!


This is terrific!!!

Penny :-D

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There are days that I wish my DH could make the most money (don't get me

wrong, he is a very hard working man ) and I could stay home forever but

deep down I think him being home is best plus he is a great cook and can

build anything so him being home has its benefits!


This is terrific!!!

Penny :-D

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Yeah for you Tommi!!!!!

Penny :-D

Re: Oprah yesterday

Since mt man has had the heart surgery, he's been obviously out of work.

Hanging out waiting for disability to show it's way here has depleted what

little savings we had so I had to go back to work. I have been a SAHM for


past 4 years and yesterday was my first day back. Wayne is playing " Mr. Mom "

right now (yesterday was also the first day of spring break for us:) ). He

had a great day (so did I) but after I came home and we had dinner he split

to go shopping. He said " I need a break, I definitely have a new


for your past 4 years " haha! I think the boys really enjoyed the dad time,


little one said " we farted and didn't say excuse me " lovely! :) Even when he

goes back to work, I am still going to work, he will work days and I

nights...that way we both have equal parenting responsibilities, I have no

idea why I have felt the need to do it all alone over the past four years,

nuts I guess...lol! I definitely enjoyed the break yesterday, the guys at

work couldn't understand why I was so damn happy...lol! No whines, no fits,

no demands...my kind of day:)


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Yeah for you Tommi!!!!!

Penny :-D

Re: Oprah yesterday

Since mt man has had the heart surgery, he's been obviously out of work.

Hanging out waiting for disability to show it's way here has depleted what

little savings we had so I had to go back to work. I have been a SAHM for


past 4 years and yesterday was my first day back. Wayne is playing " Mr. Mom "

right now (yesterday was also the first day of spring break for us:) ). He

had a great day (so did I) but after I came home and we had dinner he split

to go shopping. He said " I need a break, I definitely have a new


for your past 4 years " haha! I think the boys really enjoyed the dad time,


little one said " we farted and didn't say excuse me " lovely! :) Even when he

goes back to work, I am still going to work, he will work days and I

nights...that way we both have equal parenting responsibilities, I have no

idea why I have felt the need to do it all alone over the past four years,

nuts I guess...lol! I definitely enjoyed the break yesterday, the guys at

work couldn't understand why I was so damn happy...lol! No whines, no fits,

no demands...my kind of day:)


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Yeah for you Tommi!!!!!

Penny :-D

Re: Oprah yesterday

Since mt man has had the heart surgery, he's been obviously out of work.

Hanging out waiting for disability to show it's way here has depleted what

little savings we had so I had to go back to work. I have been a SAHM for


past 4 years and yesterday was my first day back. Wayne is playing " Mr. Mom "

right now (yesterday was also the first day of spring break for us:) ). He

had a great day (so did I) but after I came home and we had dinner he split

to go shopping. He said " I need a break, I definitely have a new


for your past 4 years " haha! I think the boys really enjoyed the dad time,


little one said " we farted and didn't say excuse me " lovely! :) Even when he

goes back to work, I am still going to work, he will work days and I

nights...that way we both have equal parenting responsibilities, I have no

idea why I have felt the need to do it all alone over the past four years,

nuts I guess...lol! I definitely enjoyed the break yesterday, the guys at

work couldn't understand why I was so damn happy...lol! No whines, no fits,

no demands...my kind of day:)


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When we first told people that Jack (DH) would be staying home with our

son, they looked at us like we had three heads. His own sister (who has a

young child) said " DH & I could never stay home and do nothing "


What a misnomer. SAHM's do just the opposite of nothing...as a matter of

fact, we do EVERYTHING! I was a Credit and Collections Manager before I

made the hardest decision of my life to quit my job and stay home. (Daycare


I would go in on a consulting basis after hours and one of the guys that

worked for me asked me " What's happening on the Soap Operas? " I havent'

watched a soap opera in 20 years.


" I would have been scared to death to leave DS as a baby home with DH " !!


I guess it depends on the man. I trust my dh with my daughter's life and

happiness without question.


" Men are not nurturing enough to be the primary caretaker " .


This I almost agree with.


After DH was home with DS#1 for about 1 year, I had a woman ask me " what

can't you husband find a job " !! My male co-workers were like " Cool, I would

love to stay home with my kids "


If they only knew what the real deal is.

