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The good bacteria have no teeth, but rather produce enzymes which identify, digest and deliver nutrients where they need to go in the body. The body is comprised of trillions of cells, each of which needs 100,000 or more enzymes to function correctly. Enzymes in turn are responsible for all metabolic processes in your body.

A deficit of probiotic friendly bacteria in the human gut, results in a lack of adequate enzymes. Without these vital enzymes, nutrients and food (chyme) in the intestines do not get digested properly, hindering proper utilization and contributing to most disorders in the body.

Probiotics through enzyme production also help restore peristalsis, or the movement through the intestines of food being digested in this state known as chyme. Enhanced regularity in waste disposal in contrast to constipation, bloating and gas is an additional benefit.

Absent adequate beneficial probiotic bacteria, harmful toxin-producing fungi take over in the gastrointestinal tract; suppressing our immune cells and response.

To maintain or restore good gut health we should supplement with probiotics and a potent immune potentiator each day instead of weekly or monthly.

Without the correct balance of 85% probiotic bacteria to 15% pathogenic bacteria in the gut (6:1 ratio), some form of pathogen-caused disease is a high probability due to an imbalance and overflow of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Maintaining this critical ratio is incredibly important to avoid systemic fungal and mycotoxin issues from a leaky gut.

The large intestine, including the colon, contains the majority and a broad array of micro-organisms, including good and bad bacteria. A major benefit of ingesting beneficial bacteria is the needed repopulation of the gastrointestinal tract to replace those killed by antibiotics and other causes.

As previously stated, beneficial good live bacteria provide a gentle colon cleanse and detox while promoting a healthy liver and kidney function. Because the process of removal of toxins competes with and diverts energy production in the body, the probiotics aid in restoring energy by reducing the toxic load on the kidneys and liver.

Probiotics also are beneficial in allergy elimination with one promising concept proposing the gastrointestinal area has a tolerance for a certain level of allergens that cause allergies.

When the gastrointestinal tract becomes overly acidic due to a lack of beneficial bacteria, fungus rapidly populates the intestinal wall while piercing the intestine lining. This creates holes which leak allergens that then enter the blood stream and migrate throughout the body.

By repopulating the intestinal wall with good bacteria that inhibit fungal overgrowth, the leaky gut problem is avoided and allergens do not become systemic to then release excess histamines from the immune mast cells, causing inflammation, discharge and swelling in the mucous membranes in the sinuses, throat, lung, intestines and more.

Marna :)

PS. We use Primal Defense Ultra the top selling probiotic for many years.

Subject: GERDTo: Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 10:11 PM

I used to take Aciphex (spelling may be wrong), but my new insurance won't cover it unless I fail at other medications and I lost the appeal. My Dr wanted me to take Aciphex because Prevacis, Prilsec, and others can increase gastric motility and I have IBS. He said Aciphex is the only medication that does not affect motility. I don't know if that helps, but I did not have nearly the trouble with Nausa while taking Aciphex as I do now on Prevacid. Just thought I would share this infoDawn > > >> > > I was told 4-5 years ago to take my son off URSO by an > integrative > > > medicine doctor and then the head of the PSC Research team....he > said > > > it was worthless. He is doing better than the other children with > > PSC. > > > > > > Marna/ Wesley PSC/UC since 1996> > >> >>

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