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CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS - WE NEED YOU!One of the transplant doctors just came in to have a talk with us. Biopsy results....rejection is totally gone, but many of the liver numbers are back up.

I want to try and explain 'the situation' right, so please bear with me. The only blood getting to Ken's liver comes from his Hepatic Artery (which, because of a blood clot is only 47% open) and a few collaterals. The doctors think (aren't sure) that this case of rejection was caused by the decreased blood flow. *If* that is the case, they say we can expect more and more rejection episodes and more damage to the liver with each rejection. Quite a bit of damage has already occurred (probably why liver numbers aren't better.) The doctor also told us, he believes it will only be '2-3 months before the artery completely closes off'.

How do we get more blood to the liver? Earlier this week the thought was 'let's go into the hepatic artery (with an angiogram), balloon it open and put in a stent'. That sounded real good to us, but then....the questions started to roll in. What happens if you tear the artery or inflate it too much and it busts? What happens if the stent gets a blood clot inside of it? What happens if you can't even get the stent in? With each scenario, resulting in totally unacceptable answers.

So here is the plan....subject to change. They are going to let Ken go home tomorrow (Friday). On Monday, all of the transplant surgeons are going to sit down and the doctor's exact quote 'discuss/argue/fight, even fall on the sword if needed' Ken's case. The only thing they ALL agree on is - they won't even attempt the stent unless they have a back up plan in place. That back up plan would have to be - a third transplant. Something it seems..... many of them are against doing. We totally understand how risky a 3rd transplant can be, especially in someone with as many problems as Ken currently has. I told the doctor today, *everything* (TTP, post transplant Pancreatitis, liver failure, kidney failure, HE coma, CMV, Chicken Pox, the list goes on & on) that has been thrown at Ken, he has survived, even the many times they were sure he wouldn't!

We need your help, more now than ever. Will you please pray with us? Please pray that on Monday when the doctors meet, they ALL agree to try the stent and they ALL agree to list him and *if necessary* do another transplant. It's our only hope.

Thank you all so much, we know what faithful readers you have been, please help us now with your prayers. Barb, TJ, Kim & Ken

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