It took me over a year to come to grips with staying home. I went through a

major depression, felt useless, and had no identity, and almost ruined my

marriage. Jacqui was about 1 1/2 when I left my career. And it wasn't

until recently that I figured out that I AM useful, that there are things I

can do that make me a more fulfilled person. It doesn't have to be a


I was suppose to go back to work when Jacqui entered Kindergarten...HA!

That's the time we got the dx.

I kid with my dh now that it may be impossible for me to ever go back to

" work " . I like the work I do now, even though

there is no paycheck.

Yes, rambling.


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When we first told people that Jack (DH) would be staying home with our

son, they looked at us like we had three heads. His own sister (who has a

young child) said " DH & I could never stay home and do nothing "


What a misnomer. SAHM's do just the opposite of nothing...as a matter of

fact, we do EVERYTHING! I was a Credit and Collections Manager before I

made the hardest decision of my life to quit my job and stay home. (Daycare


I would go in on a consulting basis after hours and one of the guys that

worked for me asked me " What's happening on the Soap Operas? " I havent'

watched a soap opera in 20 years.


" I would have been scared to death to leave DS as a baby home with DH " !!


I guess it depends on the man. I trust my dh with my daughter's life and

happiness without question.


" Men are not nurturing enough to be the primary caretaker " .


This I almost agree with.


After DH was home with DS#1 for about 1 year, I had a woman ask me " what

can't you husband find a job " !! My male co-workers were like " Cool, I would

love to stay home with my kids "


If they only knew what the real deal is.

It took me over a year to come to grips with staying home. I went through a

major depression, felt useless, and had no identity, and almost ruined my

marriage. Jacqui was about 1 1/2 when I left my career. And it wasn't

until recently that I figured out that I AM useful, that there are things I

can do that make me a more fulfilled person. It doesn't have to be a


I was suppose to go back to work when Jacqui entered Kindergarten...HA!

That's the time we got the dx.

I kid with my dh now that it may be impossible for me to ever go back to

" work " . I like the work I do now, even though

there is no paycheck.

Yes, rambling.


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Guest guest


When we first told people that Jack (DH) would be staying home with our

son, they looked at us like we had three heads. His own sister (who has a

young child) said " DH & I could never stay home and do nothing "


What a misnomer. SAHM's do just the opposite of nothing...as a matter of

fact, we do EVERYTHING! I was a Credit and Collections Manager before I

made the hardest decision of my life to quit my job and stay home. (Daycare


I would go in on a consulting basis after hours and one of the guys that

worked for me asked me " What's happening on the Soap Operas? " I havent'

watched a soap opera in 20 years.


" I would have been scared to death to leave DS as a baby home with DH " !!


I guess it depends on the man. I trust my dh with my daughter's life and

happiness without question.


" Men are not nurturing enough to be the primary caretaker " .


This I almost agree with.


After DH was home with DS#1 for about 1 year, I had a woman ask me " what

can't you husband find a job " !! My male co-workers were like " Cool, I would

love to stay home with my kids "


If they only knew what the real deal is.

It took me over a year to come to grips with staying home. I went through a

major depression, felt useless, and had no identity, and almost ruined my

marriage. Jacqui was about 1 1/2 when I left my career. And it wasn't

until recently that I figured out that I AM useful, that there are things I

can do that make me a more fulfilled person. It doesn't have to be a


I was suppose to go back to work when Jacqui entered Kindergarten...HA!

That's the time we got the dx.

I kid with my dh now that it may be impossible for me to ever go back to

" work " . I like the work I do now, even though

there is no paycheck.

Yes, rambling.


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I think I misspoke because Jack is NOT a great homemaker LOL, if he cleaned

the bathroom 4 times in that 3 years I would be surprised.


OMG! My dh has NEVER cleaned a bathroom while we've been married.



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I think I misspoke because Jack is NOT a great homemaker LOL, if he cleaned

the bathroom 4 times in that 3 years I would be surprised.


OMG! My dh has NEVER cleaned a bathroom while we've been married.



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I think I misspoke because Jack is NOT a great homemaker LOL, if he cleaned

the bathroom 4 times in that 3 years I would be surprised.


OMG! My dh has NEVER cleaned a bathroom while we've been married.



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