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Tuesday 14th October 2008, week 12Yeah, 1 more week and I've made 3 months! Not that it is a particular milestone, but better than not making it at all hey?

Yesterday I had another visit to the transplant team, and got a new dr that I'd seen around but never had. Way back when I was trying to get on the list, one og my private drs accused the team of all being arrogant (this is the pot calling the kettle black in my mind) when they wouldn't accept test results from other hospitals. I didn't really fdorm an opinion until transplant, but disagreed later....until now. This dr was having a go at his own kidney specialists, saying that we shouldn't have seen them, that one team of drs was enough, that if you ask 4 drs you'll get 4 opinions...you name it he went on and on. In actual fact I had gone to the kidney people on the liver teams' request, because they were the ones who had damaged the kidneys with drugs during transplant! Anyway, I wasn't about to tell him I am seeing my haematologist for ivig on Thursday, and maybe he can make sense of all the cmv tests and medication etc (explain it in lay people's terms). If hadn't been there I would have cried, as it was we both left shaking our heads saying 'can you believe that guy???' Glad he wasn't my surgeon!

Anyway, the blood tests came back ok, so yet again we are going to try one visit a week, and not go back till next Monday (this is to the PAH, not counting ivig at the MAter on Thursday and the dentist in the city on Friday!!). It never lets up,but I have the day off today, so friend is coming for coffee!!!

Take care everyone this week,Love Penny T

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